AT A GLANCE ENGINEERING INNOVATION NEXUS BUILDING PROJECT Our flagship building: a state-of-the-art research and educational environment located in the heart of campus. O’CONNELL CENTER Future home of: • • • • • Computer Engineering Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station (EIES) Engineering Innovation Institute (EII) Engineering Leadership Institute (ELI) Freshman design labs and senior capstone design courses for all departments • Faculty and student “collaboratory” spaces BEN HILL GRIFFIN STADIUM TURLINGTON PLAZA WEIL HALL NEXUS BUILDING REITZ UNION Key features: Classrooms and tools to benefit ALL ENGINEERING STUDENTS, from freshman design labs to senior capstone design courses Faculty and student COLLISION SPACES to encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration State of the art BIOTECH lab and ADVANCED MANUFACTURING facility to anchor future innovation with our growing strengths PROTOTYPING LABS to enhance hands-on learning while bringing big ideas to fruition “Virtually every freshman engineering student who enters the college will benefit from this building, as will more than 100 graduate students. These new facilities are designed specifically to enhance their hands-on engineering experience and to further boost their engineering education overall. Our goal is to see further improvement in GRADUATION RATES, closer TIES WITH INDUSTRY and a direct enhancement on the state’s WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT efforts.” - Dean Cammy Abernathy 88,000 SQ. FT. $53 MILLION 80,000 for new educational and research space estimated total cost TELEPRESENCE LAB to build 21st century communication and networking skills Architecture provided by Grimshaw • London-based • Credentials include the Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center at Renassalaer Polytechnic Institute, the London School of Economics New Academic Building and Rogers Hall at NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering