Document 8993128

The Householder
“You are fellow citizens with the saints and members of this Household of God”
— Ephesians 2:19
Published monthly, Volume 63, October 2015
Lutheran Church of the Master
725 East Avenue J
Lancaster, CA 93535-3800
Phone: (661) 942-3900 Fax: (661) 726-3100
“Reaching out with the Love of Jesus”
The Staff of LCM
Pastor: Jeff Berg
Cell: (661) 220-9866 Email:
Secretary: Darla Strong
Office open — Monday & Wednesday from 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Tuesday from 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Thursday & Friday from 9:00 AM – Noon
Congregational Leadership Council
President: Shari Girdlestone
Vice President: (vacant)
Secretary: Kathy Kennett
Financial Secretary: (vacant)
Treasurer: Ron Pletsch
Other Members: David Collins, Randy Frank,
Jane Gibbs
Editors: Darla Strong and Mike Reaver
Sunday Worship
Prayer Ministry Team
Bible Study
9:00 AM
Monday, 3:00 PM
Thursday, 10:30 AM
From Pastor Jeff’s Keyboard
This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
In the world of social media many people like to post memes. These are short
sayings usually superimposed over a cartoon, scenic picture, or portrait of a famous
person. The sayings are often political in nature, but most of the time they are either
humorous or pithy. One that I saw recently had a picture of Charlie Brown hugging
Snoopy. It said; “What if today we were just grateful for everything”.
So what if? What if we set aside a day to just be grateful? What if we had a day full of
thanksgiving, joy, and praise? What if our first thought in the morning were thank you God for ……?
What if our last thought at night were thank you God for ……? What if for a day we gave up our
differences with our family, friends, neighbors? What if for one day we simply gave it a rest and said
enough is enough?
We could call that day Sabbath. We could give up what the world tells us to do that day and
come together to give God thanks and praise. We could gather together and sing songs, hear the
word of God, receive God’s grace through the bread, wine, and Word. What if we then stood together
in the shade and drank coffee and lemonade and shared our lives with each other? We could call
that fellowship time. And what if we went from there grateful for everything, sharing the love of Christ
with others along the way? We could call it Sunday. A day of worship, a day of rest, a day of service
to others. A day to be grateful.
Come and join us for Sunday morning worship! We need you. You are important to our day of
Sabbath. You are missed when you are not here.
God bless you today and always!
Pastor Jeff Berg
Join Pastor Jeff and Suzie for a working trip to the North East corner
of Arizona. LCM’s Women’s group has been supporting Navajo
Lutheran Mission by collecting box tops, now we have a chance to
meet the people of the Mission and get our hands dirty. We don’t
have many details yet. We do know that there is always work to be
done at the Mission and that we will be joining the people of Spirit in the Desert Lutheran Church in
their annual week of service to the Mission. As interest for the trip grows we will begin to have fund
raisers and discuss more details.
Southwest California Synod has companion relationships with two global
partners - The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hong Kong (ELCHK) and
Iglesia Luterana Salvadoreña (ILS) - Salvadoran Lutheran Church. As a
Companion Synod, we accompany or "walk with" them in their ministries.
Delegations from our synod visit them on a regular basis. We explore ways
in which we can "walktogether" - get to know each other, share insights
about ministry, join in prayer, give support, share resources, and host visitors who come here.
"Global Church Sunday". You are encouraged to celebrate our global partners on October 11.
Information for bulletin inserts and a video are provided for use on that Sunday. Each person
attending worship is invited to give $1 for each of our two companion synods. Any money that you
receive can be sent to the synod office and labeled "Global Partners Day". We will split the money
collected and send half to Hong Kong and half to El Salvador. Thank you for lifting up these important
ministries in your churches.
“What So Amazing About Grace?” Come learn as LCM begins a 10-week Bible Study on
October 18th. The Bible study will be held in Magnuson Hall after the 9:00 AM Worship
service. The study will be led by Pastor Jeff and Len Engel.
The Prayer Ministry Team continues to meet on Mondays at 3:00 PM.
A Bible Study will continue to meet on Thursdays at 10:30 AM.
Abundance Sunday is October 4th with shampoo, hand lotion, soap and feminine
hygiene products being requested. Next month November 1st is Abundance Sunday
with hats, scarves, and mittens being collected.
