СТИХОТВОРЕНИЯ Содержание Family School Seasons Animals At the farm Birhtday The Easter Tanksgiving Day Hallowe'en St`Valentines Day Parts of Body Proverbs Songs The ABC Договорки New Year Riddels Скороговорки Считалочки (Counting out rhimes) Учимся рисовать Подвижные игры Для самых маленьких 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 Time for fun. Enjoy the poems. A Student Prayer Colors В СТРАНЕ НЕПРАВИЛЬНЫХ ГЛАГОЛОВ Weather On the Farm 24 25 26 27 27 28 Seeds, Plants, Flowers, Gardens, and More 29 Good Morning Me Friendship Cooking and Eating Others in and Around Water A Butterfly For Gifts to Give Earth Day 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 School Good morning Good morning to you, Good morning to you, Good morning, dear teacher, Good morning to you. School Morning School is waiting Can't be late. Hurry! Hurry! Half-past eight. Out the door And down the street, Then softly, quietly, 2 Take your seat. A Circle of Friends We've joined together as classmates as the new year begins... A year full of learning while we become friends. We'll share and be kind as we work and play. And our friendship will grow with each passing day. The First Day of School I wonder if my drawing will be as good as theirs I wonder if they'll like me, or just be full of stares I wonder if my teacher will look like mom or gram And I wonder if my puppy will wonder where I am. Backpack On my back a pack I carry In it, all my treasures. It's what I need So I can be One class higher! Crayons, ruler, scissors too, And yes a little Elmer's glue Paper, pencils, in my bag… Wonder what made mom so sad? Trapper keeper, nice and neat Will it really stay this clean? On my back a pack I carry In it, all my treasures! Today I'll be Just watch and see One class higher! Excuses, Excuses by Joyce Armor I couldn't do my homework. I had asthma and was wheezing. I had nosebleeds, measles, heat rash, with some very painful sneezing, and itchy skin with blistersoh so blotchy red and hivymalaria and toothaches, and a patch of poison ivy, eight spider bites and hair loss, 3 and a broken leg with scabies, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and a full-blown case of rabies. I suffered-it was awfulbut I'm feeling better now. Could I have done my homework? No, I really don't see how. Shelley Plum Welcome to school! May this school year bring You happiness galore, And may you enjoy itRight to the core! Welcome Acrostic When you Enter this Little room Consider yourself One of the special Members of a group who Enjoy working and learning. Welcome submitted by Amy Tevelthuis Welcome children, I'm glad you're here. We're all going to have a wonderful year! We'll draw and we'll write, We'll sing and we'll play, We'll paint and we'll build, And learn new things each day! The leaves are falling One by one. Summer's over School's begun. Welcome to school! May this school year bring You happiness galore, And may you enjoy itRight to the core! Back To School Today I hurry off to school, To work and learn and play. I'm in a brand new grade this year. What a happy day! Welcome 4 September is here And so is fall. So welcome children Welcome all. I hope vacation Was real fun. And that you're glad School has begun. (to the tune of "Did you Ever See a Lassie") Here we are together, Together, together, Here we are together, Back at school again There's ____ , and ____, ____, and ____, Here we are together, Back at school again. I am (to the tune of Frere Jacques) I am (name), I am (name), That's my name, That's my name, I am glad to be here, I am glad to be here, At school today, At school today. Where is... (can be sung to the tune of Frere Jacques) Where is (name), Where is (name), Here I am, here I am, How are you today (name)? Very well thank-you. Yes indeed, yes indeed. (to the tune of "B-I-N-G-O") There was a class that had a girl/boy, And ____ was her/his name-o, Jump, jump ____ (child's name), Jump, jump, ____ (child's name), Jump, jump, ____ (child's name), We're glad you're here today. My Class 5 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. I like school and school likes me! St`Valentines Day If I’ll be yours If you’ll be mine I’ll give you a Valentine. You're My Valentine I like tigers, I like cats, but you're my valentine. I like zebras, I like bats, but you're my valentine. I like crocodiles, I like frogs, I like dinosaurs, I like dogs. I like butterflies, I like bees, but you're my valentine. (Yeah, yeah, yeah.) I like butterflies, I like bees, but you're my valentine. One, Two, I Like You One, two, I like you. One, two, I like you. One, two, three, you like me and I like you. One, two, I like you. One, two, I like you. One, two, three, you like me and I like you. (I do!) *** Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet And so are you. *** Lilies are white, Rosemary`s green, When I am king, You shall be queen. Family Family I have a father. I have a mother. I have a sister. I have a brother. Father, mother, sister, brother – Hand in hand with one another. This is my father. This is my mother. This is my brother Paul. This is my sister, this is my uncle. How I love them all. Here is my father, Here is my mother, Here is my sister, Here is my brother. Father, mother, 6 Sister, brother – We like to be together. That is your mother, I agree, she is fine. You love your mother, And I love mine! My family A B CDE This is my family. G HIJ I love them every day. K L MNO Mother, father, baby, oh P Q RST Brother, sister, you can see UVWXYZ All the people in my family. My Mother’s Face I know a face, a lovely face As full of beauty as of grace, A face of pleasure and of smile. In darkness it gives light. A face that is itself like joy, To see it I’m a happy boy. And I have a joy that have no other. This lovely woman is my mother! I love my Mummy 1, 1, 1 – I love the sun. 2, 2, 2 – I love my Mummy too! 3, 3, 3 – My Mummy loves me. 4, 4, 4 – I love her more and more. I count from 1 – I love the sun. I count to four – I love my Mummy more! Help Your Mother! Help your mother, lay the table; Put a knife and fork and spoon. Help your mother, lay the table Every afternoon. Help your mother, clean the table; Take a knife and fork and spoon. Help your mother, clean the table Morning, night and afternoon. My Mother I love my mother She's kind and she's gay, She reads me the books And helps me to play. Sally, Sally Sally, Sally, tell me true, 7 Sally, Sally, who are you? I am a little girl. Billy, Billy, tell me true, Billy, Billy, who are you? I am a little boy. A Family Father Duck goes for a swim And Mother Duck comes out with him, And behind them clean and trim Seven ducklings swim. Seven little yellow balls: "Quack, quack, quack," the mother calls. What a pretty sight they make Swimming on a sunny lake. When I am ten When I am ten I'll get a pen, Then I shall write Like brother Ben. I am a girl I am a girl A little one. I like to play, I like to run. Good night Good night mother, Good night father, Kiss your little son. Good night sister, Good night brother, Good night everyone. Good - bye Good - bye, Good - bye, Good - bye My doll. Good - bye, Good - bye, Good - bye You all. Father, Mother, Sister, Brother Here is my Father, Here is my Mother, 8 Here is my Sister, Here is my Brother. Father, Mother, Sister, Brother Hand in hand With one another. When my sister goes away When my sister goes away, Says she: "Little brother, You must take my place today. Take good care of Mother." Mother and Father Mother is the dearest Off all the friends I know, She helps me work and helps me play That's why I love her so. Father is the kindest Off all the friends I know, He likes to take me out with him That's why I love him so. A Happy Family I love my Mother, she loves me, We love Daddy, yes sire. He loves us and so you see, We are a happy family. I love Sister, she loves me, We love Brother, yes sire. He loves us and so you see We are a happy family. Family Our family comes From around the World, Our hair is straight, Our hair is curled, Our eyes are brown, Our eyes are blue, Our skins are different Colors, too. We're girls and boys, We're big and small, We're young and old, We're short and tall. We're everything 9 That we can be And still we are A family. We laugh and cry, We work and play, We help each other Every day. The world's a lovely Place to be Because we are A family. What is a family? Who is a family? One and another makes two is a family! Baby and father and mother: a family! Parents and sister and brother: a family! All kinds of people can make up a family All kinds of mixtures can make up a family What is a family? Who is a family? The children that lived in a shoe is a family! A pair like a kanga and roo is a family! A calf and a cow that go moo is a family! All kinds of creatures can make up a family All kinds of numbers can make up a family What is a family? Who is a family? Either a lot or a few is a family; But whether there's ten or there's two in your family, All of your family plus you is a family! Grandmas and Grandpas Grandmas and Grandpas are everything nice. Like presents and candy and raspberry ice. And chocolate fudge sundaes, with cherries on top. And popcorn and peanuts and grape soda pop. In winter or summer, in rain or in sun, Grandmas and Grandpas are wonderful fun! Cousins are Cozy Cousins are cozy Wherever they're from; They feel like your family Whenever they come. Some people have many; Most people have some. Cousins are cozy, Wherever they're from. 10 Parts of Body Parts of Body It’s me. I have two legs With which I walk. I have a tongue With which I talk, And with it too I eat my food And tell If it ‘s bad or good. I have I have a head. It’s very well! I have a nose, So I can smell. I have two eyes And I can see, I have two ears And I can hear. I have two legs So I can walk, I have a mouth. So I can talk. How many fingers do I have? How many fingers do I have? Five on my right hand, Five on my left hand. How many fingers do I have? How many toes do I have? Five on my right foot, Five on my left foot. How many toes do I have. All About Me Ten little fingers, Ten little toes; Two little ears, And one little nose; Two little blue eyes That shine so nice And always so broght; One little mouth To kiss Mum “Good night”. My face Eyes and ears. Eyes and ears. Eyes and ears. 1, 2, 3. All of Me 11 See my eyes. See my nose. See my fingers. See my toes. See my lips. See my knee. Now you have seen all of me! Me I have 10 little fingers And 10 little toes, 2 little arms, And 1 little nose. 1 little mouth, And 2 little ears, 2 little eyes For smiles and for tears. 1 little head And 2 little feet, 1 little chin That's me! I'm complete. Animals Moo Cow, Moo cow Moo cow, moo cow, How do you do, cow? Very well, thank you, Moo, moo, moo. Two Little Birds Sitting On a Wall Two little birds Sitting on a wall, One called Peter, One called Paul. Fly away Peter, Fly away Paul, Come back Peter, Come back Paul. Ladybird, Ladybird Ladybird, Ladybird, Fly away home, Your house is on fire, Your children all gone. Bee, a bee, a bumblebee Stung a man upon his knee And a hog upon his snout, I'll be dogged if you ain't out! *** 12 This Little Pig This little pig went to market, This little pig stayed at home, This little pig had roast beef, This little pig had none, And this little pig went wee, wee, wee, All the way home. Goosey, Goosey, Gander Goosey, goosey, gander, Whither shall I wander? Upstairs, and downstairs, And in my lady's chamber. There I met an old man Who wouldn't say his prayers! I took him by the left leg And threw him down the stairs. A wise old owl A wise old owl lived in an oak; The more he saw the less he spoke. The less he spoke the more he heard. Why can't we all be like that wise old bird? EENCY WEENSY SPIDER (Паук) Eency Weensy Spider Climbed up the water spout. Down came the rain And washed the spider out. Up came the sun And dried up all the rain, So Eency Weensy Spider Climbed up the spout again. Mary had a little lamb, Its fleece was white as snow; And everywhere that Mary went, The lamb was sure to go. У Мэри был маленький барашек, Его шерсть была белой как снег, И всюду, куда Мэри шла, Барашек всегда следовала за ней. He followed, her to school one day; That was against the rule; It made the children laugh and play To see a lamb at school. Однажды он пошел с ней в школу Это было против правил Дети стали смеяться и играться, Увидев барашка в школе And so the teacher turned him out, But still he lingered near, And waited patiently about Till Mary did appear. 13 Поэтому учитель выгнал его, Но он задержался рядом И терпеливо поджидал Пока Мэри появится “What makes the lamb love Mary so?” The eager children cry. “Oh, Mary loves the lamb, you know.” The teacher did reply. “Почему барашек так любит Мэри?” Нетерпеливые дети закричали. “Видите ли, Мэри любит барашка”, Ответил учитель. The Tiger and the Zebra The tiger phoned the zebra and invited him to dine. He said "If you could join me that would simply be divine." The zebra said "I thank you, but respectfully decline. I heard you ate the antelope; he was a friend of mine." On hearing this the tiger cried "I must admit it's true! I also ate the buffalo, the llama and the gnu. And yes I ate the warthog, the gazelle and kangaroo, but I could never eat a creature beautiful as you. "You see I have a secret I'm embarrassed to confide: I look on you with envy and a modicum of pride. Of all the creatures ever known," the tiger gently sighed, "It seems we are the only two with such a stripy hide. "Now seeing how we share this strong resemblance of the skin, I only can conclude that we are just as close as kin. This means you are my brother and, though fearsome I have been, I could not eat my brother, that would surely be a sin." The zebra thought, and then replied "I'm certain you are right. The stripy coats we both possess are such a handsome sight! My brother, will you let me 14 reconsider if I might? My calendar is empty so please let us dine tonight." The tiger met the zebra in his brand-new fancy car and drove him to a restaurant which wasn't very far. And when they both were seated at a table near the bar, the zebra asked "What's on the grill?" The tiger said "You are." "But please, you cannot dine on me!" the outraged zebra cried. "To cook me up and eat me is a thing I can't abide. You asked me for your trust and I unwarily complied. You said you could not eat me now you plan to have me fried?" "And what about the envy and the modicum of pride? And what of us as brothers since we share a stripy hide?" "I'm sorry," said the tiger and he smiled as he replied, "but I love the taste of zebra so, in other words, I lied." Kenn Nesbitt The Owl and the Pussy-cat The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea In a beautiful pea-green boat, They took some honey, and plenty of money, Wrapped up in a five-pound note, The Owl looked up to the stars above, And sang to a small guitar, 'O lovely Pussy! O Pussy, my love, What a beautiful Pussy you are, You are, You are! What a beautiful Pussy you are!' Pussy said to the Owl, 'You elegant fowl! How charmingly sweet you sing! O let us be married! too long we have tarried: But what shall we do for a ring?' They sailed away, for a year and a day, To the land where the Bong-tree grows And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood With a ring at the end of his nose, His nose, 15 His nose, With a ring at the end of his nose. 'Dear Pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling Your ring?' Said the Piggy, 'I will.' So they took it away, and were married next day By the turkey who lives on the hill. They dined on mince, and slices of quince, Which they ate with a runcible spoon; And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand, They danced by the light of the moon, The moon, The moon, They danced by the light of the moon. FIVE LITTLE DUCKS (Пять небольших уток) Five little ducks went out one day, Over the hills and far away. Mother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack!" But only four little ducks came back. Four little ducks went out one day, Over the hills and far away. Mother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack!" But only three little ducks came back. Three little ducks went out one day, Over the hills and far away. Mother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack!" But only two little ducks came back. Two little ducks went out one day, Over the hills and far away. Mother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack!" But only one little duck came back. One little duck went out one day, Over the hills and far away. Mother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack!" And none of the five little ducks came back. A Little Cock Sparrow A little cock sparrow sat on a green tree, A naughty boy came with his wee bow and arrrow, His body will make me a nice little stew, And his giblets will make me a little pie too. Oh, no, said the sparrow, I won't make a stew, So he clapped his wings and away he flew. The Woodpecker The woodpecker pecked out a little round hole 16 And made him a house in a telephone pole. One day when I watched he poked out his head, And he had on a hood and a collar of red. When the streams of rain pour out of the sky, And the sparkles of lightning go flashing by, And the big, big sheels of thunder roll, He can snuggle back in the telephone pole. Elizabeth Roberts Mrs. Peck-Pigeon Mrs. Peck-Pigeon Is picking for bread, Bob-bob-bob Goes her little round head. Tame as a pussy-cat, In the street, Step-step-step Go her little red feet. With her little red feet And her little round head, Mrs. Peck-Pigeon Goes picking for bread. Eleanor Farjeon Birds Flying in Line With Feathers So Fine Five blue birds sitting in a tree, The first bird said, "Look what I see." The second bird said, "Look what I see." The third bird said, "Their feathers are so fine." The fourth bird said, "Quick, let's fly away!" The fifth bird said, "No, let's all stay." Then a black bird said, "Let's win!" "Join us, and we'll be ten." Well, all the birds flew together In all kinds of weather. Through the blue sky, All ten would fly. Till own brith summer day, the blue birds in the tree did stay. The black birds kept flying in line, Leaving their new frieds to pine. Once again they were five and five! Birds Look at the bird Up in the treetop, Building its nest With no time to stop. 17 Hatching its eggs So smooth and so round, Then feeding its babies Worms from the ground. Look at the bird With beak for a mouth. When it gets cold, The bird will fly south. When it gets warm, The bird will return. Let's watch how the birds live, And see what we learn. Bird's Nest Among the trees Is a bird's nest, And in the nest Her three eggs rest. And in each egg-Hush, you'll be heard!