0B-- 1 Corinthians 10, excerpts (the Epistle for Lent 3)

MARCH /2013
“I do not want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters that our ancestors were all under the cloud, and all passed
through the sea, and all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink. . . . Nevertheless, God
was not pleased with most of them, and they were struck down in the wilderness. . . .These things happened to
them to serve as an example for us. . . .No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone. God is
faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way
out so that you may be able to deal with it.”
-- 1 Corinthians 10, excerpts (the Epistle for Lent 3)
Dear St. David’s family and friends,
Have you heard or read about those “Wilderness Encounters” where troubled children get taken out on a back
country trip, to test their physical and spiritual endurance? The rugged country and the challenges of day-to-day
survival force the campers, to discover (or re-discover) the strength inside them – and the resources among them –
if they learn to trust the Guide and work together as a team?
That’s what Lent is for us. We are the” troubled children” – each of us has a “history,” each needs to be healed,
delivered from personal demons. All of us have been deliberately chosen by our Guide to go through this journey
together. Good news -- unlike the reality television survival games -- we can’t be voted off the team by the other
team members. Bad news -- if we don’t learn to trust the Guide and each other, if we choose to go out on our own,
we could die out there. Yet the the prize that awaits those who reach the destination, is far more valuable than the
million dollar purses of the reality survival games: it is life -- with a new purpose, power, and joy – and ultimately, “the
heavenly call of God,” as St. Paul calls it in the epistle for Lent 5 (March 16/17) – a resurrection like Jesus himself,
our relentless, compassionate guide.
The journey through Lent is an opportunity to bond with our Guide and with one another, to experience the power
that living close to him releases in all of our life. As we worship these Lenten Sundays and Wednesdays, we learn
from those who have traveled this way before – some who came through and some who didn’t. What we learn is
that our Guide will never abandons us– though we frequently may give up on ourselves. His mission is to bring
every one of us to the destination, the prize – even if he has to carry our backpacks himself, not to mention our
diseases, sorrows, demons, and ultimately, our death. As nourishment for the journey, he gives us his own flesh and
blood in the bread we break and the cup we share. We will need that kind of total communion to get us through.
His table awaits us every Saturday at 5:30 p.m. and Sundays at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.
On Wednesdays we will be gathering in Room 2 (up the incline from the Fellowship Hall) at 6:30 p.m. for a simple
meal of soup, salad, and dessert. At 7:15 p.m. we move into the Church sanctuary for Holden Evening Prayer, a
contemporary musical setting of the ancient Christian and Jewish prayer marking the hours of the day, with chanting
of the Psalms (the song book and prayer book of God’s people for 3000 years). Our focus and readings each week
will be based in the Lenten Journey: Beyond Question, part of the ELCA Book of Faith series, where a different question
asked by Jesus will frame our reflection, and be the starting point from which our Deacons Florence Poeschke and
Bob Michaelis will open the roundtable discussion which follows Evening Prayer. Participants will share
observations and insights found in the daily devotional guide (copies are available at the class or from the church
office, for our cost of $10). That discussion will happen in Room 2 from 7:45 – 9:00 p.m. In that same time slot, our
The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church
sixth, seventh, and eighth grade confirmands, under the guidance of teacher Mitchell Maybury and our St. David’s
pastors, will, through media presentations, servant events, and group interaction prepare to affirm their baptism and
join the same Guide on the road trip that is Lent and life for all who bear his seal and his Spirit.
