FUNGI ONLA Name____________________________ ONLA 18.1 Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A. Activity 1. What is the body of most fungi made of? 2. What kind of fungi are you watching grow in this activity? 3. How many minutes does the video show? 4. How many millimeters does the fungus grow during this time? 5. How do you calculate growth rate? ________________ / _____________________ 6. What is the growth rate of this fungus? ____________________ mm / min 7. What is wrong with the answer the computer gives? B. Questions 1. Your estimate of bread mold hyphae growth is in millimeters per minute. (USE CORRECT NUMBERS!!!) How much would these hyphae grow per hour? Assuming this rate of growth remains steady, how much would the hyphae grow in one day? In one week? 2. Hyphae are growing outward in all directions, forming a circle. The area of a circle is calculated by the formula: pi × r2 (r squared). Using 3.14 for pi and your calculation from Question 1, figure out how many square millimeters the hyphal mat covers at the end of one day of growth. Remember that "r" stands for radius. As an extra challenge, try to think of a common object that is about this size. 3. What is the function of the hyphal mat? 4. Recall the function of hyphae in a fungus, and explain the significance of the growth rate you calculated Page 2 A. Activity 1. What does Pilobolus do? 2. Sketch and label the Pilobolus in this video: 3. Where are the Pilobolus spores located? B. Questions 1. The Pilobolus sporangium sticks to the surface of grass blades when it lands. How does this help it to disperse? 2. How does propelling the Pilobolus sporangia beyond the dung pile help the fungi to disperse? ONLA 18.2 A. Activity 1. How are fungi classified into 4 groups? B. Questions 1. List the "common" names of the four groups of fungi: 2. Based on the images, to which group of fungi do "toadstools" belong? Page 2 A. Activity 1. Where to the zygote fungi typically grow? 2. What is the name of the family of zygote fungi? 3. What is another name for Rhizopus? 4. Describe the habitat of the zygote fungi: B. Questions 1. What are some examples of fungi that you are most likely to encounter growing on old fruit or bread in your kitchen? 2. When zygote fungi grow in a rich environment, they tend to rapidly reproduce by asexual reproduction. Under what environmental conditions do zygote fungi reproduce sexually? How might this be an advantage? Page 3 A. Activity 1. What are examples of sac fungi? 2. What are the valued for? 3. What is the range of sizes you will find among this group? 4. What are the fruiting bodies called? B. Questions 1. List two members of the sac fungi group that are used in cooking 2. The sac fungi are named for the ascus. What is the function of an ascus? 3. Describe how sac fungi differ from zygote fungi. Page 4 A. Activity 1. What is another name for the club fungi? 2. Describe how a fairy ring grows and how fast mushrooms can sprout up from them: B. Questions 1. You've come across a mushroom fairy ring that has a radius of about five meters. Assume that the hyphae can grow up to 30 cm per year. About how old is the underlying fungus? 2. Describe a habitat where you would expect to find a diversity of club fungi. 3. Describe how club fungi differ from sac fungi Page 5 A. Activity 1. What are single celled fungi? 2. What is the scientific name of brewer’s yeast? 3. How have humans used yeast and for how long? 4. What did the yeast on the grapes accidentally start? B. Questions 1. What are two ways that yeasts reproduce asexually? 2. What are some human uses of yeasts? Page 6 A. Activity 1. What is example 1? 2. What is example 2? 3. What is example 3? 4. What is example 4? ONLA 18.3 A. Activity 1. What is a mutualistic relationship? 2. What is a lichen made up of? 3. What are lichens sensitive to? 4. What is mycorrhizae made up of? 5. How is the plant helped by this fungi? B. Questions 1. Mycorrhizae fungi grow symbiotically with plant roots and occupy a lot of surface area. How might this help a plant? Page 2 A. Activity 1. List one fact about each picture: i. Mushrooms iii. Blue Cheese ii. Ringworm iv. The book B. Questions 1. Fungi generally require moist environments for growth. Why are film archives stored in cool, dry vaults? 2. Why is it a good idea to wear rubber sandals in public showers?