participation application

Homelessness Immersion Experience
Washington, D.C.
Spring 2014 Semester
Applications Due: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 by 5pm
Please submit your application to the Student Involvement and Information Desk, SLP 2nd floor or
email it to Brianne McGann,
Thank you for your interest in the SLIC’s Homelessness Immersion Experience! This program is being
offered in conjunction with a 1-unit leadership course, which all participants will be required to enroll
in. Through this course, we will have the opportunity to dialogue around social justice, privilege and
leadership with the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the homelessness culture of Washington,
D.C. during Spring Break, March 9-15, 2014.
This domestic immersion trip and classroom experience will require both time and
commitment. We ask those interested to reflect on the benefits of participating in an immersion
experience and fill out the attached application form. The information you provide will help us better
discern and select trip participants based on the established criteria.
Application Due
Tuesday, November 26, 2013 by 5pm
Estimated total cost: ~$1100 (subject to change)
This cost includes: airfare, travel insurance, all meals and lodging, transportation, and pre-trip
materials. Spending money is not included in this cost. There will be both group and individual
fundraising opportunities to reduce this cost. If finances are a deterrent, please contact Brianne McGann
in the SLIC to ask about financial assistance, fundraising options, and payment plans.
Requirements for Participation
 Be enrolled as a full-time student with a minimum GPA of 2.5.
 Complete and submit all required application materials by Tuesday, November 26, 2013 at 5pm
 Enroll in 1-unit course and attend all class meetings (various Tuesdays 1pm-2:15pm in Spring
 Be in appropriate physical, emotional, psychological health
 Be willing and able to handle a variety of potentially challenging situations and circumstances,
such as living simply, living in the context of community, and living with people who live in
severe poverty
Sponsored by The Student Leadership and Involvement Center
Homelessness Immersion Experience
Washington, D.C.
Spring 2014 Semester
Application Due: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 by 5pm
Part I: Personal Information
Full Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________Phone: ___________________________________
Year: ____________ Major:______________________ Living Area: _______________________Gender: ________
Part II: Health and Wellness Information
How would you describe your general health?
Do you have health insurance coverage:
Do you have any health concerns that we should be aware of? If so, please explain. (i.e. diabetes, heart
problems, back problems, allergies, etc.) Medical clearance from a physician may be necessary. Please
note: Listing your health concerns will not exclude you from consideration from the trip, but will help
us to accommodate your needs as best as possible if you are selected.
Do you have any dietary restrictions? Please explain.
Part III: Reflection Questions
In 2-4 pages, please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. You may wish to answer
each question individually or compose a short essay of 2-4 pages.
1. Why are you interested in this homelessness immersion program? What do you hope to gain
and contribute to this experience?
2. Describe one area or issue of justice that most concerns you at this time. Why?
3. You will be living simply (no email, cell phone, iPod, etc.) in basic living conditions (i.e., limited
running water and electricity). What do you hope to gain or learn from living this way? What
do you think will be the most challenging about it?
Please submit your application to the Student Involvement and Information Desk, SLP 2nd floor or
email it to by Tuesday, November 26, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. Your signature
indicates that you understand your commitment to participate in this immersion trip, to attend all
meetings, and to assist with fundraising projects. After you are selected, you will be responsible for a
$200 nonrefundable security deposit. You are also responsible for any trip costs not covered by your
deposit and fundraising.
Signature: _____________________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________
Sponsored by The Student Leadership and Involvement Center