Our Saturday/Sunday liturgies continue through Lent, t focus on these survival skills/challenges, guided by
accounts of the history of salvation from the Hebrew Bible, encouragement from that Road Tripper of the Gospel,
Paul of Tarsus, and Luke’s story of Jesus, our ever faithful deliverer:
+ Lent 1 (February 16/17): Testing: Recognizing the Voice of God (Jesus’ Temptation)
+ Lent 2 (February 23/24): Covenant: Marching to the Beat of the Lord’s Compassionate Heart
+ Lent 3 (March 2/3):
Getting There Alive: Avoiding Dead Ends (Jesus’ parable of the Fruitless Fig Tree)
+ Lent 4 (March 9/10): Lost? Finding the Way Back/ the Arms of Welcome (the Parable of the Lost Son)
+ Lent 5 (March 16/17): Keeping the Prize in View: All Things New (Jesus’ anointing in Bethany in John 12)
+ Passion/Palm Sunday (March 23/24): The Exodus – accomplished in Jerusalem (Luke’s Passion story of Jesus)
On the Thursday mornings of Lent, we have an opportunity to get a leg up on the continuing journey of salvation
history, that departs from Jerusalem after Jesus’ resurrection as Jesus’ words of promise, presence, invitation come
to be fulfilled: “And you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my
witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:6).” Selections from
Luke’s companion volume, the Acts of the Apostles, will be featured in our upcoming liturgies throughout the
seven weeks of Easter. All are invited to “get into the Acts” in this eight session travelling school, guided by Jesus
through the Holy Spirit. Class sessions will take place in Room 2 on Thursdays, from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. For
those not able to join us for the midday class session, the same class will be offered during the Easter season on
Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Watch your bulletin and Herald for the dates.
The home stretch of our Lenten wilderness encounter – Holy Week – begins with Passion/Palm Sunday (March
23/24), as we follow our Guide into Jerusalem, to bring off an “exodus (Luke 19:31).” We join the drama of
salvation as we wave our palms and shout Hosanna! (“save us, we pray!), and as we step into Luke’s story, reading it
together in parts. The Sunday services for Passion/Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday (March 31) will be at
9:00 and 11:00a.m. On Holy (Maundy) Thursday, March 28, we gather to remember Jesus’ “last supper”
with his friends, his washing their feet, and his humiliating arrest and trial. Our liturgies will happen at
12:00 noon and 7:30 p.m. On Good Friday, March 29, our services will also begin at 12:00 noon and 7:30
p.m. After the noon service the sanctuary will remain open for meditation and prayer – the way of the cross
– until 3:00 p.m. The Office of Tenebrae will be at 7:30 p.m.. At both services, we will hear the Passion of
St. John, the story that opens up the glory of the cross, as Jesus, lifted up, begins to draw all to himself
(John 12:32)”. Our celebration of the Resurrection of Our Lord begins with the Great Vigil of Easter at 7:41
p.m. (sundown). The Easter Vigil replaces the regular 5:30 Saturday service.
Will you and I survive our forty day wilderness encounter, or will we stumble/ get lost on the way? These things
remain to be seen. This much we know for certain: the Lord’s arms will remain open, his heart full of compassion
for us and for all – come whatever may. Our Guide, our Lord is betting his own life on our survival -- and he’s
already come through it alive!
Do “stay close.” And remember Paul’s words, quoted above: “God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested
beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide you the way out so that you may be able to deal
with it.” See you there.
Your brother and fellow adventurer in the Lord,
The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church
Breaking Up is Hard to Do”
Anyone out there remember the childhood toy, “Silly Putty”? When I was a kid, “Silly Putty” was the
latest toy fad. It came packaged in a brightly colored egg-shaped plastic container. The “putty” inside was
pink in color. It had the consistency of a cross between “Play-Doh” and chewing gum. “Silly Putty” doesn’t
sound like much of a toy by today’s electronic standards, but oh what it could do:
Ball it up and it would bounce up to the ceiling
Stretch it out, and it would span several feet without breaking
Press it down on a newspaper comic, and it would pick up the colorful image. Then stretch the
image to view its exaggerated funny shapes.
Now with only a few weeks remaining before I leave St. David’s for my new call at Ascension Lutheran
Church, Deer Park, I imagine myself in a “Silly Putty Situation.” Out of its red (one of my favorite colors—
probably harkening back to my Dad calling me, “Flora, the Red Menace!”) container, I’ve been pulled and
shaped by the many roles within the call to ministry. And, as far as “bounce rates” go, I have to admit that my
experiences here have enabled me to hit some amazing heights in learning to minister and care for God’s
people at St. David’s.
But beyond the learning there has been those amazing comic strip imprints that are the people of St.
