A Voice by Pat Mora: Imagery Analysis Worksheet

A Voice
Pat Mora
 The next generation Mexican family
 Her father came to America on a flatbed truck at night
 Her father demands a lot of respect- “judge without a courtroom” & “passing in
the hall you wouldn’t dare ask him to move”
 Forbidden to speak English in the house, maybe so they wouldn’t forget their
heritage, maybe b/c not everyone knew how to speak English
 When they wrote this speech about freedom and democracy, they were very
proud; it says: like she had been named governor
 She froze and became hoarse- she didn’t give the speech
 She was a minority at the speech contest so she didn’t feel comfortable speaking
 “Eyes were pinpricks”-eyes are looking through you or over you
 “You taught the four of us to speak up”- her mom has taught her not to be shy and
worry about the color of her skin
 “The undoable is done in the next generation”- we want our children to be able to
do what we can’t do- to provide more for your children than you have now
 “Your wind moves through the children…”- her words inspire her children
Imagery- description that appeals to the five senses
Examples of imagery:
 Eyes were pinpricks
 They ate their meat, potatoes, gravy
 Like the wind through the trees
 Stick to your throat like an ice cube
 Lights on the stage unrelenting like the sun
 Spunky as a peacock
 Slow as a hot river
 Floated to in the dark on a flatbed truck
 Judge without a courtroom
***Find 5 uses of imagery in the story that your parents or grandparents told you.***