-There lies asleep A tiny bird. H.N. Bialik Baby Birdies We are baby birdies living in a nest. We dreeam of flying when we take our rest. Finally one spring day we hop, hop, hop. And flutter our wings flop, flop, flop. They lift us up and then we fly. We fly around the sky. Flying very hiigh and flying very low. Then in a big circle--round we go. Finally we soar home and go to sleep. We close our eyes without a peep. Once I Saw a Little Bird Once I saw a little bird Come hop, hop, hop. So I cried, "Little bird, Will you stop, stop, stop?" I saw going to the window To say, "How do you do?" But he shook his little tail, And away he flew. That Doggie in the Window? 18 How much is that doggie in the window? (Bark! Bark!) The one with the waggely tail How much is that doggie in the window? (Bark! Bark!) I do hope that doggie's for sale I must take a trip to California And leave my poor sweetheart alone If he has a dog he won't be lonesome And he doggie will have a good home How much is that doggie in the window? (Bark! Bark!) The one with the waggely tail How much is that doggie in the window? (Bark! Bark!) I do hope that doggie's for sale I read in the papers there are robbers With flashlights that shine in the dark My love needs a doggie to protect him And scare them away with one bark I don't want a bunny or a kitty, I don't want a parrot that talks, I don't want a bowl of little fishies; He can't take a goldfish for walks. How much is that doggie in the window? (Bark! Bark!) The one with the waggely tail How much is that doggie in the window? (Bark! Bark!) I do hope that doggie's for sale. Bob Merril Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone? Oh where, oh where can he be? With his ears so short and his tail so long, Oh where, oh where is he? I Had A Poodle I had a little poodle (clenched fist for poodle) His coat was silver grey One day I thought I'd bathe him To wash the dirt away. (scrub fist) I washed my little poodle Then dried him with a towel. (pat fist) My poodle seemed to like his bath He didn't even growl. Two Little Puppy Dogs Two little puppy dogs (hold up two fingers.) Lying in a heap, (let two fingers fall down.) Soft and wooly (pet two fingers with opposite hand.) And fast asleep. (lay hands against the side of your face and close eyes.) Along came a pussycat (hold up one finger from opposite hand and move toward the two little fingers.) Creeping near, "Meow", She cried right in their ear. Two little puppy dogs (hold up two fingers) After one cat, (two fingers chase the one finger). Did you ever play tag like that? (point to the children) 19 Rags I have a dog his name is Rags, He eats so much his tummy sags. His ears flip flop and his tail wig wags, And when he walks, he walks zig zag! He goes flip-flop, wig-wag, zig-zag! He goes flip-flop, wig-wag, zig-zag! He goes flip-flop, wig-wag, zig-zag! I love Rags and he loves me! Frisky's Doghouse This is Frisky's doghouse, This is Frisky's bed, Here is Frisky's bowl of kibble, So that he can be fed. Frisky has a collar, With his name upon it too, Take a stick and throw it, And he'll bring it back to you. My Puppy My puppy has a doghouse, just outside my door. He licks me when I pet him, and wags his tail for more. He's always there beside me, no matter what I do. My puppy is my special friend, and a family member, too. My Puppy I like to pat my puppy (make puppy with one fist, pat) He has such nice soft fur (pat puppy) And if I don't pull his tail (pull tail) He won't say "Grrrr!" (make angry face) My Puppy It's funny my puppy knows just how I feel. When I'm happy he's yappy and squirms like an eel. When I'm grumpy he's slumpy and stays by my heel. 20 It's funny my puppy knows such a great deal. My Dog My dog listens when I talk He goes with me for a walk When I sleep, he sleeps too. He does everything that I do. When my sister/brother/friend makes me mad, He hangs his head and looks so sad. He cuddles up and licks my hand And tells me he can understand. There was a wee lassie called Maggie, Whose dog was ENORMOUS and shaggy; The front end of him Looked vicious and grim... But the tail end was friendly and waggy! The Dog Song I see a dog. The dog sees me. I like the dogs. The dogs like me. Big white dogs. One, two, three. I like the dogs and the dogs like me. Five Little Pussy Cats Five little pussy cats playing near the door; One ran and hid inside And then there were four. Four little pussy cats underneath a tree; One heard a dog bark And then there were three. Three little pussy cats thinking what to do; One saw a little bird And then there were two. Two little pussy cats sitting in the sun; One ran to catch his tail And then there was one. One little pussy cat looking for some fun; He saw a butterfly-And then there was none. The House Cat 21 The house cat sits and smiles and sings. He knows a lot of Secret things. Annette Wynne Cats Cats sleep Anywhere Any table Any chair Top of piano Window ledge In the middle On the edge Open drawer Empty shoe Any body's Lap will do Fitted in a Cardboard box In the cupboard With your frocks Anywhere THEY don't care Cats sleep Anywhere Cats Love To Sleep Cats love to sleep in the sunshine Cats love to sleep in the shade But my cat sleeps in the middle of my bed on the blankets when the bed's not made. The Cat Song I see a cat. The cat sees me. I like the cats. The cats like me. Big black cats. One, two, three. I like the cats and the cats like me. Five Little Pussy Cats Five little pussy cats, See them play, This one brown, 22 And this one is gray. This one has a white nose, This one has sharp claws, This one has long whiskers, And tiny, soft paws. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 pussy cats, Hurry away to scare the mice and rats. Squeak! Kitty, Kitty I have a little kitty, (extend first and fourth fingers like ears) He is as quick as he can be. (Make a side way motion with one hand quickly) He jumps upon my lap, (Cup one hand in palm of other) And purrs a song to me. (Make purring sound) The Kitty Once there was a little kitty Whiter than snow; In a barn she used to frolic, Long time ago. In the barn a little mousie Ran to and fro: For she heard the kitty coming, Long time ago. Two eyes had little kitty. Black as a shoe; And they spied the little mousie, Long time ago. Four paws had little kitty, Paws soft as dough, And they caught the little mousie, Long time ago. Nine teeth had little kitty, All in a row; And they bit the little mousie, Long time ago. When the teeth bit little mousie, Little mouse cried "Oh!" But she got away from kitty, Long time ago. Elizabeth Prentiss Little Kittens 23 Five little kittens playing on the floor, One smelled a mouse, then there were four. Four little kittens fat as fat could be, One saw a puppy, then there were three. Three little kittens watched how birdies flew, One ran far up the tree, then there were two. Two little kittens snoozing in the sun, One chased a rabbit, then there was one. One little kitten looking for some fun, He fluffed his tail and scampered off, Now there isn't even one. The Furry Ones I like-the furry ones-the waggy ones the purry ones the hoppy ones that hurry, The glossy ones the saucy ones the sleepy ones the leapy ones the mousy ones that scurry, The snuggly ones the huggly ones the never, never ugly ones... all soft and warm and furry. Pets I'm a dog All tail and bark Snapping, yapping In the park. I'm a cat As thin as a wire, Creeping, sleeping By the fire. I'm a rabbit all fluff and ear, Trapped in a cage And twitching fear. Love Your Pets 24 (to the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat") Love, love Love your pets, Love them Every day. Give them food And water, too, Then let them Run and play. My Pets There are lots of pets in my house. I have one gerbil and one white mouse. (Hold up one finger on each hand.) I have two kittens and two green frogs, (Hold up two fingers on each hand.) I have three goldfish and three big dogs. (Hold up three fingers on each hand.) Some folks say that's a lot! Can you tell how many pets I've got? (Twelve) I wish I had a crocodile with a green and purple tail. I wish I had a yellow boat with a green and purple sail. I've never seen an octopus. I've never seen a whale. I've never seen a crocodile with a green and purple tail. But if I had a yellow boat with a green and purple sail, I'm sure I'd find my crocodile with the green and purple tail. We'd sail around the ocean blue. We'd sail around the sea. We'd sail and sail around the world, my crocodile and me. I Have A Pet (to the tune of "Bingo") I have a cat who's cuddly soft And Beau-Jo is her name, oh! Beau-jo is her name, Beau-jo is her name, Beau-jo is her name, I love to rub her ears. I have a dog who's my best pal And Skeeter is his name, oh! Skee - ter is his name, Skee - ter is his name, Skee - ter is his name, He sleeps with me each night. I have a fish who swims quite well, And Goldie is his name, oh! Gol - die is his name, 25 Gol - die is his name, Gol - die is his name, He swims around for hours. I have a bird who's green and yellow, And Gigi is her name, oh! Gi - gi is her name, Gi - gi is her name, Gi - gi is her name, She chirps and chirps all day. Ding dong bell Ding, dong bell, Pussy's in the well. Who put her in? Little Johnny Green. Who pulled her out? Little Tommy Stout. What a naughty boy was that To try to drown poor pussy cat, Who never did him any harm And killed the mice in his father's barn. Early to Bed The cock crows in the morn To tell us to rise, And he that lies late Will never be wise. Hickety pickety, my black hen Hickety pickety, my black hen, She lay's eggs for gentlemen; Sometimes nine, sometimes ten, Hickety pickety, my black hen. Teddy Bears Teddy Bear's Picnic If you go down to the woods today You're sure of a big surprise If you go down to the woods today You'd better go in disguise For ev'ry bear that ever there was will gather there for certain because Today's the day the Teddy Bears have their picnic Ev'ry Teddy Bear who's been good Is sure of a treat today. There's lotst of marvelous things to eat And wonderful games to play Beneatht the trees wher nobody sees They'll hide and seek as long as they please 'Cause that's the way the Teddy Bears have their picnic 26 If you go down to the woods today You'd better not go alone It's lovely down in the woods today But safer to stay at home For ev'ry bear that ever there was Will gather there for certain, because Today's the day the Teddy Bears have their picnic. Picnic Time for Teddy Bears The little Teddy Bears are having a lovely time today Watch the, catch them unawares And see them picnic on their holiday See them gaily gad about They love to play and shout; They never have any care; At six o'clock their Mummies and Daddies, Will take them home to bed, Because they're tired little Teddy Bears. Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Teddy bear, Teddy bear, touch your nose, Teddy bear, Teddy bear, touch your toes; Teddy bear, Teddy bear, touch the ground, Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn around. Teddy bear, Teddy bear, climb the stairs, Teddy bear, Teddy bear, say your prayers; Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn off the light, Teddy bear, Teddy bear, say goodnight! Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, reach up high Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, wink one eye, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, slap your knees, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, sit down please. My Teddy Bear My Teddy Bear is a faithful friend You can pick him up and either end His fur is the color of breakfast toast And he's always there When you need him the most! My Teddy Bear My teddybear is soft and brown 27 His heart is warm and good. No matter if I laugh or frown I know I'm understood! Teddy Lost His Coat Teddy lost his coat. Teddy lsot his hat. Teddy lost his rubber boots. What do you think of that? Teddy found his coat. Teddy found his hat. Teddy found his rubber boots. He'd left them on the mat! Slide-Swim-Fly Snake slide slip slither Over hard dry clay. Snake slide slip slither Hot hot day. Fish swim swish sway Through the murky way. Thish swim swish sway Deep deep bay. Bird fly flutter flit Through the open sky. Bird fly flutter flit Blue blue sky. The Lion Roars With a Fearful Sound The lion roars with a fearful sound, Roar, roar, roar! The lion creeps, its prey to catch, Creep, creep, creep! The lion pounces with a mighty leap, Leap, leap, leap! The lion eats with a crunching sound, Crunch, crunch, crunch! The lion sleeps with a gentle snore, Snore, snore, snore! Mabel Segun The Wombat The furry little wombat is something like a pig, With a grumpy nature and an awful urge to dig. Complete with claws made mighty strong, For moving tons of earth along. 28 His eyes are small and very dim, For daylight means bedtime to him. The Crocodile How doth the little crocodile Improve his shining tail, And pour the waters of the Nile On every golden scale! How cheerfully he seems to grin, How neatly spreads his claws. And welcomes little fishes in, With gently smiling jaws! Lewis Carroll I'm a little monkey in the tree Swinging by my tail so merrily I can leap and fly for tree to tree I have lots of fun you see. I'm a little monkey, watch me play Munching on bananas everyday. Itsy Bitsy Monkey (to the tune of "The Itsy Bitsy Spider") The itsy bitsy monkey climbed up the coconut tree (Pretend to be climbing up a tree) Down came a coconut & hit him on his knee-OWWW (Make a fist & hit knee) Out came a lion a shakin his mighty mane---ANNND--(Frame face with hands to look like a lion & shake head) The itsy bitsy monkey climbed up the coconut tree. Wolf Wolf's known to travel in a pack, That doubtless doesn't leader lack. Wolf pack is quiet at high noon, But loud, when howling at the moon. It fills the night with haunting tune. Snail He cannot fly. He cannot hop. He cannot run at all. But you should see The way he goes Slowly up the wall. 29 He cannot skip Or race about. He has one way to go; And as I watched him I must say He's good at going slow. Five Little Mice Five little mice on the kitchen floor, Seeking for breadcrumbs or something more. Five little mice on the shelf so high, Feasting so daintily from up high. But the big round eyes of the wise old cat, Can see what the five little mice are at. Quickly he jumps, But they all run away, To hide in their snug little hole all day. Feasting in kitchens may be very nice, But home is the best place for five little mice. Zoo (to the tune of "Skip to My Lou") Chorus Zoo, zoo, who's in the zoo? Zoo, zoo, who's in the zoo? Zoo, zoo, who's in the zoo? Who's in the zoo to visit? Monkeys swinging on a tree, Sheep and lions grazing free, Tall giraffes, a sight to see! All in the zoo to visit. Chorus Deer with antlers on their head, Hippos waiting to be fed, Peacocks with their feaathers spread, All in the zoo to visit. Chorus Polar bears all getting wet, Baby goats that I can pet, Elephants I won't forget, All in the zoo to visit. Chorus Chickens, Chicks, & Hens Chicken 30 Known for its feather and wings and legs, The chicken lays eggs and eggs and eggs! Known for the comb atop its crown, The chicken lays eggs of white and brown. Known for its strut when taking a walk, The chicken lays eggs! Ba-a-awk! Ba-a-awk! The Chickens Said the first little chicken, With a strange little squirm, "I wish I could find A fat little worm." Said the next little chicken, With an odd little shrug: "I wish I could find A fat little bug." Said a third little chicken, With a small sigh of grief, "I wish I could find A green little leaf!" Said the fourth little chicken, With a faint little moan, "I wish I could find A wee gravel stone." "Now, see here!" said the mother, From the green garden patch, "If you want any breakfast, Just come here and scratch!" Five Little Chickens Five little chickens by the old barn door, One saw a beetle, and then there were four. Four little chickens under a tree, One saw a cricket, and then there were three. Three little chickens looked for something new, One saw a grasshopper, and then there were two. Two little chickens said, "Oh what fun!" One saw a ladybug, then there was one. One little chicken began to run, For he saw a katydid, then there were none! What Can a Hen Do? A hen can lay a big brown egg. A hen can stand on just one leg. A hen can run. A hen can walk. A hen can say "Bawk, bawk, bawk". But do you know what a hen can't do? 31 A hen can't ______________ like you. Chick Peck, peck, peck On the warm, brown egg. Out comes a neck Out comes a leg. How does a chick, Who's not been about, Discover the trick Of how to get out? How does a chick, Who's not been about, Discover the trick Of how to get out? I Won't Hatch! Oh, I am a chickie who lives in an egg. but I will not hatch, I will not hatch. The hens they all cackle, the roosters all beg, But I will not hatch, I will not hatch. For I hear all the talk of pollution and more As the people all shout and the airplanes roar. So I'm staying in here where it's safe and it's warm. And I WILL NOT HATCH! Shel Silverstein This Little Chick This little chick ate corn today, This little chick ate worms they say, This little chick ate yellow meal, This little chick ate potato peel, This little chick like a fluffy ball, Ate a teeny tiny bit of all! Corn today! Worms they say! Yellow meal! Potato peel! Hallowe'en Note: Visit Pumpkin and Jack O' Lanterns Songs and Poems for more. What to be for Hallowe'en A hobo or a bride? A witch or scary goblin, Its not easy to decide. 