David’s. You have placed the image of yourselves on me. And although when kneading the “Silly Putty” in
order to eradicate the image, the irregular-shaped mass of pink has changed color, and now carries within it
all of these new hues.
I must confess that saying goodbye has never been my strong suite. I tend to avoid that which makes
me uncomfortable, sad or upset. And so, like “Silly Putty,” I ball myself up and go into that protective egg-
The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church
shaped red plastic case, but within my very self, is the imprint you have all left with me and in me. For that, I
am so very grateful.
A most special thank you goes to Pastor Meyers who has been my teacher and encourager, as well as to
St. David’s staff, council, and ministry leaders. All of you have given me a sense of what vision, mission, and
team ministry are all about.
On April 8th, I will begin my new call at Ascension Lutheran Church, Deer Park. Among the most
important things I will carry with me are my experiences, learning, and memories from St. David’s, and with
them, you within my heart and in my prayers.
Again, thank you so very much for all you have given me, especially the opportunity we had to worship,
serve, and grow in the Lord together.
The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church
As we continue our Lenten journey to the Cross in prayer and self examination, we have many opportunities to
share with our Brothers and Sisters in Christ along the way.
Our regular weekly worship continues at the usual time- Saturday evening 5:30 p.m. and Sunday morning at
9:00a.m. and 11:00 a.m., Sunday Church School is also at
9:00 a.m.
On Wednesday evening we will share a soup and salad dinner at 6:30 p.m., followed by Holden Evening Prayer
at 7:15p.m., after which there will be a Bible Study at 7:p.m. led by our Deacons Bob Michaelis and Florence
Poeschke. This will continue through March 20th, please call the church office if you plan to attend the Bible
Study so that they may order the proper number of study guides at a cost of $10.00 a piece.
The Bible Study on Thursday morning, the “Acts of the Apostles”, continues through the month at 11:00a.m.
except for Holy Thursday March 28th.
The Lenten schedule for Holy Week is as follows- Palm Saturday and Sunday March 23rd. and 24th worship
services will be held at 5:30 P.M. on Saturday and 9:00a.m. and 11:00a.m. on Sunday, with procession of the
palms and Holy Communion.
On Maundy Thursday March 28, 2013 there will be services at 12:00p.m. and again at 7:30p.m. At the
evening service there will; be stripping of the Altar and foot washing, and both services will have Holy
The worship services on Good Friday will be held at 12:00p.m. and again at 7:30p.m. with the Tenebrae. The
church will be open for prayer from 1:00p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
The Easter Vigil begins at sundown, 7:17p.m. on Saturday evening March 30th,
Easter Sunday worship on March 31st. will begin at 9:00a.m. and at 11:00a.m., with Holy Communion at
both services. There will be NO Sunday Church School on Easter Sunday.
Join the journey to the cross during Lent and have a blessed Easter.
Respectfully submitted,
Worship Committee
The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church
JANUARY 8, 2013
TREASURER- Outstanding payables for the month was $2,232, average weekly giving was $4,505 which was lower
than the same time last year, the $2.00 donations
Were $118.00, Tree of Life- $900 and the total received from the Craft Fair was $4,140.
FINANCE- Benevolence and Hunger funds Were added back into the budget for the year, congregation needs to be
educated as to what Benevolence is as we do not make a commitment to the Synod at this time. Money we received from
the Missions of the Month is over and above money for Benevolence and Hunger. There will be a large increase in our
liability insurance premium- few companies will cover sexual abuse that we must carry.
OLD BUSINESS- Sound system is still status quo.
DEACONS CALL LETTER-The call letter for Deacon Bob Michaelis and Deacon Florence Posechke has been
submitted to the Council for their approval, to be submitted to the congregation at the Annual Meeting for their approval.
HOUSING ALLOWANCE RESOLUTIONEach year Pastor Meyers and Pastor Hartford need to have Council approve a resolution to allow them to designate a
portion of their salaries as their housing allowance for the IRS. Council approved this resolution.
