Subject Line: Important Update About AP Computer Science A Labs for 2014-15
Dear AP Computer Science A teachers:
In October 2013, we announced that, starting in the 2014-15 school year, the GridWorld case
study will be replaced by a required lab component consisting of three new AP Computer
Science A labs.
To ensure that teachers have greater flexibility of instruction, the required lab component has
been changed to a minimum of 20 hours of hands-on lab experiences, which can be fulfilled
with either the new AP Computer Science A labs or other, comparable labs teachers wish to use.
GridWorld will still be removed from the 2014-15 AP Computer Science A curricular
 The three new AP Computer Science A labs will not be required and will be provided as
exemplars to support the implementation of at least 20 hours of hands-on lab work in
the classroom.
 Teachers will have the flexibility to modify and implement these new labs according to
the needs of their students and to use other resources to meet the 20-hour lab
 The 2015 AP Computer Science A Exam will not have specific questions that focus on the
new AP Computer Science A labs and will continue to assess the concepts and skills
outlined in the Course Description. In addition, there will no longer be any GridWorld
case study questions.
 Teachers with previously authorized AP courses will not be required to revise and
resubmit syllabi.
To support teachers in incorporating a minimum of 20 hours of hands-on lab experiences, the
following resources will be available in March 2014:
A revised AP Computer Science A Course and Exam Description, which will include the
update to the curricular requirement along with a description of the characteristics of
an AP-level computer science lab component.
The three new AP Computer Science A labs, which teachers can use or modify as needed
to meet the required lab component.
What You’ll Need to Do
To ensure that every course labeled AP Computer Science A in 2014-15 is taught by a teacher
who is aware of the current lab requirement as well as of the resources available to help them
meet the new requirement, teachers and administrators with previously authorized courses will
need to take a few steps using their AP Course Audit accounts.
Beginning in March 2014, AP Computer Science A teachers whose courses have already
been authorized will have two options to retain their course authorization:
Option 1: Attest to their understanding that a required lab component has replaced
the GridWorld case study and to their awareness of the resources available online,
by accessing the new exemplar AP Computer Science A lab files through their AP
Course Audit accounts.
Option 2: Submit a revised syllabus, either by creating their own syllabus that
reflects the new lab requirement or by adopting one of the four new sample syllabi
that will be available on the AP Course Audit website.
Starting in August 2014, administrators with previously authorized AP Computer Science
A courses at their schools will need to attest to their teachers’ incorporation of at least
20 hours of hands-on lab work.
You don’t need to take any action related to this change until March at the earliest. Here’s a
timeline of what’s ahead:
March 2014: The AP Course Audit will begin accepting syllabi for the 2014-15 school
year. A revised AP Computer Science A Course and Exam Description will be available,
and the following resources will be posted on the AP Course Audit site:
 Files for the three new example labs, including teacher and student lab guides,
and starter and solution code for each activity
 Four updated sample syllabi
 Syllabus development guide
Upon accessing the resources, teachers will need to attest to their understanding of the
change to the lab requirement.
June 2014: A new AP Computer Science A practice exam reflecting the removal of the
GridWorld case study will be available to teachers through their AP Course Audit
August 2014: Starting in August, administrators will need to attest to the incorporation
of the lab requirement upon renewing previously authorized courses.
Fall 2014: Teachers will begin teaching the AP Computer Science A course with the new
lab requirement.
January 31, 2015: Final deadline for teachers to complete one of the options listed
above and for administrators to complete their attestation.
May 2015: Students will take the 2015 AP Computer Science A Exam, which will reflect
the removal of the GridWorld case study.
More Information
Look for an email from us in March when the example labs and other new resources become
available. In the meantime, visit New AP Computer Science A Lab Requirement for 2014-15
<> on AP
Thank you for being a part of the AP Computer Science A community.
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