Ms. Jackson’s 12th World Geography Course Syllabus Vista del Lago High School Contact Info: Welcome to my class! Following is a description of what to expect in this course during fall semester. Please read this carefully and return the signed form to me for credit. Course Description: World Geography is a course designed to help students demonstrate a basic knowledge of location, landforms and resources of cultural regions. Students will develop skills in the use of maps, globes and other graphic tools to acquire and process geographic information. Students will learn to relate how geography has affected the economic, social and cultural development of cultural regions, and analyze problems that challenge people from various cultural regions. Throughout the course students will be involved in numerous amounts of activities that will guide and build their learning abilities. Topics of study: 1. The World 2. The United States and Canada 3. Latin America 4. Europe & Russia 5. North Africa, Southwest Asia and Central Asia 6. Africa South of the Sahara 7. South Asia 8. East Asia 9. Southeast Asia 10. Australia, Oceania and Antarctica I will give 100% in the classroom, and expect the same in return from you. I set high expectations, but I will work with you to meet these expectations. I will be using Power School to post assignments and grades. In addition, you will find my grading/classroom policies listed below. Please feel free to contact me at either email address provided above. Quizzes/Testing: At the end of each unit, you will be given a map quiz. There will be two formal exams given over the course of this semester, a mid-term and a final. Each exam will include short answer, mapping, charting, identification, multiple choice and essay questions. I will provide a study guide/review sheet approximately 1 week prior to the exam date. Homework: Expect to have an average of 2 hours of homework a week for this class. (Homework may include formal assignments, current events, updating journal entries/notes, study time, and projects.) Journals: The Journals are a BIG DEAL! Journals will be collected 2 times over the course of this term. To be more specific, your journal will be collected at the beginning of the class period the day of the Mid-term and the day of the final. All note-taking for this class should be done in your journal. If you take the journal seriously, you will be prepared for the tests. DO NOT BE ABSENT!!! COME TO CLASS!!! Absences will affect your grade. I know that in some cases, this will be out of your control. If you are on the verge of dying, please stay home and get better. If there is an emergency, I will understand, but please do everything in your power to avoid missing class. If you have an excused absence, then all work due on the day(s) you missed will be due at the beginning of class on the day you return. If there is work you missed due to an absence, it is your responsibility to seek missing work. The missing work will be due on the following day of your return, at the beginning of the period. Late Work and Missing Assignments Students who are missing assignments or who score below basic (1.33) will be allowed a limited opportunity to prove mastery. Students must complete a Learner Action Plan (LAP) and receive teacher approval in order to make-up or redo an assignment. If a student does not make a reasonable attempt to complete the assignment according to the LAP, he/she will receive a zero. If a student fulfills the terms of the LAP, they will earn up to 50% of the credit. The most credit you can receive for a late assignment is 50%. Always do your best work! If you are struggling with anything, please talk to me. Your grade is your responsibility, but I will do my best to help you achieve the best grade possible. Grading Both formative and summative assessments will be used for gathering and reporting student achievement. Formative assessments are used for practice, skill development and guiding instruction; they will make up 30% of your grade. Summative assessments are used as a final measure of student learning at the end of a period of instruction); they will make up 70% of your grade. Specific rubrics will be used for the various types of assignments. Grades will be weighted as follows: All student work will be graded on a 4 point grading scale. See grading definitions below. Letter Grade Rubric Score % Range Descriptor Performance Level A+ 4.33 97%100% The student has advanced knowledge and skills and is able to demonstrate sophisticated application in new contexts and exemplary work. Advanced 4.0 93%96% A- 3.67 90%92% B+ 3.33 87%89% B 3.0 83%- A The student has an advanced-proficient understanding of Advanced Proficient grade level content and is able to demonstrate and apply this consistently. The student is able to demonstrate grade level skills and Proficient 86% B- 2.67 C+ 2.33 C 2.0 understanding with minor mistakes and omissions. 80%82% 77%79% The student has a basic understanding of content but requires further assistance or study to meet proficient level. Basic—working towards proficient 73%76% C- 1.67 70%72% D+ 1.33 67%69% Student demonstrates limited understanding of concepts Below Basic and skills and is not ready to move on to next level. D D- F 1.0 63%66% .67 60%62% 0 Below 60% Student has failed to demonstrate any skills or understanding of content. Far Below Basic (or incomplete) Rubric scores offer a fair approach to the five point scale. With a rubric score there are equal intervals between numbers 0,1,2,3,4. The rubric numbers are appropriate to apply as grades because they are distributed evenly and there is more equality between percentages. The above grading scales and measures demonstrate the most accurate relationship between student work/learning and their academic achievement. The Key to a Successful Term: Be respectful! Show respect to everyone and everything in the classroom. Leave a negative attitude at the door. In particular, please respect others’ opinions (which does not mean that you have to agree with them).If you show disrespect in any way when a substitute is in the class you will be suspended from class upon my return. Be prepared to succeed! Always give your best effort on all class assignments and activities, they are opportunities to learn, achieve, and grow. Arrive prepared to discuss any assigned readings. Homework, reading and projects should be done before coming into class. Be sure you bring all of your daily-required materials. Be an example! All students are expected to behave in an appropriate manner. Those who do not can expect fair, consistent, and natural disciplinary consequences for their inappropriate actions or attitudes. Typical consequences include but are not limited to warnings, detentions, referrals to administration, parent phone calls, parent conferences, behavior contracts, and even expulsion from the class. No gum, food or drink, except water, may be consumed in the classroom without permission. Electronic devices taken during class will be given to the office. Be a person of integrity! Remember that your personal honor is a very precious and important part of who you are as an individual. While students are encouraged to help each other and work together, cheating will not be tolerated. Cheating occurs whenever a student attempts to take credit for someone else’s effort. For definitions of behaviors that are considered cheating and their consequences refer to the Vista del Lago Academic Integrity Contract. General Classroom Rules: 1. No Electronic Devices 2. Show up on time 3. Speak when invited by Ms. Jackson 4. Food, Yes. Mess, NO. 5. Get the work done…on time! 6. Don’t cheat…ever. 7. Study 8. Bring necessary materials to class. 9. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. 10. Stay awake no matter how boring you think I am! Consequences: 1. Verbal Warning 2. Detention Before School (30 minutes) 3. Call Home 4. Referral Please sign and return: I have read and understood everything in this syllabus. Student :( Please Print)____________________________________ Student :( Please Sign)_____________________________________Date:______________ Parent:( Please Print)____________________________________ Parent:( Please Sign)_____________________________________Date:______________