MISSION OF THE MONTHFEBRUARY- Feeding the Children of Haiti and Long Island
MARCH- Habitat for Humanity
COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS- Thank you from Big Brothers and Big Sisters was received for our clothing
PASTOR DAVID MEYERS- Lenten schedule will be the same as last year- supper at 6:30, Holden Evening Prayer at
7:15 and Bible study at 7:45.
PASTOR FLORA HARTFORD- Baptism of Liana Avery and Mason William, twin daughter and son of Martina and
William Vanyck, visited residents at Meeks Place, made several calls to members who are ill or shut-in, led chapel for the
Preschool, and attended Christmas pageants for 3 & 4 year olds. Sunday school theme for January/February is “Uniquely
God’s Own.”
PROPERTY- removed the Christmas decorations.
SOCIAL MINISTRY- 120 presents for LSS for Christmas, 2,863 pounds of food for LSS last year, will reschedule
Pancake Breakfast.
STEWARDSHIP- Meeting of the Disaster Response Committee to put together a form to be filed out with basic
questions about individual need, will compile a list of names and distribute funds equally from donations and Thrivent,
target date is March 1, 2012.
CRAFT FAIR- raised $4,140.45 at the Fair.
COPIER- will need to purchase a new drum for copier at a cost of $600, also have purchased new Fax machine.
Respectfully submitted,
JoAnn Justus
The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church
Every Thrivent member has been allocated “Choice Dollars” by Thrivent. The dollar amount depends upon the
products you own and the premiums you pay. But YOU MUST DIRECT how you want Thrivent to distribute
your allocation. Please direct your Choice Dollars to St David Lutheran Church. For our congregation,
every little bit helps. We need your Thrivent Choice Dollars. Please use the information below to either go online or phone Thrivent. Have your membership number handy (you should have recently received a new wallet
sized membership card). Also, when on-line, remember to enter St David Lutheran Church (no period after
St and no‘s after David, just one space after St and after David) Massapequa Park NY 11762 Thank you
for using your dollars to benefit St David. Remember, if you do not designate a recipient of your Choice
Dollars, they will go to waste, no one will benefit.
The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church
Hosted by the Women of Color-Metro New York Synod and Church wide Women of the ELCA
Lord, I Come to You
Jesus said, ‘Daughter, you took a risk trusting me, and now you’re healed and whole.
Live well, live blessed!’”-Luke 8:48
Who: All women
When: April 13, 8:00am-5:00pm
Where: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
225-17 115th Avenue, Cambria Heights
Let us come together for a time of fun, relaxation, reflection, sharing and fellowship.
Contact Delores Gray at greatgatheringofwomen@gmail.com for additional information THIRD ANNUAL
Hosted by Women of Color-Metro New York Synod and Church wide Women of the ELCA (Chicago)
There is Spring in the air. Especially as we prepare ourselves for Easter.
Living Hope Circle has flower delivery for March and as you are aware of Easter is the last Sunday in March. Please stop by
the Altar room and help with the delivery of Lilies. Everyone helps deliver for Easter.
Friday, March 22 is the next Welca Bible study. It will be at Good Shepherd, Plainview and Pastor Olsen will lead the study.
The session from Gather is #7 and the Topic Theme is "Beneath the Wings, Luke 13:14." Everyone is welcome.
Save The Date:
This year Welca is having a Spring Dinner. It will be Monday evening June 3, 2013 at 7pm at Per Un'Angelo
Restaurant at the Jones Beach Hotel. The cost is $30.00 with your choice of meal. The address is 3275 Byron
Street, Wantagh, NY. There will be more information to follow in a future Herald.
If you receive this Herald before March 1, just a reminder that Friday, March 1st at 1pm World Day of Prayer will be held here
at St David's with refreshments to follow. All are welcome.
The Welca committee
The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church
Let us come together for a time of fun, relaxation, reflection, sharing and fellowship.
Where: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
225-17 115th Avenue
Cambria Heights, NY 112411
Cost: $25 � includes Continental Breakfast and Lunch
(Please make checks payable to Metro NY Synod)
Time: 8:00am�4:00pm (8:00 am�Sign In & Continental Breakfast
Morning Prayer starts at 9:00)
REGISTRATION due on or before March 30, 2013
Last Name _________________________________
First Name _________________________________
Email Address
Mailing Address
Home Phone _____________________________
Cell Phone _______________________________
Church Name
Church Address
Dietary Restrictions
Please return this registration form, along with check payable to Metro New York Synod, to:
Delores Gray, Registrar;
P.O. Box 1144;
Bronx, NY 10451.
