Janice Bullying Unit Grade 5

Grade Five Unit
Miss Janice N. Hiebert
Unit Overview/Abstract and Rationale:
The topic of bullying is referred to in an outcome in the new draft health curriculum (USC 5.6)
and therefore is based in that subject area. Among other details, students will ultimately learn
what bullying truly is, strategies to deal with bullying and the types of roles that are involved
with bullying. Although this unit will be taught during Health class, it will also touch upon other
subject areas such as Arts Education, English Language Arts, and Physical Education. Certain
adaptations will be introduced to accommodate students’ learning abilities, and technology will
be used when appropriate.
Bullying is something that affects many students’ lives on a daily basis, both in and out of
school. Many students deal with it in silence and in extreme cases may lash out or hurt
themselves. The word bullying gets placed too easily in conflict situations or taken out of
context and the meaning of the word becomes diminished. It is my wish that students will be
able to identify true bullying situations and they will all know the correct steps to take, to ensure
it stops.
I hope this unit will help those students, who are being bullied, find different strategies to combat
it. I also hope students who can relate to feelings of being a bully will be able to revaluate their
situation and follow a more positive path in their lives.
Students will have the opportunity to research different types of bullying, role play various
scenarios and take part in some technology-based centers. This unit encompasses many
important aspects of bullying and will hopefully shed light on how serious and common it is
within schools.
Foundational Objectives:
Knowledge Objectives (Students will know that)
 Different types of bullying exist in many different situations
 Bullying is unacceptable behavior
 Our school is a safe place to learn, and we will all work hard to maintain that safety
Skills/Abilities Objectives (students will)
 Determine between bullying and non bullying situations
 Use technology to research real life bullying situations
 Determine appropriate strategies to use when confronted with bullying
Attitude/Value Objectives (Students will)
 Respect and value themselves and one another as equal human beings
Appreciate the fact that we as a classroom and school are a community and we are
here to help one another
Learning Objectives:
USC 5.6 Assess peer influence and demonstrate a readiness to prevent and/or avoid potentially
dangerous situations involving peer pressure (including lying, substance use, and bullying).
DM 5.1 Analyze possible obstacles and envision solutions to addressing health challenges
related to identity and well-being, violence and peer pressure.
AP 5.1 Design and implement, with guidance, two five-day action plans that address health
challenges related to identity and well-being, violence, and peer pressure.
CCC Objectives:
 Thinking – Students will recollect prior knowledge of bullying as well as determine the
various roles in bullying situations. Students will also create a script for a skit that will be
recorded dealing with bullying situations.
 Identity and Interdependence – Students will be finding out appropriate ways to stand up
for themselves and also how we all need to work together to create a safe learning
environment. If one person does not feel safe, we are all not doing our job.
 Literacies – Students will express their learning in a variety of ways: words, images,
sounds and movements.
 Social Responsibility – Students will be contributing to the well-being of their classroom,
school and community by learning and applying bullying strategies.
Culturally Sensitive Content
Bullying can affect anyone of any age, gender or ethnic background. This is a reason that I
chose not to include culturally sensitive material in this unit. The issue of bullying should not
fall into a discussion about racism, although racism can involve bullying. Bullying is about
power and power differentials and crosses all cultural boundaries.
Comprehensive School Health (CSH)
CSH some days feels like an unattainable goal. How do we as teachers facilitate a high level of
learning in Health Education, so that students are able to make informed decisions that affect
their lives on a daily basis? The skills and knowledge we impart on those students, and what they
take away from a health class must be delivered in a way that will encourage positive life long
choices. There are a few basic steps, we as teachers can take to help the CSH framework become
a common philosophy in our schools. My examples are in correlation with the Bullying unit.
