Mother Teresa Catholic School 110 Northgate Drive, Bradford, ON, L3Z 2Z7 (905) 778-8653 “SHARING THE SPIRIT” March / April 2012 Lenten Journey Towards Easter For some, Lent seems a gloomy season, a time for ashes and thoughts of mortality. We fast from certain pleasures and struggle to become a more loving person. Not much cheer there. In fact, Lent can seem like a lot of hard work. Excellence in Public Speaking Congratulations to Drew and Danielle on their winning speeches that garnered them a spot at the Lions’ Club Speech Contest. What amazing speeches! Congratulations to Allessandra, Giulia, Venezia, Toni, Danica and Brianna who participated in the French Speeches. Good luck to Venezia at the provincials. Hockey Champions QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Yet Jesus tells us not to look gloomy “When you fast, do not look gloomy” (Matthew 6:16). In view of that, we might want to consider this penance for Lent: to fast from gloominess, that is, to fast from complaining, from looking on the dark side of things, from wearing a gloomy face, from snapping at others, from feeling sorry for ourselves. If we do this, then our Lenten journey will be characterized not by gloom, but by a deep underlying joy that will renew our faith in the good news of Jesus’ resurrection. Adapted from Towards Glory, Lent in the Light of Easter from Sister Melannie Svoboda, S.N.D. Supporting our Faith Ways to Give: ShareLife Coin Collection Every Lenten season, we demonstrate the strength of our Catholic charity by raising funds for ShareLife. This year, each class will again be collecting donations for ShareLife. Students are encouraged to bring in their donations in coins to fill their class’ ShareLife jar. Our school has always responded generously to this charitable campaign. We thank you in advance for your support. Lenten Giving - Kenya As part of their social justice project, and in support of Holy Trinity’s Kenya mission, Mrs. Richardson’s class has decided to help raise funds for Kenya. Each student is asked to donate $1 towards this worthy cause. MTB Arts & Sports “HEROS” This year, we will be producing an original play called “Heroes”. It is based on an idea from a younger student “Why don’t you ever do a play about superheroes?” and written by three grade eight students and Mrs. L. Coo. The play will be presented on Wed., May 9 (2 p.m. and 7p.m.) and Thurs., May 10 (7 p.m.) and will feature performances by several classes, including Mrs. Dias, Mrs. Bissonette, Ms. Theriault, Mrs. Newman, Ms. Garagan, Mrs. Montevirgen, Mrs. Coo and Mr. Hughes’ classes, as well as some senior students. Mark these dates on your calendar. Tickets will be available in late April. New this year and very proud of them. Our hockey team won the South Simcoe Regional Tournament and have been invited to show their skills at the County finals (quater-finals on Apr. 3 and semi-finals on Apr. 4) Thank you to all the parents and coaches who have supported our first ever hockey team. Basketball Champions Our basketball teams continue to make us all proud. At our regional tournament held at Holy Trinity HS, both our Senior Boys and Senior Girls Basketball teams played with skill and won the overall champion titles. Way to go Tigers! We look forward to cheering on our Junior teams as they prepare for their games and regional tournament. Important Safety Issues MTB Parking Lot Closures Each day the parking lot is closed to all traffic (Board staff, buses, taxis, and cars with handicap designations are excepted) from 8:35 am to 9:00 am and again from 3:00 pm to 3:30 pm. This procedure is in place to ensure the safety of all of our students. Parents are able to park in the lot outside of the closure times, provided there is space. Vehicles parked in our parking lot from 8:359:00am and 3:00-3:30pm will need to stay parked until all buses have left and a teacher has given them permission to exit. Orange pylons are set-up during these times to help manage the flow of traffic. Please note, it is never permitted to park in the Bus/Fire route or to leave cars unattended blocking cars in our lot. Parking is available on the street. Mind the Gap At the end of the day, parents and guardians are requested to wait for their children up on the sidewalk. This will allow for buses, and taxis to safely access the school driveway. Also, make sure that younger students are being monitored closely. And never cut through traffic or between the buses. Safety is everyone’s responsibility. Skateboards, ect. Good weather is upon us, and many children wish to bring their skateboard, scooter or in-line skates to school. These items, while presenting a speedy alternative to walking, present a safety concern in the schoolyard. Therefore, we recommend that these items not be brought to school. From the Desk of Mr. McDade Safe Cycling Please review safe cycling procedures at home. Please be certain that the bicycle is road worthy and always wear a helmet while cycling. Also, students use bicycles at their own risk. The school does not accept responsibility for damaged or stolen bikes. Students should record the