Core Unit 5 The Teaching of Literary Appreciation and Academic Standards Using Adolescent/Young Adult Literature Part of the job description of most language arts teachers includes teaching to help students achieve academic standards approved by states or local school boards. This means that the teaching of a novel must usually be shaped to also address mastery of particular literary analysis, writing, reading comprehension, and oral presentation skills. Most states post the academic standards they intend for students to achieve. Below is an example of Indiana’s Literary Response and Analysis standard for grade 9. English/Language Arts: Grade 9: Standard 3 READING: Literary Response and Analysis Students read and respond to grade-level-appropriate historically or . culturally significant works of literature that reflect and enhance their study of history and social science. They conduct in-depth analyses of the . themes of these works. Structural Features of Literature 9.3.1 Explain the relationship between the purposes and the characteristics of different forms of dramatic literature (including comedy, tragedy, and dramatic monologue). 9.3.2 Compare and contrast the presentation of a similar theme or topic across genres (different types of writing) to explain how the selection of genre shapes the theme or topic. Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text 9.3.3 Analyze interactions between characters in a literary text and explain the way those interactions affect the plot. 9.3.4 Determine characters’ traits by what the characters say about themselves in narration, dialogue, and soliloquy (when they speak out loud to themselves). 9.3.5 Compare works that express a universal theme and provide evidence to support the views expressed in each work. 9.3.6 Analyze and trace an author’s development of time and sequence, including the use of complex literary devices, such as foreshadowing (providing clues to future events) or flashbacks (interrupting the sequence of events to include information about an event that happened in the past). 9.3.7 Recognize and understand the significance of various literary devices, including figurative language, imagery, allegory (the use of fictional figures and actions to express truths about human experiences), and symbolism (the use of a symbol to represent an idea or theme), and explain their appeal. 9.3.8 Interpret and evaluate the impact of ambiguities, subtleties, contradictions, and ironies in a text. 9.3.9 Explain how voice and the choice of a narrator affect characterization and the tone, plot, and credibility of a text. 9.3.10 Identify and describe the function of dialogue, soliloquies, asides, character foils, and stage designs in dramatic literature. Dialogue: a conversation between two characters 1 Soliloquies: long speeches in which characters, on stage alone, reveal inner thoughts aloud Asides: words spoken by characters directly to the audience Character foils: characters who are used as contrasts to another character Stage designs: directions and drawings for the setting of a play Literary Criticism 9.3.11 Evaluate the aesthetic qualities of style, including the impact of diction and figurative language on tone, mood, and theme. 9.3.12 Analyze the way in which a work of literature is related to the themes and issues of its historical period. Example: Read selections that are connected to a certain period in history, such as “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” by Washington Irving and Our Town by Thornton Wilder. Describe the role that the time period plays in these works and analyze the author’s perspective on the period. Many states, like Indiana, also have language learning standards for English as Second Language learners at a variety of competency and grade levels (See examples at: ). MCREL (Mid-continent Research on Education and Learning) has developed similar language arts standards and benchmarks based on a systematic analysis of several states’ academic standards. The standards provide typical expectations for grades K-12. These standards and benchmarks may be found at: In addition to standards for literary analysis, English teachers must also address standards for reading comprehension, writing, and oral presentation. Young adult literature and assignments drawing from YA literature can be used as vehicles for helping students achieve academic standards while at the same time helping to develop a love of reading. In fact, during this time of heavy academic emphasis and testing, assignments that draw upon literature relevant to students may be more important than ever for developing and maintaining a love of reading. Developing an Appreciation for Literature Along with Skills According to Nilsen and Donnelson, a main goal of teaching literature is to elicit a response from students so they can explore their own lives and improve their logical thinking skills (Nilsen and Donnelson, 2005). Nilson and Donnelson discuss seven stages of literary appreciation an individual who loves to read goes through during his or her life. Stages one through three encompass the kindergarten through elementary years and involve: 1) (stage one) developing an early recognition of the pleasure and profit from printed words; 2) (stage two) learning to decode words becoming independent with print, and 3) (stage three) being able to lose oneself in books by the late elementary grades. Stages four (finding oneself in books) and stage five (venturing beyond self) include the Jr. and Sr. high student, and stages six (reading widely) and seven (aesthetic appreciation) are most often associated with college students and adults. 