Model the types of behaviour we are showing our students is a healthy and
appropriate choice. (ex. Treat everyone in the school with a high level of respect, all
students, teachers, principal, parents, guests and community members)
Give meaning to what you are teaching your students (ex. Show how bullying is
present everywhere, not just in schools and that it is unacceptable and has real
consequences. Depending on maturity and grade level you can show examples of how
students that were bullied took it to that last level and committed suicide. Show your
students that their actions have consequences and that they must be held accountable
for their behaviour).
Create an environment where your students feel comfortable sharing their own
experiences. I would even share my own stories of when I was bullied as a child, how
I have even been bullied as an adult and how I dealt with those situations.
Create relationships with not only your students, but their parents and other
community members. It is important for teachers of health education to have open
door policies so that those who may have misconceptions regarding certain issues
have the opportunity to voice their concerns and questions to you. (ex. Plan meet and
greets with healthy snacks and tea at the school for those parents that are interested in
what you are doing)
It must be noted that health education has to be more than simply an education in good eating
and exercise. The fundamental reason so many people are unhealthy is that they often have very
little control or understanding of their mental and personal lives; health education, therefore,
becomes inquiry-based, that is, providing students with the understanding about themselves as
people, their mental, spiritual, and emotional health, and why they often medicate with impulsive
eating behaviors and harmful lifestyle habits.
Hopefully through this unit I can really encourage my students to think critically about the
choices they make. This unit follows sequential goals as set out by the new draft health k-5
Understanding the skills and competencies (Lessons 1 - 5)
Decision making (Lesson 6 - 8 [planned])
Action Plan (Cumulative lessons: Bully Awareness video set to stay in the classroom for future
use by other students)
Adaptive Dimension
Throughout this unit I have incorporated many adaptations to ensure that I am providing all
students with what they need to be successful. I will read quizzes orally, and we will partake in
shared reading when studying the included book. On different occasions I will encourage
students to work in partners as well as small groups. I will also incorporate chunking for some
students, to make certain they are completing their work in a timely manner. I am certain more
adaptations will need to be put in place once I am in the classroom.
Scope and Sequence – please see separate attachment
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plan 1
Topic: Bullying
Class: Grade 5
Teacher: Miss Janice Hiebert
Description of Lesson: This lesson will introduce the topic of bullying to the class. I will find
out what they already know about bullying and what they want to know. We will view a bully
dance video and discuss.
USC 5.6 Assess peer influence and
demonstrate a readiness to prevent and/or
avoid potentially dangerous situations
involving peer pressure (including lying,
substance use, and bullying).
 Ability to add to class
 Speak knowledgably about the
Bully Dance video
Bullying journals
Bullying questions
True or False Quiz
Lesson Preparation:
Preview the film Bully Dance
Photocopy necessary papers
Classroom management: Students are already familiar with the “yo”/””sup” tactic. I will
continue to use this as long as it works. My cooperating teacher also has the marble system set
up with his class, so I can also use that, when I am at the back of the room, as they are already
familiar with that.
SET: (10 mins.) Write the word bully on the board and ask for definitions from the class. Give
my own definition. Get them to answer the following 2 questions in their journals.
1) What do they know about bullying?
2) What do they want to know about bullying?
DEVELOPMENT:(25 mins) Watch the film Bully Dance followed by a conversation regarding
the film. Ask students about the outcome of the film.
Look at the list the students made on the board and have them identify the exclusion behaviours
at the end of the film. Who is likely to be the next victim? Continue with questions about
bullying in a grand class conversation
CLOSURE: (15 mins) True or False Quiz given orally. They can mark their own and we will go
over the answers to wrap up.
Professional Development Goals
How I plan to achieve
I want to be appropriately confident in the
Ensure I am knowledgeable in the area of
bullying so that I can confidently teach
the students and answer any questions
they may have.
Data collection – Observers
Please make a check/tick every time I seem to fumble and look uncomfortable while instructing.