32 Three Little Witches (can be sung to the tune of Three Little Indians) One little, two little, three little witches, Fly over haystacks, fly over ditches, Slide down moon beams without any hitches, Hey ho Hallowe'en's here! Horned owl's hooting, it's time to go riding, Deep in the shadows are black cats hiding, With gay little goblins, sliding, gliding, Hey ho Hallowe'en's here! Stand on your head with a lopsided wiggle, Tickle your little black cats till they giggle, Swish through clouids with a higgedy, piggle, Hey ho Hallowe'en's here! Hallowe'en is Coming Soon (can be sung to the tune of London Bridge) Hallowe'en is coming soon, coming soon, coming soon, Hallowe'en is coming soon, Oh, what fun! Black cats sitting on a fence, on a fence, on a fence, Black cats sitting on a fence, Meow! Meow! Meow! Owl's a-hooting in the trees, in the trees, in the trees, Owl's a-hooting in the trees, Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Witches flying on their brooms, on their brooms, on their brooms, Witches flying on their brooms, Eee! Eee! Eee! Jack o'lanterns grin at you, grin at you, grin at you, Jack o'lanterns grin at you, Oh! Oh! Oh! Hallowe'en is coming soon, coming soon, coming soon, Hallowe'en is coming soon, Oh, what fun! Witch, Witch Withch witch, where do you fly? Under the clouds and over the sky. Witch, witch, what do you eat? 33 Little black apples from Hurricane Street. Witch, witch, what do you drink? Vinegar and good red ink. Witch, witch, where do you sleep? Up in the clouds where the pillows are cheap. Owl An owl sat watching in a tree, Just as wise as he could be, Watching tricksters from door to door run, Trick or treating and having fun. After he had watched the whole scene, He said, "Whoo, it's Owl-o-ween!" The Witch There once was a witch of Willoughby Wood, And a weird wild witch was she; With her hair that was snarled, And hands that were gnarled, And a rickety, kickety knee. She could jump they say To the moon and back, But this I never did see. Skeleton Parade The skeletons are out tonight, They march about the street, With bony bodies, bony heads, And bony hands and feet. Bony bony bony bones with nothing in between, Up and down and all around They march on Hallowe'en. Cat Cat, Cat, Your eyes are bright and green, Where have you been What have you done So skittery-scary this Hallowe'en? And where did you get that pointed hat? Tell me that, Cat! Black Cat! 34 Black cat, black cat Looking for a witch. All around the Night is dark as pitch. You can see because Your eyes are greee. Black cat, Black cat This is Hallowe'en! What Witches Do The witches don their pointed hats, The witches croak and croon, The witches ride their broomsticks, Away beyond the moon. The witches don their flowing cloaks, The witches stir their brew. The witches chant their magic spells, All the dark hours through. The witches stroke their big black cats, They comb their locks of gray, Yet when the first faint daylight comes. The witches hide away. Skin and Bones There was an old woman all skin and bones, Oo-oo-oo-oo. SHe lived down by the old graveyard, Oo-oo-oo-oo. One night she thought she'd take a walk, Oo-oo-oo-oo. She walked down by the old graveyard, Oo-oo-oo-oo. She saw the bones a-lying around, Oo-oo-oo-oo. She went to the closet to get a broom, Oo-oo-oo-oo. She opened the door and ------BOO!!! Hallowe'en Sounds This is the way the witches fly, witches fly, witches fly, This is the way the witches fly, Swish, swish, swish. This is the way the ghosts go by, ghosts go by, ghosts go by, This is the way the ghosts go by, Oooh, oooh , oooh. This is the way the black cats howl, black cats howl, black cats howl, 35 This is the way the black cats howl, Meow! Meow! Meow! This is the way the pumpkins laugh, pumpkins laugh, pumpkins laugh, This is the way the pumpkins laugh, Hee! Hee! Hee! This the way the night owls cry, night owls cry, night owls cry, This is the way the night owls cry, Hoo, hoo, hoo. Trick or Treat Witches, ghosts, and goblins. Stealing down the street, Knock on every door way, Trick or treat! When your door is opened, This is what you meet, Scary creatures shouting, Trick or treat! Witches The moon was lost behind a cloud, When something weird went by, I tried to see it going, It flew so fast and high, I don't believe in witches, But that is what I saw, Sailing high up in the sky On a broom stick made of straw. The stars were gone, The night was dark, When something strange took place, I could not quite believe it, There was a gruesome face. I don't believe in zombies, But that is what I saw, A skeleton with corpselike face, I viewed it with awe. Scarecrows (can be sung to the tune of Sing a Song of Sixpence) We're the farmer's scarecrows We scare away the birds, We keep the farmer's corn safe Without any words; But when Hallowe'en comes We jump out of the ground 36 And we scare the boys and girls When they come walking 'round. Boo! Hallowe'en Parade Five white ghosts and seven goblins, Go parading down the street, Boys and girls with funny faces, Asking for a treat. If a goblin rings my doorbell, I will say "I'm not afraid!" I will light my jack-o'lantern, For the Hallowe'en parade. I will give these scary people, Apples, candy, cakes to eat; Then I'll wave goodbye and watch them As they march off down the street. There Was an Old Witch There was an old witch Belive it if you can, She tapped on the windows And she ran, ran, ran. she ran helter skelter with her toes in the air, Cornstalks flying from the old witches' hair. Swish goes the broomstick, meow goes the cat, Plop goes the hop-toad sitting on her hat. "Whee,"chuckled I, "What fun, what fun!" Hallowe'en night when the witches run! Hallowe'en Warning (can be sung to the tune of On Top of Old Smoky) On Hallowe'en evening, one night in the year, When ancient graves open, all the ghosts then appear. We flit through the shadows, we moan and we groan, We pounce on the mortal, straying too far from home. So humans be wary, stay safely within Let a Hallowe'en ghost, scares you out of your skin! Five little pumpkins Five little pumpkins Sitting on a gate The first one said, "My it's getting late!" The second one said, "There are witches in the air!" 37 The third one said, "Good folk, beware!" The fourth one said, "We'll run and run!" The fifth one said, "Let's have some fun!" "WOOOOOOOH", went the wind, And OUT went the light; And the five little pumpkins Rolled out of sight! Treat by Jack Prelutsky Trick or treat, trick or treat, Give us something good to eat. Give us candy, give us cake, Give us something sweet to take. Give us cookies, fruit and gum, Hurry up and give us some. You had better do it quick Or we'll surely play a trick. Trick or treat, trick or treat, Give us something good to eat. It's Halloween by Jack Prelutsky It's Halloween! It's Halloween! The moon is full and bright And we shall see what can't be seen On any other night: Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls, Grinning goblins fighting duels, Werewolves rising from their tombs, Witches on their magic brooms. In masks and gouns we haunt the street And knock on doors for trick or treat. Tonight we are the king and queen, For oh tonight it's Halloween! Hinx, minx, the old witch winks, The cat begins to fry, Nobody's home but Jumping Joan Father, mother, and I Stick, stock, stone dead. Blind men can't see, Every knave will have a slave, You and I must be he! Songs Jingle Bells Dashing through the snow In a one horse open sleigh 38 O'er the fields we go Laughing all the way Bells on bob tails ring Making spirits bright What fun it is to laugh and sing A sleighing song tonight Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh A day or two ago I thought I'd take a ride And soon Miss Fanny Bright Was seated by my side The horse was lean and lank Misfortune seemed his lot We got into a drifted bank And then we got upsot Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh yeah Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh New Year's Dream Melody: Auld Lang Syne I wish I had a crocodile with a green and purple tail. I wish I had a yellow boat with a green and purple sail. I've never seen an octopus. I've never seen a whale. I've never seen a crocodile with a green and purple tail. But if I had a yellow boat with a green and purple sail, I'm sure I'd find my crocodile with the green and purple tail. We'd sail around the ocean blue. We'd sail around the sea. We'd sail and sail around the world, my crocodile and me. You're My Valentine 39 I I I I I like like like like like tigers, I like cats, but you're my valentine. zebras, I like bats, but you're my valentine. crocodiles, I like frogs, I like dinosaurs, I like dogs. butterflies, I like bees, but you're my valentine. (Yeah, yeah, yeah.) butterflies, I like bees, but you're my valentine. One, Two, I Like You One, One, One, One, two, two, two, two, I like you. One, two, I like you. three, you like me and I like you. I like you. One, two, I like you. three, you like me and I like you. (I do!) Green Jeans He's wearing green jeans and a bright green shirt. She's wearing a long green sweater and a short green skirt. He's got an apple for the teacher in a little green box. He's wearing big green sneakers with his big green socks. She's wearing little green gloves and a big green hat. She's got a kelly green ribbon on her kelly green cat. They're eating green popcorn. Hooray! Today's St. Patrick's Day! TEDDY BEAR's PICNIC (Jimmy Kennedy & John W. Bratton) If you go out in the woods today You're sure of a big surprise. If you go out in the woods today You'd better go in disguise. For every bear that ever there was Will gather there for certain, because Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic. Picnic time for teddy bears, The little teddy bears are having a lovely time today. Watch them, catch them unawares, And see them picnic on their holiday. See them gaily dance about. They love to play and shout. And never have any cares. At six o'clock their mommies and daddies Will take them home to bed Because they're tired little teddy bears. If you go out in the woods today, You'd better not go alone. It's lovely out in the woods today, But safer to stay at home. 40 For every bear that ever there was Will gather there for certain, because Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic HORUS Every teddy bear, that's been good Is sure of a treat today There's lots of wonderful things to eat And wonderful games to play Beneath the trees, where nobody sees They'll hide and seek as long as they please Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic HORUS Ladybugs Picninc (Sesame Street) One two three Four five six Seven eight nine Ten eleven twelve Ladybugs Came to the ladybugs' picnic One two three Four five six Seven eight nine Ten eleven twelve And they all played games At the ladybugs' picnic They had twelve sacks so they ran sack races They fell on their backs and they fell on their faces The ladybugs 12 At the ladybugs' picnic They played jump rope but the rope it broke So they just sat around telling knock-knock jokes The ladybugs 12 At the ladybugs' picnic One two three Four five six Seven eight nine Ten eleven twelve And they chatted away At the ladybugs' picnic They talked about the high price of furniture and rugs And fire insurance for ladybugs The ladybugs 12 At the ladybugs' picnic 12! 41 The Clean Up Song Sung to: "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" It is time to clean up now. Clean up, clean up, we know how. We can clean up; you will see Just how clean our room can be. Clean Up Time added Sung to: "He's got the whole world in his hand" It's time to put the toys* away. It's time to put the toys away. It's time to put the toys away. So we can go outside. * Можно заменить toys (игрушки) на blocks (кубики), books (книжки), dolls (куклы) и т.д. Clean Up song Sung to: "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" Twinkle, twinkle little star, Time to clean up where you are. Put your toy* back in its place. Keep a smile upon your face. Twinkle, twinkle little star, Time to clean up where you are. * Можно заменить toy (игрушка) на block (кубик), book (книжка), doll (кукла) и т.д. This Is The Way Sung to: "This is the way" This is the way we pick up our toys*, pick up our toys, pick up our toys... This is the way we pick up Toys before we have our snack. * Можно заменить toys (игрушки) на blocks (кубики), books (книжки), dolls (куклы) и т.д. Clean Up Song Sung to: "London Bridge" (Имя ребёнка), put the toys* away Toys away, toys away (Имя ребёнка), put the toys away It's cleanup time * Можно заменить toys (игрушки) на blocks (кубики), books (книжки), dolls (куклы) и т.д. Tidy Up Sung to: "Mary had a little lamb" 42 Now it's time to tidy up tidy up, tidy up Now it's time to tidy up And put our toys* away * Можно заменить toys (игрушки) на blocks (кубики), books (книжки), dolls (куклы) и т.д. The Clean Up Song Sung to: "I love you" (Barney Song) Clean up girls, clean up boys. Clean up all the blocks and toys! Don't forget the dishes and the cups, That's the way we all clean up! Time to Clean Up (Tune: Frere Jacques) Time to clean up Time to clean up Right away Right away Everyone is cleaning up Everyone is cleaning up Almost done Almost done It's Time To Cleanup (Tune: Frere Jacques) Are you helping, are you helping Pick up toys, Pick up toys Let us all be helpers, Let us all be helpers. Girls and boys, girls and boys. Clean-up Song Clean-up, clean-up Everybody get some toys. Clean-up, clean-up All the little girls and boys. Clean-up, clean-up Everybody do your share. Clean-up, clean-up Everybody, everywhere. Sunday Morning by Rosenshontz Sunday morning sleeping in, six a.m. and snoring Dreaming dreams of cloudless skies, like a bird that's soaring. 43 Little feet on tippy toe, up the stars to my bed go. Faces lit with mischief's glow, roosters small about to crow. WAKE UP! Lights went on and the shades flew up. WAKE UP! The bed began to shake WAKE UP! Elbows and knees all over the place WAKE UP! WAKE UP, WAKE UP UP UP UP UP Felt like the great earthquake. WAKE UP! Move on over I'm comin' in. WAKE UP! You be a trampoline. WAKE UP! Watch me do a double flip. WAKE UP! WAKE UP, WAKE UP UP UP UP UP Bounce like a jumping bean, boing, boing, boing... It's much too early in the day. Horsey's sleeping in the hay. Listen please to what I say. A little later we can play. WAKE UP! Take the pillow off of your head. WAKE UP! Get dressed. We wanna play. WAKE UP! You promised we could go outside. WAKE UP! WAKE UP, WAKE UP UP UP UP UP Hey, you can't sleep all day. WAKE UP! Come on we're starvin', let's get something to eat. WAKE UP! The dog is hungry, too. WAKE UP! Water's running on the bathroom floor. WAKE UP! WAKE UP, WAKE UP UP UP UP UP Baby made a stinky poo. Wake up! OK! Wake up! OK! OK! Now I'm up. I fed the dog. I cleaned up the mess. Fixed a stack of steaming pancakes for our Sunday breakfast. When I looked around for you, I did not hear a peep. I looked over on the couch. You were fast asleep! WAKE UP! Sugar by Rosenshontz When I woke up this morning 44 I couldn't get out of bed But when I did I rubbed my eyes And then I scratched my head I went to breakfast nice and slow Cause I was still asleep But then I had my favorite food And this is what I eat Pancakes with maple syrup Two donuts and a honey bun A bown of sugar frosted yummies I was super charged and ready for fun. Chorus: Sugar, sugar, sugar Sugar makes me feel fine (yes it does) Sugar, sugar, sugar Sugar all the time (I got to have my) Sugar, sugar, sugar Sugar makes me feel high Sugar in the morning, sugar in the evening Sugar at Suppertime Sugar in the morning, sugar in the evening Sugar at Suppertime Brush Your Teeth (Traditional) If you get up in the morning at a quarter to one and you want to have a little fun, You brush your teeth ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch... If you get up in the morning at a quarter to two and you want to find something to do, You brush your teeth ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch... If you get up in the morning at a quarter to three and you want to hum a tweedle dee dee, You brush your teeth ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch... If you get up in the morning at a quarter to four and you think you hear a knock at the door, You brush your teeth ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch... If you get up in the morning at a quarter to five and you just can't wait to come alive, You brush your teeth ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch... The Brushing Song Josh Ledbetter (to the tune of Row, Row, Row your boat) Brush, Brush, Brush your teeth At least three times a day. Brush your teeth and chase those cavities away. 45 Floss, Floss, Floss your teeth Every single day. Floss your teeth and clean that dirty plaque away. Go, Go, Go to see Your dentist twice a year He'll clean your teeth And make you smile. He'll take away your fear. Don't Disturb the Ladybug Don't disturb the ladybug Sleepin' by the spider's web And if you see a butterfly Don't try to catch it in your net It's taken such a long long time To make this very special place Open up your soul and mind To all it has to say. Be still Take it in awhile Feel the sunshine Warm upon your face You'll feel When it makes you smile Like you're welcome To the human race. Everybody sees a part Of what this life can really be No one sees like you can see When you let your mind be free The wind is blowing through the trees A song that everyone can learn God is playing hide and seek Everywhere you turn. Be still Take it in awhile Feel the sunshine Warm upon your face You'll feel When it makes you smile Like you're welcome To the human race. Ladybug! Ladybug! Ladybug! Ladybug! 46 Fly away home. Your house is on fire And your children all gone. All except one, And that's little Ann, For she has crept under The frying pan. If all the little sunbeams If all the little sunbeams Were bubblegum and ice cream Oh, if all the little sunbeams Were bubblegum and ice cream Oh, what a sun that would be! Standing outside, with my mouth open wide Singing La la la la, la la la, La la la, la la la La la la la, la la la, La la la, la Mr. Sun Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, Please shine down on me. Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, Hiding behind a tree These little children are asking you To please come out so we can play with you. Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, Please shine down on, please shine down on, Please shine down on me. Zip-a-dee-do-dah (Song of the South) Music: Allie Wrubel Lyrics: Ray Gilbert Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay, My, oh, my, what a wonderful day. Plenty of sunshine headin' my way, Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay! Mister Bluebird's on my shoulder, It's the truth, it's "actch'll" Everything is "satisfactch'll." Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay, Wonderful feeling, wonderful day! Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay, 47 My, oh, my, what a wonderful day. Plenty of sunshine headin' my way, Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay! Mister Bluebird's on my shoulder, It's the truth, it's "actch'll" Everything is "satisfactch'll." Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay, Wonderful feeling, feeling this way! Mister Bluebird's on my shoulder, It's the truth, it's "actch'll" Everything is "satisfactch'll." Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay, Wonderful feeling, wonderful day! Mother, may I go out to swim? "Mother, may I go out to swim?" "Yes, my darling daughter. Fold your clothes up neat and trim, But don't go near the water." Good Morning by Skip West Good morning, how are you? Good morning, how do you do? I'm fine, hope you are too! Good morning, how are you? GRANDPARENTS AUNTS AND UNCLES COUSINS AND FRIENDS MOMS AND DADS DOGS AND CATS BROTHERS AND SISTERS BOYS AND GIRLS WE'RE ALL HERE. Good morning, how are you? Good morning, how do you do? I'm fine, hope you are too! Good morning, how are you? Start The Day Off Right Gary Rosen Six a.m. out of bed By the dawn's early light Everyday's a new day to Start the day off right. (Right) Pour the milk, toast the bread Take a cinnamon oatmeal bite Have a healthy breakfast 48 Start the day off right. (Right) Sun comes up, sun goes down It happens every day Jump up in the morning Let me hear you say. Hey! Off to school, kiss your Mom Cross at the corner light Slap your friends a high five Start the day off right. (Right) Sun comes up, sun goes down It happens every day Jump up in the morning Let me hear you say. Hey! Saturday, school is out Papa's got a brand new kite Catch the wind and fly it Start the day off right. (Right) When you have chores to do Smile a smile so bright Whistle while you word and you will Start the day off right. (Right) Everyday's a new day to start the day off right. Hi ho hi ho. Start the day off right. (Right) Brush Your Teeth (Sung to "Row, Row, Row Your Boat") Brush, brush, brush your teeth Till they're clean and white. Brush them, brush them, Brush them, brush them, Morning, noon and night. Brush Your Teeth Brush your teeth, Brush you teeth, Give your teeth a treat. Brush up and down and all around, To keep them clean and neat! Brush them once, Brush them twice, Brush three times a day. Brush up and down and all around, Keep cavities away! Got My Toothpaste 49 Got my toothpaste, got my brush, I won't hurry, I won't rush. Making sure my teeth are clean, Front and back and in between. When I brush for quite a while, I will have a happy smile! Bath Time After a bath, I try, try, try to wipe myself dry, dry, dry. (Вытираете плечики и ручки) Hands to wipe, and fingers, and toes, (Держите ручки ладошками наружу, указываете на пальчики ножек) Two wet legs and a shiny nose (Ручки на бедрах, затем указываете на носик) Just think how much less time I’d take If I were a dog and could shake, shake, shake! (Ребенок отряхивается как собачка) Naughty Soap Song by Dorothy Aldis Just when I'm ready to start on my ears That is the time that my soap disappears. It jumps from my fingers and slithers and slides Down to the end of the tub, where it hides. And acts in a most disobedient way. And that's why my soap's growing thinner each day. Singing In The Bathtub by Band Vocal I'm singing in the bathtub Happy once again Watching all my troubles Go swimming down the drain Singing through the soap suds Life is full of hope, soap You can sing with feeling While feeling for the soap Oh! A ring around the bathtub It isn't so nice to see But a ring around the bathtub Is a rainbow to me Reaching for a towel Ready for a rub Everybody's happy While singing in the tub There's A Hippo in my Tub by Ann Murray 50 There's a hippo in my tub singing in the shower. She's having such a jolly time she'll be in there at least an hour. The bathrooms filled with bubbles so that I can barely see but I'm sure there's a hippo in my and there's no room left for me. I guess your wondering why I'm here outside the bathroom door. I know I'm still as dirty as can be but peeking through the bubbles I blink my eyes to see to see that peeking through the bubbles two eyes blink back at me. There's a penguin in my tub wearing a tuxedo. he's swimming under water cause he thinks he's a torpedo. The waters full of icebergs and frosty as can be and I' m sure there's a penguin in that tub and its just to cold for me. I guess your wondering why I 'm here outside the bathroom door. I know I'm still as dirty as can be but peeking through the bubbles I blink my eyes to see that peeking through the bubbles two eyes blink back at me. There's a Crocodile in my tub lounging in the water He's asking me to join him - but I don't think that I ought to He ate the soap and sponge and swallowed them with glee and I'm sure there's a Crocodile in my tub look he making room for me. and I'm sure there's a Crocodile in my tub look he's making room for me. Bubble Bath by Rob Reid Bubbly, bubbly bubble bath, (шевелим всеми десятью пальчиками) Filled to the top, (поднимаем ручки над головой, пальчики кверху) Listen to the bubbly bubbles, (прикладываем ладошки "рупором" к ушкам - слушаем) Pop! Pop! Pop! (хлопаем в ладошки три раза) The Old Woman (traditional) The old woman stands at the tub, tub, tub, (показывем указательный пальчик) The dirty clothes to rub, rub, rub. (сжали ручки в кулачки, трём их друг о друга - "стираем" бельё) But when they are clean and fit to be seen, (делаем вид, что поднимаем невидимое бельё) She'll dress like a lady and dance on the green. ("танцуем" указательным пальчиком) Rubber Ducky (Sesame Street) Rubber Ducky, you're the one, You make bathtime lots of fun, 51 Rubber Ducky, I'm awfully fond of you; Woo woo be doo Rubber Ducky, joy of joys, When I squeeze you, you make noise! Rubber Ducky, you're my very best friend, it's true! Doo doo doo doo, doo doo Every day when I Make my way to the tubby I find a little fella who's Cute and yellow and chubby Rub-a-dub-a-dubby! Rubber Ducky, you're so fine And I'm lucky that you're mine Rubber ducky, I'm awfully fond of you. Every day when I Make my way to the tubby I find a little fella who's Cute and yellow and chubby Rubber Ducky, you're so fine And I'm lucky that you're mine Rubber ducky, I'm awfully fond of Rubber ducky, I'd like a whole pond of Rubber ducky I'm awfully fond of you! Doo doo, be doo Soap and Water [На мотив "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"] Soap, soap, soap and water; Soap and water please. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Wash your dirty knees. Можно также сочинить свою собственную песенку на полюбившуюся ребенку мелодию, в которой будут либо последовательно указываться, либо просто называться части тела, которые Вы моете, например: Back, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes Back, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes And arms and legs and face and nose Back, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. LULLABIES 52 Hush, hush, little baby. The sun's in the West, The lamb in the meadow Has lain down to rest, The bough rocks the bird now. The flower rocks the bee, The wave rocks the lily, The wind rocks the tree. And I rock the baby So softly to sleep It must not awaken Till daisy buds peep. Twinkle, twinkle, little star Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. When the blazing sun is gone, When he nothing shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night. Then the traveller in the dark, Thanks you for your tiny spark, He could not see which way to go, If you did not twinkle so. In the dark blue sky you keep, And often through my curtains peep, For you never shut your eye, 'Till the sun is in the sky. As your bright and tiny spark, Lights the traveller in the dark, Though I know not what you are, Twinkle, twinkle, little star. A Lullabye (Author Unknown) Lay your head down to bed and let your slumber sweep your cares away. In your dreams, chase moonbeams all the way across the Milky Way. And as you rest in the nest that we've made for you, we'll caress and keep you blessed. Never alone for the whole night through. Go to sleep, don't you weep. Tomorrow's gonna be a brand new day. 53 Let your creativity shine & your Imagination run wild! Lullaby and Goodnight (Brahms' Lullaby) by: Johannes Brahms Lullaby, and good night, With pink roses bedight, With lilies o'erspread, Is my baby's sweet head. Lay you down now, and rest, May your slumber be blessed! Lay you down now, and rest, May thy slumber be blessed! Lullaby, and good night, You're your mother's delight, Shining angels beside My darling abide. Soft and warm is your bed, Close your eyes and rest your head. Soft and warm is your bed, Close your eyes and rest your head. Sleepyhead, close your eyes. Mother's right here beside you. I'll protect you from harm, You will wake in my arms. Guardian angels are near, So sleep on, with no fear. Guardian angels are near, So sleep on, with no fear. Lullaby, and sleep tight. Hush! My darling is sleeping, On his sheets white as cream, With his head full of dreams. When the sky's bright with dawn, He will wake in the morning. When noontide warms the world, He will frolic in the sun. Hush Little Baby Hush, little baby, don't say a word, Mama's going to buy you a mockingbird. And if that mockingbird don't sing, Mama's going to buy you a diamond ring. And if that diamond ring turns brass, Mama's going to buy you a looking glass. And if that looking glass gets broke, Mama's going to buy you a billy goat. And if that billy goat won't pull, Mama's going to buy you a cart and bull. 54 And if that cart and bull turn over, Mama's going to buy you a dog named Rover. And if that dog named Rover won't bark, Mama's going to buy you a horse and cart. And if that horse and cart fall down, You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town. My little Buckaroo Close your sleepy eyes, My little Buckaroo. While the light of the western skies, Is shinin' down on you. Don't you know it's time for bed, Another day is through. So go to sleep, My little Buckaroo. Don't you realize, My little Buckaroo, That it was from a little acorn, That the Oak tree grew? And remember that your dad, Was once a kid like you. So go to sleep, My little Buckaroo. Soon you're gonna ride the range, Like grown up cowboys do. Now it's time that you were roundin' up, A dream or two. So go to sleep, My little Buckaroo. Hush-a-bye Hush-a-bye, don't you cry, Go to sleepy little baby. When you wake, you'll have cake, And all the pretty little horses. Black and bay, dapple and grey, Coach and six little horses, Hush-a-bye, don't you cry, Go to sleepy little baby. Hush-a-bye, don't you cry, Go to sleepy little baby, When you wake, you'll have cake, And all the pretty little horses. Way down yonder, down in the meadow, There's a poor wee little lamby. The bees and the butterflies pickin' at its eyes, The poor wee thing cried for her mammy. 55 Hush-a-bye, don't you cry, Go to sleepy little baby. When you wake, you'll have cake, And all the pretty little horses. И ещё одна песенка про то, в чём спят (на мотив "Battle Hymn of the Republic") Pink Pajamas I wear my pink pajamas in the summer when it's hot. I wear my flannel nighties in the winter when it's not. And sometime in the springtime and sometimes in the fall. I jump right in between the sheets with nothing on at all. Glory, glory, hallelujah; Glory, glory, what's it to ya. Balmy breezes blowing through ya. With nothing on at all. Do you put your hat on Do you put your hat on your foot, on your foot? Your hat on your foot? Uh-uh-uh-uh! Do you put your hat on your elbow, on your elbow? Your hat on your elbow? Uh-uh-uh-uh! Do you put your hat on your knee, on your knee? Your hat on your knee? Uh-uh-uh-uh! You put your hat on you, Put your hat on you, Put your hat on your head, head, head. You put your hat on you, Put your hat on you, Put your hat on your head, head, heady head. What do you wear? Hey there what do you wear When you go out to play? Wear your sun hat, Yes your sun hat, In a hat hat haty way! You wear your sun hat, Yes your sun hat, In a hat hat haty way! My Hat, It Has Three Corners My hat, it has three corners, Three corners has my hat And had it not three corners, It would not be my hat. 56 Колпак мой треугольный, Треугольный мой колпак! А если не треугольный, То это не мой колпак Это песенка-игра (русский вариант - "Колпак мой треугольный"), в которой слова последовательно заменяются на действия My - показываем на себя, hat - кладём ручку на голову "шапочкой", three - показываем три пальчика, corners - сгибаем ручку, показываем на локоток). _*показываем на себя*_ hat, it has three corners, Three corners has _*показываем на себя*_ hat And had it not three corners, It would not be _*показываем на себя*_ hat. _*показываем на себя*_ _*кладём ручку на голову*_, it has three corners, Three corners has _*показываем на себя*_ _*кладём ручку на голову*_ And had it not three corners, It would not be _*показываем на себя*_ _*кладём ручку на голову*_. _*показываем на себя*_ _*кладём ручку на голову*_, it has _*показываем три пальчика*_ corners, _*показываем три пальчика*_ corners has _*показываем на себя*_ _*кладём ручку на голову*_ And had it not _*показываем три пальчика*_ corners, It would not be _*показываем на себя*_ _*кладём ручку на голову*_. _*показываем на себя*_ _*кладём ручку на голову*_, it has _*показываем три пальчика*_ _*сгибаем руку, показываем на локоток*_, _*показываем три пальчика*_ _*сгибаем руку, показываем на локоток*_ has _*показываем на себя*_ _*кладём ручку на голову*_ And had it not _*показываем три пальчика*_ _*сгибаем руку, показываем на локоток*_, It would not be _*показываем на себя*_ _*кладём ручку на голову*_. Можно сделать с малышом пилотку (треугольный колпак, о котором идёт речь в песенке) для наглядности. Когда хорошо запомните слова и действия, попробуйте с каждым разом повторять всё быстрее и постарайтесь не запутаться ;) I see Rainbows Tune: Frere Jacques written by Jean Warren I see rainbows, I see rainbows, Way up high In the sky. They are red and orange, Yellow, green and blue. Purple, too What a view! I see rainbows, 57 I see rainbows, Way up high In the sky. They are made from sunshine, Shinning thru the rain What a view In skies so blue! The Wind is Blowing Tune: Here We Go 'Round The Mulberry Bush written by Jean Warren Oh, the wind is blowing - all over town, All over town, all over town. Oh, the wind is blowing all over town, Just like so. (Ребенок дует.) Oh, the trees are bending - way down low, Way down low, way down low. Oh, the trees are bending - way down low, Just like so. (Ребенок наклоняется.) Oh, the kites are flying - watch them go, Watch them go, high then low. Oh, the kites are flying - watch them go Just like so. (Ребенок делает вид, что запускает воздушный змей.) I see Rain Tune: Eensy Weensy Spider written by Jean Warren Out on the sidewalk, I see rain. Now it's hitting my window pane. I wish that it would go away. So I can go outside to play. Pitter pat, look at that! Drip, drip, drop, please rain stop! Watching the rain is not much fun. I want to see some good old sun! The Ants Go Marching Tune: When John Comes Marching Home written by Mrs. Jones The ants go marching one by one. Hurrah! Hurrah! The ants go marching one by one. Hurrah! Hurrah! The ants go marching one by one. Watching ants is lots of fun, So let's all go marching 58 One by one by one. The ants go marching two by two. Hurrah! Hurrah! The ants go marching two by two. Hurrah! Hurrah! The ants go marching two by two. Worker ants have lots to do, So let's all go marching Two by two by two. The ants go marching three by three. Hurrah! Hurrah! The ants go marching three by three. Hurrah! Hurrah! The ants go marching three by three. The ants all live in a colony, So let's all go marching Three by three by three. The ants go marching four by four. Hurrah! Hurrah! The ants go marching four by four. Hurrah! Hurrah! The ants go marching four by four. Now they're marching through the door, So let's all go marching Four by four by four. The ants go marching five by five. Hurrah! Hurrah! The ants go marching five by five. Hurrah! Hurrah! The ants go marching five by five. Hey, it's time to say good bye, So let's all go marching Five by five by five. Rain on the green grass Rain on the green grass; Rain on the tree; Rain on the housetop, But not on me! Itsy-Bitsy Spider (Eensy-Weensy Spider) The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout. Down came the rain and washed the spider out. Out came the sun that dried up all the rain. And the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again. Who Likes the Rain? Clara Doty Bates 59 "I," said the duck, "I call it fun, For I have my little red rubbers on; They make a cunning three-toed track In the soft, cool mud. Quack! Quack! Quack! "I" cried the dandelion, "I. My roots are thirsty, my buds are dry": And she lifted a tousled yellow head Out of her green and grassy bed. "I hope 'twill pour! I hope 'twill pour!" Purred the tree toad at his gray back door, "For, with a broad leaf for a roof, I'm perfectly weatherproof." "I" Sang the brook: "I laugh at every drop, And wish they never need to stop Till a big, big river I grew to be, And could find my way out to the sea." "I" shouted Ted, "for I can run, With my high-top boots and my rain coat on, Through every puddle and runlet and pool That I find on my way to school." The Umbrella Gertrude E. Heath Who does not love a 'brella When the rain is pouring down? The very, very jolliest way Of walking home from town! I hear the little raindrops Go Tinkle, tankle, tink! "She wears a funny bonnet," Is what the raindrops think. If all the little raindrops If all the little raindrops Were lemondrops and lollipops Oh, if all the little raindrops Were lemondrops and lollipops Oh, what a rain that would be! Standing outside, with my mouth open wide Singing La la la la, la la la, La la la, la la la La la la la, la la la, La la la, la. What's the weather? What's the weather? 60 What's the weather? What's the weather like today? Is it rainy? Is it windy? Are there clouds or is there sun? There was a hole in the middle of the ground The prettiest hole that you ever did see. Well, the hole in the ground And the green grass grew all around and around And the green grass grew all around. And in this hole there was a root The prettiest root that you ever did see Well the root in the hole And the hole in the ground And the green grass grew all around and around And the green grass grew all around. And on this root there was tree The prettiest tree that you ever did see Well the tree on the root And the root in the hole And the hole in the ground And the green grass grew all around and around And the green grass grew all around. And on this tree there was a branch... The prettiest branch that you ever did see Well the branch on the tree And the tree on the root And the root in the hole And the hole in the ground And the green grass grew all around and around And the green grass grew all around. And on this branch there was twig... The prettiest twig that you ever did see Well the twig on the branch And the branch on the tree And the tree on the root And the root in the hole And the hole in the ground And the green grass grew all around and around And the green grass grew all around. And on this twig there was a nest... The prettiest nest that you ever did see Well the nest on the twig And the twig on the branch And the branch on the tree And the tree on the root And the root in the hole And the hole in the ground And the green grass grew all around and around 61 And the green grass grew all around. And in this nest there was an egg... The prettiest egg that you ever did see Well the egg in the nest And the nest on the twig And the twig on the branch And the branch on the tree And the tree on the root And the root in the hole And the hole in the ground And the green grass grew all around and around And the green grass grew all around. And in this egg there was a bird... The prettiest bird that you ever did see Well the bird on the egg And the egg in the nest And the nest on the twig And the twig on the branch And the branch on the tree And the tree on the root And the root in the hole And the hole in the ground And the green grass grew all around and around And the green grass grew all around. And on this bird there was a wing... The prettiest wing that you ever did see Well the wing on the bird And the bird on the egg And the egg in the nest And the nest on the twig And the twig on the branch And the branch on the tree And the tree on the root And the root in the hole And the hole in the ground And the green grass grew all around and around And the green grass grew all around. And on this wing, there was a feather... The prettiest feather that you ever did see Well the feather on the wing And the wing on the bird And the bird on the egg And the egg in the nest And the nest on the twig And the twig on the branch And the branch on the tree And the tree on the root And the root in the hole And the hole in the ground And the green grass grew all around and around And the green grass grew all around. 62 It's not that easy being green From "The Sesame Street Book and Record". 'Green' is (c)1970 Jonico Music, Inc. It's not that easy being green; Having to spend each day the color of the leaves. When I think it could be nicer being red, or yellow or gold... or something much more colorful like that. It's not easy being green. It seems you blend in with so many other ord'nary things. And people tend to pass you over 'cause you're not standing out like flashy sparkles in the water or stars in the sky. But green's the color of Spring. And green can be cool and friendly-like. And green can be big like an ocean, or important like a mountain, or tall like a tree. When green is all there is to be It could make you wonder why, but why wonder why? Wonder, I am green and it'll do fine, it's beautiful! And I think it's what I want to be. One for mommy One for daddy In a minute we'll be ready You'll be full And I'll be happy! Eat one more for little teddy This for you And this for catty Little spoon for pretty baby. Sweet porridge hot Folklore Sweet porridge hot, Sweet porridge cold, Sweet porridge in the pot, Nine days old. Some like it hot, Some like it cold, Some like it in the pot, Nine days old. I'm A Little Teapot I'm a little teapot, short and stout Here is my handle (правая ручка на талии - "ручка чайничка") Here is my spout 63 (левая ручка вверх - "носик чайничка") When I get all steamed up, hear me shout Just tip me over and pour me out! (наклоняемся влево, "наливаем" чай) I'm a clever teapot, yes it's true Here's an example of what I can do I can change my handle to my spout (поменяли ручки местами: теперь правая ручка - носик, а левая - ручка чайничка) Just tip me over and pour me out (наклоняемся вправо, "наливаем" чай) Meatball song On top of spaghetti, All covered with cheese, I lost my poor meatball When somebody sneezed. It rolled off the table And onto the floor, And then my poor meatball Rolled right out the door! It rolled in a garden And under a bush Now my poor meatball Was nothing but mush The mush was as tasty As tasty could be Early next summer It grew into a tree The tree was all covered With beautiful moss It grew lovely meatballs In a tomato sauce So if you like spaghetti All covered with cheese Hold on to your meatballs And DON'T EVER SNEEZE! Pat-a-cake Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man, Bake me a cake as fast as you can. Roll it, and prick it, and mark it with a "B" And put it in the oven for Baby and me! Polly put the kettle on Polly put the kettle on 64 Polly put the kettle on Polly put the kettle on We'll all have tea Suki take it off again Suki take it off again Suki take it off again We'll all have none Polly put it back again Polly put it back again Polly put it back again We'll all have tea Short'nin' Bread Put on the skillet, slip on the lid, Mama's gonna make a little short'nin' bread. That ain't all she's gonna do, Mama's gonna make a little coffee, too. Mama's little baby loves short'nin', short'nin', Mama's little baby loves short'nin' bread, Mama's little baby loves short'nin', short'nin', Mama's little baby loves short'nin' bread. Three little children, lyin' in bed Two were sick and the other 'most dead Sent for the doctor and the doctor said, "Give those children some short'nin' bread." Mama's little baby loves short'nin', short'nin', Mama's little baby loves short'nin' bread, Mama's little baby loves short'nin', short'nin', Mama's little baby loves short'nin' bread. When those children, sick in bed, Heard that talk about short'nin' bread, Popped up well to dance and sing, Skipped around and cut the pigeon wing. Mama's little baby loves short'nin', short'nin', Mama's little baby loves short'nin' bread, Mama's little baby loves short'nin', short'nin', Mama's little baby loves short'nin' bread. Slip to the kitchen, slip up the led, Filled my pockets full of short'nin' bread; Stole the skillet, stole the led, Stole the gal makin' short'nin' bread. Mama's little baby loves short'nin', short'nin', Mama's little baby loves short'nin' bread, Mama's little baby loves short'nin', short'nin', Mama's little baby loves short'nin' bread. 65 Caught me with the skillet, caught me with the led, Caught me with the gal makin' short'nin' bread; Paid six dollars for the skillet, six dollars for the led, Spent six months in jail eatin' short'nin' bread. Mama's little baby loves short'nin', short'nin', Mama's little baby loves short'nin' bread, Mama's little baby loves short'nin', short'nin', Mama's little baby loves short'nin' bread. Apples and oranges I like apples and oranges. I like apples and oranges. Apples and oranges are so sweet. Apples and oranges are good to eat. I like apples and oranges. Orange juice is so sweet, Apple sauce is fun to eat, Apple pie with ice cream -What a tasty treat. I like apples and oranges. I like apples and oranges. Apples and oranges are so sweet. Apples and oranges are good to eat. I like apples and oranges. Orange juice is so sweet, Apple sauce is fun to eat, And apple pie with ice cream -What a tasty treat. I like apples and oranges. I like apples and oranges. Apples and oranges are so sweet. Apples and oranges are good to eat. I like apples and oranges. Orange juice is so sweet, Apple sauce is fun to eat, Apple pie with ice cream -Oooh, what a tasty treat. I like apples and oranges. I like apples and oranges. applies and oranges apples and oranges (repeat to fade) The Soup song Oh I had some tea and soup called pea. I was eating chicken noodle all day. 66 I found a big bone and was eating minestrone. I was eating chicken noodle all day. I felt good, I felt good, I felt real good today. I had a big banana and I went to Soup Havana I was eating chicken noodle all day. I had tomato soup and baked potato soup. I was eating chicken noodle all day. I had a soup tornado and then a soup Alfredo. I was eating chicken noodle all day. I felt good, I felt good, I felt real good today. I had a big banana and I went to soup Havana. I was eating chicken noodle all day. I don't want a card but some soup with Swiss Chard. I want a Lamborgini and a soup with tortellini. I was eating chicken noodle all day. I felt good, I felt good, I felt real good today. I had a big banana and I went to soup Havana. I was eating chicken noodle all day!! I was eating chicken noodle all the day! Hey! A Winter Song Tune: The Farmer in the Dell written by Mrs. Jones It's wintertime and cold. It's wintertime and cold. Hi, Ho, the derry-o It's wintertime and cold. The trees have lost their leaves. The trees have lost their leaves. Hi, Ho, the derry-o The trees have lost their leaves. The bear sleeps in his cave. The bear sleeps in his cave. Hi, Ho, the derry-o The bear sleeps in his cave. It's time to wear a coat. It's time to wear a coat. Hi, Ho, the derry-o It's time to wear a coat. The snow begins to fall. The snow begins to fall. Hi, Ho, the derry-o The snow begins to fall. The children sled and ski. The children sled and ski. Hi, Ho, the derry-o 67 The children sled and ski. The snowman stands alone. The snowman stands alone. Hi, Ho, the derry-o The snowman stands alone. New Year Around the New Year Tree Singing, dancing merrily, Round the New Year tree, Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Round the New Year tree. Happy New Year, my friends, Happy New Year, today! Let us dance hands in hands. I will show you the way. At the New Year Day Party New Year Day, happy day, We are all glad and very gay! We all dance, and sing, and say, “Welcome! Welcome! New Year Day!” Little Jack Frost It is cold and still, The wind is away, And Little Jack Frost Is busy to-day. He nips my cheeks, He nips my nose. And before I can catch him Away he goes. New Year A year to be glad in, And not to be sad in, To gain in, to give in, A happy new year. A new year for trying, And never for sighing, A new year to live in, Oh, hold it most dear. Seasons Winter The snow is falling, The north wind is blowing; The ground is white All day and all night. Winter calls The hills are calling, “Come away, come away, Snow is falling, Come and sleigh”. The pod is calling, “Come, don’t be late, Water’s freezing, Come and skate”. The fields are calling, “We’re covered white, The ground is white Children’s delight”. 68 December December is the mouth When children ski, And old Father Frost Brings New Year tree. Winter Day Down comes the snow On a winter day. I make a snow-man When I go to play. (Вариант: Winter is the season…) Thirty days have September April, June and November All the rest have thirty-one, February has twenty-eight alone Excepting leap-year, that’s the time When February’s days are twenty-nine. Seasons I'm glad I live Where seasons change I like my world To rearrange. Easy seasons Spring's all buttercups and breezy. Summer's hot and bumblebees-y. Autumn's bright with colored trees-y. Winter's snowy, sniffly, sneezy. Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall (to the tune of "This Old Man") Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall There are seasons, four in all. Weather changes, sun and rain and snow, Leaves fall down and flowers grow. Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall There are seasons, four in all. Look outside and you will see Just what season it will be! Seasons of the Year (to the tune of "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush") 69 CHORUS: Here we go round the year again, The year again, the year again. Here we go round the year again, To greet the different seasons. Wintertime is time for snow. To the south, the birds will go. It's too cold for plants to grow Because it is the winter. Here we go round the year again, The year again, the year again. Here we go round the year again, To greet the different seasons. In the springtime, days grow warm. On the plants, the new buds form. Bees and bugs come out to swarm Because it is the spring. CHORUS In summertime, the days are hot. Ice cold drinks I drink a lot! At the beach, I've got a spot Because it is the summer. CHORUS Fall is here, the air is cool. Days are short, it's back to school. Raking leaves is now the rule Because it is autumn. CHORUS Spring, Almost The sunshine gleams so bright and warm, The sky is blue and clear. I run outdoors without a coat, And spring is almost here. Then before I know it, Small clouds have blown together, Till the sun just can't get through them, And again, it's mitten weather. Hello Spring (to the tune of "Goodnight Ladies") Hello spring, Hello spring, 70 Hello spring, We hope you're here to stay. replace the word "spring" with other spring words eg: green grass, robins, rainbow, flowers, butterflies, etc. Spring (to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star") Spring, spring is coming soon, Grass is green and flowers bloom, Birds returning from the south, Bees are buzzing all about, Leaves are buddign everywhere, Spring, spring is finally here! March March is an in between month, When wintry winds are high. But milder days remind us all, Spring's coming by and by. March Wind March wind is a jolly fellow; He likes to joke and play. He turns umbrellas inside out And blows men's hats away. He calls the pussy willows And whispers in each ear, "Wake up you lazy little seeds, Don't you know that spring is here. Winds Of March Winds of March, we welcome you, There is work for you to do. Work and play and blow all day, Blow the winter cold away. March Wind The wind is pushing Against the trees, He'll take off your hat Without asking you "please", He rattles the windows And puffs at a cloud, Then scoots down the chimney And laughs aloud. March Never mind March, we know 71 You're not really mad Or angry or bad. You're only blowing the winter away To get the world ready For April and May. Making Kites The winds of March begin to blow, And it is time for kites, you know. Here's the way I make my kite, Watch and help me do it right. I cross two sticks so thin and long, Tied together good and strong. A string I fasten to each end, And across the middle to make it bend. I measure and cut the paper straight, And glue along the edge and wait. A ball of string to hold my kite, When it sails almost out of sight. And here's my kite all ready to go, Please March wind begin to blow! April April is a rainbow month, Of sudden springtime showers. Bright with golden daffodils and lots of pretty flowers. April The roofs are shining from the rain, The sparrows twitter as they fly, And with a windy April grace The little clouds go by. Yet the backyards are bare and brown With only one unchanging tree-I could not be so sure of Spring Save that it sings in me. May May's a month of happy sounds, The hum of buzzing bees, The chirp of little baby birds And the song of a gentle breeze. The grass is green. Flower blossoms I have seen. The days are warm. By evening it cools. It's time to find the garden tools. 72 Springtime (to the tune of "The Muffin Man") Springtime is garden time, Garden time, garden time, Get your spades and come outdoors, Springtime is here! Springtime is planting time, Planting time, planting time, Get your seeds and come outdoors, Springtime is here! Springtime is jumping time, Jumping time, jumping time, Get your ropes and come outdoors, Springtime is here! Springtime is singing time, Singing time, singing time, Children sing a happy song, Springtime is here! Surprise Close your eyes And do not peek And I'll rub "spring" Across your cheek. Soft as velvet Smooth and sleek Close your eyes And do not peek. My Spring Garden Here is my little garden, Some seeds I'm Going to sow. Here is my rake To rake the ground, Here is my handy hoe. Here is the big Round yellow sun, The sun warms everything. Here are the rain clouds In the sky, The birds will start to sing. Little plants will Wake up soon, 73 And lift their sleepy heads. Little plants will Grow and grow From their warm earth beds. Spring I love the spring. For every day There's something new That's come to stay. Another bud Another bird Another blade The sun has stirred. What the Robin Told The wind told the grasses, And the grasses told the trees. The trees told the bushes, And the bushes told the bees. The bees told the robin, And the robin sang out clear: Wake up! Wake up! Spring is here! Spring Spring makes the world a happy place You see a smile on every face. Flowers come out and birds arrive, Oh, isn't it grand to be alive? Springtime A small green frog On a big brown log; A black and yellow bee In a little green tree; A red and yellow snake By a blue-green lake, All sat and listened To red bird sing, "Wake up, everybody, It's spring! It's spring!" Spring is Here 74 Spring is here, In the air, You can smell it coming, On the trees, Leaves are green, Caterpillars sunning. Birds are back, Grass is out, Busy bees are humming, On the trees, Leaves are green, Caterpillars sunning. Kite Flying On many spring days I wish that I Could be a kite flying in the sky. I would climb high toward the sun And chase the clouds. Oh, what fun! Whichever way the wind chanced to blow Is the way that I would go. I'd fly up, up, up. I'd fly down, down, down. Then I'd spin round and round and round. Finally I'd float softly to the ground. Young Lambs The spring is coming by a many signs; The trays are up, the hedges broken down That fenced the haystack, and the remnant shines Like some old antique fragment weathered brown. And where suns peep, in every sheltered place, The little early buttercups unfold A glittering star or two - till many trace The edges of the blackthorn clumps in gold. And then a little lamb bolts up behind The hill, and wags his tail to meet the yoe; And then another, sheltered from the wind, Lies all his length as dead - and lets me go Close by, and never stirs, but basking lies, With legs stretched out as though he could not rise. John Clare Who Has Seen the Wind? Who has seen the wind? Neither I nor you; But when the leaves hang trembling The wind is passing through. Who has seen the wind? Neither you nor I; 75 But when the trees bow down their heads The wind is passing by. I bought a pretty cat I bought a pretty cat My cat pleased me I fed my cat under that old tree My cat says ‘Fiddle-I-fee!’ I bought a pretty duck My duck pleased me I fed my duck under that old tree My duck says quack, quack My cat says Fiddle–I–fee! I bought a pretty goose My goose pleased me I fed my goose under that old tree My goose says gaggle, gaggle My duck says quack, quack My cat says Fiddle–I–fee! I bought a pretty hen My hen pleased me I fed my hen under that old tree My hen says shimmy shack, shimmy shack My goose says gaggle, gaggle My duck says quack, quack My cat says Fiddle–I–fee! I bought a pretty pig My pig pleased me I fed my pig under that old tree My pig says oink, oink, My hen says shimmy shack, shimmy shack My goose says gaggle, gaggle My duck says quack, quack My cat says Fiddle–I–fee! I bought a pretty cow My cow pleased me I fed my cow under that old tree My cow says moo, moo My pig says oink, oink My hen says shimmy shack, shimmy shack My goose says gaggle, gaggle My duck says quack, quack My cat says Fiddle–I–fee! I bought a pretty horse My horse pleased me I fed my horse under that old tree My horse says neigh, neigh 76 My cow says moo, moo My pig says oink, oink My hen says shimmy shack, shimmy shack My goose says gaggle, gaggle My duck says quack, quack My cat says Fiddle–I–fee! Frosty the SnowMan Frosty the Snowman Was a jolly happy soul With a corncob pipe and a button nose And two eyes made out of coal Frosty the Snowman Is a fairytale they say He was made of snow But the children know How he came to life one day There must have been some magic In that old silk hat they found For when they placed it on his head He began to dance around Frosty the Snowman Was alive as he could be And the children say He could laugh and play Just the same as you and me Frosty the Snowman Knew the sun was hot that day So he said let's run And we'll have some fun Now before I melt away Down to the village With a broomstick in his hand Running here and there all around the square Saying catch me if you can He led them down the streets of town Right to the traffic cop And he only paused a moment when He heard him holler stop Frosty the Snowman Had to hurry on his way But he waved goodbye Saying don't you cry I'll be back again some day Thumpety thump thump Thumpety thump thump 77 Look at Frosty go Thumpety thump thump Thumpety thump thump Over the hills of snow Five Little Snowmen adapted by Mrs. Jones from a poem by Mary Ann Hoberman (Показываете пять пальцев на Вашей левой руке и ноль правой рукой) Five 5 little men all made of snow, Five 5 little snowmen in a row Out came the sun and shone all day One 1 little snowman melted away. (Опускаете один палец левой руки и поднимаете один палец правой руки) Ho Ho Ho One 1 had to go Ho Ho Ho One 1 had to go Now there's four 4 snowmen in a row 'Cause one 1 little snowman had to go. Four 4 little men all made of snow, Four 4 little snowmen in a row Out came the sun and shone all day One 1 little snowman melted away. (Опускаете еще один палец левой руки и поднимаете два пальца правой руки) Ho Ho Ho Two 2 had to go Ho Ho Ho Two 2 had to go Now there's three 3 snowmen in a row 'Cause two 2 little snowmen had to go. Three 3 little men all made of snow, Three 3 little snowmen in a row Out came the sun and shone all day One 1 little snowman melted away. (Опускаете еще один палец левой руки и поднимаете три пальца правой руки) Ho Ho Ho Three 3 had to go Ho Ho Ho Three 3 had to go Now there's two 2 snowmen in a row 78 'Cause three 3 little snowmen had to go. Two 2 little men all made of snow, Two 2 little snowmen in a row Out came the sun and shone all day One 1 little snowman melted away. (Опускаете еще один палец левой руки и поднимаете четыре пальца правой руки) Ho Ho Ho Four 4 had to go Ho Ho Four 4 had to go Now there's one 1 snowman in a row 'Cause four 4 little snowmen had to go. One 1 little man all made of snow, One 1 little snowman in a row Out came the sun and shone all day The one 1 little snowman melted away. (Опускаете последний палец левой руки и показываете ноль; показываете все пять пальцев правой руки) Ho Ho Ho Five 5 had to go Ho Ho Ho Five 5 had to go Now there's no snowmen in a row 'Cause five 5 little snowmen had to go. Snowmen (counting fingerplay) Five little snowmen standing round my door. (Показываем пять пальчиков) This one melted and then there were four. (Загибаем один пальчик, остаётся четыре) Four little snowmen beneath a green pine tree. This one melted and then there were three. (Загибаем ещё один пальчик, остаётся три) Three little snowmen with caps and mittens blue. This one melted and then there were two. (Загибаем ещё один пальчик, остаётся два) Two little snowmen standing in the sun. This one melted and then there was one. (Загибаем ещё один пальчик, остаётся один) One little snowman started to run. (Шевелим оставшимся пальчиком) But he melted away and then there was none. (Загибаем последний пальчик, получается кулачок) (ещё одна вариация на тему 5 снеговичков) 79 There were five little snowmen, Each with scarf and woolly hat, Out came the sun and melted one; It's sad- But that was that! There were four little snowmen etc. There are no little snowmen, Just scarves and woolly hats, Sitting in a puddle In a very wet muddle; It's sad -But that is that! The Silly Snowman (Author Unknown) Once there was a snowman Stood outside the door Thought he'd like to come inside And run around the floor; Thought he'd like to warm himself By the firelight red; Thought he'd like to climb up On that big white bed. So he called the North Wind, "Help me now I pray. I'm completely frozen Standing here all day." So the North Wind came along And blew him in the door. And now there's nothing left of him But a puddle on the floor. Winter Time Poem by Mary Ryer Icy fingers, icy toes, Bright red cheeks and bright red nose. Watch the snowflakes as they fall, Try so hard to count them all. Build a snowman way up high, See if he can touch the sky. Snow forts, snowballs, angels, too, In the snow, so white and new. Slip and slide and skate so fast. Wintertime is here at last. Chubby Little Snowman A chubby little snowman Had a carrot nose; Along came a rabbit And what do you suppose? That hungry little bunny, 80 Looking for his lunch, Ate the snowman's carrot nose... Nibble, Nibble, Crunch! My Special Snowman The snow flakes are falling, so softly, so gently, They fall on the treetops, the grass and on me. I build a big snowman, outside in my garden, I look through my window and what do I see? My snowman is smiling, he's jumping and waving, He picks up a snowball and throws it at me. He looks very funny, but only I see him. He's my special snowman and always will be. The North Wind Doth Blow The North Wind doth blow, And we shall have snow, And what shall the poor robin do then? Poor thing! He'll sit in the barn, And keep himself warm, And hide his head under his wing, Poor thing! The North Wind doth blow, And we shall have snow, And what will the dormouse do then? Poor thing! Roled up like a ball, In his nest snug and small, He'll sleep till warm weather comes in. Poor thing! Winter Cold and raw the north wind doth blow Bleak in the morning early, All the hills are covered with snow, And winters now come fairly. January January Now is here -A fine new start For a whole new year. The snow comes down In the dark of night. When we awake The world is white. 81 In January When there's snow, We get our sleds And away we go. January January Now is here -A fine new start For a whole new year. The snow comes down In the dark of night. When we awake The world is white. In January When there's snow, We get our sleds And away we go. January January opens The box of the year And brings out days That are bright and clear. And brings out days That are cold and gray, And shouts, "Come see What I brought today!" January Little January Tapped at my door today. And said, "Put on your winter wraps, And come outdoors to play." Little January Is always full of fun; Today we coasted down the hill, Until the set of sun. Little January Will stay a month with me And we will have such jolly timesJust come along and see. January January sparkles. January's bold. January huffs and puffs. January's cold. 82 February Twilight I stood beside a hill Smooth with new-laid snow, A single star looked out From the cold evening glow. There was no other creature That saw what I could see-I stood and watched the evening star As long as it watched me. Holding hands out in the snow Slowly on our way we go Leaving little paths behind For the winter owl to find. Snow Towards Evening Suddenly the sky turned gray, The day, Which had been bitter and chill, Grew soft and still. Quietly From some invisible blossoming tree Millions of petals cool and white Drifted and blew Lifted and flew, Fell with the falling night. The snow fell gently all the night. It made a blanket soft and white. It covered houses, flowers and ground But did not make a single sound Thirty days have September, April, June and November. All the rest have thirty-one, Excepting February alone. Spring is green. Summer is brigth, Autumn is yellow, Winter is white. *** Snowflakes are nice, Snowflakes are white. They fall by day, They fall al night. 83 *** Rain on the green grass, Rain on the tree, Rain on the house-top, But not on me. Icicles We are little icicles Melting in the sun. Can you see our tiny teardrops Falling one by one? The Snowman One day we built a snowman, We built him out of snow; You should have seen how fine he was, All white from top to toe. We poured some water over him, To freeze his legs and ears; And when we went indoors to bed, We thought he'd last for years. But, in the night a warmer kind Of wind began to blow; And Jack Frost cried and ran away, And with him went the snow. When we went out next morning To bid our friend "Good Day", There wasn't any snowman there... He'd melted right away! A Chubby Little Snowman A chubby little snowman Had a carrot nose Along came a rabbit And what do you suppose? That hungry little bunny, Looking for his lunch, ATE the snowman's carrot nose... Nibble, nibble, CRUNCH! Little Snowman (to the tune of "I'm a Little Teapot") I'm a little snowman round and fat, Here are my mittens, Here is my hat. Add a little scarf and a carrot nose. 84 You stand so tall when the cold wind blows. The Snowman I made a great tall snowman With two huge coal black eyes And just to reach around his neck Took two of Daddy's ties. I put a hat of mother's Upon his rounded head And then I ran and left him And hurried off to bed. When I awoke next morning Imagine my surprise My snowman had run away And left his hat, ties, and eyes! The Snowman Song I am a little snowman. I am so fat and round. I started from a snowflake that fell upon the ground. I have two buttons for my eyes, a great big scarf of red, I have a carrot for a nose, a hat upon my head. Watch me as I melt to the ground. The Snowman Roll a snowball large, Then one of middle size. Roll a snowball small, Use lumps of coal for eyes. Place a carrot for a nose, And old hat on his head. And for his necktie, tie around His neck a ribbon red. A corncob pipe goes in his mouth, Some buttons on his vest. And there he stands so round and fat, Of snowmen, he's the best! Snow Ball I made myself a snow ball as perfect as could be 85 I thought I'd keep it as a pet and let it sleep with me I made it some pajamas and a pillow for it's head Then, last night it ran away But first -- it wet the bed. Shel Silverstein Snowflakes (to the tune of "twinkle, twinkle little star") Snowflakes, snowflakes falling down, On the trees and on the ground. I will build a man of snow, Tall black hat and eyes of coal, If the sun comes out today, I will watch you melt away! Snowflake (to the tune of "I'm a Little Tea Pot") I'm a little snowflake white and round I don't make a sound as I fall to the ground When you look out your window you will shout I'm putting on my mittens and going out. It's fun to walk in the sparkling snow, And hear my boots go crunch, I play so hard. Soon I'm wet and tired And ready for hot soup with lunch. The warm south wind is taking a nap. Zip up your coat and put on your hat. So Mr. North Wind won't nip at your toes, Put on warm boots and warm winter clothes. Put on your gloves to protect your fingers. Now Mr. North Wind's cold won't linger. I Heard a Bird Sing I heard a bird sing In the dark of December A magical thing And sweet to remember: "We are nearer to Spring Than we were in September," I heard a bird sing In the dark of December. Goodbye Winter (to the tune of "Goodnight Ladies) Goodbye winter, Goodbye winter, 86 Goodbye winter, Please go away! continue by replacing "winter" with other winter words eg: snowsuits, snow, scarves, toques, mittens, etc. Five Little Inuit Five little Inuit fishing in the ice, The first one said, "I'm glad we're being nice." The second one said, "There's a polar bear over there." The third one said, "I don't care." The fourth one said, "I'm going to my igloo." The fifth one said, "I think I'm going with you." Then wooh went the wind, and out went the light, And the five little Inuit skated out of sight. Jingle Bells Dashing through the snow In a one horse open sleigh O'er the fields we go Laughing all the way Bells on bob tails ring Making spirits bright What fun it is to laugh and sing A sleighing song tonight Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh A day or two ago I thought I'd take a ride And soon Miss Fanny Bright Was seated by my side The horse was lean and lank Misfortune seemed his lot We got into a drifted bank And then we got upsot Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh yeah 87 Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh New Year's Dream Autumn In autumn when the trees are brown The little leaves come tumbling down They do not make the slightest sound But lie so quietly on the ground Until the wind comes puffing by And blows them off towards the sky. Fall Down! Down! Down, down! Yellow and brown The leaves are falling Over the town. September is a time Of beginning for all, Beginning of school Beginning of fall. The sunflower children Nod to the sun. Summer is over, Fall has begun! The leaves are falling One by one. Summer's over School's begun. Off to school We go together In September's Sunny weather. "Come, little leaves," said the wind one day, "Come o'er the meadows with me and play: Put on your dresses of red and gold For summer is gone and the days grow cold." A Little Elf A little elf 88 Sat in a tree Painting leaves To throw at me. Leaves of yellow And leaves of red Came tumbling down About my head. Cornflake leaves Upon the trees Are they a breakfast For the breeze? John Newmark I Love Fall I love fall! Fall is exciting. It's apples and cider. It's an airborne spider. It's pumpkins in bins. It's burrs on dog's chins. It's wind blowing leaves. It's chilly red knees. It's nuts on the ground. It's a crisp dry sound. It's green leaves turning And the smell of them burning. It's clouds in the sky. It's fall. That's why... I love fall. September The breezes taste Of apple peel. The air is full Of smells to feelRipe fruit, old footballs, Burning brush, New books, erasers, Chalk, and such. The bee, his hive, Well-honeyed hum, And Mother cuts Chrysanthemums. Like plates washed clean With suds, the days Are polished with A morning haze. John Updike September 89 A road like brown ribbon A sky that is blue A forest of green With that sky peeping through. Asters, deep purple, A grasshopper's call, Today it is summer, Tomorrow is fall. September September means its time again for going off to school. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting cool. Autumn Wind When autumn wind goes running It does some magic things. It gives the shadows dancing shoes, It gives the bright leaves wings When autumn wind goes running. It curls the bonfire's tail of smoke And shares a little whispered joke With cornstalks who delight to prattle, It turns a seed pod into a rattle When autumn wind goes running. The Leaves of the Trees (to the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus") The leaves of the trees turn orange and red orange and red, orange and red The leaves of the trees turn orange and red All through the town. The leaves of the trees come tumbling down tumbling down, tumbling down The leaves of the trees come tumbling down All through the town. The leaves on the ground go swish, swish, swish Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, The leaves on the ground go swish, swish, swish All through the town. Irmgard Guertges Leaves in the autumn came tumbling down, Scarlet and yellow, russet and brown, Leaves in the garden were swept in a heap, Trees were undressing ready for sleep. 90 Red leaves and yellow leaves Orange leaves and brown, Leaves are dancing everywhere Happily dancing down. The Leaves are Falling Down (to the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell") The leaves are falling down The leaves are falling down School is here and fall in near The leaves are falling down. The leaves are falling down The leaves are falling down Some are red and some are brown The leaves are falling down. The leaves are falling down The leaves are falling down They tickle your nose and touch your toes The leaves are falling down. June Haggard October October's the month When the smallest breeze Gives us a shower Of autumn leaves. Bonfires and pumpkins, Leaves sailing down October is red And golden and brown. October leaves are lovely They rustle when I run Sometimes I make a heap And jump in them for fun. Autumn leaves float quietly down And form a carpet on the ground. But when those leaves are stepped upon, Listen for the crackling sound. November No shade, no shine, No butterflies, no bees, No fruits, no flowers, No leaves, no birds, November. 91 November In November Dark comes soon. We turn on the lights In the afternoon. November No sunshine, lots of rain, No warm days, snow again! No bugs or bees No leaves on trees. You must remember This is NOvember! November Now the autumn days are gone Frost is sparkling on the lawn, Windows winking cheerful lights Warm the cold November nights. Autumn Bird Song Over the housetops, Over the trees, Winging their way In a stiff fall breeze. A flock of birds Is flying along Southward, for winter, Singing a song. Singing a song They all like to sing, "We'll see you again When it's spring, spring, spring." СЧИТАЛОЧКИ COUNTING OUT RHIMES Ickle, Pickle, Puckle, Buckle, Shuckle in my shoe. Mickle, Muckle, Nickle, Nuckle, Out go you. One potato, two potatoes, Three potatoes, four, Five potatoes, six potatoes, Seven potatoes more. 92 In, pin, safety-pin, In, pin, out! One, two, three Sparrows in a tree. Four, five, six Tiny little sticks. Seven, eight, nine This nest is mine. Out goes the rat, Out goes the cat, Out goes the lady With a big blue hat. One, two, three, four Can I have a little more? Five, six, seven, eight Put some candies on my plate. Jump, jump, jump, Jump far away; And all come home Some other day. One, Two, Buckle My Shoe 1... 