PacifiCare Electronic Data Interchange 834 Transaction Companion Guide Health Care Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance (Version 1.0 – October 2003) 834 ANSI ASC X12 834 (004010X095 & 004010X095A1) PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 3 INTENT AND SCOPE OF THE HEATH CARE BENEFIT ENROLLMENT AND MAINTENANCE TRANSACTION .............................................................................................. 4 ASSUMPTIONS......................................................................................................................... 4 PREFERENCES AND CONVENTIONS..................................................................................... 5 General File Submission Requirements ...............................................................................................................5 Causes for Rejection of File Submission ..............................................................................................................6 Field Lengths and Values ......................................................................................................................................6 COMMUNICATION METHODS SUPPORTED .......................................................................... 6 Third-Party Administrators..................................................................................................................................7 Direct Submission ..................................................................................................................................................7 PRIVACY AND SECURITY PROTECTION ............................................................................... 7 ENCRYPTION REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................. 7 HANDLING ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................... 7 ANSI ASC X12 Acknowledgements .....................................................................................................................7 SPECIFIC USAGE ..................................................................................................................... 8 ERROR HANDLING .................................................................................................................. 9 APPENDIX A – SAMPLE FILES ..............................................................................................10 APPENDIX B – TESTING REQUIREMENTS ...........................................................................14 COMBINED 834 TRANSACTION SET – 004010X095 & 004010X095A1 ................................15 //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 2 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide Introduction PacifiCare is publishing this Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 834 Transaction Companion Guide (Companion Guide) to accompany the ASC X12N Combined Implementation Guide (Implementation Guide) for the ASC X12N Health Care Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance (834) (004010X095 & 004010X095A1) transaction set. The primary purpose of this Companion Guide is to minimize the variability in the transaction set that is exchanged within all of the regions of PacifiCare. The Companion Guide will document assumptions, conventions, and preferences that PacifiCare expects employer groups, Third-Party Administrators, and information system vendors to comply with. Additionally, the Companion Guide will help to walk organizations through the implementation process so that the resulting transaction will meet the following business objectives: 1. Convey all required business information: The transaction will convey the comprehensive set of information that is required for health plans to conduct their business. 2. Interpret information in the same way: The definition of the transaction will be specific so that Trading Partners can correctly interpret the information that is received from each other from a business perspective. 3. Simplify the communication: The transaction will be standard to simplify communication between Trading Partners as well as comply with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations. The underlying premise of the PacifiCare Companion Guide is that it defines the superset of business functionality for the Health Care Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance (834) Transaction Set. The Implementation Guide provides general information about EDI transmission, such as delimiters, enveloping, and related topics. PacifiCare’s Companion Guide will not duplicate these efforts. In order to establish a simplified implementation environment, the Companion Guide describes a set of assumptions and conventions that will be followed by Trading Partners as they implement the 834 transaction and interpret the information that is contained within it. These conventions provide additional clarity about data structures and data elements (i.e., what they mean), and describe how these data elements relate to information contained in the information systems belonging to each Trading Partner (i.e., how they will be used). It should be noted that the Companion Guide does not add, delete, or change the name of any data element or segment nor change the meaning or intent of any implementation specification that is specified in the Implementation Guide. HIPAA Implementation Guides are available through Washington Publishing, Inc. at: //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 3 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide Intent and Scope of the Heath Care Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance Transaction The Health Care Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance (834) transaction set will be used to report an employer group’s member eligibility. The intent of this transaction is to process the following: Subscriber and dependent enrollment adds. Subscriber and dependent terminations. Subscriber and dependent eligibility changes. Subscriber and dependent demographic changes. The information provided in the transaction will reflect the status of the member with the employer group at the point in time the submission is sent. The intent of this transaction is to maintain member eligibility and demographic information. Assumptions The following assumptions are being made for purposes of this guide: The Interchange Transmission