serial number of their bike at home. All students are reminded to chain their bike to the rack on the North side of the school beside the storage shed. Community Matters Bradford Boundary Review 2011/2012 As you may be aware, there is currently boundary review for all Bradford area Catholic School in order to accommodate for future growth within our community. Each school, as well as community members has been able to contribute to this process through boundary meetings and two open houses. The proposed scenarios, along with feedback from each school communities, will now be presented to the Board trustees for final approval and decision on boundaries. Photocopies of the proposed scenarios are available at the school office. Immunization Updates The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit is required by law to keep complete immunization records on every school-aged child in Simcoe County and the District of Muskoka. Unfortunately the health unit does not receive immunization information directly from doctor’s offices; it is the parent’s responsibility to give all immunization information to the health unit. If your child’s immunization record is not complete, you may receive a notice from the health unit requesting dates for immunization or proof of a valid exemption. You will also be advised that your child may be suspended from school if the health unit does not receive this information. Please check to make sure that your child’s immunization information is up-to-date and that the health unit has record of it. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Your Health Connection at (705) 721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520. School Council Committee At our last meeting, we discussed the following: current financials, dance-a-thon, boundary review, yard improvements, school hockey team, spirit days and grant ideas. Our next council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 10 at 6:30 p.m. All parents are welcome to come and join us. Our council chair is Mr. Ben. Safe Schools Team Our school is committed to a safe and inclusive school environment because we believe that safe schools are needed for student success and academic achievement. We are committed to providing all students with the supports they need to learn, grow and achieve. Safe School Team 2011/2012 Administrators: Mr. McDade, Mme Legault Teaching Staff: Mrs. Bissonette, Mrs. Newman Parent Representative: Mr. Ben Community Representative: Constable Aschwanden, Constable Hurley Non-Teaching Representative: Mrs. Bauer For this reason, each year our Safe Schools Team meets to discuss issues regarding the safety and well being of our students. Topics of discussion include: anti-bullying programmes, school climate survey, lock-down and evacuation procedures, by-laws and parking issues. Lent is a liturgical season that lasts 40 days until Easter. It is a time of penance, prayer, fasting and alms giving. The colour of the season is purple and signifies penitence, suffering and humility. During Lent, we enter a special time of renewal and getting closer to God, our Father, so let us journey together. For Lent we renew our baptismal vows and remember that God loves us so much that He sacrificed His only Son Jesus for our salvation. Let us be grateful for Christ’s love and His giving of Himself for us. We wholeheartedly love God and others as we remember to enjoy, appreciate and celebrate each other’s differences! We ask God to help us show our love for Him and reach out to others by way of faith, truth, compassion, service, family, forgiveness, justice, hope and love. May God bless you and yours! Mr. McDade Kindergarten Registration Starting Kindergarten is an exciting and special time for parents and children. Our entire school community looks forward to welcoming our youngest students as they begin a lifelong journey of faith-filled learning. To help parents and students get ready for this important milestone, our Board has developed a fun and informative package, including a parent booklet, child’s activity book and DVD. We encourage parents who are looking to register their child for Kindergarten to drop by the office to pick up their copy of the package. You can also find all of the information on our Board and school websites. Kindergarten Registration If you have a child who will be 4 years old by December 31, 2012 you can call the school to make an appointment to register your child starting in February. Day and evening appointments are possible. The following documents are required to register your child: child’s birth and R.C. baptismal certificate, health card, immunization record, parent’s R.C. baptismal certificate, and current home tax receipt. We are here to answer questions and help you prepare. Please contact us for more information. Events & Dates April 3 April 11 April 12 April 18 May 9-10 GOTR / GOTrack begin Family Photo Day Domino’s MTB Fundraiser Chess Tournament Heros Catholic Values Each month, our school celebrates our Catholic Values through our actions and words. March April Witnesses of our Faith Stewarts of the Earth