2... Buckle my shoe 3... 4... Knock at the door 5... 6... Pick up sticks 7... 8... Lay them straight 9... 10... A big fat hen 11... 12... Dig and delve 13... 14... Maids a-courting 15... 16... Maids in the kitchen 17... 18... Maids a-waiting 19... 20... I've had plenty! Collected Near Marcogg One for death and two for birth, Three for wind and four for earth, Five for fire, six for rain, Seven's joy and eight is pain, Nine to go, ten back again! This STICK will TELL the ONE we CHOOSE To BE the LORD in SHINing SHOES To RUle LANDS both NEAR and FAR The STICK says YOU will BE King THAR! Under the ocean, green and deep Lie the fishes fast asleep, 93 Under the arm and over the shoe, Tap on the head, and out goes YOU! One for sorrow, two for joy, three for a girl, for for a boy, five for silver, six for gold, seven for a secret, never to be told, eight for a wish, nine for a kiss, ten for a time of joyous bliss. Bee, a bee, a bumblebee Stung a man upon his knee And a hog upon his snout, I'll be dogged if you ain't out! Eeny, meeny, miney, moe Catch a tiger by his toe, If he squeals, let him go, Eeny, meeny, miney, moe. One, two, three, four, five, I caught a fish alive. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, I let him go again. O-U-T spells out goes you! One for sorrow, two for mirth, Three for a wedding, four for a birth, Five for silver, six for gold, Seven for a secret not to be told. Eight for heaven, nine for hell, And ten for the devil's own sel'. *** One for sorrow, two for joy, three for a girl, four for a boy, five for silver, six for gold, seven for a secret, 94 never to be told, eight for a wish, nine for a kiss, ten for a time of joyous bliss. *** One for sadness, two for mirth; Three for marriage, four for birth; Five for laughing, six for crying: Seven for sickness, eight for dying; Nine for silver, ten for gold; Eleven a secret that will never be told. *** Intry, mintry, cutry, corn Apple seed and apple thorn Wire, briar, limber, lock Five geese in a flock One flew east, one flew west, and one flew over the cuckoo's nest Out, with a dirty dishcloth, out! *** One for death and two for birth, Three for wind and four for earth, Five for fire, six for rain, Seven's joy and eight is pain, Nine to go, ten back again! *** One, two, buckle my shoe Three, four, close the door Five, six, pick up sticks Seven, eight, close the gate Nine, ten, home again *** And it's one, two, three, What are we fighting for? Don't ask me, I don't give a damn, Next stop is Vietnam; And it's five, six, seven, Open up the pearly gates, Well there ain't no time to wonder why Whoopee! we're all gonna die. *** 95 Eeny, meeny, miney, mo. Catch a tiger by the toe. If he hollers, let him go. Eeny, meeny, miney, mo. Often followed by My mother told me you are not it you dirty old dishrag you. or My mother says to pick this very one. *** A [ei, ei, ei] Вместе с нами веселей. E [i:, i:, i:] На нас скорее посмотри. I [ai, ai, ai] C нами вместе запевай. O [ou, ou, ou] Запоем сейчас мы хором. U [ju:, ju:, ju;] Всех подружек я люблю. Y [wai, wai, wai] Никогда не унывай. Eenie, meenie, minie, mo, Catch a tiger by his toe. If he hollers, make him pay Fifty dollars every day. My Mother says to pick this one; O-U-T spells out goes you, Right in the middle of the red, white and blue. *** Inka Binka bottle of ink, The cork fell off and you stink, Not because you're dirty, Not because you're clean, Just because ya kissed a (boy or girl) Behind a magazine and You are it. *** One, two, three, four, five, I caught a fish alive. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, I let him go again. O-U-T spells out goes you! Riddels What is black and white and pink all over? An embarrassed zebra. What clothes does a house wear? 96 Address. Why do birds fly south in winter? It's too far to walk. Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side. Why did the bird cross the road? It was the chicken's day off. What is a bird after it is 5 yeas old? Six years old. What has lots of eyes but never sees? A potato. What is always in bed but never sleeps? A river. What gets bigger the more you take away from it? A hole. What black and white all over? A newspaper. What kind of apple isn't an apple? A pineapple. Where were lemons first found? In a tree. Ответы на загадки даны в конце страницы. 1) What kind of clothes do lawyers wear? 2) What do you have if an ax falls on your car? 3) What is in the army and is corny? 4) What do you call a man when a Marine sits on him? 5) An old fashioned bike wheel has 21 spokes. How many spaces are between the spokes - 20, 21, or 22? 6) Where did Pilgrims land when they arrived in America? 7) Who succeeded the first President? 8) When is the best time to have lunch? 9) When should you strike a match? 10) What makes a man bald-headed? 11) What always ends everything? 12) What is it that one needs most in the long run? 13) What animal keeps the best time? 14) Why should you always carry a watch when crossing a desert? 15) A man went on a trip on Friday, stayed for 2 days and returned on Friday. How is that possible? 16) What has 4 wheels and flies? 17) How do you make a Venetian blind? 18) How do you get to Carnegie Hall? 19) Think fast: There's an electric train traveling south. The wind is from the north-west. In which direction would the smoke from the train be blowing? 20) What is the second most used letter in the English language? Hint: it is also the first letter of the 97 most used word in the English language. 21) How can you avoid hitting your fingers when driving in a nail with a hammer? 22) Why did the bubble gum cross the road? 23) What walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs in the afternoon, and 3 legs in the evening? 24) What 5 letter word can have its last 4 letters removed and still sound the same? QUEUE, remove "UEUE", say Q. Q and queue are pronounced the same.If you see a bird sitting on a twig, how could you get the twig without disturbing the bird? 25) When is a yellow dog most likely to enter a house? 26) What has a head like a cat, feet like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn't a cat? 27) When is a doctor most annoyed? 28) Why isn't your nose twelve inches long? 29) What has five eyes, but cannot see? 30) What is it that by losing an eye has nothing left but a nose? 31) What has a foot on each end and one in the middle? 32) Which one of our Presidents had the largest shoes? 33) Some months have thirty days and some months have thirty-one days. How many months have twenty-eight days? 34) At the hardware store I was quoted 12 cents for one, 24 cents for 50, and 36 cents for 144. I wanted six. What was I buying and how much did it cost me? 35) A chessboard has squares that are two inches by two inches by two inches. What is the diameter of the largest circle that can be drawn on the board in such a way that the circle's circumference is entirely on black squares? 36) Compose a grammatical and sensible sentence in which all words begin with the same sound and yet none begin with the same letter. 37) Now compose a grammatical and sensible sentence in which all words begin with the same letter and yet none begin with the same sound. 38) I started 2 watches at the same time, It turned out that one of them went two minutes per hour too slow, and the other went one minute per hour too fast. When I looked at them again, the faster one was exactly one hour ahead of the other. How long had the watches been running? 39) What is so unusual about the number 2520? 40) My first wears my second; my third might be what my first would acquire if he went to sea. Put together my one, two, three, and the belle of New York is the girl for me. What one word am I? 41) If two boys and a girl can beat their father in a tug-of-war, but their mother can win against a boy and two girls, who should win a contest between the father and a girl against the other and a boy? 42) What is the difference between a farmer and a seamstress? 43) If 20 blackbirds are on a fence and you shoot one, how many remain? 44) What was given to you, belongs to you exclusively and yet is used more by your friends than by yourself? 45) What is it that we often return but never borrow? 46) Every time you stand up, you lose this. What is it? 47) What is the hardest thing to deal with? 48) What is the most important thing in the world? 49) What runs around town all day and lies under the bed at night with its tongue hanging out? 50) If all the letters in the alphabet were on top of the highest mountain, which letter must leave first? 51) What is the difference between an oak tree and a tight shoe? 52) How are a jeweler and a jailer alike? 53) Why was it so hard to find Abe Lincoln in Washington DC? 54) Where did King Arthur learn to joust? 55) How much water can you put into an empty 2 quart jar? 56) What stars should you stay away from? 57) What can you count on no matter what? 58) What is the happiest state in the USA? 59) Why would you put money in a freezer? 60) What teaches without talking? 98 Ответы на загадки: 1) Lawsuits 2) An ax-i-dent (accident) 3) A colonel (kernel). 4) Submarine. 5) 21; draw it and count them. 6) On their feet. 7) The second one! 8) After breakfast! 9) Only when it becomes violent. 10) Lack of hair. 11) The letter "g." 12) Your breath. 13) A watchdog. 14) Because it has a spring in it. 15) Friday is a horse! 16) A garbage truck! 17) Poke him in the eye! 18) Practice, practice, practice! 19) An electric train has no smoke! 20) The letter "T." 21) Hold the hammer with both hands. 22) It was stuck on the bottom of the chicken's foot. 23) A man - crawls as a baby, then walks on 2 feet, then uses a cane (3 legs) as an old man. 24) Wait until the bird flies away. 25) When the door is open. 26) A kitten. 27) When he is out of "patients." 28) Because it would then be a foot. 29) The Mississippi River. 30) The word NOISE. 31) A yardstick. 32) The president with the largest feet. 33) All twelve months have 28 days. Some have more as well. 34) Prices quoted were for house numbers at 12 cents per number. A number'6' cost me 12 cents. 35) The diameter is 6.324 inches. Diameter is equal to twice the radius. 36) Pneumonic gnomes knew mnemonic names. 37) Ptomaine poisons Pnom-Penh's psychedelic philosophers. 38) The faster watch gains on the slower one at the rate of three minutes every hour. After 20 hours, the faster one will be ahead by one hour. 39) 2520 is the lowest number into which all the digits from 1 to 10 will divide evenly. 40) Manhattan. 41) The mother and boy. Pitting the 2 winning teams against the 2 losing teams (boy + boy + girl + mother versus father + boy + girl + girl) will obviously result in a win for boy + boy + girl + Mother over father + boy + girl + girl. Take a girl and boy away from each side, and boy + mother must still beat father + girl. PHEW!!!!. 42) One gathers what he sows, the other sews what she gathers. 43) None, they would all fly away from the sound of the shot. 44) Your name. 45) Thanks. 46) Your lap. 47) An old deck of cards. 48) The letter "e" because it is first in everybody and everything. 49) Your shoes. 99 50) The letter "D" would begin the descent. 51) One makes acorns, the other makes corns ache. 52) The jeweler sells watches and the jailer watches cells. 53) They were using his Gettysburg Address. 54) In Knight school. 55) None, it would not be empty. 56) Shooting stars. 57) Your fingers or toes (or both!). 58) Maryland. 59) To get some cold, hard cash. 60) A book. Скороговорки A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood. B Blake's black bike's back brake bracket block broke. B-TT The batter with the butter is the batter that is better! B-TT Betty Better bought some butter. "But," she said, "this butter's bitter. If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter. But a bit of better butter will make my bitter batter better." So she bought a bit of better butter and made her bitter batter better. Bl-Bee One black beetle bled only black blood, the other black beetle bled blue. Ea Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs. F There was a young fisher named Fisher who fished for a fish in a fissure. F The fish with a grin, pulled the fisherman in; now they're fishing the fissure for Fischer. Fl A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, "Let us fly!" Said the fly, "Let us flee!" So they flew through a flaw in the flue. Gr-G Great gray goats M-N-G Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie? 100 Oi-Oy What noise annoys an oyster most? A noisy noise annoys an oyster most. Ow Clowns grow glowing crowns. Pe-Pi Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers? R-Wh Ripe white wheat reapers reap ripe white wheat right. S-Sh The soldier's shoulder surely hurts! S-W-Ch There's a sandwich on the sand which was sent by a sane witch. Sh Shy Shelly says she shall sew sheets. Sh-S-Sl She sees seas slapping shores. Si-Sea Six sick sea-serpents swam the seven seas. Si-Sh The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick. Si-St Six stick shifts stuck shut. Sl-Sh I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit. St-Sk-Th A skunk sat on a stump and thunk (thought) the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk. Sw Swan swam over the sea. Swim, swan, swim! Swan swam back again. Well swum, swan! T The two-twenty-two train tore through the tunnel. T-W-Ch If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch? Tw 101 Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs. Tw-Th A twister of twists once twisted a twist. and the twist that he twisted was a three twisted twist. now in twisting this twist, if a twist should untwist, would the twist that untwisted untwist the twists. W-Ch-Sh-Ck Which witch wished which wicked wish? W-One One-One was a racehorse; Two-Two was one, too. When One-One won one race, Two-Two won one, too. W-Th Whenever the weather is cold. Whenever the weather is hot. We'll whether the weather, whatever the weather, whether we like it or not. Учимся рисовать Cats Use some of the shapes you have used to draw a cat. First of all draw a round head. Then add triangles for ears and nose... And some curves for the mouth and whiskers. Here's a big curve for the body. 102 Give him eyes, legs and tail. Учимся рисовать Trees Some trees look like this... others look like this... 103 or this. Here is a big tree. Copy some fruit on to it. apples pears 104 Now practice drawing some trees. Учимся рисовать Cars Cars do not all look alike, but here's a simple car-shape. Draw the body first. And wheels... windows and door... 105 bumpers and lights. Can you finish this car? Учимся рисовать Flowers Some flowers have a middle... With petals all round. A row of them is very pretty. They can be all sorts of colours. They have stalks and leaves. 106 Put some in a vase... Or in a garden. Some plants have bell-like flowers, like this. Others have big petals, like this. Учимся рисовать Heads Draw yourself! Here's a circle, with eyes, ears and nose. Is you mouth smiling... 107 Or is it making you look sad? What is your hair like? Fair and straight... Or dark and curly? Hats can cover up a lot of your head. And there are many different types of hat. Can you draw some different faces? Учимся рисовать Stars Stars are not easy to draw! Start off with five dots... 108 Then join them up like this... You have a go. Для самых маленьких The horned goat is coming, To small children. Her legs go... Clop! Clop! Her eyes go... Blink! Blink! To those who don't eat porridge, To those who don't drink milk, To those children she will go... Butt, Butt, Butt! (Идет коза рогатая 109 За малыми ребятами Ножками топ! Топ! Глазками хлоп! Хлоп! Кто кашки не ест, Молочка кто не пъетТого Забодаю, Забодаю, Забодаю!) Granny ate peas. And said "Oh!" (Баба сеяла горох И сказала "Ох !") Magpie - Magpie*, Cooked the porridge, Fed it to the little children. She gave to this one, She gave to this one, She gave to this one, She gave to this one, But she did not give to this one You have not brought water**, You have not chopped fire-wood. There is nothing for you! (Сорока – сорока, Кашу варила, Деток кормила. Это му дала, Это му дала, Это му дала, Это му дала, A этому не далаТы воды не носил, Дров не рубил, Тебе нет ничего!) Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, Where were you? At granny's! What did you eat? Porridge*! What did you drink? A little home-brewed beer** The porridge is buttered, The home-brewed beer is sweet, Granny is kind! (Ладушки, ладушки Где были? 110 У бабушки! Что ели? Кашку! Что пили? Бражку! Кашка масленька Бражка сладенька Бабушка добренька!) Time for fun. Enjoy the poems. *translation by L. Bali A Student Prayer Now I lay me down to rest, I pray I pass tomorrow’s test. If I should die before I wake, That’s one less test I’ll have to take! (Anonymous) Молитва Студента Наконец-то я лягу и оттянусь, Помолюсь, чтоб контрольную не завалить. Умереть бы ещё до того, как проснусь, Хоть одну бы контрольную да обхитрить! A Teacher Lament by Kalli Dakos. Don’t tell me the cat ate your math sheet; And your spelling words went down the drain, And you couldn’t decipher your homework, Because it was soaked in the rain. Don’t tell me you lost your eraser, And your worksheets and pencils, too. And your papers are stuck together With a great big glob of glue. Don’t tell me you slaved for hours On the project that’s due today, And you would have had it finished If your snake hadn’t run away. I’m tired of all your excuses; They are really a terrible bore. 111 Besides, I forgot my own work, At home, on my study drawer. Учительские страдания или жалИстливая песнь училки Не ври мне про кошку, что с примерами съела листок, И что слова для диктанта нечаянно смыло в канаву, Что задание сделать было совсем невдомёк Из-за дождя, что с листочком тем поработал на славу. Не пой мне, что вдруг, неожиданно так испарились Карандаши, резинка, а с ними заданье твоё, И что бумаги твои так крепко и дружно «сплотились», Потому что клей пролился на них, несчастье моё! Не сочиняй, что часами, как раб на плантациях спину ты гнула Над работой, которую сдать уже надо сейчас. И сдала бы ты в срок, если б вашу семью не вспугнула Змея, что посмела удрать в такой неурочный час. Я устала от всей этой лжи отговорок ради. Все твои объясненья скучны, от них можно сойти с ума. Да и, кроме того, я сегодня все планы-тетради На рабочем столе дома забыла сама… *** I love to do my homework, It makes me feel so good! I love to do exactly As my teacher says I should. I love to do my homework, I never miss a day. I even love the men in white Who are taking me away! (Anonymous) *** Люблю учить уроки, И сам себя люблю Заданья без мороки Учителю сдаю! Люблю уроки делать, Не пропущу ни дня И вас люблю, кто в белом, Уносит прочь меня… *** Little Bird in the sky dropped some white stuff in my eye. I am not angry. I won’t cry. I am just glad that cows don’t fly. (Anonymous) *** 112 В небе птичка, какнув раз, Мне попала прямо в глаз! Хорошо хоть, я считаю, Что коровы не летают. I Am the Single Most Wonderful Person I Know by Jack Prelutsky I ‘m the single most wonderful person I know. I’m witty, I’m charming, I’m smart, I’m often so brilliant, I actually glow, I’m a genius in music and art. I’m super, I’m splendid, I’m stunning, I’m strong, I’m awesome, I’m dashing, I’m bold, I know all the answers, it’s rare that I’m wrong. I’m an absolute joy to behold. I’m strikingly handsome, I’m thoroughly grand, I’m uncategorically clever, There’s only one thing that I can’t understand Why nobody likes me... not ever! stunning - чрезвычайно привлекательный awesome - внушающий страх, смешанный с удивлением и уважением, как при виде чего-то загадочного и необъяснимого dashing - stylish and showy; brave and bold to behold - to look at grand - attractive in style and appearance Единственный, неповторимый, любимый Я Я уникальный экземпляр, я сам собой горжусь. Я остроумен, я очаровашка, я умён. Мои способности блестящи – аж свечусь. Я гений музыки, в искусстве я силён. Я асс, физически развит не по годам, Я удивителен, стремителен и смел. И на любой вопрос ответ я тот час дам. Тот счастлив, кто мою персону лицезрел. Красавец я, и стильно я одет, Моим способностям аналогов не может быть. Вот только…почему-то… (кто мне даст ответ) Не люб я никому, и не с кем мне дружить? Homework! Oh, Homework! by Jack Prelutsky 113 Homework! Oh, Homework! I hate you! You stink!