refers to an ISA/IEA. The Functional Group refers to the GS/GE. The Transaction Set refers to the ST/SE (can come in multiple functional groups). Employer Groups or Third-Party Administrators submitting the 834 Health Care Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance transaction directly to PacifiCare must first be registered. Registration includes the exchange of important information necessary for successful e-Commerce, including submitter and receiver information, connectivity specifications, etc. For most questions relating to information in this Companion Guide, contact the PacifiCare Enterprise EDI Services (EES) department at: Email: Fax: 1-972-866-1690 Attn: EDI Support Telephone: 1-800-203-7729 For more information on whether an employer group or Third-Party Administrator acting on behalf of the employer group needs to submit enrollment data in compliance with the 834 transaction standard, please consult counsel or refer to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website at: For technical assistance on new or existing electronic transmissions. For all other questions, contact the appropriate PacifiCare representative. //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 4 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide 834 Health Care Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance transactions submitted to PacifiCare are assumed to be production-ready. The employer groups, Third-Party Administrators, and system vendor(s) will have completed testing prior to submission to ensure HIPAA compliance. Preferences and Conventions The items listed below outline specific preferences and conventions to be used when transmitting data to PacifiCare. General File Submission Requirements 1. Trading Partner Agreements specify the terms and conditions by which transactions are exchanged electronically with PacifiCare. This Companion Guide may be an addendum to a new or existing Trading Partner Agreement or other Business Agreement. 2. PacifiCare strongly recommends that every Trading Partner submitting the 834 Health Care Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance transaction directly to PacifiCare sign a Trading Partner Agreement. 3. PacifiCare strongly recommends that employer groups or Third-Party Administrators representing the employer group obtain certification from an approved Third-Party Certification System and Service (TPCSS), stipulating that its transactions are HIPAA compliant. For more information about certification and certification vendors, speak to the appropriate EES Project Manager. 4. While PacifiCare supports all of the characters in the extended character set, it is recommended that incoming 834 data use the basic character set as defined in Appendix A of the Implementation Guide. 5. The subscriber hierarchical level (HL segment) must be in order from one, in increments of one (+1), and must be numeric. 6. Some of the segments and data elements labeled as “Not Used” in this Companion Guide, but labeled as “Situational” in the Implementation Guide, may still be accepted and validated to ensure HIPAA compliance. However, PacifiCare will not actually process these segments and data elements. 7. Data submitted to PacifiCare in ANSI HIPAA standard format may be translated into a proprietary format for purposes of internal processing. 8. Only multiple data loops or segments should be populated with the first occurrence, and each loop or segment populated consecutively thereafter. There should be no loops or segments without data. 9. PacifiCare suggests retrieval of the ANSI 997 functional acknowledgment files on or before the first business day after the file is submitted, but no later than five business days after the file submission. Beginning with the fifth business day after submission, it will no longer be available. //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 5 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide 10. Encryption and compression of files using PGP v2.6 or later is supported for transmissions between the submitter and PacifiCare. 11. PacifiCare prefers to receive only one transaction type (records group) per interchange (transmission). A submitter should only submit one GS-GE (Functional Group) within an ISA-IEA (Interchange). 12. Trading Partners cannot send test and production information within the same transaction file, regardless of the transaction. Test data and production data must be submitted in separate files. Notify your EES Project Manager regarding submission of test data. 13. As of the release of this document (October 2003), PacifiCare accepts the following versions of the Implementation Guide, and any future versions as specified by the regulation: ANSI ASC X12N 834 (004010X095 & 004010X095A1) Causes for Rejection of File Submission 1. Delimiters must be consistently applied throughout the transmissions. Any delimiter can be used as long as the same one is used throughout the transaction. Printable characters are preferred. A carriage return/linefeed will cause an interchange/transmission to be rejected. 2. Only loops, segments, and data elements valid for the Implementation Guide will be translated. Submission of data that is not valid based on the Implementation Guide will cause files to be rejected. 3. If a segment or data element within a segment is specified in the Implementation Guide as “Not Used,” yet is present in the transaction, it will be rejected as an error. 4. PacifiCare will reject an interchange transmission that is submitted with a submitter identification number in either ISA06 (Sender ID) or GS02 (Application Sender’s Code) that is not registered for electronic claims submission. 5. PacifiCare will reject a functional group or interchange transmission that is submitted with an invalid value in either ISA08 (Receiver ID) and/or GS03 (Application Receiver’s Code), based on the Trading Partner agreement. 