Enquiry Form for Candidacy for Holy Orders as a Seminarian

Enquiry Form for Candidacy for Holy Catholic Orders as a Seminarian
Or Ordained Priests wanted to join the Saint Francis Mission
General Instructions
This application is for individuals who wish to be accepted as candidates for
Holy Orders. Individuals who are accepted into this program must submit to formal
instruction and practical training as part of the process leading to ordination.
Information requested in this application will be kept confidential. All
information submitted with this application will be verified independently, so please
be detailed in providing dates and locations and all other relevant information. Any
material misstatement of fact shall be considered deliberate, and shall be grounds
for rejection of this application. This application in no way guarantees or provides
any promise to the recipient of being ordained. Candidates and Seminarians may
be separated from the program at any time, up to the day of diaconate or priestly
Basic Information
Home Phone:
Zip/Post Code:
Years at this
Employer Address:
Post Code/Zip:
Years Employed There:
Do You Make Enough Money to Support Yourself and Family?
Have You Ever Been Convicted of a Felony Offense?
(If so, describe.)
Have You Ever Been Adjudicated Mentally Incompetent by any Court, or
institutionalized for any mental illness?
If so, describe in detail.
Have you ever been convicted of any Misdemeanor Offense?
(If so, describe in detail.)
Do you have any kind of an illness that would interfere with your ability to pastor
a parish?
(If so, describe in detail)
Pastoral Information
What denomination are yours currently?
How long have you been this denomination?
What other churches/denominations have you belonged to in the past?
How long have you been actively ministering?
Where did you receive your formal training and instruction in theology?
List any College Degrees that you currently hold:
[NOTE: You will be asked at a later stage if you are considered a candidate to be
able to supply college certificates Diploma degree copies and evidence of any
theological education.
Please give your reasons for wanting to be a Seminarian, where you are
theologically and how you came to be where you are theologically. Include also
your understanding on the following theological points: The Sacraments, The Real
Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, Catholicism and why you feel you are drawn to
it, and any discussions that you have had with your congregation (if any) regarding
becoming catholic or studying as a Seminarian into the. Please take your time and
be as detailed as possible. Touch upon each point completely.
Are you married?
If so, how long have you been married?
If so, will your wife approve of your ministry in the Catholic Church?
Do you have any theological problems with Catholicism or personal obstructions?
(If so, please state in detail.)
The Saint Francis Mission Does Not ordain female priest.
Do you understand, that as a Seminarian, you will be required to take an Oath of
Obedience to your diocesan ordinary (Bishop) as his pastoral assistant in
ministering to the faithful of the church, and that you must agree to the Code of
Canon Law, in its entirety, and fully support it?
References at least 2 persons who know you personally and are not related to you
One must be a Priest or Minister of a Christian Religion
Financial History
Have you ever files for bankruptcy?
If so: when?
Have you ever been the subject of any civil or criminal action regarding any
outstanding debts?
If so, please state in detail and the outcome.
Has any church that you personally have belonged to been the subject of any civil
or criminal investigation into any kind of financial wrongdoing, or misappropriation
of funds?
(If so, please indicate, in detail, the problems encountered which initiated the
investigation, as well as the result of the investigation.)
Have you ever been a member who had to close any church bank account due to
problems with funding or use of existing funds?
(If so, please indicate, in detail, the problems encountered which initiated the
investigation, as well as the result of the investigation.)
How many years if any, have you had being in a position of oversight or
responsible charge regarding church finances?
Background Information
Current Address:
State: Post Code/Zip
Number of Years at This Address:
Previous Address:
Post Code/Zip
Number of Years at This Address:
Documentation Checklist
The following documents will be asked for later with the full application form
accompany this Enquiry Form
Any & All Theological Studies Certificates and/or Degrees
Any & All Academic Certificates and/or Degrees
Certificate of Ordination (if any)
Copy of Driver’s License or State I.D.
Copy of Social Security Card
One (1) Head & Shoulders Color Photograph
Pastoral Notes from Preaching/Homilies Given (If any)
Statement of Faith of current Church you are affiliated with
Education History Schools you attended
Do you hold a Secondary Education and or High School or at College ”O”
Do you hold and education at College Level?
Do you hold University Education?
Do you have any Theology or Philosophy Training?
Please give details to these questions with Dates
- Acknowledgment
I understand that by submitting this Application for Candidacy for Holy
Orders, that I am not guaranteed acceptance. Further, I understand that
acceptance shall be based, in part, upon the information and documents that I
have submitted (and failed to submit), the investigation of the veracity of any
document submitted along with additional formative programs of the S F M
I do hereby give my permission to The S F M to conduct a reasonable and
diligent inquiry and investigation into my background, for the purpose of
determining the truth and veracity of any and all information submitted herein. In
addition, I understand that that the S F M use outside agencies to conduct said
investigation, may obtain credit reports under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, may
obtain police reports and any and all other public records and reports directly or
from outside agencies, in order to reasonably determine the truthfulness of the
information submitted herein, and my suitability for acceptance. I authorize and
give permission to The S F M to conduct all specified investigations and inquiries
described herein, without reservation. I further understand that any material
misstatement of fact within this Application may be ground for rejection of this
application by The S F M. I completely and irrevocably (my heirs, executors and
administrators) indemnify, waive, release and hold harmless, The S F M, its
directors, executives, employees, agents and subcontracted agents from any and
all liability, including (but not limited to) third party causes of action, arising in any
way, directly or indirectly, out of this Application for Candidacy for Holy Orders,
theological instruction, training (mine or others), any church activities or any
pastoral activities whatsoever. In consent and full agreement to these terms and
provisions, I set my signature below: