180 Degrees Consulting Constitution Article I – Name Section 1

180 Degrees Consulting Constitution
Article I – Name
Section 1 – The name of this organization shall be 180 Degrees Consulting.
Article II – Purpose/Mission Statement
Section 1 – The purpose of this organization shall be to make a social impact by enabling Ithaca
College students to provide advice to socially oriented organizations to help them solve their
biggest challenges.
180 Degrees Consulting International’s overarching goal is to make a global social impact.
Social impact is defined as the difference in people’s lives due to the work 180 Degrees
Consulting does.
180 Degrees Consulting values include individual empowerment, high performance,
professionalism, and integrity amongst its members.
180 Degrees Consulting’s Mission is to strengthen the ability of socially conscious organizations
to achieve high impact social outcomes through the development of innovative, practical and
sustainable solutions.
Article III – Affiliations
Section 1 – The Ithaca College chapter of 180 Degrees Consulting is affiliated with the 180
Degrees Consulting international organization.
Article IV – Membership
Section 1 – Ithaca College students must comprise at least 51% of the student organization’s
Section 2 – Membership in this organization is open to all, irrespective of race, creed, color, sex,
class, age, nation of origin, nationality, gender identity or expression, disability, marital status,
religion, military status, or sexual orientation.
Article V – Officers or Executive Board
Section 1 – The officers of this organization shall be:
1. President - oversees all directors and executives, communicates and establishes a
forum of discussion with other national 180 Degrees Chapters, creates tentative
semester schedules for all executives/team leaders/consultants/clients, approves all
clients and projects, approves all financial purchases, ensures all members are
benefitting from 180 Degrees, communicates with all of the organization frequently,
establishes and monitors a system/application of task and project management to be
shared amongst the executive board and team leaders, will attend and speak at all 180
Degrees events, etc.
2. Vice President – works in conjunction with the President to oversee all directors and
executives, create tentative semester schedules for all executives/team
leaders/consultants/clients, ensures all members are benefitting from 180 Degrees,
communicates with all of the organization frequently, assists with any other executive
responsibilities, helps to establish and monitor a system/application of task and
project management to be shared amongst the executive board and team leaders, will
attend all 180 Degrees events, etc.
3. Secretary - responsible for making appointments, developing meeting agendas,
keeping meeting minutes, yearly registrations, required paperwork, reserving meeting
rooms, and keeping advisor current on organization activities, etc.
4. Treasurer - in charge of the budget and is responsible for running the student bank
account, approving all financial decisions, applying for funding and grants,
establishing a budgeting forecast spreadsheet, putting together a cost structure for
events, etc.
5. Communications Director - is in charge of all aspects of social media, creates and
implements email marketing, works with Recruitment Director to design graphics and
flyers for all recruitment events, is in charge of the website, etc.
6. Events Director - uses/requests all materials from the Communication/Recruitment
Directors, coordinates and applies to all IC events, organizes event structures, works
hand in hand with the Finance Director over the events budget, plans recruitment
events every semester, submits events to IC events calendar, etc.
7. Recruitment Director - responsible for recruiting members each semester, working
with the Events Director to create Recruitment events, etc.
8. Consulting Directors (2) - responsible for bi-weekly meetings with Team Leaders,
designing projects and purpose, decreasing the downside for consultants by putting
efficient systems in place, promoting 180 Degree values amongst team leaders,
hosting training and events for Team Leaders and consultants, obtaining new clients
for semester projects, understanding all legal obligations, etc.
Section 2 – Qualifications for each officer:
1. President – Must be member of executive board for at least 2 semesters
2. Vice President – Must be member of executive board for at least 2 semesters
3. Secretary – Must be member of organization for at least 2 semesters
4. Treasurer – Must be member of organization for at least 2 semesters; must be familiar
with financial processes/policies of Ithaca College Student Organizations
5. Communications Director – Must be member of organization for at least 1 semester
6. Events Director – Must be member of organization or at least 2 semesters
7. Recruitment Director – Must be member of organization for at least 1 semester
8. Consulting Directors – Must be member of organization for at least 3 semesters; must
be team leader for at least 1 semester.
Section 3 – Term lengths:
1. President – Must be a senior, term length will be1 full academic year
2. Vice President – Must be a senior, term length will be 1 full academic year
3. Secretary- Can be in any grade and only hold position for no more than two
4. Treasurer- Must be a junior, and after serving for two semesters, must be re-elected if
desires to stay in position.
5. Communications Director- Must be at least a sophomore, and after serving for two
semesters, must be re-elected if desires to stay in position
6. Events Director- Must be at least a sophomore, and after serving for two semesters,
must be re-elected if desires to stay in position.
7. Recruitment Director- Must be at least a junior, and after serving for two semesters,
must be re-elected if desires to stay in a position.
8. Consulting Directors- Must be at least a junior and after serving two semesters, will
be in line for Vice President.
Section 4 – Impeaching an officer:
In the event of an officer neglecting the responsibilities given to them upon acquisition of
the position, a warning will be issued. After the second offense, the executive board will vote on
whether to give another chance, or revoke immediately. If revocation is chosen, the president and
vice president will meet with the officer to dismiss them from their position.
Article VI – Elections
Section 1 – Election of officers shall be held in the middle of the spring semester for available
Section 2 – Applications will be announced to the general membership.
Section 3 – The current executive board will review applications and decided new officers
through a unanimous vote.
Article VII – Meetings
Section 1 – Regular executive meetings of this organization shall be held twice a month on a
day/time to be determined.
Section 1a) Team leaders will meet with their teams once a week on a day to be
Article IX – Advisers
Section 1 – There shall be at least one Ithaca College faculty or staff adviser who shall serve as
an adviser to the organization.
Section 2 – The adviser will be selected based on their experience with consulting and expressed
interest in working with a student organization.
Section 3 – The adviser will be: familiar with all Ithaca College policies related to a student
organization; in regular communication with the officers; in attendance at important programs &
events; knowledgeable of the 180 Degrees Consulting mission.
Article X – Committees
Section 1 – 180 Degrees Consulting is not formed by committees; rather, 4 teams of consultants
work on semester long projects under the direction of a team leader.
Section 2 – Students who wish to apply for consultant positions will submit an application
within the first month of the semester. Applications will be reviewed by the Recruitment
Article XII – Constitutional Amendments
Section 1 – This constitution may be amended by a vote of 51%. Revisions may be proposed at
any point during the year, but will be effective at the start of the following semester.
Article XIII – Bylaws
Section 1 – Personal Gain Claude:
This organization shall ethically raise and distribute profits from organizational functions
to either the organization or to members who provide a service that directly benefits the
organization. Individual members may not receive compensation directly from for-‐profit
companies if acting as a representative of a student organization.