What's the Matter? Vocabulary Vocabulary Word Definition 1. matter

What’s the Matter? Vocabulary
Vocabulary Word
1. matter
Anything that has mass and takes up space
2. atom
The smallest particle of an element
3. element
A pure substance that cannot be broken down into any other substances;
made up of only one type of atom
4. molecule
Created when two or more atoms join together. A molecule can be made
up of two or more atoms of the same element (like Hydrogen gas = 2
atoms of Hydrogen) or two or more atoms of different elements joining
together (like water = 2 atoms of Hydrogen and 1 atom of Oxygen)
5. compound
Created when two or more atoms of different elements join together
*all compounds are molecules, but not all molecules are compounds
6. expand
To get larger in size, volume or quantity; when atoms gain heat energy,
they move faster and spread out
7. particles
A very small piece of a part, a tiny portion or speck
8. thermal energy
Heat energy; the motion of molecules in a substance
9. vibrate
A rapid, back and forth motion
10. solid
Particles are closely packed together and vibrate in place; has definite
shape and volume; when heat is added, a solid can become a liquid