P.O. Box 24150. Riyadh. No. 11322. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Skype: Hector.HuertaH Cell (966) 05-3584-8569. E-mail: hector.huertah@gmail.com
 Internationally oriented and able to interact sensitively with people from different nationalities, ideologies,
religions, or social strata.
Experienced in developing and designing marketing campaigns rapidly with emphasis on branding, target
market and message delivery.
Cross-country logistics and customer relationship focused, detail oriented, ability to coordinate and work
comfortably in interdisciplinary, cross-functional and multicultural teams.
Fluent in Spanish, English, Portuguese, and intermediate French. Basic notions of Arabic and Japanese.
Proficient with Word, Power Point, Xmind, Blackboard, Smartboard, Lotus Notes, and Outlook. Working
knowledge with Excel, Prezza Checkbox, Google applications, and Project Management.
Preparatory Year, King Saud University. Kent State University - King Saud University Entrepreneurship
Partnership. Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Visiting Professor. September 2009 to the present.
 Taught Entrepreneurship Skills, ENT 101, to students on how to conceive an enterprise from idea
generation to writing it into a business plan.
Mentored four, of the six teams, who made it to the final stage for the First Business Plan Competition.
One team got second place and another third place.
Redesigned the course on a worksheet modular basis. This approach allowed students to apply the
knowledge acquired thoroughly and seamlessly.
Edited syllabus, two chapters of the course book, Be An Entrepreneur, and test bank.
Organized special lectures by speakers to address students on contemporary business issues.
Contributed with the content design of the course web site.
Managed Google groups for all classes in lieu of a web site for students to do their assignments.
Staffed the Kent State University booth at educational fairs advising students on how to apply for
admission, academic program information as well as room and board queries.
The Entrepreneurship Center, King Saud University. Kent State University - King Saud University
Entrepreneurship Partnership. Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Academic consultant. February – June 2009.
 Member of a multidisciplinary team to develop the course, Entrepreneurship Skills, for preparatory year
university students.
Managed the Google group, Survey of Entrepreneurship KSU in KSA, to upload lectures, syllabus, and
other pedagogical resources to aid teachers in the development of the course.
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Member of an Arab & Western team to develop the International License for Entrepreneurship (ILFEN),
the first certificate of its kind in the world.
Researched other international assessment certifications to edit an ILFEN benchmark,
Designed ILFEN’s website content architecture using Xmind,
Edited translations of ILFEN’s promotional literature and business plan.
Managed the Google group, Assessment, to upload and e-collaborate on the project.
Identified promotional products to brand ILFEN.
The Farmer School of Business. Miami University. Hamilton, Ohio. Visiting Professor. Business Technology
Department. Autumn 2008 semester.
 Taught Marketing Research, Business Technology 267, to non-traditional undergraduate students with
emphasis on qualitative and quantitative methods, ethics, presentation skills, working in teams, reliance
on Information Technology tools such as wikis and Blackboard for homework and research.
Two Herons. Oxford, Ohio. Marketing Consultant. October 2007 to December 2008.
 Approval and adaptation of translated messages from English into Spanish and French for consumer
goods (laundry and hair care) television commercials in Canada and the Caribbean for Upstream Media.
Advised 5 Generations LLC on product relaunch of its signature barbeque sauce, 5 Gs, with regards to
marketing strategies, branding, consumer tendencies, food machinery, business plan, diversity and
branding programs, and nutrition label approval. Result, the sauce is now available at Jungle Jim’s, a
leading mega international supermarket in Cincinnati, Ohio.
British Council. Mexico City. Marketing and Communications Manager. April 2006 to September 2007.
 Adviser to all areas in their marketing campaigns; including corporate branding (banners, newspaper ads,
promotional literature and items), direct marketing, web marketing, and media relations.
Budget and event management.
Supervised and approved outside translations, design and production of promotional materials.
Carried out procurement exercise to identify suppliers (print, photography and design) to optimise
Coordinated branding, advertising and promotion for the Cervantino International Festival 2006 – United
Kingdom Guest Country of Honour by liaising with suppliers, sponsors and partners.
Edited articles for internal publications, which highlighted the work performed in Mexico.
U.S. Meat Export Federation. Mexico City. Communications and Information Manager. February 2003 to August
 Responsible for all intra and inter communication at the office with HQ, field office, partner companies,
the media, and the general public. This effort led to country positioning in the organization.
Edited the Office monthly activity report in English, which allowed to accurately and timely informing the
head office and partners on market developments.
Edited presentations in English and Spanish and approved outside translations.
Coordinated and edited the publication of trade newsletters in Spanish and contributed with articles in
English for internal publications.