6. PacifiCare will reject an interchange transmission that is not submitted with unique values in the ST02 (Transaction Set Control Number) or GS06 (Group Control Number) elements within the interchange transmission. Field Lengths and Values Although the 834 transaction allocates two street address elements of 55 characters each, the internal PacifiCare system’s street address is a maximum of 30 characters. Using extended length addresses may cause errors in employee mailings. Communication Methods Supported PacifiCare supports the following communication methods: //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 6 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide Third-Party Administrators For employer groups’ EDI enrollment requests, please contact the Third-Party Administors directly. They will provide all the necessary testing and submission information required. Direct Submission For direct submission to PacifiCare or for details regarding communication protocols, contact the PacifiCare EES department at: Email: Fax: 1-972-866-1690 Attn: EDI Support Telephone: 1-800-203-7729 Privacy and Security Protection PacifiCare will comply with the privacy and confidentiality requirements as outlined in the HIPAA Privacy and Security regulations regarding the need to protect health information. All Trading Partners are also expected to comply with these regulations. Encryption Requirements PacifiCare will comply with the data encryption policy as outlined in the HIPAA Privacy and Security regulations regarding the need to encrypt health information and other confidential data. All data within a transaction that is included in the HIPAA definition of Electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) will be subject to the HIPAA Privacy and Security regulations and PacifiCare will adhere to such regulations and the associated encryption rules. All Trading Partners are also expected to comply with these regulations and encryption policies. Handling Acknowledgements ANSI ASC X12 Acknowledgements PacifiCare utilizes two forms of acknowledgements: the TA1 Interchange Acknowledgement and the 997 Acknowledgement. Therefore, the Trading Partner can, at its discretion, request that we send: a TA1 acknowledgment a 997 acknowledgement both acknowledgements or no acknowledgement at all. For technical assistance on new or existing electronic transmissions. For all other questions, contact the appropriate PacifiCare representative. //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 7 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide It should be noted that at minimum, in the case of an error, PacifiCare will automatically generate a negative TA1 acknowledgement, even if the Trading Partner has requested that acknowledgements not be sent. TA1 Interchange Acknowledgment A TA1 acknowledgment will be generated and returned to the Trading Partner to indicate the success or failure of processing a transaction from the ISA to the IEA. It will indicate whether or not there were errors at the ISA or envelope level. 997 Functional Acknowledgment The 997 Functional Acknowledgement will be sent back to the Trading Partner as determined by Trading Partner setup to indicate the success or failure of 834 compliance validation within each GS/GE segment. PacifiCare will return 004010 as the version in GS08 (Version/Release/Industry Identifier Code) of the 997. Specific Usage Following is the structure for passing the PacifiCare Group Numbers and Plan Codes. //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 8 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide REF Pos: 290 Max: 5 Detail – Optional Loop: 2300 Elements: 2 Reference Identification To specify identifying information Element Summary: Ref REF01 Id Element Name 128 Reference Identification Qualifier Description: Code qualifying the Reference Identification Req Type Min/Max M ID 2/3 Must use Usage C AN 1/30 Used User Note 1: There are many iterations of the REF segment at this position in the 834. 1L Group or Policy Number ZZ Mutually Defined REF02 127 Reference Identification Description: Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier The Reference ID Qualifier value of 1L Group or Policy number will indicate the passing of the Group Number. REF*1L*12345678 5-8 digit number supplied by PacifiCare. HMO group numbers are either 5 or 6 digits long. The PPO group numbers are 8 digits long. The Reference ID Qualifier value of ZZ Group or Policy number will indicate the passing of the Plan Code. REF*ZZ*UUU 3-5 digits code supplied by PacifiCare. There may be an exception for PPO plan code. Error Handling If HIPAA standard validation errors are encountered, the file will be rejected and no individual employee transactions will be processed. //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 9 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide Appendix A – Sample Files Business Scenario 1 Enroll an Employee in Multiple Health Care Insurance Products John Doe is enrolling in three health care products – health, dental, and vision. He also has Coordination of Benefits (COB) with another insurance company. ST*834*12345~ BGN*00*12456*19980520*1200****2~ N1*P5**FI*999888777~ N1*IN**FI*654456654~ INS*Y*18*021*20*A***FT~ REF*0F*123456789~ REF*1L*123456001~ DTP*356*D8*19960523~ NM1*IL*1*DOE*JOHN*P***34*123456789~ PER*IP**HP*7172343334*WP*7172341240~ N3*100 MARKET ST*APT 3G~ N4*CAMP HILL*PA*17011**CY*CUMBERLAND~ DMG*D8*19400816*M~ HD*021**HLT~ DTP*348*D8*19960601~ COB*P*890111*5~ N1*IN*ABC INSURANCE CO~ HD*021**DEN~ DTP*348*D8*19960601~ HD*021**VIS~ DTP*348*D8*19960601~ SE*22*12345~ Business Scenario 2 Add a Dependent (Full-time Student) to an Existing Contract James E. Doe, the son of John Doe, is being enrolled under John Doe’s medical coverage. James is enrolled at Penn State and expects to graduate on 5/15/1998. His Social Security Number is 103229876. The enrollment for the subscriber, John Doe, had to be submitted before his dependents can be enrolled. ST*834*12345~ BGN*00*12456*19980520*1200****2~ REF*38*ABCD012354~ N1*P5**FI*999888777~ N1*IN**FI*654456654~ INS*N*19*021*28*A****F~ REF*0F*123456789~ REF*1L*123456001~ DTP*351*D8*19980515~ NM1*IL*1*DOE*JAMES*E***34*103229876~ DMG*D8*19770816*M~ NM1*M8*2*PENN STATE UNIVERSITY~ HD*021*HLT~ DTP*348*D8*19960601~ SE*15*12345~ //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 10 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide Business Scenario 3 Enroll an Employee in a Managed Care Product William Smith is enrolling in the HMO product effective 6/1/1996. He has selected Dr. Bernard Brown as his primary care physician for the program. Mr. Smith is already Dr. Brown’s patient; therefore, the primary care information code value is 01. Dr. Brown’s provider number is 143766. ST*834*12345~ BGN*00*12456*19980520*1200****2~ N1*P5**FI*999888777~ N1*IN**FI*654456654~ INS*Y*18*021*20*A***FT~ REF*0F*202443307~ REF*1L*123456001~ DTP*356*D8*19960112~ NM1*IL*1*SMITH*WILLIAM****34*202443307~ PER*IP**HP*7172343334*WP*7172341240~ N3*1715 SOUTHWIND AVENUE~ N4*ANYTOWN*PA*171110000~ DMG*D8*19700614~ HD*021**HMO~ DTP*348*D8*19960601~ LX*01~ NM1*P3*1*BROWN*BERNARD**DR****25~ SE*18*12345~ Business Scenario 4 Add Subscriber Coverage William Smith is adding dental coverage to his contract, which will be effective on 7/1/1996. ST*834*12345~ BGN*00*12456*19980520*1200****2~ REF*38*ABCD012354~ N1*P5**FI*999888777~ N1*IN**FI*654456654~ INS*Y*18*001*22*A***FT~ REF*0F*202443307~ REF*1L*123456001~ NM1*IL*1*SMITH*WILLIAM****ZZ*2024433307~ HD*021**DEN~ DTP*348*D8*19960701~ SE*12*12345~ NOTE: In the previous example, to remove coverage do the following: change the maintenance type code (HD01) from 021 (addition) to 024 (cancellation/termination), and change the date/time qualifier (DTP01) from 348 (benefit begin) to 349 (benefit end). //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 11 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide Business Scenario 5 Change Subscriber Information John Doe is correcting his date of birth. ST*834*12345~ BGN*00*12456*19980520*1200****2~ N1*P5*GENERIC INC~ N1*IN*ABC INSURANCE*FI*654456654~ INS*Y*18*001*25*A***FT~ REF*0F*123456789~ REF*1L*123456001~ NM1*IL*1*DOE*JAMES*E***34*103229876~ DMG*D8*19500415*M~ NM1*70*1*DOE*JAMES*E~ DMG*D8*19500416*M~ SE*12*12345~ Business Scenario 6 Cancel a Dependent John Doe is canceling coverage for his over-age dependent, James, to be effective 8/1/1996. ST*834*12345~ BGN*00*12456*19980520*1200****2~ REF*38*ABCD012354~ N1*P5**FI*999888777~ N1*IN**FI*654456654~ INS*N*19*024*07*A~ REF*0F*123456789~ REF*1L*123456001~ DTP*357*D8*19960801~ NM1*IL*1*DOE*JAMES*E***34*103229876~ DMG*D8*19770816*M~ SE*12*12345~ Business Scenario 7 Terminate Eligibility for a Subscriber The eligibility for John Doe is being canceled because he terminated employment on 10/1/1996. ST*834*12345~ BGN*00*12456*19980520*1200****2~ N1*P5**FI*999888777~ N1*IN**FI*654456654~ INS*Y*18*024*08*A***TE~ REF*0F*123456789~ REF*1L*123456001~ DTP*357*D8*19961001~ NM1*IL*1*DOE*JAMES*E***34*103229876~ SE*10*12345~ //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 12 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide Business Scenario 8 Reinstate an Employee John Doe’s contract was incorrectly canceled and is being reinstated. ST*834*12345~ BGN*00*12456*19980520*1200****2~ REF*38*ABCD012354~ N1*P5**FI*999888777~ N1*IN**FI*654456654~ INS*Y*18*025*20*A***FT~ REF*0F*123456789~ REF*1L*123456001~ DTP*303*D8*19961001~ NM1*IL*1*DOE*JAMES*E***34*103229876~ SE*11*12345~ //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 13 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide Appendix B – Testing Requirements Testing Requirements EDI Trading Partner Testing PacifiCare has adopted the Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI) Strategic National Implementation Process (SNIP) Testing Sub-Workgroups recommendations on the types of testing that need to occur in order to remain in line with the health care industry’s testing recommendations. Initially, the types of testing that PacifiCare strongly recommends for the 834 Transaction Set includes: Type 1: EDI syntax integrity testing – Testing of the EDI file for valid segments, segment order, element attributes, testing for numeric values in numeric data elements, validation of X12 or NCPDP syntax, and compliance with X12 and NCPDP rules. This will validate the basic syntactical integrity of the EDI submission. Type 2: HIPAA syntactical requirement testing – Testing for HIPAA Implementation Guidespecific syntax requirements, such as limits on repeat counts, used and not used qualifiers, codes, elements and segments. Also included in this type is testing for HIPAA required or intra-segment situational data elements, testing for non-medical code sets as laid out in the Implementation Guide, and values and codes noted in the Implementation Guide via an X12 code list or table. Third-Party Certification Systems and Services (TPCSS) TPCSS vendors provide test data and testing services for anyone in need of testing compliance of their HIPAA transactions. PacifiCare requests that Trading Partners test with a TPCSS and provide evidence of such testing. EDI submitters that have tested their 834 Transaction Set with a certification system may provide a certificate of compliance. The certificate should specify the different types of testing passed or provide us with a certification website that indicates you have successfully passed certain types of certification testing. PacifiCare will collect evidence of the Third-Party Certification during the Trading Partner Setup process. //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 14 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide Combined 834 Transaction Set – 004010X095 & 004010X095A1 Combined 834 Transaction Set – 004010X095 & 004010X095A1 Segment Use Page B.3 ISA01 R R Authorization Information Security Information Qualifier ISA02 ISA03 R R Security Information Interchange ID Qualifier ISA04 ISA05 R R Interchange Sender ID ISA06 R Interchange ID Qualifier ISA07 R Interchange Receiver ID Interchange Date Interchange Time Interchange Control Standards Identifier ISA08 ISA09 ISA10 ISA11 R R R R Interchange Control Version Number ISA12 R Interchange Control Number ISA13 R Acknowledgment Requested ISA14 R Usage Indicator ISA15 R Component Element Separator ISA16 R ISA - Interchange Control Header Authorization Information Qualifier GS - Functional Group Header //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 Element R Possible Values Description/Preferred Usage 00 - No Authorization Information Present (No Meaningful Information in I02) 03 - Additional Data Identification B.4 00 - No security information present (No Meaningful Information in I04) 01 - Password Refer to the Combined 834 Transaction Set Implementation Guide for a list of values. This ID qualifies the Sender in ISA06. Preferred Value: 01 Refer to the Combined 834 Transaction Set Implementation Guide for a list of values. This ID qualifies the Receiver in ISA08. Preferred Value: 34698723 B.5 YYMMDD HHMM U - U.S. EDI Community of ASC X12, TDCC, and UCS 00401 - Draft Standards for Trial Use Approved for Publication by ASC X12 Procedures Review Board through October 1997 The interchange Control Number, ISA13, must be identical