rev. 2008 International Tutor Program Certification Re-certification Application Packet Compliance with federal copyright law is expected of all CRLA ITPC programs. It is our legal and ethical responsibility to give authorship credit for all materials we use in the classroom and for tutor and mentor training. Additionally, it is our legal and ethical responsibility to purchase (or have students purchase) copyrighted materials. Programs found to be in violation of copyright law will lose their certification. Re-Certification Application Cover Sheet 1. CONTACT PERSON: Timothy Pure PROGRAM NAME: Rutgers Camden Learning Center (RCLC) INSTITUTION: Rutgers University, Camden Campus ADDRESS: Armitage Hall, Room 231 ADDRESS: 311 N. 5th Street CITY, STATE ZIP: Camden, NJ 08102 PHONE: 856-225-6442 FAX: 856-225-6443 EMAIL: CRLA member: _x_Yes __No Type of Institution: __2 year _x_4 year 2. RE-CERTIFICATION LEVEL(S) REQUESTED _ x_ REGULAR LEVEL 1 _ _ ADVANCED LEVEL 2 _ _ MASTER LEVEL 3 3. APPLICATION FEE: (Effective July 1, 2005) Any 1 Level = $100; Level 1 & 2 or Level 2 & 3 = $150; All 3 Levels = $200 Make a copy of this page, attach a check payable to--CRLA/Tutor Program Certification-and mail to: ITPC Certification c/o Rick Sheets 12422 West Aurora Dr. Sun City West, AZ 85375-1924 The federal I.D. # is 95-3177158. We cannot accept Purchase Orders Page 1 List of Documents: Please list the titles of the documentation files you are attaching to your application to verify that you meet certification requirements: (usual documentation could include syllabus, program description, time logs, brochures, tutor training guides, web pages, handouts.) Be aware of copyright concerns in the documentation you provide. Note: This is usually the last step in the process. 1. Description of Tutor Training Modules 2. Hours Tutored Spring 2009 (documentation example of how we track hours tutored through AccuTrack software- note, this document is only for Spring 2009 semester) 3. 2009CRLATutors (Excel spreadsheet with hours of training, number of online sessions used, and tutoring hours) 4. Tutor_PGL Application (Application for position of tutor) 5. Tutor Recommend (Faculty recommendation form for hiring tutor) 6. Peer Evaluation Observation sheet 7. Sample PowerPoint slideshow- “Learning Disabilities.” 8. Sample PowerPoint slideshow- “The Tutoring Cycle” 9. Possible solutions to role plays from “The Tutoring Cycle.” OVERVIEW OF THE TUTOR PROGRAM TO BE CERTIFIED Please provide a two-page overview summarizing how your tutor training program fulfills the requirements of the level or levels of certification you are seeking. The purpose of this overview is to provide the Reviewers with the background information necessary to understand your program. This overview should include: 1) Program history 2) Program objectives 3) Reporting lines 4) Sources of funding 5) Services and students served 6) Program location and facility 7) Training guidelines (administration; selection, hours, tracking, evaluation, etc.) 8) How you generally conduct your training. (group size, meeting frequency/length, type of presentation) PROGRAM OVERVIEW Rutgers University is the state university of New Jersey. The Camden campus, located in Camden, New Jersey, is home to approximately 5,400 undergraduate and graduate students. The Rutgers-Camden Learning Center (RCLC) came into existence on September 26, 1992 and has operated continuously since its opening day. The RCLC is located in Armitage Hall, one of the primary classroom buildings for the College of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers-Camden. Page 2 The RCLC offers individual and small-group tutoring for most undergraduate subject areas, peer-led study groups, writing assistance, weekly academic support workshops, academic coaching, and learning assistance for students with learning disabilities. In addition, the RCLC liaises with oncampus groups such as Athletics, the Educational Opportunity Fund, Student Support Services/TRiO, and Residence Life in order to bring academic support services to a larger group of students. Services are offered both in the Rutgers-Camden Learning Center, as well as at locations throughout the campus. Peer tutoring and writing assistance most often occur within the RCLC offices, as the facility is designed to accommodate up to twelve concurrent tutoring sessions. The RCLC has several computer stations where tutors can take advantage of relevant software such as MyCompLab for writing assistance or SAS for statistics tutoring. In addition, in the spring of 2009, the RCLC conducted its first distance tutoring session, utilizing distance learning hardware and software. Review sessions and academic support workshops are typically held in classrooms throughout the campus. RCLC staff is also a strong presence at campus events for incoming students, so as to better familiarize new Rutgers-Camden students with the academic support services available to them. The RCLC is headed by Dr. Robert L. Ciervo, who is the Director. Reporting to the director is the Learning Specialist, Timothy S. Pure, and the Office Secretary, Annette Robinson. The RCLC reports to the Associate Dean for the Educational Opportunity Fund and University College in the Rutgers-Camden College of Arts and Sciences. The RCLC is funded through the Dean’s Office of the College of Arts and Sciences. Utilization of the Rutgers-Camden Learning Center services continues to grow. During the 2007-2008 academic year, there were 2276 tutoring appointments. During the 2008-2009 academic year, there were 2916 tutoring appointments. 