AP CHEMISTRY CLASS SYLLABUS Instructor: Text: Course: Plan Hour: Phone: E-mail: Mr. Mooney Room #: 003 Chemistry The Central Science 13th edition Authors: Brown; LeMay ISBN: 978-0-13-357412-8 AP Chemistry 1 Credit Awarded for passing class (Honor Point BOTH Semesters) 6th Hour (12:40-1:20) 224-1315 x 50693 (BSSHS) nmooney@bssd.net Course Description: This is a rapidly, paced, detailed, college-level Chemistry course. It is designed to prepare students who will be majoring in one of the sciences in college. By successfully completing this course and performing well on a standardized test administered by The College Board, the students taking this course will be able to receive college credit and move directly to more advanced coursework when enrolled in college. A wide range of topics are covered in significant detail. Units Covered: Semester 1 Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Semester 2 1 Introduction: Matter and Measurement 2 Atoms, Molecules, & Ions 3 Stoichiometry … 4 Reactions in Aqueous Solutions 21 Nuclear Chemistry 20 Electrochemistry 13 Properties of Solutions 14 Chemical Kinetics 15 Chemical Equilibrium 16 Acid-Base Equilibria Chapter 24 Organic Nomenclature Chapter 17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Chapter 5 Thermochemistry Chapter 19 Chemical Thermodynamics Chapter 6 Electronic Structure of Atoms Chapter 7 Periodic Properties of the Elements Chapter 8 Basic Concepts of Chemical Bonding Chapter 9 Molecular Geometry & Bonding Theories Chapter 10 Gases Chapter 11 Liquids and Intermolecular Forces AP Test Review: o o Will take place approximately 4 weeks before the AP exam on Monday, May 2nd, 2016. Will be at a minimum two full practice exams on the weekend. Grading Scale: 90 –100% A 80 – 89.9% B 70 – 79.9% C 60 –69.9% D Below 60% F Grades are weighted as follows: 70% from tests & quizzes 20% from labs 10% from homework Material needed: o Graphing calculator (TI83 or higher) o Pencil/Pen o o Spiral Notebook, 3-ring Notebook / Folder o Expo Markers (multicolor) Labs: Write ups or questions over lab will be due following each lab. Cheating: This action will result in a zero on the assignment and could also result in a referral to your Principal Class procedures: One day is allowed for make-up work from an excused absence Retests are not given. Tests are designed to allow plenty of time to finish during given time. Extra time is not given, unless some special need is known. Testing Rules…No hats, talking, headphones, or cell phones during a test or quiz. (headphones or cell phones usage during a test will be an automatic zero) Cell Phones may be used between classes and at lunch so DO NOT let me see them during class Do not turn your homework in late—Homework will not be allowed to be turned in after the test is taken for that particular chapter. Late homework is 70% if within the unit. Absences: Assignments are always given, so it is your responsibility to get all assignments missed. Feel free to e-mail me at any time. If you are absent for a test or a quiz you will take the test or quiz the next time you are in class. An alternative tests/quiz may be given. A substitute assignment may be given will be given if a lab is missed. Snacks are ok. NO POP/SODA in the room. Can leave at door, but will not have at seat. Water is great! Juices and other drinks are just ok. Water is preferred. “Rule of 5” – we will have 5 questions on every test from previously covered material. Tutoring: o o I am available before school around 6:30. After school will be dependent on whether I am coaching. I coach in Fall and Spring, but depending on schedule I will sometimes be after school.