to the associated Interchange Trailer IEA02. B.6 0 - No Acknowledgment Requested 1 - Interchange Acknowledgment Requested P - Production Data T - Test Data This is the delimiter used to separate component data elements within a composite data structure. B.8 15 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide Combined 834 Transaction Set – 004010X095 & 004010X095A1 Segment Element Use Page Possible Values Description/Preferred Usage Functional Identifier Code GS01 R Application Sender’s Code GS02 R Use this code to identify the unit sending the information. Application Receiver’s Code GS03 R Use this code to identify the unit receiving the information. Preferred Value: 34698723 Date GS04 R Time Group Control Number Responsible Agency Code Version/Release/Industry Identifier Code GS05 GS06 GS07 GS08 R R R R ST - Transaction Set Header Transaction Set Identifier Code Transaction Set Control Number ST01 ST02 R R R 27 27 27 BGN - Beginning Segment Transaction Set Purpose Code BGN01 R R 28 28 Transaction Set Identifier Code BGN02 R 29 Transaction Set Creation Date BGN03 R 29 CCYYMMDD Transaction Set Creation Time BGN04 R 29 HHMM Time Zone Code BGN05 S 29 Refer to the Combined 834 Transaction Set Implementation Guide for a list of values. Transaction Set Identifier Code BGN06 S 31 //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 BE - Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance (834) CCYYMMDD Use this date for the functional group creation date. HHMM Use this time for the creation time. Must be identical to GE02. B.9 X - Accredited Standards Committee X12 004010X095A1 - Draft Standards Approved for Publication by ASC X12 Procedures Review Board through October 1997, as published in the Combined Implementation Guide. 834 Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance Assigned by requester. Must be identical to SE02. 00 - Original 15 - Re-Submission 22 - Information Copy If the original transaction has already been processed, an incoming transaction using this code may be rejected by the receiver. The rejection will be identified to the sender by telephone or direct contact. Transaction Set Identifier Code. Use the transaction set reference number assigned by the sender's application to uniquely identify this occurrence of the transaction for future reference. Transaction Set Creation Date. Use this date to identify the date that the submitter created the file. Transaction Set Creation Time. Use this time to identify the time of day that the submitter created the file. This element is used as a time stamp to uniquely identify the transmission. Time Zone Code. Use this time code if the sender and receiver are not in the same time zone. Transaction Set Identifier Code. If BGN01 equals 15 or 22, then BGN06 should be used to cross reference to the previously sent transaction. 16 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide Combined 834 Transaction Set – 004010X095 & 004010X095A1 Segment Action Code Element Use Page BGN07 BGN08 Not Used R 31 31 BGN09 Not Used S 31 32 REF01 REF02 REF03 thru REF04 R R Not Used 32 33 33 S R 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 36 REF - Transaction Set Policy Number Reference Identification Qualifier Reference Identification DTP - File Effective Date Date/Time Qualifier DTP01 Date Time Period Format Qualifier Date Time Period Loop 1000A - Sponsor Name N1 - Name Entity Identifier Code Name DTP02 DTP03 N101 N102 R R R R R S Identification Code Qualifier N103 R 36 Identification Code N104 N105 thru N106 R Not Used 36 36 37 37 37 38 38 Loop 1000B - Payer N1 - Name Entity Identifier Code Name N101 N102 R R R S Identification Code Qualifier N103 R //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 Possible Values Description/Preferred Usage Not Used 2 - Change (Update) 4 - Verify Not Used Required when the contract or trading partner agreement identifies a Master Policy Number for use with electronic enrollment. 38 - Master Policy Number Master Policy Number Not Used 007 - Effective 303 - Maintenance Effective 382 - Enrollment 388 - Payment Commencement D8 - CCYYMMDD To be sent when required by contract terms. Date Time Qualifier P5 - Plan Sponsor Plan Sponsor Name. This element may be used at the sender's discretion. FI - Federal Taxpayer's Identification Number ZZ - Mutually Defined Sponsor Identifier Not Used IN - Insurer Insurer Name. This element may be used at the sender's discretion. FI - Federal Taxpayer's Identification Number XV - Health Care Financing Administration National PlanID 17 Preferred Value: FI 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide Combined 834 Transaction Set – 004010X095 & 004010X095A1 Segment Identification Code Element N104 N105 thru N106 Loop 1000C - TPA/Broker Name Loop 1100C - TPA/Broker Account Information Loop 2000 - Member Level Detail INS - Insured Benefit Use Page Possible Values Description/Preferred Usage R 38 Insurer Identification Code. Preferred Value: 952931460 Not Used 38 Not Used S S R S 39 41 43 43 Not Used by PacifiCare Not Used by PacifiCare Subscriber information must precede dependent information in a transmission, or the subscriber information must have been submitted to the receiver in a previous transmission. Yes/No Condition or Response Code INS01 R 44 N - No Y - Yes Insured Indicator Individual Relationship Code INS02 R 44 Refer to the Combined 834 Transaction Set Implementation Guide for a list of values. Preferred Values: 01 - Spouse 18 - Self 19 - Child 53 - Life Partner/DP Maintenance Type Code INS03 R 45 001- Change 021 - Addition 024 - Cancellation or Termination 025 - Reinstatement 030 - Audit or Compare Maintenance Reason Code INS04 S 46 Refer to the Combined 834 Transaction Set Implementation Guide for a list of values. Benefit Status Code INS05 R 47 A - Active C - Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) S - Surviving Insured T - Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) Medicare Plan Code INS06 S 48 A - Medicare Part A B - Medicare Part B C - Medicare Part A and B D - Medicare E - No Medicare //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 18 Recommended: To be sent unless the trading partner agreement between the sponsor and payer allow this data element to not be sent. This element is required if a member is being enrolled or disenrolled in Medicare, is currently enrolled in Medicare or has terminated or changed their Medicare enrollment. 