APUSH Chapter 8 Homework, Part 1

APUSH Chapter 8 Homework, Part 1
Due Friday September 23
1. Explain Jefferson’s views on government.
2. Explain the background and the case of Marbury v Madison.
3. Explain the significance in the ruling of Marbury v Madison.
4. Explain how the Louisiana Purchase contradicted Jefferson’s political views.
5. Explain the Chesapeake and Leopard incident.
6. Explain the Embargo Act of 1807 and its effect.
7. Explain the legacies of Jefferson’s presidency.
APUSH Chapter 8 Homework, Part 2
Due Monday September 26
1. Briefly explain the Burr conspiracy.
2. Explain the Non-Intercourse Act and its shortcomings.
3. Explain Macon’s Bill Number 2 and its effect.
4. Identify Tecumseh and the Prophet by explaining their significance.
5. Explain the significance of the Battle of Tippecanoe.
6. Identify the War Hawks by explaining their significance.
7. Explain why the U.S. declared war on England in 1812.
8. Explain the Hartford convention and its significance.
9. Explain the Treaty of Ghent and why it was signed.
10. Explain the significance of the Battle of New Orleans.
11. Explain the long term effects of the War of 1812.