On November 8th LCM will be putting together hygiene packets for Grace Resource Center. Please
start collecting these items, but do not bring to the church until November 8 th. LCM will put together
the kits after the 9:00 AM worship service. The following items are requested:
 Trial size toothpaste
 Razor
 Factory sealed
 Comb
 Soap
 Deodorant
 Trial size shampoo
Note: All items need to fit in a quart size bag, so please only travel or trial size items.
Lutheran Church of the Master has a unique service of providing a wonderful
homemade meal to the residents of the Lancaster Community Shelter (Inn Between)
each month. The first Sunday of October we are back to our famous soup supper. If you can bring
your homemade soup or rolls or salad or dessert, please sign up at church or see Suzie Berg.
Bill Gates once said, "I'm a great believer that any tool that enhances
communication has profound effects in terms of how people can learn from each other,
and how they can achieve the kind of freedoms that they're interested in."
Welcome to this new newsletter for Always Being Made New: The Campaign for
the ELCA. It is our intention to communicate with you in a clear and concise manner so
that we might learn from one another and achieve the $198 million goal for the
campaign. We have just arrived at the sixth quarter of the campaign and are at nearly 31 percent
($61 million) of our goal.
I want to say "thank you" for what you are doing to move these ministries forward. Lives are
being saved, people are being fed, students are receiving education, congregations are being planted
and renewed, youth and young adults are actively engaged in the life of this church, missionaries are
accompanying sisters and brothers in Christ and ministries for people living with disabilities are
happening throughout our church.
I encourage you to share any and all the information found in this newsletter. If you have
comments or questions, please send them to me so that we may respond quickly to them. Feel free
to write or call, or 773-380-2063.
God has richly blessed this church with leaders like you. Together, we can do more!
In Christ, Pastor Ron Glusenkamp, Director, The Campaign for the ELCA
The Boys and Girls Club is still finalizing the details on their Friday food for the weekend idea. As
soon as LCM has details on when this will start we will distribute the information.
Labels for Education (L for E)
We received a memo in regard to this program from the Regional Collection Center in California
(Solheim Lutheran Home). There might be some collection changes in the future. The memo also
mentioned using a “partners card” when shopping at Albertson’s or Target “which will contribute a $$
amount of a certain percentage of eligible purchases to the Mission School.” We hope to have
current info for both programs in the November issue of “The Householder.”
In the meantime, please continue collecting labels as usual.
Box Tops for Education (BT for E) —
Will October be the month to start thinking about cool weather breakfasts?
How about a warm breakfast of pancakes made from Betty Crocker Complete Pancake mixes?
Or Pillsbury pancakes from the store’s freezer aisle? Land-O-Lakes butter would be tasty on either
type of pancake. All products have BT for E’s.
Myrna & Michael
Together we have made a great impact!
Your gifts have helped educate more than 2 million people, distribute
50,000 nets, test 160,000 people and treat if positive, empower 12,000
households economically, provide 32,000 pregnant women prevention
medication, and so much more.
Thank you!
Incredible news! The ELCA Malaria Campaign just reached its fundraising goal of $15 million! Thank you for being part of a monumental milestone & helping us protect
countless lives from this preventable, treatable disease.
We couldn’t have done it without you!
Five years ago ELCA members, congregations and synods together, dreamed big with our
Lutheran companion churches and partners, and set out to raise $15 million for malaria programming.
Today we celebrate all that we have accomplished together.
Working with our Lutheran companions and partners in 13 African countries, we have brought
about lasting change. But our work is not over. While the ELCA Malaria Campaign will come to an
end on January 31st 2016, our commitment to ending deaths from this disease will not. In the coming
years, support to our companions and partners to address malaria will come through gifts to ELCA
World Hunger, which has a long history of supporting health-related work. Without you, none of this
would have been possible. Thank you for your prayers, your partnership and your generosity!
As of May 1, the Southwest California Synod has raised $59,207.56 for World Hunger!
According to Dan Rift, Director of ELCA World Hunger, It is essential that the church is engaged in
God's work of bringing daily bread to the world. It is essential for the world to see the church in this
light. It is also essential for the church to understand itself in this way. Of course daily bread is about
more than bread and about more than just how to make it through the day (Martin Luther gives us a
great interpretation of this "daily bread" task in his writings about the Lord's Prayer). Save the Date
for a Regional Hunger Event November 19th - 20th in Santa Ana, CA. More information is coming ...
Your Synod Hunger Team,
Sheri Groenveld -
Melissa Henry -
MARTY PARTY (keep the date open)
On Friday, November 13th LCM will be celebrating Martin Luther’s birthday with a
Marty Party. LCM is looking for coordinators for this event. If interested in helping
please contact the church office.