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide Combined 834 Transaction Set – 004010X095 & 004010X095A1 Segment Element Use Page Possible Values Description/Preferred Usage Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) Qualifying INS07 S 48 Refer to the Combined 834 Transaction Set Implementation Guide for a list of values. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) Qualifying Event Code. This element is required if a member is being enrolled in or is enrolled for a benefit covered by COBRA. Employment Status Code INS08 S 49 Required for subscriber. Student Status Code INS09 S 49 AO - Active Military - Overseas AU - Active Military - USA FT - Full-time L1 - Leave of Absence PT - Part-time RT - Retired TE - Terminated F - Full-time N - Not a Student P - Part-time Yes/No Condition or Response Code INS10 S 49 N - No Y - Yes Handicap Indicator. Required if the member is handicapped or to correct previous report of handicapped status. Date Time Period Format Qualifier Date Time Period INS11 INS12 S S 50 50 D8 - CCYYMMDD Send when required by X12 syntax. Insured Individual Death Date. Use this date for the date of death of the subscriber/dependent. Not Used 50 Not Used Birth Sequence Number. Required if reporting family members with the same birth date, when needed for proper reporting, tracking or response to benefits. INS13 thru INS16 Only use the Student Status Code when describing a nonspouse dependent whose age requires a qualifying condition for enrollment. Number INS17 S 50 REF - Subscriber Number Reference Identification Qualifier Reference Identification REF01 REF02 R R R 51 52 52 Not Used 52 Not Used S 53 Should be used if the policy or group number applies to all coverage data (all 2300 loops) that apply for this member. R 53 REF03 thru REF04 REF - Member Policy Number Reference Identification Qualifier //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 REF01 0F - Subscriber Number Subscriber Identifier Preferred Value: SSN 1L - Group or Policy Number 19 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide Combined 834 Transaction Set – 004010X095 & 004010X095A1 Segment Reference Identification Element REF02 REF03 thru REF04 REF - Member Identification Number Use Page R 53 Insured Group or Policy Number. Group Number Provided by PacifiCare. Not Used 54 Not Used S 55 Used to pass further identifying information on the member. It should be used if the data is available. Reference Identification Qualifier REF01 R 55 Reference Identification REF02 R 56 Not Used 56 S 57 R R Not Used 57 58 58 S 59 REF03 thru REF04 REF - Prior Coverage Months Reference Identification Qualifier Reference Identification REF01 REF02 REF03 thru REF04 DTP - Member Level Dates Possible Values 17 - Client Reporting Category 23 - Client Number 3H - Case Number 6O - Cross Reference Number DX - Department/Agency Number F6 - Health Insurance Claim (HIC) Number Q4 - Prior Identifier Number ZZ - Mutually Defined Subscriber Supplemental Identifier. DX 2 Digits State Codes supplied by PacifiCare: 25 - Arizona, 26 - Nevada, 28 - Medicare Supplement, 29 PPO, 33 - California, 36 - Washington, 43 - Oregon, 44 Oklahoma, 45 - Texas, 22 - Colorado ZZ PLSN Codes supplied by PacifiCare. Not Used Required when the portability provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act require reporting of the number of months of prior health coverage that meets the certification requirements of the Act. QQ - Unit Number Prior Coverage Month Count Not Used Applicable dates, as listed in DTP01, are required when enrolling a member or when the sponsor is informed of any change to those dates. Only those dates that apply to the particular insurance contract need to be sent. Date/Time Qualifier DTP01 R 59 Refer to the Combined 834 Transaction Set Implementation Guide for a list of values. Date Time Period Format Qualifier DTP02 R 60 D8 - CCYYMMDD //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 Description/Preferred Usage 20 Date Time Qualifier. Preferred Values: 356 - Eligibility Begin 357 - Eligibility End 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide Combined 834 Transaction Set – 004010X095 & 004010X095A1 Segment Element Use Page R R S 60 61 61 Possible Values Description/Preferred Usage Date Time Period Loop 2100A - Member Name NM1 - Individual or Organizational Name DTP03 Entity Identifier Code NM101 R 62 74 - Corrected Insured 1L - Insured or Subscriber Entity Type Qualifier Name Last or Organization Name Name First Name Middle NM102 NM103 NM104 NM105 R R R S 62 62 62 62 1 - Person Name Prefix NM106 S 62 Subscriber Name Prefix. Send if supplied by subscriber. Name Suffix NM107 S 62 Subscriber Name Suffix. Send if supplied by subscriber. Identification Code Qualifier NM108 S 63 Identification Code NM109 S 63 Subscriber Identifier. Until the HIPAA Individual Identifier is available the SSN is to be sent when available and allowed under confidentiality regulations. Preferred Value: SSN - Social Security Number Not Used 63 Not Used S 64 Used when contact information is provided to the sponsor about the member. Communication Number Qualifier PER01 PER02 PER03 R Not Used R 65 65 65 Communication Number PER04 R 65 NM110 thru NM111 PER - Member Communications Numbers Contact Function Code //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 Status Information Effective Date Required when enrolling a new member, changing a member's demographic information, or terminating a member. Preferred Value: 1L - Insured or Subscriber Subscriber Last Name Subscriber First Name Subscriber Middle Name. Send if supplied by subscriber. 