Received by the Graduate Council—April 2, 2007 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Fourth Meeting/2006-07 Academic Year March 19, 2007 SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Graduate Catalog p. 1 of 4 COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SCIENCES School of Allied Health Professions (Old) School of Allied Health and Communicative Disorders (New) CITC Course Revision Page 146-147, 2006-07 Graduate Catalog Public Health and Health Education (AHPHPHHE) All AHPH classes now have the PHHE designator. Other Catalog Change Page 143, 2006-07 Graduate Catalog Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) ↓ Requirements AHPH 500PHHE 600 - Health Care Delivery in the U.S. (3) AHPH 501PHHE 601 - Behavioral and Social Aspects of Public Health (3) AHPH 530PHHE 630 - Health Services Management (3) AHPH 535PHHE 635 - Problems and Issues in Environmental Health (3) AHPH 555PHHE 655 - Principles and Methods of Epidemiology (3) AHPH 589PHHE 689 - Community Health Planning (3) AHPH 590PHHE 690 - Applied Research Methods in Public Health (3) AHPH 595PHHE 695 - Internship in Public Health (3-6) AHPH 598PHHE 698 - Master’s Comprehensive Examination (1) BIOS 570 - Biostatistical Analysis (3), or another 3 semester hour course in statistics approved by adviser Generalist1 course work, with adviser’s approval (15), OR One of the following specializations with adviser’s approval (15) Specialization in Health Promotion AHPH 520PHHE 620 - Primary Prevention and Health Promotion (3) AHPH 588PHHE 688 - Community Health Promotion Programs (3) Additional course work with adviser’s approval (9) Approval pending CITC approval of the course designator revisions. Other Catalog Change Page 144, 2006-07 Graduate Catalog Specialization in Health Services Management AHPH 540PHHE 640 - Human Resource Management in the Health Care Setting (3) Received by the Graduate Council—April 2, 2007 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Fourth Meeting/2006-07 Academic Year March 19, 2007 SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Graduate Catalog p. 2 of 4 AHPH 575PHHE 675 - Health Economics for Health Services Managers (3) AHPH 593PHHE 6932 - Financial Decision Making for Health Services Managers (3) Additional course work with adviser’s approval (6) Thesis Option Same requirements as the non-thesis option except that 6 additional semester hours of AHPH 599PHHE 699, Master’s Thesis, are required. ↓ Courses Applied to M.P.H. Degree (28) AHPH 500 PHHE 600- Health Care Delivery in the U.S. (3) AHPH 501 PHHE 601- Behavioral and Social Aspects of Public Health (3) AHPH 530 PHHE 630- Health Services Management (3) AHPH 535 PHHE 635- Problems and Issues in Environmental Health (3) AHPH 589 PHHE 689- Community Health Planning (3) AHPH 590 PHHE 690- Applied Research Methods in Public Health (3) AHPH 598 PHHE 698- Master’s Comprehensive Examination (1) AHPH PHHE electives (9) Courses Applied to Both Programs (15) AHPH 495 PHHE 595T - Funding for Programs in Community Health (3) AHPH 555 PHHE 655 - Principles and Methods of Epidemiology (3) ETR 521 - Educational Statistics I, or a statistics course approved by adviser (3) NURS 5956953 - Advanced Internship in Community Health Nursing (6) Courses Applied to M.S. in Nursing (21) Approval pending CITC approval of the course designator revisions. Other Catalog Change Page 144-145, 2006-07 Graduate Catalog Certificates of Graduate Study Master’s Level Certificates Two certificates of graduate study can be earned as a master’s student. Health Education (15) ↓ AHPH 502PHHE 602 - Curriculum Development in School Health Education (3) Received by the Graduate Council—April 2, 2007 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Fourth Meeting/2006-07 Academic Year March 19, 2007 SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Graduate Catalog p. 3 of 4 AHPH 503PHHE 603 - School Health Programs: Planning, Managing, and Evaluating (3) AHPH 504PHHE 604 - Special Topics in School Health Education (3) Two of the following (6) AHPH 