573 of those appointments were for writing assistance. In addition, there were 1050 peer-led review sessions facilitated by RCLC student employees for courses such as Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Algebra, Accounting, and Nursing. The RCLC hires Rutgers-Camden students who have demonstrated high achievement in the subject areas for which they will be tutoring. The RCLC hires undergraduate and graduate students to serve as peer tutors and writing assistants. Course content peer tutors are selected from applicants who have completed the course for which they seek to tutor with a grade of B or higher or graduate students who have completed similar courses at other institutions with a grade of B or higher. All writing assistants that are hired must be enrolled in either the M.F.A. or M.A. programs within the English department and have past tutoring experience. In addition, all applicants must have at least one reference form completed by a faculty member from either Rutgers or their undergraduate institution before being interviewed. The College Reading and Learning Association’s International Tutor Training Program has been an invaluable asset for assuring that the RCLC can provide high-quality tutoring services to Rutgers-Camden students. Using the CRLA Level 1 Tutor Certification requirements as a framework, the RCLC has developed a tutor training program for all incoming tutors. During the 2007-2008 academic year, sixteen tutors received Level 1 certification. During the 2008-2009 academic year, an additional eight tutors received Level 1 certification. The RCLC tutor training program is supervised by the Learning Specialist, Timothy S. Pure. New tutors are strongly encouraged to participate in the program. The benefits of the program are discussed by the Director during the hiring process; these benefits include a $0.50 per hour raise for tutors who successfully complete the training program, an awards banquet at the end of the academic year for all certified tutors, and the use of CRLA Tutor Certification as a talking point in future job interviews. Drawing on the CRLA guidelines, new tutors must complete at least 10 hours of tutor training sessions, as well as a minimum of 25 hours of tutoring in order to achieve Level 1 certification. Page 3 Tutor training sessions are conducted throughout the academic year, with tutors’ progress continuously monitored by the Learning Specialist. Each session is typically offered twice, so as to account for the varied schedules of the undergraduate and graduate students who tutor for the RCLC. In addition, six of the sessions are available online through Sakai, an open-source collaboration and courseware management platform that has been adopted by Rutgers University as its online course content framework. Although six sessions are available, tutors are allowed a maximum of four sessions that are not held in-person. The online sessions typically take the form of an audio-narrated slideshow with interactive elements, or web quests. Sessions are conducted in 1-hour increments, with the sessions tailored to the needs of Rutgers-Camden students. Subjects include Learning Styles, Learning Disability Awareness, Active Listening & Communication, and English as a Second Language. The tutor training sessions vary as to type of presentation, with sessions using slideshows, role plays, problem solving, individual conferences with the Learning Specialist or Directs, or simulated assessments in order to maximize understanding. Tutors receive evaluations from the Director, the Learning Specialist, and from other tutors through our “Peer Evaluation” module. In addition, through the use of Accu-Track, tutors receive direct feedback from the students whom they instruct. LEVEL 1: TOPICS, MATERIALS, AND DOCUMENTATION SUMMARY CHART (Applicable ONLY for Level 1) (To add rows to table, tab last field) <Please see attached “Description of Tutor Training Modules” for more detailed information> Topic When Covered Amount of time The Tutoring Cycle September 1 hour Learning Disabilities October Large Group Instruction October 1 hour Large Group Instruction PowerPoint Slideshow, Learning Styles Assessment, sign-in sheets, online quiz (Sakai) February 1 hour Large Group Instruction PowerPoint Slideshow, sign-in sheets, role play scripts, online quiz (Sakai) On-Going 1 Hour Small Group Instruction with relevant faculty Sign-in sheets, Other materials at the discretion of each instructor. March 1 Hour Large Group instruction with outside expert PowerPoint Slideshow, sign-in sheets 1 hour Learning Styles Active Listening & Communicatio n Content Area Trainings ESL Page 4 Methods Large Group Instruction Materials