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church is handicapped accessible.
Please contact Delores Gray at gatheringofwomen@gmail.com
for additional information.!
The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church
Easter is a joyous and glorious time for us as we celebrate our Lord’s Resurrection. For many, that
joy is overshadowed by a feeling of hunger.
Our mission at the New Life Center-Long Island is to care for and uplift our neighbors. We invite
you to participate in building up the body of Christ with us this Easter.
We are asking for your help in providing Easter food baskets for the hungry. These baskets are
much more than food. They are a visible sign that carries the message of Christ’s love and concern.
Please help by donating any of the following suggested items:
Cake mix and Frosting
Canned Fruit and Juice
Canned Vegetables/Soup
Coffee/Tea/Hot Chocolate/Sugar
Macaroni and Cheese/Pasta
Mashed Potatoes
Olives/Pickles/Salad Dressing
Pie Crust and Filling
In Lieu of food donation grocery store Gift Certificates would be appreciated.
We are now back to collecting for our soldiers. Debbie Geis will coordinate. Leave any items in the in the lobby.
We collected $362.60 for our souper bowl collection
Thanks so much for your response.
Keep in mind the following important dates:
April 28 Crop Walk
May Mother's Day Blankets
May 18 Stuff-A-Bus
June 22 - Pancake Breakfast
More information as the date gets closer
The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church
March Herald
Ladies and gentlemen and children of all ages, come to the “Circus Day for LSA” on March 1 at 11:30 AM
with our 4 year olds and/or March 5 with our 3 year olds at 11:00 AM. Tickets are $1 per child and $2 per
adult. Refreshments will be served after each performance. All proceeds will be given to the Lutheran Schools
Association to which our school belongs. The association provides our staff with educational and spiritual
support throughout the year.
We will be having our annual Hop-a-thon for the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Long Island on March 14
and 15. The children will hop for one minute to raise funds for those who cannot hop. This is a valuable lesson
in tolerance and love for the children as well as a mission project.
We will also be on the lookout for that tricky leprechaun and his gold around the building on March 14 and 15.
The classrooms will be blooming with green shamrocks and spring things. The following week the children
will be hunting for Easter eggs and celebrating Jesus’ resurrection. Our Lenten projects will be baking Lenten
pretzels and making sets of resurrection eggs. The directions for the resurrection eggs can be found in the
Winter 2013 edition of “Seeds for the Parish” on page 4 if you would like to make a set with your family.
We wish everyone a Blessed Easter.
Robin Lever
• SUPPORT OUR PRESCHOOL: with an order from our spring Fundraising catalog found in the lobby. Just
follow the instructions at the table. Thank you for your order. You are a blessing to us.
Did you know Luke's Gospel has a companion column -- the Acts of the Apostles?
It tells how Jesus' promise to his disciples gets fulfilled: "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and
you will be my witnesses . . . to the ends of the earth."
Pr. Meyers will be leading an eight session study of how it plays out when the Spirit is
your travel agent in life. It starts on Thursday, February 14, in Room 2,
from 11 a.m. to
12:15 p.m. All are welcome. Speak to Pr. Meyers or call into the church office, so we can make sure to
provide enough course guides.
THE ST.DAVID’S HURRICANE RELIEF is to finalize the giving to the members
by March 1, 2013. If additional monies are donated, these monies will equally be provided
to members. Please contact the Church office at (516) 799-7832 if you have any questions.
THE SOCIAL MINISTRY COMMITTEE: would like to thank all for your very generous
“Souper Bowl” donations
All donations can be placed in the appropriate bin in the lobby. The VFW will be sending
collected items to our troops. If you have any questions, please call Debbie Geis
at (516) 396-0646
The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church
Dear St. David’s,
I wish to take this moment to graciously thank all those that have shown their concern
for the health and well being of myself and my family. The kindness of St. David’s is
always a treasure I hold dear to my heart. From the delivery of flowers, prayers and the
personal visits by Pastor Meyers and Pastor Hartford, we are eternally grateful. Most
importantly, we are coming along well for the most part. Illness always has a tendency to
throw obstacles in the way of progress. However we continue our battles with the
security of our faith in Christ. In 2 Corinthians 12:9-10,God says to Paul “My grace is
sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I
rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I
take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for
Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong”. In Short, We are all broken and
through our brokenness Gods power is PERFECT.
These health obstacles, although debilititating, have not prevented me from my goal in ministry of our Lord
Jesus Christ. I am looking forward to my graduation from Liberty University Theological Seminary on May 11 th
2013 after 7 long years. After the graduation, I will receive ordination as an Evangelical Pastor. Then of course
the painstaking journey of seeking a call. I will remain involved at St. David’s doing the service I have done
throughout the years until God opens a door for my service. I hope to learn as much as the congregants of St.
David’s will allow while I am still present. I seek to strengthen my worship skills under the supportive
supervision of Pastor Meyers and Pastor Hartford, God be willing. I cannot thank Pastor Meyers enough for his
wonderful mentoring and supportive inspiration in my studies and throughout some of my darkest hours. Many
thanks to Pastor Hartford for her kindness and the wonderful growth she has brought to St. David’s. We are
truly blessed to have both Pastors at St. David’s, of which I have been a member for 46 years.
I thought it prudent to write this letter in order to express my gratitude of the church body for the foundation
and growth it has provided me since my baptism by pastor Deitz on September 3, 1967. You have all shown me
many lessons that I will hold dear for all my days to come. I ask the Church body to continue to be the extended
version of my family and keep me in their prayers as you are always in mine. Thank You St. David’s for being a
rock for our Lord Jesus Christ.
Mitch Maybury
Men's Lunch Bunch
The Men's Luncheon will be Tuesday, 03/12/13 12:00 o’clock, the Corner Galley,
5411 Merrick Road, Massapequa. All members of St. David’s and their guests are
invited to participate in the luncheon. For any questions please call
John Niesen at 799-5139.
Stretch and Tone Classes are Wednesdays at 10:00 AM.
Aerobics classes are Tuesday evening @ 7:30 PM
The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church
With thanks to all who remembered or honored their friends and loved ones with gifts to our Funds this month:
M e m o ri a l F u nd : A li c e S c h e f e r st o n by Ir e n e T r a ut e nb e rg , B y B ob & M o R ot h ,
R u t h Wi l l , by Wi l li a m H o ff m a n & D e a n n e W i l l.
Ri c h ard S t ev e n s on B y R ev . J u ani t a an d W a lt e r Hi l s en b e c k.
C on c e tt a M o rri l l B y Tr ud i J un g e ,
H AI T I M E A L P ACK I N G : Ri c h a rd S t ev e n s o n B y R e v. J u a nit a & W a lt Hi l s e nb e c k ,
H e a ti n g /E l e ct ri c : B y J o a n M cG ui r e, B y C ar o l Fi n k, B y I ng e b ur g S c h u et t,
D e b t F un d :
T h a n k s gi vin g :
The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church
RECOVERING: JoAnn Boeger, Sandy Moore, Carl Majestic, Jack Nolan, Jennie, Jackie and Jane Rosser’s Family,
Trevor Barnard, Karen Timm, Audrey Muller, Carmen Camme, Susan Mast-Trinder Shelly Moskowitz, Andrew
Wharmby, Dora Wharmby, Tony Dipalo, Helen Moger, Mitch Maybury, Mabel Eng, Von Bargen Family, Bob Gaiti,
Esther Hansen, Al Trabold, Joan Maybury, Debbie Roth, Even Thorsen, Gloria Szymanski, Valerie Amsterdam, Margo Robius,
Pat Russell, Ginny Trolly, Peter Toth, Eileen Smith, Pastor George Yoder, Thomas Macri, Louise Landkammer, Harry Breul,
Russell Moore, Jack Rallo, Danielle Cattapano, Jean Hauer, Barbara Canham, Margo Roberts, Edythe & Peter Broscheid,
Dominick Spinello, Pat Spina, Isaiah Lawson, Denis Collins, Lynn Benov, Virginia Conkling, Arthur Jehle, Sonny Santoro,
Debra, Vicky Lipari, Wendy Kelly, Bonny VanAllen, Carolyn Mason, Jim Maybury, Joan Weir, Herta VonHolt, Lottie
Karpenkiel, Agnes Peterson, Jean Kane, Andy Ensor, Wendy Giglio, Rev. Marianne Tomacek, Barbara Routar, Lynne Schenk,
Lenore Ewen, Joshua Badgett, Jason & Nicole Jiminez, John Meyer, John Algeo, Paul Trabold, Walter Traeg, Lois Gaiti,
Catherine Dankenbrink, Sarah Neuman, Judy Tule, Marie Wilson, Irene
Sr. Airman Emily Volz, Sr. Airman Eric Gaertner, Airman Carl Seaman, Marine Lance Corporal Christopher Buckley.