Bell Choir and Voice Choir will continue to practice on Tuesdays. Bells will meet at
5:30 PM and Voice at 6:15 PM.
Monthly men’s fellowship breakfast will be on Saturday, October 17th, 8:00 AM at
Crazy Otto’s Diner, 1228 West Ave. I, Lancaster.
WELCA will meet in Magnuson Hall at 12:00 noon on October 27th for a potluck lunch
followed by Bible study. The business meeting will continue to discuss the possibility of
a Christmas event. All ladies are welcome. Anna Kopp (661) 722-5114 and Kay Hjelm
(661) 946-6709 will be hostesses. Please contact them for additional information.
by Month/$
2015 YTD/$
The sign-up sheets for September through November of 2015 are available in the sanctuary narthex
on Sundays. If you want to participate at Sunday worship [assisting minister, reader, usher, greeter],
please enter your name in the block for the day you want to participate. Also, you may contact the
LCM office and Darla can let you know what opportunities are still available.
Join us at the Castle!
Between October 21st & November 14th
HISTORICAL FIGURES: Crusader Knights and Ladies, Mythical Animals,
Religious Icons, & more!
Each year, mid-October to mid-November, the Brass Rubbing Medieval Arts Center resides in the
Great Hall of Cassidy Castle at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Long Beach. The Center provides an
atmosphere of medieval times where learning, and making art flourish. The program describes the
historic background and importance of monumental brasses as well as the colorful people they
commemorate. Reservation being taken now at
The 6th International Conference on Ageing and Spirituality is holding its first meeting in the United
States, October 4th-7th, in Los Angeles. Originally begun in Australia, this conference brings together
participants from many disciplines, including theologians, faith community representatives,
academics, and aging service providers to share together wisdom and insights on the spiritual
journey of aging.
The theme of this 6th conference is "Paradox and Promise in the Pilgrimage of Aging." An august lineup of plenary speakers is on tap, as well as over 30 workshops on a variety of topics. In addition
there are special events each evening, including "Reel Aging" a presentation on aging as seen in film,
and the production of the play, The Forgiving and the Forgetting by the Rev. Dr. Jade Angelica.
California Lutheran Homes Center for Spirituality and Aging is hosting this event and welcomes
you to attend. More information can be found at the Conference website . For more information,
email CLH Center for Spirituality and Aging Director Nancy Gordon, or call her at (818) 254-1386.
NEWS FROM ELCA GLOBAL LINKS (© Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)
Global Links shares highlights from the ELCA, Living Lutheran and other churchwide websites of ELCA ministry and connections in other countries.
Young Adults in Global Mission begin service
Seventy-three Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) will be serving this year and most have departed for
their year of service after a weeklong orientation in August. In case you missed it, YAGM alum Sarah
Funkhouser shared experiences from her year in Jerusalem/West Bank at the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering
and talked about the first few lessons she gave at the school where she taught. Help support the program at
large or any of the newly sent YAGMs by making a gift here.
Women’s Equality Day
Women’s Equality Day was August 26th, which commemorates passage in 1920 of the 19th Amendment to the
Constitution, which gave U.S. women the right to vote. Despite this celebration, we know there is a long way
to go. As part of Always Being Made New: The Campaign for the ELCA, the International Women Leaders
program was created to ensure that women can continue their education & be leaders in church and society.
Hurricane Katrina: 10 years later
On Aug. 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast. Approximately 90,000-square miles were
declared federal disaster areas and 1 million homes and buildings were damaged or destroyed, making it the
most destructive and costliest disaster in U.S. history. ELCA members took action by offering their time and
volunteer skills in the area & gave more than $27 million to Lutheran Disaster Response to support recovery.
From refugee to ordination
Wal Reat sought asylum in the U.S. in 1995 after fleeing civil war that destroyed his homeland, South Sudan.
Reat’s story in America is infused with hope, anchored largely in support of a congregation that has embraced
his dream of spreading the Lutheran faith in the newly independent nation of South Sudan. Read more.
The Lutheran malaria program in Burundi
Hundreds of people gathered in the Nyamugari, Burundi, town square to witness three local health clubs
present dramas, skits and songs aimed at educating others about malaria prevention and control. The
Lutheran malaria program in Burundi quizzed the crowd, who were eager to show off their newfound
Vacation Bible school raises $2,051 for ELCA Malaria Campaign
Every year, vacation Bible school participants at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Leesburg, Va., select an
outreach program to be the recipient of the daily offerings. This year the ELCA Malaria Campaign was chosen
and the participants raised $2,051.07 or 205 mosquito nets!