Number of moments lacking confidence
Additional Comments:
Lesson Plan: 2
Topic: Bullying
Class: Grade 5
Teacher: Miss Janice Hiebert
Description of Lesson: This lesson will review topics from lesson 1. Students will be introduced
to the final project of a bullying awareness movie, which they will create as a final project. They
will also be introduced to the idea of a rubric. We will create a classroom rubric, which they will
later use to assess themselves and their peers. I will also use this rubric to assess their final
USC 5.6 Assess peer influence and
demonstrate a readiness to prevent and/or
avoid potentially dangerous situations
involving peer pressure (including lying,
substance use, and bullying).
 Define appropriate qualities that
can be used for self, peer and
teacher assessment
 Give numerical value in a rating
scale for the rubric
Example of a rubric
Bullies are a Pain on the Brain book
Lesson Preparation:
Find an example of rubric to show the students
Review book for length and content
Create the document of celebrities
Prepare background information about celebrities to ask students
SET: (15 mins) Review material from previous lesson. Ask the class the celebrity trivia
questions until someone can guess who the celebrities are (they are three young famous people
that the students are familiar with). What do they all have in common? They are all movie stars,
just as my students will be as I introduce the idea of creating the bully awareness video as the
final project. Show students an example of a rubric.
DEVELOPMENT: (25 mins) Together as a class we will develop and create our own rubric to
use as an assessment tool for the students themselves, their peers, and for me to use. We will also
give the rubric a rating scale for evaluation purposes. What makes a good team? Get the students
to create a word web on the board, and then we can categorize and compact terms together.
CLOSURE: (5 – mins) Remind students why we made this word web, for our rubric. What will
we do with our rubric? Assess ourselves, our group members and Miss Hiebert will also assess
you with it.
Lesson Plan: 3
Topic: Bullying
Class: Grade 5
Teacher: Miss Janice Hiebert
Description of Lesson: In this lesson students will learn different types of bullying and the
difference between bullying and normal conflict situations. They will work in partners to come
up with different instances of bullying and non-bullying situations that may happen at their
USC 5.6 Assess peer influence and
demonstrate a readiness to prevent and/or
avoid potentially dangerous situations
involving peer pressure (including lying,
substance use, and bullying).
 Students will be able to
differentiate between normal
conflict situations and bullying.
 Students will listen and be able to
confidently speak about the book
Graphic organizer 6A, 6B
Bullying vs. normal conflict situations
Lesson Preparation:
Photocopy graphic organizers
Prepare bullying vs. normal conflict situations
SET: (10 mins) Use verbal entry slips from a few students about what we have already learned.
Hand out graphic organizer 6A and discuss the different types of bullying...are there any others?
Ex: Cyber bullying. Draw a normal conflict vs. bullying chart.
DEVELOPMENT: (30 mins) I will read a situation out to the class and whoever wants to
answer can put their hand up. When picked they can come up to the board and put a check mark
under the bullying or normal conflict heading. Does the class agree, why or why not, pick on
random students.
CLOSURE: (10 mins) Hand out 6B, read with the class. Students may read aloud.
Lesson Plan: 4
Topic: Bullying
Class: Grade 5
Teacher: Miss Janice Hiebert
Description of Lesson: This lesson will focus on the roles of people involved in bullying
situations: the bully, the bystander and the victim. We will discuss different vocabulary words
associated with those roles as well (ex. target, witness). Students will take part in role-playing to
experience what it feels like to be in each role, and how to decipher which roles they are in.
USC 5.6 Assess peer influence and
demonstrate a readiness to prevent and/or
avoid potentially dangerous situations
involving peer pressure (including lying,
substance use, and bullying).
 Students will know the different
roles involved in bullying and
how each take part.
 Students will be able to
appropriately and correctly
portray various roles.
Role playing cards
Lesson Preparation:
Prepare the introductory role-playing situation for myself
Prepare cameo role playing cards for students.
SET: (5 mins) I will role play a specific situation and allow the students to guess what type of
bullying is occurring and which character roles I am portraying. Review types of bullying (use a
class nerf ball, when one person answers they can throw the ball to someone else that has their
hand up to answer).
