science core curriculum guide

8th Grade Theme: Systems
Unit 8-IIIa
Unit Question: How Does Our Body System Work?
Focus Question: How do you determine if something is living?
NATIONAL STANDARD and Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Level
All organisms must be able to obtain and use resources, grow, reproduce,
and maintain stable internal conditions while living in a constantly
changing external environment. Organisms, including plants, respond to
internal changes and to external stimuli, (2)
Key Concepts
Organism, cell, unicellular, multicellular, stimulus, response, development,
homeostasis, spontaneous generation, autotrophs, heterotrophs, bacteria, virus
Plants do respond to stimuli, Bacteria are living organisms, Viruses are not living
Cross Curricular Connections:
ELA: Writing Explanations; Math: Measuring Diameter; Career Pathways: Disease Investigator (Text: Prentice Hall From Bacteria to Plants pp.
x-3), Doctor, Nurse, Pharmacist
Weeks 9-18
1. Determine prior knowledge/student understanding of HSCE. (Pre-Assessment Item(s))
2. Identify characteristics that all living things share.
 Text: Prentice Hall Science Explorer Bacteria to Plants pp. 6-11, Discover Activity p. 6, Lab Zone Try This Activity p. 8, Lab Zone
Teacher Demo p. 10 TE
 Go Online: Active Art p. 10
 All in One Teaching Resource: What is Life? P. 47-50
 Presentation Express- Life Science/Living Things/What is Life? – Video
3. Determine how plants respond to stimuli.
 Text: Prentice Hall Science Explorer Bacteria to Plants pp. 160-164, Discover Activity p. 160, At Home Activity p. 164
 All In One Teaching Resource: Plant Response and Growth p. 310
Identify what living things need to survive.
 Text: Prentice Hall Science Explorer Bacteria to Plants pp. 12-14,
 All in One Teaching Resource: What is Life? (Review and Reinforce) p. 51
 Transparency: A9
Describe components of the basic structure of a virus.
 Text: Prentice Hall Science Explorer Bacteria to Plants pp. 42- 43, Lab Zone Build Inquiry p. 42
 Transparency A12
 Presentation Express: Life Science, Bacteria and Virus Active Art (also on web code cep-1021)
 All In One Teaching Resource: Viruses (Review and Reinforce) p. 113
6. Name and describe structures, shapes and sizes of a bacterial cell.
 Text: Prentice Hall Science Explorer Bacteria to Plants pp. 48-50
 Transparency: A15
 All in One Teaching Resource: Bacteria (Guided Reading) pp. 119-121, Bacteria (Review and Reinforce) p. 122
Have students describe the most unusual living thing they have
seen. Ask students to write in their journal: What did it look
like? Where did it live? What was so unusual about it? (p. 6
Preteach – Build Background Knowledge)
Text: Prentice Hall Science Explorer Bacteria to Plants:
Reading checkpoints pp. 9, 11, 14
Math Skills p.42
Section 1 Assessment pp. 14
Lab Zone Build Inquiry pp. 11TE
Monitor Progress pp. 11TE
Create a Foldable, or Graphic Organizer, or Thinking Map comparing
living and non-living organisms and bacteria/viruses
Lab Zone Skills Lab pp. 15.
CPS (quick 5 question review, T/F, multiple choice, verbal, Exam view)
8th Grade Theme: Systems
Unit 8-IIIb
Unit Question: How Does Our Body System Work?
Focus Question: What are the levels of organization in our body?
HSCE and Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Level
L2.p1D Explain how the systems in a multi-cellular organism work together
to support the organism. (DOK 2)
Key Concepts
Cell, cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, tissue, muscle tissue, nervous tissue,
connective tissue, epithelial tissue, organ, organ system, homeostasis, stress
Cross Curricular Connections:
ELA: Writing Explanations; Career Connections: Internal Medicine Doctor
Weeks 9-18
Identify levels of organization in the human body.
a. Text: Prentice Hall Human Biology and Health pp. 4-9
b. All in One Teaching Resource: Graphic Organizer: pp. 47-50 “Body Organization and Homeostasis”
c. Transparency: D1
8. Describe how human body systems maintain homeostasis.
 Text Prentice Hall Human Biology and Health pp. 10-11
 All in One Teaching Resource: Review and Reinforcement “Body Organization and Homeostasis” pp.