34 - Social Security Number ZZ - Mutually Defined Send when required by X12 syntax. Preferred Value: 34 - Social Security Number IP - Insured Party EM - Electronic Mail EX - Telephone Extension FX - Facsimile HP - Home Phone Number TE - Telephone WP - Work Phone Number Not Used Preferred Value: TE - Telephone HP - Home Phone Number Telephone Number 21 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide Combined 834 Transaction Set – 004010X095 & 004010X095A1 Segment Element Use Page Possible Values Communication Number Qualifier PER05 S 65 Communication Number PER06 S 66 Communication Number Qualifier PER07 S 66 Communication Number PER08 S 66 This element should be sent if additional communication numbers are available. PER09 Not Used S 66 67 Not Used Required when enrolling subscriber, when enrolling a dependent and the dependent's address is different from the subscriber and when changing a member's address. R S 67 67 Subscriber Address Line Subscriber Address Line. Required if a second address line exists. S 68 Required when enrolling subscriber, when enrolling a dependent and the dependent's address is different from the subscriber and when changing a member's address. Subscriber City Name Subscriber State Code Subscriber Postal Zone or ZIP Code Required only if country is not USA. Send when required by X12 syntax. N3 - Member Residence Street Address Address Information Address Information N301 N302 N4 - Member Residence City, State, Zip Code City Name State or Province Code Postal Code Country Code Location Qualifier N401 N402 N403 N404 N405 R R R S S 68 68 69 69 69 Location Identifier N406 S 69 S 70 DMG - Member Demographics //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 EM - Electronic Mail EX - Telephone Extension FX - Facsimile HP - Home Phone Number TE - Telephone WP - Work Phone Number Description/Preferred Usage Send when required by X12 syntax. This element should be sent if additional communication numbers are available. EM - Electronic Mail EX - Telephone Extension FX - Facsimile HP - Home Phone Number TE - Telephone WP - Work Phone Number 60 - Area CY - Country/Parish Send when required by X12 syntax. Location Identification Code. This data should only be transmitted when such transmission is required under the insurance contract between the sponsor and payer and allowed by federal and state regulations. Required when enrolling a new member, changing a member's demographic information, or terminating a member. 22 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide Combined 834 Transaction Set – 004010X095 & 004010X095A1 Segment Element Use Page Possible Values Description/Preferred Usage Date Time Period Format Qualifier Date Time Period Gender Code DMG01 DMG02 DMG03 R R R 70 71 71 Marital Status Code DMG04 S 71 Race or Ethnicity Code DMG05 S 72 Refer to the Combined 834 Transaction Set Implementation Guide for a list of values. This data should only be transmitted when such transmission is required under the insurance contract between the sponsor and payer and allowed by federal and state regulations. Citizenship Status Code DMG06 S 72 1 - U.S. Citizen 2 - Non-Resident Alien 3 - Resident Alien 4 - Illegal Alien 5 - Alien 6 - U.S. Citizen - Non-Resident 7 - U.S. Citizen - Resident This data should only be transmitted when such transmission is required under the insurance contract between the sponsor and payer and allowed by federal and state regulations. DMG07 thru Not Used DMG09 D8 - CCYYMMDD Member Birth Date F - Female M - Male U - Unknown Refer to the Combined 834 Transaction Set Implementation Guide for a list of values. This data should only be transmitted when such transmission is required under the insurance contract between the sponsor and payer and allowed by federal and state regulations. 73 Not Used ICM - Member Income S 74 Not Used by PacifiCare AMT - Member Policy Amounts HLH - Member Health Information LUI - Member Language Loop 2100B - Incorrect Member Name Loop 2100C - Member Mailing Address S S S S S 76 77 79 81 86 Not Used by PacifiCare Not Used by PacifiCare Not Used by PacifiCare Not Used by PacifiCare Send this loop if the member has a mailing address different from the residence address sent in loop 2100A. S R R Not Used 86 87 87 87 NM1 - Individual or Organizational Name Entity Identifier Code Entity Type Qualifier NM101 NM102 NM103 thru NM111 31 - Postal Mailing Address 1 - Person Not Used N3 - Member Mail Street Address Address Information Address Information N301 N302 S R S 88 88 88 Send when needed for address in loop 2100C. Subscriber Address Line Subscriber Address Line. Required if a second address line exists. N4 - Member Mail City, State, Zip City Name N401 S R 89 89 Send when needed for address in loop 2100C. Subscriber City Name //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 23 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide Combined 834 Transaction Set – 004010X095 & 004010X095A1 Segment State or Province Code Postal Code Country Code Element N402 N403 N404 N405 thru N406 Loop 2100D - Member Employer Loop 2100E - Member School Loop 2100F - Custodial Parent Loop 2100G - Responsible Person Loop 2200 - Disability Information DSB - Disability Information Disability Type Code DSB01 DSB02 thru DSB06 Use Page R R S Not Used 89 89 90 90 Subscriber State Code Subscriber Postal Zone or ZIP Code Required only if country is not USA. Not Used S S S S S 91 99 107 116 125 Not Used by PacifiCare Not Used by PacifiCare Not Used by PacifiCare Not Used by PacifiCare Use to report a disability of either a subscriber or a dependent within the appropriate 2000 loop. S R 125 125 1 - Short Term Disability 2 - Long Term Disability 3 - Permanent or Total Disability 4 - No Disability Not Used Possible Values Description/Preferred Usage 126 Not Used Product/Service ID Qualifier DSB07 S 126 DX - International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) - Diagnosis Product or Service ID Qualifier. Send when required by X12 syntax. Medical Code Value DSB08 S 126 Diagnosis Code. Use DSB08 to indicate if the reason for disability is ESRD. The only allowed value is 585 - End Stage Renal Disease. S 127 Used to send the first and last date of disability. Date Time Qualifier DTP - Disability Eligibility Dates Date/Time Qualifier DTP01 R 127 360 - Disability Begin 361 - Disability End Date Time Period Format Qualifier DTP02 R 127 D8 - CCYYMMDD Date Time Period DTP03 R 128 Disability Eligibility Date S 129 Required when enrolling a new member or when adding, updating or removing coverage from an existing member. HD01 S R 129 129 Refer to the Combined 834 Transaction Set Implementation Guide for a list of values. HD02 Not Used Loop 2300 - Health Coverage HD - Health Coverage Maintenance Type Code //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 130 Not Used 24 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide Combined 834 Transaction Set – 004010X095 & 004010X095A1 Segment Element Use Page Possible Values Description/Preferred Usage Insurance Line Code HD03 R 130 Refer to the Combined 834 Transaction Set Implementation Guide for a list of values. Plan Coverage Description HD04 S 131 Use this element when additional information is needed by the insurer to describe the exact type of coverage being provided. Coverage Level Code HD05 S 131 Refer to the Combined 834 Transaction Set Implementation Guide for a list of values. This data should only be transmitted when such transmission is required under the insurance contract between the sponsor and payer and allowed by federal and state regulations. 