DEVELOPMENT: (25 mins) Discuss the three roles. What do they know about each? I will
divide the class into half and make it into a game of cameo (like charades but the players are able
to speak) I will be facilitating the game as well as helping the role players out with ideas etc., to
ensure the game flows smoothly. Each role playing card has the situation and the number of
characters. I will take the required number of players into the hall way and read them their
CLOSURE: (10 mins) Students will reflect in their journals how they felt in each role. They may
choose written or visual reflections.
Lesson Plan: 5
Topic: Bullying
Class: Grade 5
Teacher: Miss Janice Hiebert
Description of Lesson: This lesson will divide the class period into 10 minute intervals using
centers. There will be five centers with five students working at one center at a time. All
information they uncover in the centers can be recorded and used as resources for the final
USC 5.6 Assess peer influence and
demonstrate a readiness to prevent and/or
avoid potentially dangerous situations
involving peer pressure (including lying,
substance use, and bullying).
 Students are able to transition
smoothly from one center to
another and follow directions at
Students are able to discover and
record relevant information.
Wireless Laptop computers
Why does a Bully, Bully? Graphic organizer
Bullying vs. non bullying situations
List of nursery rhymes
Lesson Preparation:
Sign out laptop computers
Photocopy graphic organizers
Research appropriate websites
Come up with bully vs. non bully situations
SET: (5 mins) Clear your desks. Today we are working in centers. I will show you what We will
be working in groups today, introduce and expect at each center. Then I will divide you into
groups. I have each center with a marked letter on it… B U L L Y and one of the L’s is a
different color to differentiate. I have five of each of these letters on small pieces of paper and in
a hat so that each student will have a random chance of being in any one group. (some table
groups DO NOT work well together). Whichever letter you get is the table you start at.
DEVELOPMENT: (35 mins) The groups will work for 8 to 10 minutes at each station. And
when I play “I like to move it move it” on my laptop the students will know it is time to change
centers. Students will bring their journals with them to each station.
B Students will read the graphic organizer and try to suggest as many other reasons as they can
for why a bully, bullies. They will talk amongst their group. When they can not think of any
more examples, they can use the laptop (www.redcross.ca) and list any other reasons they find
on that website that they do not already have written down.
U, L I will have compiled a list of popular nursery rhymes. As a group the students will choose
one nursery rhyme, and together change the words to make it a rhyme about bullying, using the
same tune or rhythm. (extra time for bullying posters or nursery ryhmes at the second L station)
L: I will have an envelope of non-bullying and bullying scenarios. Students will work together as
a group to divide them into their respective categories and construct a table in their journals, to
list them in.
Y: Students will work together to come up with an anti-bullying slogan; they will then
individually create a small poster to depict that slogan.
CLOSURE: (5 mins) Groups will share their nursery rhyme bullying poems with the rest of the
class. There will be an open book quiz tomorrow.
Classroom management (those that wish to share their ryhmes can, but they don‘t have to. I
won’t tell them that until the end of the class so that they all do the work).
Lesson Plan: 6
Topic: Bullying
Class: Grade 5
Teacher: Miss Janice Hiebert
Description of Lesson: This lesson will review why bullies bully by discussing it as a class. We
will also discuss strategies to deal with bullying and a short open book quiz will be given.
DM5.1 Analyze possible obstacles
and envision solutions to addressing
health challenges related to impact of
identity and well-being, violence and
peer pressure.
Contribute intelligently to the class
Complete quiz in a timely manner
Bully quiz
HaHaSo Strategies
Bully word search
Lesson Preparation:
Photocopy quiz
Make sure students are aware of quiz at least a day before I give it (open book)
SET: (5mins) Why do bullies bully? We will make a list of reasons, students can copy down in
DEVELOPMENT: (15 mins) We will go over the HaHaSo strategies as a class.
CLOSURE: (25 mins) An open book exam will be given. I will be reading it orally for those
students that are not at a grade five reading level. Depending on time, I will either end here or
divide the class into their groups for the final project. I have devised a plan to tape simple math
problems under each person’s desk. When they figure out the problem the answer will be the
number of the group they will be in.