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Networked and liaised with trade associations, the Government of Mexico, U.S. Embassy and U.S.
agencies, local law firm, advertising and public relations agency.
Client Database Management.
Stratchlyde European Partnership. Glasgow. Consultant. October 1999 to May 2000.
 Advised this enterprise, as part of my masters in International Marketing, on its European Structural
Funds strategy towards European Union candidate countries.
Carried out a company audit, market analysis, country screening and market entry strategy.
State of Illinois Latin America and Caribbean Office. Mexico City. Commercial Attaché, April 1998 to
September 1999 and Trade Specialist, August 1995 to April 1998.
 Adviser to companies in entering / expanding their direct export trade of products / services throughout
Mexico and Latin America by matching them with direct buyers, representatives, distributors, licensee
and joint venture candidates through market research.
Co-authored a $10,000 National Association of State Development Agencies Grant Proposal to bring the
first ever Energy Efficiency Mission to Mexico in 1999. Organised it—from recruitment of companies to
the selection of Mexican partners—and coordinated all its logistics. This effort resulted in exports of green
technology and country representation of Illinois companies.
Advised the home office and the regional office to participate in key international fairs and organised
buyers’ / sellers’ trade missions in Illinois and Latin America either in situ or through catalogue shows.
Supervised and approved translations in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Prepared the annual Mexico market study, as well as other regional and industry reports, which formed
the basis of the Latin American business strategy.
Coordinated the allocation of human and material resources at the Office.
Proposed the signing of an Environmental Accord with the State of Mexico, which opened new
opportunities for green products and services.
Coordinated the organisation of trade missions led by the then Governor Jim Edgar with counterparts in
the Mexican federal government and the U.S. embassy.
Initiated the Internet strategy for the Office, becoming the first overseas office to have e-mail.
Provided tourism information to the media and the public to promote Illinois, primarily Chicago as a
business and leisure destination.
Burson-Marsteller. Mexico City. Associate. March 1994 to August 1995.
 Editor in English and Spanish business publications and drafted reports / articles for DuPont’s
international online and offline business publications. This effort resulted in strengthening of the
company’s image in headquarters.
Market researcher to measure perception of the chemical industry by environmental organisations. The
findings were incorporated into DuPont’s community outreach strategy.
Audited DuPont’s plants to revamp its crisis communications primer, "Special Situations Manual."
Other activities: Made presentations, wrote speeches, issued press releases, organised press
conferences, gave media training, wrote political risk analysis, and account manager for The Economist
Conference’s "A Roundtable with the Government of Mexico," March 1995.
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 Master of Science, International Marketing. University of Strathclyde. Glasgow, Scotland, 2000.
Master of Arts, American Studies. University of the Americas. Puebla, Mexico, 1993.
Bachelor of Arts, International Studies. Miami University. Oxford, Ohio, 1990.
Bachelor of Arts, Political Science. Miami University. Oxford, Ohio, 1990.
Minor in Latin American Studies. Miami University. Oxford, Ohio, 1990.
Diploma. La Salle High School. Cincinnati, Ohio, 1985.
 New Faculty Teaching Enhancement Certificate. Miami University. Oxford, Ohio, 2008. Program to
pedagogically enhance a teacher’s performance in the classroom.
The 2008 International Lilly Conference on College Teaching. Miami University. Oxford, Ohio.
Sponsored to learn the latest pedagogical methodologies.
French Course. Institut Française d’ Amérique Latine. Mexico City. February 2003 - June 2005.
Intermediate French Diploma. Language Studies International. Paris. September 2004.
Advanced Portuguese Foreign Language Diploma (Diploma Avançado de Portugués Lingua
Estrangeira, DAPLE). University of Lisbon. August 1998, awarded in 2000.
Portuguese Certificate. Centro de Estudos Brasileiros. Mexico City. Autumn 1994 - Spring 1998.
Summer Seminar on U.S. Studies. Center for U.S. – Mexican Studies. University of California, San
Diego, 1992.
Entrepreneurship Skills at King Saud University. Global Technology Entrepreneurship Workshop. King Saud
University. Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. May 5, 2010.
Mr. Ayed Al-Ghebewi. Manager. Saudi Industrial Development Fund. Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Phone
(00966) 1477.4002 ext848, email a.ghebewi@sidf.gov.sa
Dr. Stephen K. Tagg. Lecturer. University of Strathclyde. Glasgow, Scotland. Phone 44 (0141) 548-2409, email
Dr. Don Kaufman. Professor Emeritus. Miami University. Oxford, Ohio. Phone (513) 529-4617, email
CV Hector Jose HUERTA HUITZIL 4/4. September 2011.