132 Not Used HD06 thru HD11 DTP - Health Coverage Dates Date/Time Qualifier DTP01 Not Used R R 133 133 303 - Maintenance Effective 348 - Benefit Begin 349 - Benefit End 543 - Last Premium Paid Date Date Time Qualifier Date Time Period Format Qualifier Date Time Period AMT - Health Coverage Policy REF - Health Coverage Policy Number DTP02 DTP03 R R S S 134 D8 - CCYYMMDD 134 135 136 Reference Identification Qualifier REF01 R 136 17 - Client Reporting Category 1L - Group or Policy Number ZZ - Mutually Defined Preferred Value: 1L - Insured or Subscriber Reference Identification REF02 R 137 Insured Group or Policy Number. Group Number Provided by PacifiCare. Not Used 137 Not Used S S 138 140 Not Used by PacifiCare Use to provide information about primary care or capitated physicians and pharmacies chosen by the enrollee in a managed care plan when that selection is made through the sponsor. S 140 R 140 REF03 thru REF04 IDC - Identification Card Loop 2310 - Provider Information LX - Assigned Number Assigned Number //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 LX01 Coverage Period Not Used by PacifiCare Used to identify a policy or group number for a particular insurance product if it has not already been identified in either REF02, position 1-030 or REF02, position 2-020. Use this sequential number for LX loops for this insured person. 25 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide Combined 834 Transaction Set – 004010X095 & 004010X095A1 Segment Element Use Page Possible Values Description/Preferred Usage NM1 - Provider Name Entity Identifier Code NM101 R R 141 142 3D - Obstetrics and Gynecology Facility OD - Doctor of Optometry P3 - Primary Care Provider QA - Pharmacy QN - Dentist Y2 - Managed Care Organization Entity Type Qualifier NM102 R 142 1 - Person 2 - Non-Person Entity Name Last or Organization Name NM103 S 142 Name First NM104 S 142 Name Middle NM105 S 142 Provider Middle Name. The name should only be used when the sponsor is not able to provide the standard ID number. Name Prefix NM106 S 142 Provider Name Prefix. The name should only be used when the sponsor is not able to provide the standard ID number. Name Suffix NM107 S 143 Provider Name Suffix. The name should only be used when the sponsor is not able to provide the standard ID number. Identification Code Qualifier NM108 S 143 34 - Social Security Number FI - Federal Taxpayer's Identification Number SV - Service Provider Number XX - Health Care Financing Administration National Provider Identifier Identification Code NM109 S 143 Provider Identifier. Required when available to the sponsor and transmission is not prohibited by local, state, or Federal law. Entity Relationship Code NM110 R 143 25 - Established Patient 26 - Not Established Patient 72 - Unknown This element indicates whether or not the member is an existing patient of the provider. NM111 Not Used S 143 144 Not Used To be sent when required in the insurance contract between the sponsor and the payer. R 144 Member City Name N4 - Provider City, State, ZIP Code City Name //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 N401 Preferred Value: P3 - Primary Care Provider Provider Last or Organization Name. The name should only be used when the sponsor is not able to provide the standard ID number. Provider First Name. The name should only be used when the sponsor is not able to provide the standard ID number. 26 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide Combined 834 Transaction Set – 004010X095 & 004010X095A1 Segment Element Use State or Province Code Postal Code Country Code Location Qualifier N402 N403 N404 N405 R R S S Location Identifier N406 S PER - Provider Communications Numbers Contact Function Code Page Possible Values Description/Preferred Usage 144 145 145 145 60 - Area CY - Country/Parish RJ - Region 145 Member State Name Member Postal Zone of Zip Code Required only if country is not USA. Send when required by X12 syntax. 146 147 IC - Information Contact 147 147 EM - Electronic Mail EX - Telephone Extension FX - Facsimile HP - Home Phone Number TE - Telephone WP - Work Phone Number 147 147 EM - Electronic Mail EX - Telephone Extension FX - Facsimile HP - Home Phone Number TE - Telephone WP - Work Phone Number To be sent when available. Location Identification Code. This data should only be transmitted when such transmission is required under the insurance contract between the sponsor and payer and allowed by federal and state regulations. Communication Number Qualifier PER01 PER02 PER03 S R Not Used R Communication Number Communication Number Qualifier PER04 PER05 R S Communication Number PER06 S 147 This element should be sent if additional communication numbers are available. Communication Number Qualifier PER07 S Send when required by X12 syntax. Communication Number PER08 S 148 EM - Electronic Mail EX - Telephone Extension FX - Facsimile HP - Home Phone Number TE - Telephone WP - Work Phone Number 148 PER09 Not Used S S 148 149 151 Not Used Not Used by PacifiCare Not Used by PacifiCare PLA - PCP Change Reason Loop 2320 - Coordination of Benefits //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 27 Not Used Send when required by X12 syntax. This element should be sent if additional communication numbers are available. 10/08/03 PacifiCare Health Systems – 834 Transaction Companion Guide Combined 834 Transaction Set – 004010X095 & 004010X095A1 Segment SE - Transaction Set Header Number of Included Segments Transaction Set Control Number IEA - Interchange Control Trailer Number of Included Functional Groups Interchange Control Number GE - Functional Group Trailer Number of Transaction Sets Included Group Control Number //HIPAA/DSR/Comp Guides/834 Element SE01 SE02 IEA01 IEA02 GE01 GE02 Use Page R R 159 159 R R R R R R R 159 B.7 Possible Values Description/Preferred Usage Transaction Segment Count. Assigned by requester. Must be identical to ST02. A control number assigned by the interchange sender. B.10 Assigned number originated and maintained by the sender. Must be identical to GS06. 28 10/08/03