Chapter 3 Brain Project

AP Psych—Building a Brain Project
Objective: Students will construct a 3D brain.
Instructions: The brain that you build must be creative and have the following structures! Each structure
needs to be labeled. Along with the brain model, you must type and submit a summary describing and
defining the importance of each structure in the overall function of the brain.
Required Parts:
4 Lobes of the Brain:
o Frontal Lobe
 Motor Strip
o Parietal l Lobe
 Sensory Strip
o Temporal Lobe
o Occipital Lobe
Right and Left Hemisphere (Labeled)
o Corpus Callosum
Components of the Brain:
o Brain Stem
o Pituitary Gland
o Amygdala
o Hypothalamus
o Thalamus
o Hippocampus
o Pons
o Medulla
o Cerebellum
o Reticular Formation