*had a bully word search ready for students who finished quiz early
Lesson Plan: 7
Topic: Bullying
Class: Grade 5
Teacher: Miss Janice Hiebert
Description of Lesson: This lesson will go over my expectations for the final project. The
students will be divided into groups. I have I have devised a plan to tape simple math problems
under each person’s desk. When they figure out the problem the answer will be the number of
the group they will be in. We will be deciding which type of bullying their script will be based
on (physical [hitting, kicking, destroying property], verbal [name calling, teasing, threatening],
social [exclusion, spreading rumors, silent treatment]), intimidation [graffiti, dirty tricks, taking
possession, coercion], written/cyber [ websites, text messaging, msn, chat rooms, embarrassing
pictures, notes, graffitti]) and what will be needed to complete each group’s skit.
AP 5.1 Design and implement with
guidance a five day action plan that
addresses health issues.
Students will be able to solve math
problem and determine their group
Students will work together as a group
to begin plans for the final bully
awareness project
Math problems
Types of bullying
Marked quizzes
Lesson Preparation:
Math problems will be taped underneath each student’s desk chair
Prepare types of bullying so groups can randomly pick a type of bullying
SET: (2 mins) Review the Ha Ha So Strategies to deal with bullying as a class. Read out
scenarios of bullying and ask the students to apply their knowledge and let me know what they
would do. Give back exams. I know you are all squirming with excitement over the BULLY
AWARENESS VIDEO! Let’s go over some of my expectations! Go over the script sheet (each
group will get one). We only have 3 work days so we need to get things going!
DEVELOPMENT: (40 mins) Tell the students to look under their desk chairs and figure out their
groups. You can meet anywhere in the room to get started. I will be coming around to help when
needed! Once groups have been established we will randomly pick what type of bullying each
group will be dealing with.
CLOSURE: Work work work, until my time is up!
What you need to make a video:
Group Members:___________________________________________________
What type of bullying are you portraying in your skit: ___________________
First ideas:
Determine who will play what roles, everyone must be included:
List of any costumes:
List of any props:
*If you use any names do not use any names of people in the class
How are you going to introduce the scene:
What will the bullying conflict be? What is the victim doing, what are the bystanders doing?
What do the bystanders do? What does the victim do?
How is the bullying situation resolved? Do you show it being resolved? Or does the group talk
on video about how you could resolve it.
Please write script good copy script on foolscap.
Lesson 8/9
Group work
Students must show me by the end of the ninth day their scripts and practice their skit in front of
I walked from group to group constantly, giving suggestions to improve the skits and helping
students with ideas.
Lesson 10
FILM DAY. Students must be aware that it is imperative for those not being filmed must be
silent. No moving, no talking, no rustling. If anyone makes noise while others are filming I will
take marks off of their final project. Filming all five groups took 1hour.
Lesson Plan: 11
Topic: Bullying
Class: Grade 5
Teacher: Miss Janice Hiebert
Description of Lesson: This lesson will finally reward the students for their hard work by
showcasing their movie. I have prepared popcorn for the students as a treat and allowed them to
bring in a drink of their choice. They will also evaluate each other and themselves on the work
they did in their groups.
Bully movie
Laptop and projector
Self assessment rubrics
Peer assessments rubrics
Lesson Preparation:
Edit the bully movie
Set up laptop and the projector
Create self/peer assessment rubrics and photocopy
Self assessment
Peer assessments
Lesson Plan 12
Topic: Bullying
Class: Grade 5
Teacher: Miss Janice Hiebert
Description of Lesson:
Lesson Preparation:
Book television and DVD player
Call Constable Brandy Arnold (to confirm)
Introduce Constable Arnold and remind my students how I expect them to behave when we have
a guest in the room.
Monitor the room and keep kids on task
Thank Constable Arnold. Give out cupcakes as my good bye treat.