2 An elaboration of Nilsen and Donnelson’s 4th and 5th stages of literary appreciation follows below: Level Optimal Age Stage Sample reading materials 4 Jr. High Finding oneself in books Realistic fiction Contemporary problem novels Wish-fulfilling stories 5 High School Venturing beyond self Science fiction Social issues fiction Forbidden materials “Different” stories Sample Actions Hides novels in textbooks to read during classes Stays up at night reading Uses reading as an escape From social pressures Begins buying own books Gets reading suggestions from friends Reads beyond assignments For teachers working with most adolescents, a key to developing an appreciation of reading is first selecting young adult novels in which students can identify people like themselves and then begin to venture beyond themselves. When such novels are used in assignments that address academic standards, they go a long way toward developing and maintaining a love for reading while also improving language arts skills. In addition, positive experiences with relevant young adult literature can serve as a bridge to later study of more complex classic literature. Merging Standards-Based Teaching with Nilsen and Donelson’s Concept of Literary Appreciation California’s Cyberguide curriculum project has funded teachers to develop and post on the Internet teaching units that use novels and incorporate several of California’s Academic Standards. Some of these novels are young adult novels. Timeri Tokay, for example, has developed a teaching unit based upon S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders that addresses standards for literary response, reading comprehension, and writing (See: ). Consuela Manrquiez has developed a similar Cyberguide for the novel I am Joaquín (See: Other examples include Mary Jewell’s unit for ESL students on John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men (See: ) and a unit on Gary Paulsen’s Canyons (See: ) developed by Kerry Farrer and Terry Heck. Scholars at San Diego State University have also developed the concept of Webquests. These are guided projects that lead students to develop projects and presentations using resources identified by teachers and include grading rubrics for assignments. Some of these Webquests build on Young Adult Literature and are linked to academic standards in Language Arts and other areas. Some examples can be seen at the websites below: Whilrigig Webquest connected to a YA novel dealing with alcohol abuse (Connects to Language Arts Standards) Wind in the Door by Madeline LeEngle (Connects to California Standards in several areas) 3 Holes by Louis Sachar(Connects to Arizona Standards) In addition to these teacher-developed units which connect to Internet resources and projects, many other standards-based resources that use Young Adult novels can be found on the Internet. Sometimes these provided by teachers, sometimes by publishing companies, and sometimes through compilation services like ERIC. Carla Beard at Web English Teacher has gathered together teaching materials for more than 50 young adult authors (See: ). Edmund Sass has also gathered links to teaching materials for dozens of young adult novels. His collection can be found at: . Other teaching materials related to particular novels or authors can often be found by simply typing titles or author names into a search engine such as Google. The American Library Association has gathered lists of high interest and award winning titles at: . The American Library Association also provides a similar page for award winning children’s books that are often appropriate for younger and less capable adolescent readers (See: 4 Assignment Options: Core Unit 5 1. For two different young adult novels (See American Library Association lists mentioned above for ideas): A. locate and evaluate web-based teaching activities in terms of quality and usefulness for students you teach or could be teaching (describe these students); B. discuss the activities in terms of academic standards for your own state (or use MCREL standards if you cannot locate your state standards). What standards do the activities address? How adequately do they address them? C. if the activities don’t completely match your academic standards, describe how you could modify the activities or develop new ones to match at least three state academic standards. 2. Interview 3-4 literature teachers (you may use yourself as one of the teachers) who have taught young adult novels to find out how they teach these novels in a climate with heavy emphasis on academic standards. A. Describe the ideas you have gathered; B. Based on ideas you gathered from interviews, for two different YA novels, develop at least one activity per novel (i.e. activity description, assignment, student materials) that addresses an academic standard. 3. If you have web-page development skills, follow the Cyberguide or Webquest examples mentioned above to develop web-based activities for 1 young adult novel. Your guide need not be as developed as the Cyberguides, but should include: A. 4-5 days of activities; B. clear connections to academic standards which you list; and C. links to web-based resources. If you take on a more ambitious project involving multiple readings and interdisciplinary goals (i.e. language arts plus social studies, science or some other content area), this option may be counted as both Unit 5 and Unit 6 assignment options. Contact your instructor. 5