Bishop Eaton writes Congress regarding Iran nuclear plan
In an Aug. 5 letter to Congress, ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton urged "careful deliberation and
consideration" in response to the "Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action," which "seeks to 'ensure that Iran's
nuclear program will be exclusively peaceful.' "
Raising the roof in Cameroon
In 1995, Herman Fink was part of a mission trip to visit the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cameroon, a
companion of the South Dakota Synod. During the trip, they saw village churches halting construction
because roofing materials were expensive and unavailable. Read more about how Fink returned to South
Dakota with the mission of raising funds for these roofing materials.
October 4th
October 11th
October 18th
October 25th
Trish Hansen
Jane Maag and Ken & Vicki Hofmann
Elsie Ell
Keith & Doris Pilgren
23 Keith & Doris Pilgren
31 Jeff & Debbie Whitfield
1 Ron Pletsch
11 Ken Hofmann
3 Linda Skelcher
11 Matthew Hoskinson
6 Micki Skarsten
12 Bev Degen
6 Kevin Young
21 Vivian Jepson
26 Nancy Rhodes
We especially pray for Paul Best, Jerry & Mary Bixby, Roberta Bloom,
John & Barbara Blancett, Verna Dickinson, Pat Duke, Erla Dinubilo, Lynn
Erickson, Brittany Gage, George Kohlmeier, Barry Libitsky, Leta McCully,
Ann Reel, Cindy Reel, Jim & Micki Skarsten, Jessica Strong.
Lutheran Church of the Master
Council Meeting Minutes -- August 18, 2015
“Reaching out with the Love of Jesus”
1. The meeting was called to order and opened in prayer by Shari Girdlestone at 6:35 pm.
2. Present: Shari Girdlestone, Randy Frank, Dave Collins, Pastor Berg, Jane Gibbs, Jeff
Whitfield and Kathy Kennett Absent: Ron Pletsch and Donna Spooner (see New Businessitems from the floor #2)
3. Minutes: Minutes from the June 2015 board meeting were read and approved as presented.
Financial Report: The monthly budget discussed. The cash flow is $17,938.10. Questions
were raised about the following: line item 6359 (water) – garden might be adding to this cost.
6358 (gas) - bill seemed higher so it will be watched to see why.
6100 (payroll and benefits) - 3 checks were issued in June so July line items seemed low.
Old Business:
1. Community Garden Update: The garden is growing and members seem very happy with
what is being produced. It is an ongoing process to see what will grow and what will not.
2. On- going looking for new tenants and new council members: No summer updates.
3. Security in Magnuson Hall: Pastor Berg said the cameras are working and recording 24
hours a day. The wireless is not hooked up yet as a wireless extender is needed. Once that is
installed it can be viewed online. There have been no more break-ins.
4. Water stewardship: The Cash for Grass program was not all it seemed to be so once Ron
gets back, the costs and numbers since we have been cutting back will be looked at to see
what route we should go.
5. Sound System: All questions and concerns were addressed so Pastor got the estimate and
set up installation for this week. We will get new speakers, microphones on the podium, 2
hand held microphones, wireless microphones and a ‘popping eliminator’ mechanism.
6. Items from the floor: none
New Business:
1. Pastor Jeff: a. Pastor will be on vacation for a week beginning tonight. Len Engel will
preach on Sunday Aug. 23rd. Pastor asked for someone to do the Children’s sermon and
Kathy Kennett agreed to do it. Pastor will also be gone on Sunday, Sept. 13 th and Pastor
Nicci Felder from El Camino Pines will preach.
b. Pastor Berry from St. Stephens announced his retirement at the end of Sept.
c. Pastor stated that Kevin Young and Stephan Strong have applied for the Christian School
scholarships that LCM gives out (as long as funds are available).
d. Pastor would like to revisit the idea of Sunday school. A discussion was held and it was
decided that three things will be looked at: Short activities will be put together to hold the
interest of different ages (Darla has lessons prepared that can be used so these will be
looked at). A convenient spot will be found to store these activities and people willing to do
Sunday school on a moment’s notice will need to be found. (They will be able to see the
lessons beforehand.)
2. Items from the floor: Donna Spooner and family have officially given their resignation from
Lutheran Church of the Master.
3. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15p.m. with prayer by Pastor Berg.
Next meeting: Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2015 at 6:30pm
Respectfully submitted, Kathy Kennett Secretary