 Website: web code: scn-0411
Reading Checkpoints pp. 7, 8, 11
How does the body maintain a constant internal
Section 1 Assessment pp. 11
Writing in Science pp. 11
Building Inquiry p. 8 (use Flex/Cam or slides w/ microscope);
Create drawings and label parts
Create a Foldable, or Graphic Organizer, or Thinking Map
comparing cells, tissues and organs.
Create a model or diagram showing how the body maintains a
constant temperature.
CPS (quick 5 question review, T/F, multiple choice, verbal,
Exam view)
8th Grade Theme: Systems
Unit 8-IIIc
Unit Question: How Does Our Body System Work?
Focus Question: How does Our Body Maintain a Stable Environment?
HSCE and Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Level
B2.3d Identify the general functions of the major systems of the human body
(digestion, respiration, reproduction, circulation, excretion, protection from
disease, and movement, control, and coordination) and describe ways that
these systems interact with each other. (1)
Key Concepts
Digestion, circulation, respiration, endocrine, reproduction, skeletal, muscular,
nervous, excretion, transport, growth, repair.
Body systems interaction between each other.
Cross Curricular Connections:
ELA: Writing Explanations; Math: Calculating comparisons using fractions, reading/interpreting graphs, calculating surface area; Career
Pathways: pp. xii – 3 A Steely Athletic Trainer, Cardiologist, Urologist, Hematologist, Nutritionist ; Multicultural Connection: pp. 100 – Charles
Weeks 9-18
9. Identify general functions of the skeletal system and describe ways in which it interacts with the muscular system.
d. Text: Prentice Hall Human Biology and Health pp. 12-19, Discover Activity “Hard as a Rock?” pp. 12
e. Website: Go Online “Active Art” pp. 14
f. All in One Teaching Resource: Guided Reading and Study “The Skeletal System” pp.
g. Transparency: D2
h. Science Explorer Video Explorations: “Bones, Muscles, and Skin” (Time 8:22)
10. Identify the types of muscles found in the body and the general function of the muscular system.
 Text Prentice Hall Human Biology and Health pp. 24-29, Discover Activity “How do muscles work?” pp. 24, Skills Lab “A
Look Beneath the Skin” pp. 29
 All in One Teaching Resource: Guided Reading and Study “The Muscular System” pp. 70-71
11. Describe the general function of the digestive system.
a. Text: Prentice Hall Human Biology and Health pp. 60-65, Discover Activity “How Can You Speed Up” pp. 60, Analyzing
Data pp. 64, At Home Activity pp. 65
b. Science Explorer Video Explorations: “Food and Digestion” (Field Trip)
c. Transparency: D16
d. All in One Teaching Resource: Guided Reading and Study “The Digestive Process Begins” pp. 133-135
e. Website: web code:scn-0423
12. Describe the digestive processes that occur in the small intestine and how other digestive organs are involved.
i. Text: Prentice Hall Human Biology and Health pp. 68-71, Discover Activity pp. 68, Lab Zone Try This Activity “Break Up!”
pp. 69 Build Inquiry pp. 70 of the TE
j. Website: Go Online pp. 70 Web Code: ced-4024
k. All in One Teaching Resource: Guided Reading and Study “Final Digestion and Absorption” pp. 143-144
13. Describe the structure and functions of arteries, capillaries, and veins as a part of the circulatory (cardiovascular) system.
a. Text: Prentice Hall Human Biology and Health pp. pp. 77-90, Chapter Project “Travels of a Red Blood Cell” pp. 77, Discover
Activity “How Hard Does Your Heart Work?” pp. 78, Lab Zone Build Inquiry “Interpreting Pulse Data” pp. 82TE, Lab Zone
Skills Activity “Creating Data Tables” pp.82, Discover Activity “How Does Pressure Affect Blood Flow?” pp. 85, Math Skills
“Calculating a Rate” pp. 87, Lab Zone Teacher Demo “Observing Diffusion” pp. 87TE,
b. All in One Teaching Resource: Guided Reading and Study “The Body’s Transport System” pp. 181-183, “A Closer Look at
Blood Vessels” pp. 188-189
c. Transparency D21, 22, 25, 26
d. Web site: Go Online pp 80 Active Art Web Code: cep-4031
14. Describe the components of blood. Identify the structures and functions of the lymphatic system.
a. Text: Prentice Hall Human Biology and Health pp. 91-97, Discover Activity “What Kind of Cells are in Blood?” pp. 91, Lab
Zone Teacher Demo “Modeling Plasma” pp. 93TE
b. All in One Teaching Resource: Guided Reading and Study “Blood and Lymph” pp. 196-198
c. Transparency: D27
15. Describe some of the contributions African-Americans and other minorities have made in cardiovascular health.
a. Text Prentice Hall Human Biology and Health pp. 100 (*Dr. Charles Drew)
16. Describe the general functions of the respiratory system.
a. Text: Prentice Hall Human Biology and Health pp. 111-121, Discover Activity pp. 112, Math Analyzing Data: “The Air You
Breathe” pp. 113, Math Skills “Surface Area” pp. 118, Lab Zone-Skills Lab “A Breath of Fresh Air” pp. 121
b. Science Explorer Video Explorations: “Respiration and Excretion” (Preview, Field Trip)
c. Transparency D31, 33
d. All in One Teaching Resource: Guided Reading and Study “The Respiratory System” pp. 241-245
e. Go Online pp 119 Active Art Web Code: cep-4041
17. Explain how excretion contributes to homeostasis.
a. Text: Prentice Hall Human Biology and Health pp. 127-131, Discover Activity pp. 127 “How Does Filtering a Liquid Change
the Liquid?”, Lab Zone Skills Activity “Classifying” pp.128
b. All in One Teaching Resource: Guided Reading and Study “The Excretory System” pp. 259-261
18. Describe the function of the male and female reproductive system.
a. Text: Prentice Hall Human Biology and Health pp. 219, 224-231, Discover Activity “What’s the Big Difference?” pp. 224, Lab
Zone: Build Inquiry pp. 227TM, Math Analyzing Data pp. 230
b. All in One Teaching Resource: Chapter Project “A Precious Bundle”, Guided Reading and Study, Review and Reinforce, and
Enrich “The Male and Female Reproductive Systems” pp.
c. Transparencies: D62, 63, 64, 65
d. Website: Web code: scn-0472
*Alternate units: Laser Disc using Minorities in Science featuring Dr. Charles Drew
*Optional Resources: ;
Feel the bones beneath your skin and draw a picture.
Brainstorm what they know about bones in their journal using the “K” of
KWL. Have students put their questions in the “L” portion.
How many bones are in each finger? Hand?
Reading Checkpoints pp. 13, 15, 16, 18.
Ask students to describe what they think happens after they eat a particular
food item.
Teacher Demo pp. 62 TE – Action of Enzymes
Try This Activity pp. 63 – Modeling Peristalsis
Display a map of a subway, bus, train, or local highway system. Have
students write in journals: What is the function of this transportation system?
Have students copy and review the scoring rubric for the chapter project on
pp. 77
Have student explain what blood is in their journals.
Write the headings Plasma, Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, and
Platelets on the board. Have students work in pairs to list characteristics of
each and state the function of each.
Draw a diagram of how a zygote is formed and how it has 46 chromosomes.
Reading Checkpoints pp. 225, 227, 229, 230
Skills Activity pp. 229
Compare and display drawings in groups and with the whole class.
Create a KWL chart to post and address during the section.
Section 2 Assessment questions pp. 19
At Home Activity pp. 19
Review and Reinforce worksheet “The Muscular System”
As students read the section, have them write 5-10 questions about the
muscular system and exchange questions with partners to answer them.
Create a Foldable, Graphic Organizer, or Thinking Map comparing body
Create a model or diagram of showing how the bones and muscles work
Design and conduct an investigation that demonstrates an understanding of how
body systems interact.
Write an explanation: How do body systems like the respiratory and
circulatory systems work together?
