Wilson Primary School Homework Grid Weekly Homework: Reading Year: 4 Spellings (Speaking and listening, language and literacy) Maths & Problem Solving (Maths, thinking skills, Logic, Problem solving) Science and the Outside environment (Science, PE, Healthy lifestyles, Eco issues and investigation) Humanities and Citizenship (RE, History, Geography, Moral & Social and Economic Awareness) Creative Arts (Art, Design & technology, Music, Drama & Dance) Times table Learning Opportunities Topic: Vikings Literacy & Communication Term: Autumn Write some messages using Viking runes. Make a comic strip version of a Viking based story like we’ve read in Erik The Viking.. Write a Create a timeline to show when the Viking period was. Add other historical periods before and after the Vikings and include the Tudors. What did the Vikings use for money? Draw some symmetrical designs for Viking longship sails. The Vikings were great farmers. Make your own egg box vegetable patch. How did the Vikings keep A famous Viking settlement was called Jorvik. What was life like in JorviK? Draw a plan of the town and draw a family who may have lived there. Name and label the family. Make a Viking shield. diary for your Viking raiding quest. Write a job advertisement for a Viking warrior. Wanted – Viking Warrior Must be... Must be able to... Must be good at... The Vikings used bows and arrows to hunt and in battle. Make a target game and record the totals you score. (Use bean bags or balls instead of arrows!!) Make a list of the animals Vikings kept on their farms and explain what the animals were used for. Vikings were good fishermen. Find out about the different fish Vikings may have caught. Choose one of the countries that the Vikings were from (Denmark, Norway, and Sweden). Find out what the country is like now and make a poster to tell people all about it. Make a Draw yourself and a booklet about Viking gods and goddesses. Viking child. Label the differences between your life and their life. (Include Make up your own Viking sketch like the ones on Horrible Histories. Act it out at Make a Viking long ship Using the tune of a well known song, make up your own song about the Vikings to teach the class. healthy? Find out and write a fact file about sport, food and medicines in Viking times. (can you sail it on water?). home, Film it or take photographs. information on school, toys, homes, pets, work). This is a really useful website that will give you lots of information about the Vikings http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/vikings/ Remember to choose at least x1 activity from each row. You must do at least one activity with a Homework needs to be completed and ready to present to your Class and Teacher on: Monday 16th December .