Roles & Responsibilities - Attorney

Individuals are responsible for ensuring that they comply with the
requirements of Attorney General’s Department and State Procurement Board
policies and guidelines in respect of any procurement activities. This
obligation includes ensuring compliance with Treasurer’s Instructions and
other government requirements as are relevant and/or necessary.
Individuals with a procurement or financial authorisation are responsible for
ensuring that they comply with the conditions and limits associated with that
delegation at all times.
Business Unit Heads
Business Unit Heads are responsible for ensuring all procurement activities
within their area of responsibility are conducted in a manner consistent with
the requirements of Attorney General’s Department and State Procurement
Board policies and guidelines and such other requirements as are relevant
and/or necessary.
Procurement Services
The role of the Procurement Services is to:
provide advice and assistance to enable business units to fulfil their
obligations with respect to low value simple procurement activities (up to
to review and approve mid range procurement acquisition plans and
purchase recommendations (between $55,000 and $220,000);
manage procurement processes for complex and high value
procurement activities in consultation with relevant agencies (greater
than $220,000);
identify opportunities to improve procurement and contract management
systems and processes across the Attorney-General's Department and
to leverage procurement activities to increase value for money; and
ensure compliance with State Procurement Board reporting and
compliance requirements.
Reviewed: 29/01/2013
Procurement Governance Committee
Chief Executive, Attorney-Generals Department, has established the PGC
that provides over-arching strategic directions for procurement across AGD.
The key role and responsibilities of the AGD Procurement Governance
Committee (PGC) is to:
monitoring and reviewing aspects of agency purchasing to ensure
consistency with broader government policy objectives;
set across-AGD procurement policy directions which are in-line with
SPB policies and guidelines;
review procurement process taken for significant projects and ensure
the prescribed process was followed
approve significant (valued at above $1.1 million) agency procurement
initiatives and projects, in line with its accredited procurement
authorisation (interim accreditation will be up to $4.4 million);
Satisfy the reporting requirements of the SPB. These include the
development of forward procurement plans that:
facilitate across-government planning;
identify industry opportunities; and
Target opportunities to consolidate purchasing across AGD.
oversee the collection, analysis and distribution of information that will
help develop procurement strategy at the AGD and across-government
levels; and
Receive regular reports on the progress of major procurement projects.
Chief Executive, Attorney-General’s Department
The AGD Chief Executive receives a procurement delegation from the State
Procurement Board for the whole Department. The Chief Executive is
responsible for ensuring that procurement operations for the whole
Department are conducted in a manner consistent with State Procurement
Board policies and guidelines.
The Chief Executive may provide sub-delegations to officers within the
abrogated Portfolio at specified monetary limits. Sub-delegations can be
subject to certain conditions.
Reviewed: 29/01/2013
State Procurement Board
The State Procurement Act 2004 established the State Procurement Board
(the Board) to oversee procurement operations for public authorities.
The role of the State Procurement Board is to:
To facilitate strategic procurement by government agencies by setting
the strategic direction of procurement practices across government;
To develop, issue and keep under review policies, principles and
guidelines relating to the procurement operations of government
To develop, issue and keep under review standards for procurement by
government agencies using electronic procurement systems;
To investigate and keep under review levels of compliance with the
Board's procurement policies, principles, guidelines, standards and
directions; and
To assist in the development and delivery of training and development
courses and activities relevant to the procurement operations of
government agencies.
The Board must have regard and seek to further the object of that Act by
advancing government priorities and objectives by a system of procurement
for government agencies directed towards:
Obtaining value for money in the expenditure of Government funds;
Providing for ethical and fair treatment of participants; and
Ensuring probity, accountability and transparency in procurement
Reviewed: 29/01/2013