Review figure 14 pp. 61 “The Digestive System” and discuss orally.
Writing in Science pp. 71 “Sequencing of Events”.
Review and Assessment pp. 73-74 (# 1-5, 9, 10, 15, 16, 20)
Section 1 Assessment pp. 84
Review and Reinforcement “The Body’s Transport System”
Review and Assessment pp. 107-108 (# 1-5, 7-9, 13-15, 18, 19, 21, 22)
Write an explanation: Describe what happens when the body needs more
oxygen in order to function properly.
Lab Zone Build Inquiry - Perspiration pp. 130TE
Section 2 Assessment pp. 231
Writing in Science pp. 231
Thinking Maps – Double Bubble, Flowcharts
CPS (quick 5 question review, T/F, multiple choice, verbal, Exam view)
8th Grade Theme: Systems
Unit 8-IIId
Unit Question: How Does Our Body System Work?
Focus Question: How Can We Prevent or Treat Diseases?
HSCE and Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Level
B2.3C Explain how stability is challenged by changing physical, chemical,
and environmental, conditions as well as the presence of disease agents.
(DOK 1)
Key Concepts
Infectious disease, toxin, antibiotic, antibiotic resistance, vaccine, pathogen,
inflammatory response, phagocyte, lymphocyte, T Cell, B Cell, antigen,
antibody, HIV, AIDS, immunity, active immunity, passive immunity, vaccine,
antibiotic, vaccination, tumor, carcinogen
Cross Curricular Connections:
ELA: Writing Explanations; Math: analyzing data (reading graphs, calculating) Career Connections: Immunologist, Center for Disease Control
Weeks 9-18
19. List the kinds of pathogens that cause infectious disease.
l. Text: Prentice Hall Human Biology and Health pp. 141-142
m. Presentation Express: “Fighting Disease-Infectious Diseases”
20. List four ways that infectious diseases can spread.
 Text: Prentice Hall Human Biology and Health pp. 143-144, Lab Zone Discover Activity pp. 140, Lab Zone Skills Activity pp.
 All-in-One Teaching Resource: Enrich: Infectious Disease pp.
21. Describe how to prevent infectious diseases from spreading.
 Text: Prentice Hall Human Biology and Health pp. 146, 154-155, 158, Lab Zone-Skills Lab pp. 152-153, Discover Activity pp.
 Web site: Go Online pp. 156 Web Code: ced-4053
22. Describe treatments available for bacterial and viral diseases.
 Text: Prentice Hall Human Biology and Health pp. 156-157, Writing in Science pp. 157
 All-in-One: Review and Reinforcement “Preventing Infectious Disease”
 Lab Zone Build Inquiry pp. 157TE
23. Explain how the immune system responds to pathogens.
 Text: Prentice Hall Human Biology and Health pp. 147-150, Discover Activity pp. 145
 All-in-One: Enrich “Preventing Infectious Disease”
 Web site: Go Online pp. 149 Web Code: cep-4052
 Transparency: D42, D43, D44, D47
24. Identify carcinogens found in the environment and effects of cancer on the body.
 Text: Prentice Hall Human Biology and Health pp. 162-169 Discover Activity pp. 166, Math Analyzing Data pp. 168
 Web site: Go Online pp. 168 Web code: scn-0455
 Transparency D46
 All-In-One Teaching Resource: Review and Reinforcement, Enrich: “Cancer and the Environment”
25. Determine mastery of HSCE (post assessment item(s)).
Video Explorations “Fighting Disease”
Reading Checkpoints pp. 163, 167, 169
Short Essay: Would you support a ban on smoking in
restaurants, bars, and casinos? Explain why or why not.
Target Reading Skill pp. 166 – Relating Cause and Effect
Section 2 Assessment pp. 151
Writing in Science pp. 151
Section 3 Assessment pp. 158
Performance Assessment pp. 158TE
Section 5 Assessment pp. 169
At Home Activity pp. 169
Lab Zone Build Inquiry pp. 169TE
Create a Foldable, or Graphic Organizer, or Thinking detailing
the effects of environmental carcinogens on the body.
CPS (quick 5 question review, T/F, multiple choice, verbal,
Exam view)