agenda - City of Kirkwood

Architectural Review Board
City of Kirkwood
December 15, 2014
City Hall Council Chambers
7:00 P.M.
Board Members Present: Brian Ivy Chair, Mark Campbell, Kim Spurgeon, Tom Anagnos and Pat
Staff Member Present: Jack Schenck, Building Commissioner
Minutes of December 1, 2014 – Kim Spurgeon made a motion to approve as submitted. Mark Campbell
seconded motion. Unanimously approved
New Business
Case No. 50-14 – 11240 Manchester Rd. – Domino’s – Piros Signs, Inc., applicant. MBR Management
Inc., owner. One (1) wall sign 38.31” x 184.88” total 48.55 sq. ft.; One (1) double face projecting sign
15” x 30” total 6.66 sq. ft.; One (1) double face ground sign 43” x 48” total 28.66 sq. ft. Total signage
83.87 sq. ft. B3 Pat Jones made a motion to approve for final review Tom Anagnos seconded motion.
Unanimously approved
Case No. 51-14 – 11239 Manchester Rd. – Bella Ragazza Salon & Spa – Sign-A-Rama (Don Greer),
applicant. Baywood Realty, owner. Three window signs 45” x 45” total 14 sq. ft.; 3” x 50” total 1 sq.ft;
24” x 24” total 4 sq.ft. Total signage 19 sq. ft. B3 Kim Spurgeon made a motion to approve as
submitted for final review.
Old Business
Case No. 165-14 – 435 S. Fillmore Ave. – MLM Homes LLC 2 (Mark Mathis), applicant. McDutter
Investment Inc., owner. New single family residence R4 Kim Spurgeon made a motion to approve for
final review with required changes: Case No. 165-14 – 435 S. Fillmore Ave. was approved for final
review with required changes November 17, 2014. Applicant requested changes to the previous final
approval: 1.) They requested to delete the “man door” in the garage. They will submit a cut sheet for
the front door selection. 2.) As opposed to adding four (4) windows to the 2nd floor south elevation,
three (3) windows to 1st floor north elevation and one (1) window to garage, west elevation,
purchaser requests they would add a wood burning fireplace to South elevation, one (1) window on
2nd floor, two (2) windows on the North elevation and one (1) window on West elevation to garage.
3.) Applicant is still required to uphold previous required changes but the above required changes
were approved. Tom Anagnos seconded motion. Unanimously approved with exception. Mark
Campbell seconded motion. Unanimously approved
Case No. 171-14 – 645 N. Taylor Ave. – Marla Martin, applicant. Franklin Sears, owner. Front porch
addition with screened room. R3 Brian Ivy recused himself due to a potential conflict of interest.
Mark Campbell made a motion to approve for final review as submitted. Kim Spurgeon seconded
motion. Unanimously approved Brian Ivy rejoined proceedings.
New Business
Case No. 172-14 – 702 Cleveland Ave. – Mahn Custom Homes and Renovations (Michael Mahn)
applicant/owner. New Single Family Residence R4 Kim Spurgeon made a motion to approve for final
review with the following verifications: 1) The house is to have regular lap siding. 2) The arched
windows on front elevation are to have arched shutters as indicated on color rendering. 3) Remove
the keystone over the arched window. 4) Center the bedroom #2 window over the two first floor
windows. 5) Provide sills and aprons on all windows. 6) All windows are to have a consistent grill
patterns. Pat Jones seconded motion. Unanimously approved
Case No. 173-14 – 132 Wilson Ave. – Lewis Homes (Mike Lewis), applicant/owner New Single Family
Residence R4 Kim Spurgeon recused herself due to a potential conflict of interest. Tom Anagnos
made a motion to approve for final review with the following requested change: 1) Change shake
siding to lap siding on bay in rear of house. Pat Jones seconded motion Unanimously approved Kim
Spurgeon rejoined proceedings.
Case No. 174-14 – 418 Greenleaf Dr. – Agape Construction (Tracy Winters), applicant. Mark & Lynn
Weikel, applicant. Covered carport, parking pad and kitchen remodel R3 Pat Jones made a motion to
approve as submitted for final review. Mark Campbell seconded motion. Unanimously approved
Case No. 175-14 – 1229 Oakshire Ln. – Agape Construction (Tracy Winters), applicant. Scott & Susan
Martin, owner. Second story addition R3 Kim Spurgeon made a motion to approve for final review
with the following required changes: 1) the over-framing on second floor structure/ front elevation
shall be on the left side only. 2) The window is to be centered under the peak of the gable and
centered between the two first floor (existing) windows. 3) New window to have sill, apron, and
casing. 4) The gutter board and gutter shall turn the corner and match detail of the existing house on
the first floor. 5) Submit revisions to Building Commissioner’s Office for cursory review. Mark
Campbell seconded motion. Unanimously approved
Case No. 176-14 – 642 Knierim Pl. – Kirkwood-Webster Construction (Rob Griffith), applicant. Jim &
Diane Mouzi, owner. New Single Family Residence R4 Kim Spurgeon recused herself due to a potential
conflict of interest. Tom Anagnos made a motion to approve for final review with the following
required changes: 1) Suggested that deck balusters should be of a horizontal element. 2) The
transom and windows on both sides of the front entry door are to match. 3) The stone chimney
(fireplace) shall have a stone or metal cap. 4) The corner boards are to be painted same color as the
siding. Mark Campbell seconded motion. Unanimously approved Kim Spurgeon rejoined
Old Business
Case No. 09-14 – 801 W. Essex Ave. – Christner Inc., applicant. Kirkwood School District, owner.
Submitting revised plans previously approved September 15, 2014. R3 Pat Jones made a motion to
approve as submitted for final review. Kim Spurgeon seconded motion. Unanimously approved
Case No. 17-14A – 1034 S. Kirkwood Rd. – Raising Cane’s Restaurant – CSRS, Inc. (Yanez Moree),
applicant. Raising Cane’s Restaurants, LLC, owner. New commercial building for a restaurant. B5 Pat
Jones made a motion to approve for final review with the following required change: 1) Submit a
subdued tone of yellow for the “1” stucco exterior feature. 2) Submit to Building Commissioner’s
Office for cursory review. Kim Spurgeon seconded motion. Unanimously approved
Bill Bensing, Director of Public Services
Ryan Spencer, City Planner
Betty Montaño, City Clerk
Art McDonnell, Mayor
Nancy Luetzow, Liaison
Donna Poe, SBD
Elizabeth von Behren, Public Information Officer
Amy Lowry, Landmarks Liaison
Patti Dodel, Administrative Secretary