Used/ Documentation PowerPoint Slideshow, Staff Manual, Role Play scripts (attached), sign-in sheets, online quiz (Sakai) PowerPoint Slideshow, sign-in sheets, online quiz (Sakai) Tutor Training Make Up Session On-Going 1 hour Individual Webquest Online session only. Uses Sakai and a module from CCSF LERN-10. Online quiz as postassessment on Sakai. Varies. Individual Conference with Learning Specialist On-Going 1 Hour Individual Conference Conference with Director of RCLC Peer Evaluation September, January 1 Hour Individual Conference Staff Manual, Accu-Track software. On-Going 1.5 hours Peer Evaluation Observation Sheet Tips & Techniques April 1 Hour Observation of other tutor, meeting with Director of RCLC Large Group Instruction PowerPoint slideshow, Handout on study skills, sign-in sheet. LEVEL 2: TOPICS, MATERIALS, AND DOCUMENTATION SUMMARY CHART (Applicable ONLY for Level 2) (To add rows to table, tab last field) Topic When Covered Amount of time Methods Materials Used/ Documentation LEVEL 3: TOPICS, MATERIALS, AND DOCUMENTATION SUMMARY CHART (Applicable ONLY for Level 3) (To add rows to table, tab last field) Page 5 Topic When Covered Amount of time Methods Materials Used/ Documentation VERIFICATION OF TUTOR TRAINING PROGRAM Please complete a "Verification of Tutor Program(s)" for each program you want to be certified. For example, if you wish to have a “Mathematics Center Program” certified at Levels 1 & 2, please complete the verification for Levels 1 & 2. If you also have a “Writing Center Program” with a different training program that you wish to have certified at Level 1, you must submit a totally separate application, with its own separate fee, and complete its own separate verification form. Please refer "CRLA'S REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATION OF TUTOR PROGRAMS" for a complete list of all LEVEL 1, 2, and 3 requirements for a program to be certified. The "necessary documentation" required for each criteria consists of patterns of evidence of the what, how, and when of the training program. It should include enough samples and documentation to enable CRLA Reviewers to verify the excellence of your program(s). Examples of documentation include: 1) course syllabi, workshop overview, or program description 2) titles and ISBN numbers of copyrighted books, videos, DVDs, surveys, and other training materials used 3) URLs of web pages or websites 4) flyers/posters/memo samples 5) worksheet samples 6) handout samples The better the documentation you provide, the easier it will be for the reviewers to certify your program(s); however, brevity is appreciated so condensed but complete documentation is requested. Any complete files you feel should be attached, should be listed in the section above called List of Documents. Page 6 A. AMOUNT/DURATION OF TUTOR TRAINING 1) List the number of hours involved in your tutor training, 2) whether you have met or exceeded the minimum, and 3) the Documentation you have attached as a file to confirm your compliance (an example might be: Tutor Training Syllabus, pages 2-4). List only for the levels for which you are applying: Number of Hours for Level 1: _10__ (10 hours total are the minimum required) The requirements of Level 1 are: Met _x_ or Exceeded ___ Documentation: (Please see attached “Description of Tutor Training Modules” and “2009 CRLA Tutors”) Number of Hours for Level 2: ___ (10 hours total are the minimum required) The requirements of Level 1 are: Met __ or Exceeded ___ Documentation: Number of Hours for Level 3: ___ (10 hours total are the minimum required) The requirements of Level 1 are: Met __ or Exceeded ___ Documentation: B. MODES OF TUTOR TRAINING 1) List the training modes involved in your tutor training, 2) whether you have met or exceeded the minimum, and 3) the Documentation you have attached as a file to confirm your compliance (an example might be your Tutor Training Syllabus, pages 4-6). List only for the levels for which you are applying: Level 1: (classroom/workshop plus any two others are the minimum required) The requirements of Level 1 are: Met _x_ or Exceeded ___ Documentation: (Please see attached “Description of Tutor Training Modules”) Level 2: (classroom/workshop plus any two others are the minimum required) The requirements of Level 2 are: Met __ or Exceeded ___ Documentation: Level 3: (classroom/workshop plus any two others are the minimum required) The requirements of Level 1 are: Met __ or Exceeded ___ Documentation: Page 7 C. AREAS/TOPICS TO BE COVERED IN TUTOR TRAINING List which topics you cover in your tutor training, whether you have met or exceeded the minimum, and the Documentation you have attached as a file to confirm your compliance (an example might be your Tutor Training Syllabus, pages 7-8) List only for the levels for which you are applying: List which topics you cover in your training for Level 1: _____English as a Second Language___ ______Tutor Responsibility____________ ______Learning Styles______________ ______Active Listening_______________ ______Learning Disabilities___________ ______Modeling Problem Solving__ ___ ______Study Skills__________________ ______Referral Skills_________________ ______The Tutoring Cycle_____________ ______Tutoring Ethics/Plagiarism________ ______Adult Learners_________________ The requirements of Level 1 are: Met __ or Exceeded _x__ (at least 8 specific topics of the list of 15 are required) Documentation: (Please see attached “Description of Tutor Training Modules” as well as “Peer Evaluation” observation sheet and “Possible Solutions to Role Plays from The Tutoring Cycle”. We have also attached the PowerPoint slideshows for “The Tutoring Cycle” and “Learning Disabilities”) List which topics you cover in your training for Level 2: _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ The requirements of Level 2 are: Met ___ or Exceeded ___ (a review of Level 1 and 4 additional topics ) Documentation: Page 8 List which topics you cover in your training for Level 3: _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ The requirements of Level 3 are: Met ___ or Exceeded ___ (a review of Levels 1 and 2, and four additional topics ) Documentation: D. REQUIRED TUTORING EXPERIENCE 1) Describe how you keep track of your tutors’ actual tutoring experience, 2) whether you have met or exceeded the minimum, and 3) the Documentation you have attached as a file to confirm your compliance (an example might be your Tutor Time logs) List only for the levels for which you are applying: Level 1: The Rutgers-Camden Learning Center utilizes the Accu-Track software program, which automates tutor and student sign-in and sign-out. The Learning Specialist downloads this information into a spreadsheet where tutor progress toward Level 1 Certification is monitored. (25 hours of tutoring experience is the minimum) Level 1: Met __ or Exceeded _x__ Documentation: (See attached “2009CRLATutors” and “Hours Tutored Spring 2009”) Level 2: (a total of 50 hours of tutoring experience is the minimum) Level 2: Met ___ or Exceeded ___ Documentation: Page 9 Level 3: (a total of 75 hours of tutoring experience is the minimum) Level 3: Met ___ or Exceeded ___ Documentation: E. TUTOR SELECTION CRITERIA Describe how your tutors are selected (must meet at least two of the criteria). List only for the levels for which you are applying: Level 1: _Interview plus written approval of a content /skill instructor______________ _Grade of A or B in subject being taught_____________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Level 1: Met _x_ or Exceeded ___ Documentation: (Please see attached “Tutor_PGL Application” and “Tutor Recommend”) Level 2: ___ Met at Level 1 or ___ Listed Below _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Level 2: Met __ or Exceeded ___ Documentation (not needed if met in Level 1) : Level 3: ___ Met at Level 1, ___ Met at Level 2, or ___ Listed Below _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Level 3: Met __ or Exceeded ___ Documentation (not needed if met in Level 1 or Level 2) : F. TUTOR EVALUTION CRITERIA How are your tutors evaluated? Check all that apply. List only for the levels for which you are applying: Level 1: _x__an evaluation is in place _x__it occurs on a regular basis __x_results are made known to tutors ___ Other ________________________________________ Page 10 Level 1: Met _x_ or Exceeded ___ Documentation: The RCLC utilizes the software package Accu-Track for managing tutoring appointments, along with tutor sign-in and sign-out times. Students who finish their appointment complete a tutor evaluation through Accu-Track. Evaluations are routinely discussed with tutors. Tutors are also evaluated through individual conferences with Learning Specialist and Director, as well as self-evaluate through the “Peer Evaluation” program. Attached is a copy of our “Peer Evaluation” observation sheet. Level 2: ___ Met at Level 1 or ___an evaluation is in place ___it occurs on a regular basis ___results are made known to tutors ___ Other ________________________________________ Level 2: Met __ or Exceeded ___ Documentation (not needed if met in Level 1) : Level 3: ___ Met at Level 1 or ___an evaluation is in place ___it occurs on a regular basis ___results are made known to tutors ___ Other ________________________________________ Level 3: Met __ or Exceeded ___ Documentation (not needed if met in Level 1 or Level 2) : By submitting this application, you as program contact/liaison with CRLA’s International Tutor Certification Program agree to continue to follow the guidelines you have submitted in this application. Once your program is re-certified, CRLA will provide you with a certificate certifying your program for up to five years and will provide you with a CRLA ITPC certificate template you may use and adapt to include your institution’s information/logos/signatures/colors. Six months before the end of your renewal period, you will be expected to apply for re-certification. Each re-certification granted for this program will be for up to five years. Re-certification is patterned after the initial certification application requirements and documentation, so be sure to archive your initial documents to use as a reference to update with current program information for your re-certifications. Page 11