AP Biology Campbell 8th Edition Chapter 43 Study Guide
1. Match the description/definition/function with the correct term.
A. Chemotaxis
B. Complement
C. Cytokines
D. Diapedesis
E. Fever
F. Immunological
G. Inflammation
H. Interferons
I. Lysozymes
J. Macrophages
K. Microphages
L. Phagocytes
M. Pyrogens
Name: ___________________
______ Enzymes present in some secretions that have antibiotic properties
______ Cells that engulf and destroy pathogens and foreign materials
______ Neutrophils & eosinophils
______ Large, actively phagocytic cells derived from monocytes
______ Movement of white blood cells through the walls of capillaries by squeezing
between adjacent epithelial cells
______ Movement of cells toward or away from a chemical stimulus
______ Constant monitoring of normal tissues by NK cells
______ Small proteins released by activated lymphocytes, macrophages, & cells
infected with viruses; cause cells to produce proteins that interfere with viral
______ Chemical messengers released by tissue cells to coordinate local activities;
hormones of the immune system; released to alter activities of cells and tissues
throughout body
______ Plasma proteins that interact in a chain reaction following exposure to
activated antibodies or to surfaces of certain pathogens; promote cell lysis,
phagocytosis and other defense mechanisms
______ Localized tissue response to injury; characterized by swelling, redness,
warmth, pain, and some loss of function
______ Maintenance of body temperature above 99 degrees Fahrenheit
______ Circulating proteins that can reset the thermostat in the hypothalamus and
cause a rise in body temperature
2. Why does a bacterial infection cause a fever?
3. What are the purposes of inflammation?
1. T cells are responsible for ___________________________ immunity.
2. B cells are responsible for ___________________________ immunity.
3. What is the difference between active and passive immunity? Give examples
4. Why (or How) do B and T cells ignore normal (self) antigens and attack foreign (nonself) antigens?
4. Explain the relationship between an MHC and an APC?
5. How do cytotoxic T cells destroy pathogens, foreign cells and abnormal cells?
6. Helper T cells produce cytokines when they bind to targeted inactive B cells. What are the functions of
these cytokines?
7. Listed below are characteristics of the primary and secondary responses to a specific antigen. Determine
if the statement is true of the primary response (1) or the secondary response (2.)
a. ______ Initial response to antigen
b. ______ Does not appear immediately
c. ______ Gradual, sustained rise in concentration of circulating antibodies
d. ______ Antibody activity peaks several weeks after exposure to antigen
e. ______ Appropriate B cell must be activated and, once activated, must divide and differentiate into
plasma cells
f. ______ Activates memory B cells
g. ______ Very rapid increase in antibody activity and concentration
h. ______ Memory B cells divide and differentiate into plasma cells
i. ______ Produces a much faster and stronger response
j. ______ Can be substituted with immunization
8. Identify the parts of this diagram.
______ viral particle
______ APC
______ T-cell
______ MHC
______ T-cell receptor
Describe one type of immune system hyperactivity and indicate where it acts in the immune systems
discussed above and how.
On an attached page, create a Graphic Organizer to Compare the Innate/ Nonspecific Immune System to
the Adaptive/Specific Immune System.
 Within the Specific Immune System, compare humoral and cellular Immune responses
 Within humoral responses, compare active and passive humoral immunity.