402PHHE 502T - Community Health Programs and Issues (3) AHPH 408PHHE 508 - Mental and Emotional Health (3), OR AHPH 410PHHE 510, Death Education (3), OR FCNS 484584, Advanced Family Relationships (3), OR FCNS 486584, Aging and the Family (3) AHPH 409PHHE 509 - Drug Education (3) AHPH 411PHHE 511 - Sexuality Education (3) AHPH 501PHHE 601 - Behavioral and Social Aspects of Public Health (3) AHPH 535PHHE 635 - Problems and Issues in Environmental Health (3), OR TLCI 520, Environmental Quality Education (3), OR TLCI 524, Teaching Environmental Ethics (3) FCNS 407507 - Consumer Protection (3) FCNS 410510 - Community Nutrition (3), OR FCNS 500A600A, Seminar in Nutrition and Dietetics (3), OR FCNS 502602, Issues in Eating Disorders and Obesity (3), OR FCNS 511611, Maternal and Child Nutrition (3) SOCI 563 - Women’s Health Issues (3) Approval pending CITC approval of the course designator revisions. Other Catalog Change Page 144-145, 2006-07 Graduate Catalog Certificates of Graduate Study ↓ Public Health (15) Students interested in this certificate should contact the public health and health education programs office as early as possible so they can be assigned an adviser. Admission to the certificate requires approval of the admissions committee. Procedures for admission to the certificate and other detailed information are available from the public health and health education programs office. AHPH 500PHHE 600 - Health Care Delivery in the U.S. (3) AHPH 501PHHE 601 - Behavioral and Social Aspects of Public Health (3) Course work from the following (3-9) AHPH 520PHHE 620 - Primary Prevention and Health Promotion (3) AHPH 530PHHE 630 - Health Services Management (3) AHPH 555PHHE 655 - Principles and Methods of Epidemiology (3) AHPH 589PHHE 689 - Community Health Planning (3) Course work from the following (0-6) Received by the Graduate Council—April 2, 2007 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Fourth Meeting/2006-07 Academic Year March 19, 2007 SECTION B – Recorded, but further approval needed before inclusion in the Graduate Catalog p. 4 of 4 AHPH 465PHHE 565 - Principles of Long-Term Care Administration (3) AHPH 480PHHE 580 - Ethical Decision Making for Health Professionals (3) AHPH 491PHHE 591 - Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Addiction (3) AHPH 495PHHE 595 - Funding for Programs in Community Health (3) AHPH 535PHHE 535 - Problems and Issues in Environmental Health (3) AHPH 540PHHE 640 - Human Resource Management in the Health Care Setting (3) AHPH 575PHHE 675 - Health Economics for Health Services Managers (3) AHPH 588PHHE 688 - Community Health Promotion Programs (3) AHPH 593PHHE 693 - Financial Decision Making for Health Services Managers (3) Post-master’s Certificates Two post-master’s Certificates of Graduate Study programs are offered. The curriculum for each programcertificate is configured for part-time students and takes a minimum of four semesters to complete. Students may choose to complete the program more slowly or enroll full time if they have prerequisites to complete. Students who have deficiencies in prerequisite courses may be able to take them at the same time they are taking the series of courses. Students must receive a minimum grade of B in all classes taken for the certificate and their prerequisites and maintain a minimum graduate GPA of 3.00 to remain in the course of study. Admission to pursue the certificate of graduate study program requires compliance with the following standards of the School of Nursing. Current licensure as a registered nurse in Illinois with no encumbrances Completion of an NLN or CCNE accredited nursing master’s degree program. Two letters of recommendation from persons who are familiar with the individual’s clinical expertise, ability to function in an independent role, and motivation to complete a certificate of graduate study program of study. An interview may be requested by the Graduate Admissions Committee. ↓ Family Nurse Practitioner (29) Approval pending CITC approval of the course designator revisions.