November 5 Logistics Memo to Media

Nov. 5, 2003
Members of the Media
District Judge Tom Moorhead
Karen Salaz, Office of the State Court Administrator
Nov. 13 First Advisement
Proceeding: First appearance/advisement in district court
Presiding judge: Judge Terry Ruckriegle
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Date: Thursday, Nov. 13
Place: Eagle County Justice Center, Courtroom 1
Anticipated length of the proceeding: several minutes
Courtroom seating: The original 25-seat plan emerging from the Sept. 17 meeting in Denver
will remain in place for the Nov. 13 proceeding. If there is anyone listed below who will
not be attending the Nov. 13 proceeding, please e-mail me as soon as possible so that we
can make arrangements to fill the seat through a lottery of news organizations not
currently represented in the courtroom.
Vail Daily
Vail Trail
Vail Speakout
Denver Post
Denver Rocky Mountain News
Associated Press
Los Angeles Times
USA Today
New York Daily News
Grand Junction Daily Sentinel
Magazine pool seat:
KUSA-TV (9 News)
KMGH-TV (7 News)
KCNC-TV (Channel 4)
KWGN-TV (Channel 2)
KDVR-TV (Fox 31)
NBC Network
ABC Network
CBS Network
Fox Network
Court TV
Radio pool seat:
KOA Radio
3 seats added in back:
ESPN, Celebrity Justice, Italian
1 audio control; 1 video camera; 1
still camera
There will be a meeting in the media services tent at 11:00 a.m., Nov. 13 to discuss
seating arrangements for the remaining district court phase of the case. The media
consortium will again be providing the court with seating designees. It will be making the
decisions on how the process will be conducted and who will fill all 25 seats for the
duration of the proceedings. If you have immediate questions please contact George
Garties at
Video link to media services tent: In its expanded media request Court TV has agreed to provide
a video link to the media services tent. Eagle County is contacting four of the Denver
television stations to see if they can each provide a television to be placed in the one of
the four corners of the tent.
Pooling: The expanded media requests has been granted to Court TV, NBC and Associated Press.
The following are the contact persons for all the pools:
 Still cameras: Ed Andrieski (AP),
 Audio cameras: Jack Chesnutt (NBC),
 Magazine: Rita Healy (TIME Magazine),
 Radio: Kathy Walker (KOA),
 Transmission vehicles: Dusty Grubish (Fox)
Credentials: If you have not already filled out the form available at and e-mailed
it to please do so immediately. All forms that have been
submitted thus far are effective throughout the duration of the proceedings. Primary and
secondary designees can be changed via e-mail at a later date, however only those news
organizations who have submitted this form will be considered by the media consortium
for potential seating in the courtroom.
Passes: Courtroom passes for each proceeding will be routinely available in the media services
tent three hours prior to each proceeding as the case moves forward. This includes passes
for both the media and public. A photo id must be presented to receive a pass.
Security screening: Security screening will routinely begin one hour prior to each proceeding
and one hour prior to the resumption of court following lunch breaks or court-imposed
breaks with stipulated time of resumption announced by the court prior to recess. All
persons who enter the courthouse will be subject to screening by the Eagle County
Sheriff or his designee in accordance with the stipulations set forth by the sheriff and as
outlined in the Amended Decorum Order issued Oct. 7, 2003
All persons holding passes must be seated in the courtroom 15 minutes prior to each
proceeding or resumption of court following breaks as described above. The courtroom
doors will be closed 15 minutes prior to each proceeding. Those outside the doors will be
denied access to the courtroom until the next natural break. There will be no exceptions.
The Eagle County Sheriff, or his designee, shall have discretion as to whether a person
may be admitted to the courtroom depending on the results of the screening.
Courtroom procedures: No routine admittance or departure will be permitted while court is in
session. All members of the public and media must remain quiet, not comment on the
proceedings, and not engage in any disruptive behavior while in the courtroom. At the
conclusion of the proceeding, members of the public and media must remain seated until
the parties have exited the courtroom and a sheriff’s officer has dismissed the gallery.
Upcoming proceeding: We anticipate that the date of the next proceeding in the case will be
announced on Nov. 13.
Eagle County: For those of you who do not know, Becky Gadell who has been the Eagle County
liaison has resigned her job to take a position in North Carolina. Becky has been a
tremendous asset in managing the logistical components in Eagle. We want to thank her
and wish her the best.