
Anatomy & Physiology
Unit 4: Skeletal System
Study Guide
Name __________________________
Date_______________ Period___
Skeletal System Study Guide
Match each structure with its function.
1. _____ epiphysis
2. _____ articular cartilage
3. _____ diaphysis
4. _____ periosteum
5. _____ medullary cavity
A. contains the yellow bone marrow
B. formed of hyaline cartilage; found on the
ends of long bones
C. tough fibrous connective tissue covering for
D. expanded end of long bone
E. shaft of long bone
Match each bone cell type to its function.
6. _____ osteoclast
7. _____ osteoblast
8. _____ osteocyte
A. break down bone and deposit calcium and
phosphate into blood
B. mature bone cells
C. bone forming cells which secrete the
calcium phosphate matrix
9. Describe each of the following functions.
A. Support
B. Protection
C. Movement
D. Blood production
E. Store minerals
10. What type of bone makes up the outside of the diaphysis?
11. The epiphyseal plate is the site of bone _____________________.
12. Bone Marrow:
A. What is the function of red marrow?
B. Where is it found?
C. What is yellow marrow?
D. Where is it found?
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Anatomy & Physiology
Unit 4: Skeletal System
Study Guide
13. A bone's shape makes possible its function; bony processes or grooves indicate places of
attachment for __________________________.
14. Describe the intercellular matrix of bone:
15. Cancellous bone:
A. Unlike compact bone, the osteocytes and intercellular material in spongy bone are not
arranged around central canals. Rather, they are irregularly arranged and form cross
connections called ______________________
16. Where is cancellous bone found?
17. Compact bone:
A. In compact bone, osteocytes and intercellular material are organized into columns called
__________________________ that are cemented together.
B. Central canals contain blood vessels and nerve fibers, and extend in what direction through
C. Central canals are interconnected by ____________________________.
18. Where is compact bone found?
19. Describe the process of intramembranous bone formation:
20. Endochondral bone formation:
A. These bones first develop from _____________________ models and are then replaced
with bone.
B. Cartilage tissue is invaded by ______________________ and osteoblasts that first form
spongy bone at the primary ossification center in the diaphysis.
C. _______________________ beneath the periosteum lay down compact bone outside the
spongy bone.
D. _________________________ ossification centers appear later in the epiphyses.
E. A band of hyaline cartilage, the ____________________________, forms between the two
ossification centers.
F. Layers of cartilage cells undergoing mitosis make up the epiphyseal plate.
G. _____________________ break down the calcified matrix and are replaced with bonebuilding _____________________ that deposit bone in place of calcified cartilage.
H. Epiphyseal plates are responsible for ______________________ bones while increases in
___________________are due to intramembranous ossification underneath the periosteum.
I. A medullary cavity forms in the region of the diaphysis due to the activity of the cells called
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Anatomy & Physiology
Unit 4: Skeletal System
Study Guide
21. Put the steps in the repair of a fracture in the correct order.
1. bony callus
2. callus
3. clot
4. remodeling
22. Describe how parathyroid hormone and calcitonin regulate blood calcium levels.
Match each description with its fracture type:
23. _____ Broken ends of bone pierce skin.
24. _____ Bone breaks into several fragments.
25. _____ Broken ends of bone are wedged into each other.
26. _____ Bone is broken longitudinally but not separated into two parts.
27. _____ Broken bone does not pierce the skin.
28. Which bone(s) make(s) up your “cheek bones?”
29. Which two bones form the nasal septum?
30. Which bone(s) form(s) the hard palate?
31. Which bones form the zygomatic arch?
32. Which two bones contain the teeth?
33. What is the drum shaped part of the vertebrae called that supports the weight of the head and
34. What is the name of the two lateral processes on vertebrae?
35. What is their function?
36. What is the name of the process on the dorsal aspect of vertebrae?
37. What is the name of the hole that contains the spinal cord?
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Anatomy & Physiology
Unit 4: Skeletal System
Study Guide
38. Name the 1st two vertebrae (which is 1st & which is 2nd):
39. How can you tell the cervical vertebrae from the rest of them?
40. What distinguishes the thoracic vertebrae from the rest?
41. How many lumbar vertebrae are there?
42. What is unique about the sacral vertebrae?
43. What is the anatomical name for the tail bone?
44. What is the function of the thoracic cage?
45. What are the three kinds of ribs (names, how many, location, etc.)?
46. Name the three parts of the sternum:
47. Which bones make up the pectoral girdle?
48. Which bones make up the upper limb?
49. Which bones make up the pelvic girdle?
50. Which bones make up the lower limb?
51. ________________ joints are held close together by dense connective tissue and are immovable
(sutures of skull) or only slightly movable (joint between the distal tibia and fibula).
52. Hyaline cartilage or disks of fibrocartilage unite the bones in ___________________________
A. Give two examples of this kind of joint.
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Anatomy & Physiology
Unit 4: Skeletal System
Study Guide
53. Most joints of the skeleton are ____________________ joints, which are more complex than
fibrous or cartilaginous joints.
54. What feature characterizes synovial joints?
A. Distinguish between a joint cavity and joint capsule:
B. What is the relationship between a synovial membrane and synovial fluid?
C. Describe the functions of each.
D. What is the relevance of bursa?
i. What is an inflammation of these sacs called?
55. A _________________ joint consists of a bone with a globular or egg-shaped head articulating
with the cup-shaped cavity of another bone; a very wide range of motion is possible.
A. Give two examples of this type of joint.
56. A ______________________joint consists of an ovoid condyle fitting into an elliptical
cavity, also permitting a variety of motions.
A. Give an example of this type of joint.
57. ________________joints occur where articulating surfaces are nearly flat or slightly curved,
allowing a back-and-forth motion.
A. Give two examples of this type of joint.
58. In a __________________joint a convex surface fits into a concave surface movement is in one
plane only.
A. Give several examples of this type of joint.
59. In a ______________ joint, a cylindrical surface rotates within a ring of bone and fibrous tissue.
A. List two examples of this type.
60. A _________________ joint forms where articulating surfaces have both concave and convex
areas, permitting a wide range of movements.
A. Name one example of this type.
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Anatomy & Physiology
Unit 4: Skeletal System
Study Guide
Match each description with its movement type.
61. Movement of a body part around its own axis.
62. Movement of a body part toward the midline.
63. Movement of a body part that increases joint angle.
64. Rotation of lower arm so that palm is downward.
65. Turning the foot so that the sole is inward.
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