From seed to energy From seed to energy Pedagogical programme on cultivated plants, renewable energy resources, regional economic development (age: 13 – 15 years) Grade: 7th -9th grade Relation to curriculum: 7th-9th grade (general education) on the field “Fundamentals of Technology and Science” Biology Knowledge and understanding of biological systems and processes (Basic principles of the structure of plants. Parts of plants, their functions and adaptability to habitat) Fundamentals of research in biology Biology in agriculture (Role of plants in human life. Alimentary plants. Technical crops) Physics Understanding of physical phenomena and processes. Physical notions and entities: power, pressure, labour, capacity, energy. Use of simple mechanisms and models of joint vessels for explaining mechanical processes. Research activity. Physics and sustainable development. Use of simple mechanisms in everyday life and technology. Opportunities for a motivated contribution to conservation and development of the quality of environment. Duration: 150 min or 2.5 astronomical hours Keywords: Alimentary plants, technical crops, renewable energy sources, pressure, oil plant. Content with theoretical background: The supply of fossil fuel on the earth is decreasing every year, while the consumption of fuel, on the contrary, is increasing. The endeavours of scientists and politicians to solve energy problems ought to be complemented by educating the society. Already in the basic school pupils’ understanding of the issues of economic use of energy and alternative ways of energy production in the respective region should be developed. Field trip to the nearest canola oil plant or biodiesel production enterprise creates opportunities for pupils to get acquainted with technological processes of producing oil and biodiesel, evaluate the economic effectiveness of these technical crops and realise the significance of saving energy resources. Educational objectives: - The pupils are to learn about growing and use of canola as alimentary and technical crop; The pupils are to learn about the technological processes of canola oil and biodiesel production; The pupils are to visit the nearest regional canola oil/biodiesel production enterprises and evaluate their significance; The pupils are to develop cooperation and research skills. From seed to energy Learning ambiance: Photo exhibition at canola oil plant or biodiesel production enterprise, information cards and tools for performing experimental tasks in groups (Interest education centre or exhibition hall can serve as alternative for a field trip to a real enterprise). The lesson can also be organised at school by replacing the field trip with watching a DVD film about producing canola oil or biodiesel in Latvia (Poland, Germany). Material: Blackboard Coloured cards Cards with situation description and questions for activating prior knowledge Envelopes containing crossword puzzles Collection of photos Container with canola seeds Container with canola oil Container with biodiesel Container with canola cake Instruction cards for experiments Filter paper Pestle 1l bottle of water A tumbler Rubber tube or cocktail straw Cards with tasks for economists competition Prize Things to be done before the event: Organisers have to arrange the time of field trip with the authorities of out-of-school learning place, agree about the possibilities of displaying a photo exhibition and organising the envisaged activities at the chosen enterprise or Interest education centre. Plan of the course Time 5΄ 10΄ 15΄ 30΄ 30΄ 30΄ 20΄ 10΄ Stages Introduction. Discussion to create the learning context (at school) Setting the problem and primary awareness (at school) Group formation. Activating prior knowledge. Preparation for the field trip Field trip to the nearest canola oil plant or biodiesel production enterprise (or Interest education centre or exhibition hall with appropriate learning ambiance) Viewing the photo exhibition and solving crossword puzzles Experimental testing of the technological stages of canola oil production Competition of economists Conclusion Review of the programme Time/station 5΄/Introduction, discussion to create the learning context Contents/course Material Through conversation pupils are encouraged to compare Blackboard their grandparents’ and their own schooling. Pupils’ answers are written on the board. Pupils are encouraged to evaluate the proposed differences (frontal talk or group discussion) and choose three most prominent differences that characterise people’s life 50 years From seed to energy ago and nowadays. Pupils conclude that one of the most significant differences is means of transport (also food, leisure activities, IT). 10΄/Setting the Pupils are divided into groups. Cards are distributed and Coloured problem pupils are encouraged to read about and discuss the cards for possible future energy crisis in their groups. grouping pupils Pupils are encouraged to express their opinion on the Situation following questions: description 1) What can each of us do to survive in such situation? 2) What can each of us do if we anticipate such situation in the future? 3) Who can help to solve such crisis? 15΄/Activating prior knowledge When discussing the last question, pupils agree that such situation requires: knowledgeable theorists/analysts; technicians capable of solving practical problems; economists who are able to calculate the necessary expenses. Pupils are told that later in the lesson they will have an opportunity to try each of these roles. Through conversation, saving energy as well as production and consumption of alternative energy (fuel) sources are emphasised. One of these alternatives is production and processing of canola seeds. In groups pupils are asked to discuss the following questions: Question cards What do you know about canola? What products can be made out of canola? Where are canola processing enterprises located in our region (country)? What would you like to learn about canola? After 5’ of discussion groups are asked first to answer question 1, then questions 2 and 3 and finally question 4. Each group in turn mentions one fact, thesis, or conclusion. 30΄/Field trip Preparation for the field trip Pupils are informed that very soon they will have an opportunity to find answers to the questions they are interested in. They are informed about the time of the field trip and other organisational issues related to it. The employee of bio-diesel factory (oil plant or another similar enterprise) guides the field trip, shows the equipment and gives information about the history of the enterprise, the technological processes of production, raw materials, end products and their marketing, production waste, energy consumption, etc. Pupils are given opportunity to interrogate the guide about the issues of their interest. 30΄/Viewing At the end of pupils’ question session the guide announces the photo that after viewing the photo exhibition pupils will have to exhibition and solve crosswords and they will be able to solve them only if solving they view the exhibition about production of oil and biodiesel crossword carefully and closely. Before viewing the exhibition pupils are puzzles informed that the most knowledgeable and skilful team will Envelopes containing crossword puzzles (they chiefly contain From seed to energy 30΄/ Experiments 20΄/ Economists’ competition 10΄/ Conclusion receive a prize. After some time when pupils have viewed the exhibition, each group is offered a set of worksheets containing a crossword puzzle and 2 tasks and is asked to draw one worksheet from the set. When solving the crossword puzzles pupils are allowed to use all the accessible information. After solving the crossword puzzle, each group is asked to give a brief commentary of the keyword in the puzzle and name the number of products that are produced from canola. The group that is the first to complete the empty squares in the crossword puzzle and to write the most exhaustive list of products that are produced from canola receives a prize (badges). Pupils are invited to perform an experimental task: practically obtain canola oil and describe the method of production or do any other experimental tasks, e.g. compare various oil samples, think of a way to pump oil from one vessel to another, etc. At the end of experimental activity each group is invited to present their experiment (results of experiment). A competition to determine the best group of economists is announced. The groups are asked to draw an envelope containing a task. Content of the task. On what area (how many hectares) should a farmer sow canola so that in autumn, after processing canola seeds, to produce enough biodiesel to drive a distance of 5000 km? The prize is awarded to the group who is the first to give the right answer. Teacher can choose to give groups other tasks. Pupils are invited to evaluate the effectiveness of biodiesel production by emphasising the side-factors of canola production: spruceness of fields, improved soil structure, oxygen production, reduced unemployment in rural areas, obtaining canola oil – a valuable alimentary product, etc. Pupils are asked to consider the possible negative influence of canola on various economical spheres. Each citizen’s participation in solving energy problems – saving energy (light, water, fuel, heat) is emphasised. Before giving prizes to the winners, pupils are asked to summarise and evaluate what they have learned. Possible questions for groups: during the lesson, what was the most difficult the most interesting, the most boring, the easiest, etc.? Prizes are given to best theoreticians (winners of crossword puzzle competition), best practitioners (winners of experiment competition), and best economists (winners of task solving competition). identical questions in different order) Appliances and equipment for experimental activity Envelopes containing tasks Prizes Excursions: Latgale region: Farm “Zalites”, Daugavpils municipal district, Eglaine rural country parish, LV5444 - possibility to visit canola oil plant. If possible, the teacher can also organise a trip to a garage or car service centre where engineers or other specialists could tell students about the practical use of biodiesel in car From seed to energy engines (restrictions - there are only few such places in Latvia). See