
Name ____________________ Period _______
Accelerated Biology
The Reproductive and Endocrine Systems
Reproduction Review Sheet
Reproductive Strategies
1. Explain the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction.
2. What are some advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction?
3. What are some advantages and disadvantages of sexual reproduction?
Explain the difference between internal and external fertilization and development.
What are two advantages of internal fertilization and development?
What is the time from fetilization to birth called?
Complete the table below that compares the male and female gametes; the egg and sperm.
When they are
Sections 42.1 and 42.2 Hormones and The Major Endorine Glands
8. Explain the role of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland in reproduction.
9. What are hormones? Describe what they do and how they travel.
10. What is positive feedback? Provide an example.
11. What is negative feedback? Provide an example.
Section 43.1: Male Reproductive System
12. Write the name of each structure next to the line and give the function!
Write the correct term from the list below in the space next to its definition.
prostate gland
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seminiferous tubules
seminal vesicles
vas deferens
produces a sugar–rich fluid that sperm use for energy
long tube that connects the epididymis to the urethra
the gamete–producing organs of the male reproductive system
secretes an alkaline fluid that neutralizes acids in female
reproductive system
a mixture of exocrine secretions and sperm
site within testes where sperm are produced
male organ that deposits sperm in the female reproductive
system during sexual intercourse
site where sperm cells mature and are stored
common passageway for semen and urine to exit the body
allows the testes to sit outside the body where the temperature
is ~ 3˚C cooler
23. How does the location of the testes in the scrotum help sperm production?
24. Explain how semen provides energy for the sperm.
25. Where are sperm cells produced? Where do they mature? Where are they stored?
26. What is the pathway the sperm must travel from the testes all the way to fertilization?
Section 43.2: Female Reproductive System
27. Write the name of each structure next to the line and give the function!
In the space provided, write the letter of the description that best matches the term or phrase.
fallopian tube
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passageway through which an ovum moves from an ovary to
the uterus
the muscular tube that leads from the outside of the body to the
the gamete–producing organs of the female reproductive
the lower 1/3 of the uterus
a mature egg cell
site of embryonic and fetal development
34. Complete the table below.
Hormone (hGH)
Hormone (FSH)
Hormone (LH)
35. Study the following steps in the ovarian cycle and uterine cycles. Determine the correct order in
which the steps take place. Write the number of each step in the space provided.
Both FSH and LH cause the follicle to produce estrogen, a sex hormone that aids in
the growth of the follicle.
As the follicle approaches maturity, it begins to secrete large amounts of estrogen.
The anterior pituitary releases follicle–stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing
hormone (LH) into the bloodstream.
The follicle and the ovary rupture, and ovulation occurs.
Increasing amounts of estrogen causes the lining of the uterus to thicken
The anterior pituitary responds to the high level of estrogen, in a positive feedback
mechanism, by greatly increasing the secretion of LH.
The corpus luteum forms and begins producing progesterone
Complete each statement by writing the correct term or phrase in the space provided.
36. Where is FSH produced? What effect does it have in the ovaries?
37. What is the cluster of cells that surrounds an immature egg cell and provides the egg with nutrients
called? What hormone does it produce?
38. What is the release of an ovum is called? On what day of the cycle does this occur?
39. The increase in what hormone causes ovulation?
40. After ovulation occurs, the ruptured follicle develops into what structure?
41. What 2 hormones does the corpus luteum secrete?
42. What effects do estrogen and progesterone have on the uterus?
43. What do you call the inner lining of the uterus? What is the process called when this lining is shed?
44. On what day of a female’s cycle does menstruation occur?
45. Does the graph above show a cycle for a woman who is pregnant, or not pregnant? How do you
46. How would the above graph look different if this woman were pregnant? Name two things.
Analyzing Data. Use the graph below to answer the next three questions.
This graph shows the levels of hormones at each day of the menstrual cycle.
47. Which day of the cycle has the largest rise in estrogen levels?
48. On what day is the egg released from the ovary? During what days does menstruation occur?
49. Why do you think luteinizing hormone reaches its highest level around day 14?