
Literal Reading Comprehension—Sequencing--RIT 221 - 230
1. Read the passage.
Erin Kennedy traveled to Liverpool, England to attend the Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts.
After graduation, she moved to Toronto, Canada, where she began teaching drama and art at a
private school. She enjoys life and has set out to conquer her dreams.
Which event happened first?
A. moved to Toronto, Canada
B. attended the Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts
C. traveled to Liverpool, England
D. enjoys life
2. Read the sentences.
A. Finally, I like to go school shopping.
B. Although there are 12 months in a year, August is my favorite.
C. August is clearly my favorite month.
D. To begin, the weather is usually sunny and warm.
E. It is also a great time to enjoy outdoor activities.
Which sequence would represent the correct order of the above sentences?
A. D, E, C, B, A
B. B, D, E, A, C
C. C, E, B, D, A
D. B, E, D, C, A
3. Read the paragraph.
Ryan positioned himself in the gate. As the gate opened, he exploded onto the race course and
assumed a tucked position. His skis held tightly to the snow-packed floor as he rounded the first
corner. This was going to be an awesome race for him.
What did Ryan do right after he rounded the first corner?
A. exploded onto the race course
B. held skis tightly to the snow
C. continued racing the course in a tucked position
D. accepted his award
4. Read the passage.
The view was outstanding! As we stood on the deck of our ship, we looked at the red and purple
landscape. Truly, this planet was something to see. Then I remembered about an hour ago we
had heard a strange rattling in the back of the storage area. My mind raced as I tried to think
what could have made that scampering noise. I looked back out the doorway, and then asked
my assistant if he was ready to collect some specimens from this colorful world. I ignored the
prompting to check the cabin as we prepared to set foot outside of our ship. Little did we know
what would lie ahead.
What was the captain doing when he remembered the strange sound in the storage area?
A. collecting specimens
B. taking photos of the landscape
C. getting ready to walk on the planet
D. enjoying the scenery