NORTH SEATTLE COMMUNITY COLLEGE OFFICE OF INSTRUCTION CURRICULUM AND ACADEMIC STANDARDS COMMITTEE Tuesday, January 9, 2006 President’s Boardroom PRESENT: Chair—Michaelann Allen Business and Engineering Technologies— Health and Human Services—Loretta Ryan Credentials—Jane Oberlander Humanities— Steve Quig, Howard Xie Science and Math and Social Science—Denise Brannan, Ann Murkowski Advising Center—Alice Melling Counseling—Lydia Minatoya Institutional Research— Library— Maria Paz Student Representative— Vice President for Instruction—Mary Ellen O’Keeffe GUEST(S): Call to Order Michaelann, The Chair, called the meeting to order. Minutes of December 12 Motion was made and seconded to approved the minutes; motion carried. Course Updates (Deletion of MUS 182 & 125) These two courses should be deleted from the catalogue and across the District as they have not been offered for years. Motion was made and seconded to delete MUS 182 and MUS 125; motion carried. Human Relations Criteria Michaelann asked the committee to present a compiled list of criteria at their division meetings and bring their thoughts to the next CAS meeting for a vote. Mary Ellen said this is needed for the self study. Michaelann and a small sub group used Bob Schuessler’s criteria and Lane Community College’s criteria to create this document for input. CAS will need to compile a list of existing courses to present to the Accreditation team. For example: Medical Assisting and other professional technical programs have to have 3 credits of Human Relations as part of general education requirements. Having the criteria and list of classes allows students to have flexible choices and meets accreditation guidelines. Mary Ellen stated that Edmonds Community College had at one time embedded Human Re- CAS Minutes 02-12-02 2 lations into professional technical courses and had to pull them out after accreditation as the accreditors did not see that they were teaching this. There needs to be a vote on this at the next CAS meeting. Miscellaneous CAS may have to select a new Chair for fall 2007, as Michaelann has served her term. Michaelann asked for thought on this as she may not be able to continue next year as Marilyn Smith is looking for someone to take over Phi Theta Kappa advising and Michaelann would like the opportunity to do this if possible. The meeting was adjourned at 3:00pm. Next scheduled meeting is January 23rd.