Today, Ch. 15

Monday, March 31
1. Return Homework
2. Collect “I Also Forgot I Knew”
3. Begin Discussion of Neo-Freudian
4. Formative Assessment: Freud Review
5. Ch. 6 Review Quiz: Wednesday, April 2
 Defense Mechanism Worksheet
(Due in INK tomorrow: 4/1)
 Sensation/Perception Review
(Due in INK Wednesday, April 2)
Learning Target: Contrast the views of the neoFreudians and psychodynamic theorists with
Freud’s original theory.
Friday, March 28
1. Go Over Guided Practice (Rehearse It!)
2. Discuss Defense Mechanism
3. Ch. 6 Review Quiz: Wednesday, April 2
 “I Also Forgot I Knew”
Due in INK Monday, March 31
 Defense Mechanism Worksheet:
Due in INK Tuesday, April 1 (no fooling)
 Sensation/Perception Review
due in INK Wednesday, April 2
Learning Target: Describe the function of defense
mechanisms, and identify six.
Thursday, March 27
1. Collect “Things I Forgot I Knew” Worksheet
2. Return Ch. 5 Review Quiz
3. AP Psych Playhouse
4. Discuss Psychosexual Stages
Homework: “I Also Forgot I Knew”
Due in INK 3/31
Learning Target: Identify Freud’s psychosexual
stages of development and describe the effects of
fixation on behavior.
Wednesday, March 26
1. Kahoot It!
2. Ch. 5 Review Quiz
3. Discuss 3 Parts of the Personality
2. AP Psych Playhouse
3. Begin Psychosexual Stages
 “Things I Forgot I Knew”
Due in INK Thursday, 3/27
 “I Also Forgot I Knew”
Due in INK Monday 3/31
Learning Target: Describe Freud’s view of
personality structure, and discuss the interactions of
the id, ego, and superego
Tuesday, March 25, 2013
1. Collect Ch. 15 Pre/Post Reading Assignment
2. Begin Discussing Freud
3. Ch. 5 Review Quiz: Wednesday, 3/26
 “Things I Forgot I Knew”
Due in INK Thursday, 3/27
 “I Also Forgot I Knew”
Due in INK Monday 3/31
Learning Target: Discuss Freud’s view of the
mind as an iceberg, and explain how he used this
image to represent conscious and unconscious
regions of the mind
Monday, March 24, 2014
1. Multiple Intelligences Project presentation
2. Begin Discussing Ch. 15 (Personality)
3. Chapter 5 Review Quiz: Wednesday, 3/26
 Ch. 15 Pre/Post Reading due in INK 3/25
 “Things I Forgot I Knew”
Due in INK Thursday, 3/27
 “I Also Forgot I Knew”
Due in INK Monday 3/31
Learning Target: Explain how Freud’s
experiences in private practice led to his theory of
Friday, March 21
1. Work on Multiple Intelligences Project
2. Work on Review Packets
Learning Target: Identify which of Gardner’s
Intelligences were used to complete a task
Thursday, March 20
1. Hand back Q. 3 Tests
(discuss and make notations)
3. Confer with me about your Multiple
Intelligences Project (15-20 minutes)
4. Begin Discussing Ch. 15 (Personality)
5. Multiple Intelligences Project:
Due Monday 3/24
6. Ch. 15 Pre/Post Reading Assignment:
Due Tuesday, 3/25
Learning Target: Explain how Freud’s
experiences in private practice led to his theory of
Friday, April 19, 2013
1. Ch. 15 Test
2. Famous Psychologists Review
3. Cartoon Analysis Due: 4/22
Learning Target: Explain famous psychologists’
contribution to the field.
Thursday, April 18
1. Complete the After your read for SocialCognitive Approach
2. Discuss the self
3. Formative Assessment: Perspectives
4. Discuss Personal Appraisal
5. Cartoon Analysis Due: 4/22
6. Ch. 15 Test: Friday, April 19
Learning Target: Explain why psychology has
generated so much research on the self, and give
three examples of current research on the self.
Wednesday, April 17
1. Card Sort
2. Discuss the Big 5
3. Fill in the Anticipation Guide for SocialCognitive Approach
4. Discuss Bandura
5. Cartoon Analysis Due: 4/22
6. Ch. 15 Test: Friday, April 19
Learning Target: Identify the Big Five personality
factors, and discuss some of the strengths of this
approach to studying personality
Tuesday, April 16
1. Return Personality Review
2. Discuss Rogers
3. Discuss Trait Theory
4. Formative Assessment
Learning Target: Describe some
of the ways psychologists have attempted to
compile a list of basic personality traits.
5. Cartoon Analysis Due: 4/22
6. Ch. 15 Test: Friday, April 19
(hopefully sooner)
Monday, April 15
1. Collect Personality Review
2. Return Personality Key Concepts & Terms
3. Return AP Practice Test & Analysis
4. Cartoon Analysis Assignment Due: 4/22
5. Discuss the differences between the
Humanistic theory and the Psychodynamic Theory
5. Discuss Maslow’s Theory
6. Card Sort
Learning Target: Summarize Maslow’s concept of
self-actualization, and explain how his ideas illustrate
the humanistic perspective.
7. Ch. 15 Test: Friday, April 19
(hopefully sooner)
Friday, April 12
1. Collect Personality Key Concepts & Terms
2. Complete AP Practice Test
3. Return 3-3-1
4. Discuss Projective Tests
Learning Target: Describe two projective tests
used to assess personality, and discuss some
criticism of them.
5. Discuss the differences of the Humanistic
theory with Psychodynamic theory
6. Personality Review Worksheet: Due in INK
on Monday, April 15
7. Ch. 15 Test: Friday, April 19
(hopefully sooner)
Thursday, April 10
Return Defense Mechanism Worksheets
Collect Psychodynamic 3-3-1
Take AP Psychology Practice Test
Complete Formative Assessment: Rehearse It!
5. Personality Key Concepts & Terms W.S.
(Due in INK Fri. 4/12)
Wednesday, April 10
1. Collect Defense Mechanism Worksheet
2. Discuss Freud Review
3. Complete Discussion of Neo-Freudians
Learning Target: Contrast the views of the
neo-Freudians and psychodynamic theorists
with Freud’s original theory
4. Formative Assessment: Rehearse It!
5. Erikson CER
6. Discuss Projective Tests
7. Practice AP Test (Thursday, 4/11)
8. Psychodynamic 3-3-1(Thursday, 4/11)
9. Personality Key Concepts & Terms W.S. (Due in
INK Fri. 4/12)
Tuesday, April 9,
1. Return Homework and Quiz
2. Complete Discussion of Defense
3. Formative Assessment: Rehearse It!
Begin Discussion of Neo-Freudian
Tonight: Complete Freud Review
Defense Mechanism Worksheet (Due: 4/10)
Practice AP Test (Thursday, 4/11)