THOSE WHO MOURN THE PASSING OF: Ruth Will, Barbara Lewis, Elizabeth Newman, Marie Iaccarino, Alice
Scheferston, Bob Ferro, Brendon Redmond,-Zonin, Don Reed, Dorothy Hood, Margaret Coe, Dan O’Neil, Ron Plant, Ruth
Wuerthl, Richard Ballard, Virginia Bichard, Gertrud Gareis, Jack Rough,
Pray For our S taff:
Pray For: Led B y the Spirit, the Adu lt Choir,
Caroling Kid s,
Rev. David J. Meye rs Senio r P asto r
Rev. Flo ra M. Hartford Assoc ia te P astor
Bob Michaelis
Floren ce P oeschke
Janet P into
Orga nist, Sa tu rda y
Bethan y P orter
Organist/Cho irDir.
Janis Garone
LBS D irec to r
Mary Ann Ho
O f f ice Ad mi n i str at o r
Domingo Ro jas
Custod ian
P atricia McCarth y De af Min.Coord /S igner
Karen Corbett
P arish Nurse
Jill Ewen
P arish Nurse
Jo-Ann ReySunday Sch ool P ian ist/You th/
VBS/ Assistan t Sund a y School Dire cto r/
Safe En viorn men t
Pray for our Presch oo l Staff:
Pray For our Lay Lea ders:
Karen Corbett, P resident/E vangelism/
P ersonnel/Steward ship
Jo Ann Justus, Secretary/Worship / No mina ting
Anne Anderson, Coun cil/T reasu rer
LynnBeno v V ice -p resid ent/Stewardsh ip/
Worship / So cial Min istry/E vange lism
Mark Corb ett, Council/P roperty/No min ating /
Safe En vior.
Jill Ewen,
Coun cil/S ocial Minist ry
Helen Hayes, Financial Sec. /Finance / Endo w.
David Lynam Council/P roperty/Safe En viron.
Jo-Ann ReyCouncil/Yo uth/VBS/Assist,S.S.Dir
/safe En viron .
Jim Sheridan , Council/Property
Sue Teitel, Council/Deaf Ministry/Nominating/Fellowship
Robin Lever
Ruth DeS ilva
Colleen S mith
P reschool Dir. /Teach er
P reschool Tea cher Asst.
P reschool Teache r
a nd
Confirma tion T eache rs, Teacher Assistan ts,
and our Lay Min isters
The Herald
The monthly newsletter of
St. David's Lutheran Church
MARCH 2013
Mission Statement
We are called in Christ:
+To Live Faithfully +To make Disciples
+ To show God's love to all
Submissions for
Herald is Newsletter
due by
March 15th.
Editor: MaryAnn Ho (parishsecy@verizon.net)
Anita T rabo ld, Council/Social Min istry
Debbie Geis
Michael Lees
Please prayer for our Military men and women,
Sr. Airman Emily Volz
Sr. Airman Eric Gaertner
Airman Carl Seaman
St. David's
Lance Corporal