* I wish I could wash you away in the sink, if only a bomb would explode you to bits. Homework! Oh, homework! You're giving me fits.** I'd rather take baths with a man-eating shark, or wrestle a lion alone in the dark, eat spinach and liver, pet ten porcupines, than tackle the homework, my teacher assigns. Homework! Oh, homework! you're last on my list, I simple can't see why you even exist. If you just disappeared, it would tickle me pink.*** Homework! Oh, homework! I hate you! You stink! * You stink! - ты вызываешь у меня отвращение; **You're giving me fits. - ты меня доводишь до белого каления! ***it would tickle me pink - вот я б обрадовался! Я домашней работе мечтаю отмстить. Что бы лучше – взорвать? В унитаз ли спустить? Ох, уроки, уроки…! Надоело решать! Лучше в море с разбегу, где акулы кишат! Может, со львом сразиться в ночи, Ненавистный шпинат съесть, печёнку и щи… Иль ежа приласкать… чем ответы искать на заданья, что снова решать и решать…. Ну, вы уррроки! Вот я не пойму, Кто вас придумал, в каком бреду! Исчезни вы завтра, вот был бы класс! Задания на дом, убил бы я вас! Mary Had Some Bubble Gum Mary had some bubble gum. She chewed it long and slow, and everywhere that Mary went her gum was sure to go. She chewed the gum in school one day, which was against the rule, the teacher took her pack away and chewed it after school. (Anonymous) 114 Любит Маша жвачку Что не день – то пачка! Сидит ли Маша, иль идёт, Всегда, везде она жуёт. Пришла и в школу как-то раз с резинкой этой - ужас - в класс! Учитель жвачку ту конфисковала И втихоря сама её сжевала! There Was an Old Man from Peru There was an old man form Peru who dreamed he was eating his shoe, he woke in the night in a terrible fright, and found that his dream was quite true. (Anonymous) Isaac Newton by Calvin Miller Sir Isaac Newton sure was smart, beneath the apple tree. When one fell off and hit his head, he said, “Wow, gravity.” For Newton was a genius and not a common slouch*. A genius cries “Gravity!” Most others just say “ouch!” *slouch – a lazy and incompetent person Сэр НьЮтон был, безусловно, умён И в нужное время под яблоню сел он. И был он, возможно, слегка удивлён, Когда яблоко сэра ударить посмело. Если б под яблоньку сел лентяй, На падение яблока явно бы он Среагировал: «Ой», а может быть, «Ай!» А умный НьЮтон открыл ЗАКОН! You Need to Have an Iron Rear by Jack Prelutsky You need to have a iron rear to sit upon a cactus, or otherwise, at least a year of very painful practice. 115 *** Чтоб суметь на кактус сесть, Железный зад надо иметь. Или целый год стараться Каждый день практиковаться! Colors Color Chant Dr. Jean Feldman If you're wearing RED Put your hands on your head. If you're wearing BLACK, Then touch your back. If you're wearing BROWN, Touch the ground. If you're wearing GREEN, Wash your hands real clean. If you're wearing BLUE, Put your hands on your shoe. If you're wearing PINK, Then think and think. If you're wearing GRAY, Have a nice day. If ORANGE is what you wear, Then touch your hair. If you're wearing WHITE, Squeeze your hands real tight. If you're wearing PURPLE, Say, "Murple gurple." If you're wearing YELLOW, Wave to your fellow. You're all looking mighty fine, And that's the end of the color rhyme! Color Poems Red Red is an apple Red is a rose Red is the color of 116 My frozen, icy nose! Blue Blue is the ocean Blue are my eyes Blue is the sky where The lonely eagle flies. Orange Orange is a carrot And the orange I eat Orange are these bright new socks I wear upon my feet! Green Green is the grass Under both my feet And green is the broccoli My mother makes me eat! Yellow Yellow is a lemon Yellow is a star Yellow is the sun In the sky so far. Brown Brown is the mud Brown is the bear Brown is the color Of my brother's hair. Purple Purple is a grape Purple is a plum Purple is my favorite juice Shall I get you some? Black Black is the night And a witch's cat Black is licorice And that witch's cat! More Green Green are the branches Budding in the sun And green are many vegetables Can you tell us some? Colors in My World Judy Caplan Ginsburgh Chorus: There are colors all around, 117 colors like rainbow Lots of colors in my world. There are colors all around, colors like rainbow Lots of colors in my world. There is blue for the sky, Where the birds fly way up high. There is blue for the sky, Lots of colors in my world. There is yellow for the sun, When it shines we play and have fun. There is yellow for the sun, Lots of colors in my world. There is green for the grass, Where we really shouldn't throw trash. There is green for the grass, Lots of colors in my world. There is red for the flowers, They grow tall when the rain showers. There is red for the flowers, Lots of colors in my world. If You're Wearing Colors The Learning Station If you're wearing red stand up and shake your head. If you're wearing green stand up and bow to the queen. Chorus: Stand up no matter what color's on you. Now, sit down and clap till we sing what to do. If you're wearing yellow stand up and shake like Jell-O. If you're wearing black stand up and pat your back. Chorus If you're wearing blue stand up and touch your shoe. If you're wearing brown stand up and spin around. Chorus 118 If you're wearing gray stand up and holler "Hey!" If you're wearing white stand up and turn to the right. Chorus If you're wearing tan stand up and wave your hands. If you're wearing purple stand up and turn in a circle. Chorus If you're wearing pink stand up and wink, wink, wink. If you're wearing peach stand up and reach, reach, reach. Chorus Please Stand Up Mr. Al If you're wearing red stand up. If you're wearing red stand up. If you're wearing red, clap your hands and then sit down. If you're wearing blue stand up. If you're wearing blue stand up. If you're wearing blue, turn around and around and then sit down. If you're wearing green stand up. If you're wearing green stand up. If you're wearing green, shake, shake, shake and then sit down. If you're wearing yellow stand up. If you're wearing yellow stand up. If you're wearing yellow, jump, jump, jump and then sit down. If you're wearing orange stand up. If you're wearing black stand up. If you're wearing orange or black, touch your toes and then sit down. If you're wearing brown stand up. If you're wearing white stand up. If you're wearing brown or white, shake your bottom and then sit down. 119 If you're wearing purple stand up. If you're wearing purple stand up. If you're wearing purple, hop on one foot and then sit down. If you're wearing pink stand up. If you're wearing pink stand up. If you're wearing pink, wiggle your knees and then sit down. Everybody won't you please sit down! Color Farm Dr. Jean Feldman There was a farmer had a cat And Black was her name-o B-L-A-C-K B-L-A-C-K B-L-A-C-K And Black was her name-o There was a farmer had a dog And Brown was her name-o B-R-O-W-N B-R-O-W-N B-R-O-W-N And Brown was her name-o There was a farmer had a cow And Purple was her name-o P-U-R-P-L-E P-U-R-P-L-E P-U-R-P-L-E And Purple was her name-o There was a farmer had a horse And Green was her name-o G-R-E-E-N G-R-E-E-N G-R-E-E-N And Green was her name-o There was a farmer had a duck And Orange was her name-o O-R-A-N-G-E O-R-A-N-G-E O-R-A-N-G-E And Orange was her name-o There was a farmer had a bird And Blue was her name-o B-L-U-E B-L-U-E 120 B-L-U-E And Blue was her name-o There was a farmer had a chick And Yellow was her name-o Y-E-L-L-O-W Y-E-L-L-O-W Y-E-L-L-O-W And Yellow was her name-o There was a farmer had a pig And Red was her name-o R-E-D R-E-D R-E-D And Red was her name-o Rainbow Soup Sara Jordan Publishing Chorus: Rainbow soup has fruit of every colour. Rainbow soup is yummy too. Rainbow soup tastes better than the others. Rainbow soup is good for you. My friend down the street is a chef. Her cooking©os pretty good. I asked her if we could make lunch. She told me, "Sure we could." She said, "The first thing that you'll learn, Is how to make some soup. This recipe is...top secret But I'll share it with you." Chorus She said, "First you'll need red fruit This apple here will do. Then toss in all of these blueberries They will add some blue." "And how about this banana? Cause yellow's pretty too. And for some green - we'll use a lime, Hold on - we're not yet through." Chorus And if you like to add some orange We'll use this tangerine. I'll bet this is the best fruit soup That you have ever seen. And for some purple we'll use grapes, 121 And watermelon's pink I think this is the best fruit soup Please tell me what you think! Chorus Yellow Yellow is a star. Yellow is the sun. Yellow is the moon, When the day is done. Orange Orange is an orange. Orange is a carrot. Orange is the colour of the beak of a parrot. Orange (To the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus") The pumpkins in my garden are orange, orange, orange, O-R-A-N-G-E. The oranges on my tree are orange, orange, orange, O-R-A-N-G-E. Blue Blue is the ocean. Blue is the sky. Blue are the blueberries I put into the pie. Blue (To the tune of "Row, Row Row Your Boat") B-L-U-E Spells the color blue. The sky, the ocean and some birds Are all a beautiful blue. Pink Pink skies and butterflies are truly a sight to see, But pink-eye infection would be no fun for me. Grapefruit pulp, 122 the salmon's flesh, carnations in a vase, Pink elephant nightmares with candy as the cause. Stop and think about the pink that's everyday around you, Ballerina sister, a bouncing twister, around the house in her tutu. Green Green is grass, String beans and peas. Green are the branches on Christmas trees. Green (To the tune of "London Bridge is Falling Down") G-R-E-E-N spells green, Like a frog, Or a tree. G-R-E-E-N spells green, Just like broccoli. Green Green is the grass and the watermelon skin, fourth colour in the rainbow, the emeralds in a ring. Bright green apples are bitter to the tongue, but spinach and broccoliI eat them up yum! Green mold is medicine known as penicillin, and water fights with green balloons sure are thrillin'. Green means go when driving, beep! beep! 123 and green lily pads are where the frogs sleep. For flowers and trees, and the prickly cactus toogreen is important, as it is for me and you. Red Red is an apple. Red is a cherry. Red is a rose. And a ripe strawberry. Red The fireman's hat is too big for my head, so I wear a red bucket when playing, instead. Red ruby treasure on Valentine's Day, with imagination it's "Pirates" we play. Your nose turns red when it's cold outside, and sometimes too when you're sad inside. Some girls wear red ribbons, bows tied in their hair, while eating red berries is the big, black bear. Hearts are red on cards, and also in your chest, red is the colour that I like best. Red (can be sung to the tune of Three Blind Mice) R. E. D. R. E. D. Red is the word Red is the word Apples and strawberries both are red Tomatoes and cherries both are red R.E.D. spells Red, red, red. 124 Purple Purple are grapes. Purple are plums. Purple is a violet. And the bruise on my thumb. Brown Brown is mud, Brown is toast, Brown is chocolate, And a Sunday roast. Brown (To the tune of "Farmer in the Dell") B-R-O-W-N B-R-O-W-N B-R-O-W-N That's how you spell brown. The gingerbread man is brown. The gingerbread man is brown. B-R-O-W-N The gingerbread man is brown. And chocolate chips are brown. And chocolate chips are brown. B-R-O-W-N That's how you spell brown. Colour Song (to the tune of "The Itsy Bitsy Spider") Orange is a carrot, Yellow is a pear, Green is the grass, And brown is a bear, Purple is a plum, Blue is the sky, Black is a witch's hat, And red is cherry pie. Green Giant There lived a green giant whose name was Sam. His hair was the colour of strawberry jam. He had one brown and one blue eye, And a beard the colour of pumpkin pie. His coat and pants were gay and bright, Like a peppermint stick, all red and white. His shoes were as brown as a chocolate drop. His stockings were yellow as lemon pop. 125 His hat was the colour of ginger bread With a tall, tall feather of raspberry red. The Colour Song (To the tune of "This Old Man") Red, red, red, touch your head. Blue, blue, blue, tie your shoe. Brown, brown, brown, touch the ground. White, white, white, take a bite. Black, black, black, touch your back. Purple, purple, purple, draw a circle. Pink, pink, pink, give a wink. Gray, gray, gray, shout hurray! What Colours do I See? See, see, see! What colours do I see? Purple plums, Red tomatoes, Yellow corn, Brown potatoes, Green lettuce! Yum, yum, yum, good! I learn so many colours, When I eat my food. Colours Red, yellow, pink and white. Let's play ball day and night! В СТРАНЕ НЕПРАВИЛЬНЫХ ГЛАГОЛОВ Пол метлой я Sweep - swept - swept, Дом в порядке Keep - kept - kept, Потому что Know - knew - known, Что когда я Grow - grew - grown, То смогу я Dream - dreamt - dreamt Выйти замуж без проблем. Я кирпичик Throw - threw - thrown, Он в окошко Fly - flew - flown, Меня дядя Catch - caught - caught, К папе с мамой Bring - brought - brought. 126 Болван с Прохвостом целый день Вдвоём играли в "дребедень": "Я win - won - won", сказал Болван, "Ты lose - lost - lost", сказал Прохвост. Забияки fight - fought - fought Их никто не разведёт. Уже оба Weep - wept - wept, Воспитатель Sleep - slept - slept. Я в буфете Buy - bought - bought Первоклассный бутерброд, За него я Pay - paid - paid, В классе в парту Lay - laid - laid, И совсем не Think - thought - thought, Что его сосед умнёт. Глянь: рогатку Шалопут В свой кармашек put - put - put, И begin - began - begun, Хулиганит Хулиган. Он подушку cut - cut - cut, Брата в ванной shut - shut - shut, Все газеты light - lit - lit, Собачонку hit - hit - hit, Он к соседу ring - rang - rung И совсем не think - thought - thought, Что милиция придет. ТЕРЕМОК / TEREMOK сценка Teremok is originally a small wooden house. The characters of the fairy-tale are: mouse (myshka), frog (lyagushka), hare (zaichik), fox (lisichka), wolf (volchok), bear (medved') Russian Transliteration Translation Стоит в поле теремок. Бежит мимо мышка: Stoit v pole teremok. Bezhit mimo myshka: There stood a small wooden house (teremok) in the open field. A mouse ran by: -Терем-теремок! Кто в тереме живет? -Terem-teremok! Kto v tereme zhivyot? - Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house? 127 Никто не отзывается. Вошла мышка в теремок и стала в нем жить. Nikto ne otzyvaetsya. Voshla myshka v teremok I stala v nyom zhit'. Nobody answered. The mouse went into the house and began to live there. Прискакала лягушка: Priskakala lyagushka: A frog hopped by: -Терем-теремок! Кто в тереме живет? -Terem-teremok! Kto v tereme zhivyot? - Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house? - Я мышка. А ты кто? -Ya myshka. A ty kto? -I am a mouse. And who are you? - А я лягушка. Давай вместе жить!-A ya lyagushka. Davai vmeste zhit'. -I am a frog. Let's live together. Стали мышка с лягушкой вдвоем жить. Stali myshka s lyagushkoi vdvoyom zhit'. So the mouse and the frog began living together. Бежит мимо зайчик. Увидал теремок и спрашивает: Bezhit mimo zaichik. Uvidal teremok I sprashivaet: A hare ran by. He saw the house and asked: -Терем-теремок! Кто в тереме живет? -Terem-teremok! Kto v tereme zhivyot? - Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house? - Я мышка. -Ya myshka -I am a mouse. -Я лягушка. А ты кто? -Ya lyagushka. A ty kto? -I am a frog. And who are you? - А я зайчик. -A ya zaichik. -And I am a hare. Прыгнул зайчик в теремок, и стали они втроем жить. Prygnul zaichik v teremok I stali oni vtroyom zhit'. The hare jumped into the house and all of them began living together. Идет лисичка. Постучала в окошко: Idyot lisichka. Postuchala v okoshko: Then there came a fox. She knocked on the window: -Терем-теремок! Кто в тереме живет? -Terem-teremok! Kto v tereme zhivyot? - Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house? - Я мышка -Ya myshka -I am a mouse. -Я лягушка -Ya lyagushka -I am a frog. - А я зайчик. А ты кто? -A ya zaichik. A ty kto? -And I am a hare. And who are you? - А я лисичка. -A ya lisichka. -And I am a fox. Забралась лисичка в теремок. Zabralas' lisichka v teremok. The fox climbed into the house too. Прибежал волчок: Pribezhal volchok: A wolf ran by: -Терем-теремок! Кто в тереме живет? -Terem-teremok! Kto v tereme zhivyot? - Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house? - Я мышка -Ya myshka -I am a mouse. -Я лягушка -Ya lyagushka -I am a frog. - А я зайчик. -A ya zaichik -And I am a hare. - А я лисичка. А ты кто? -A ya lisichka. A ty kto? -And I am a fox. And who are you? - А я волчок. -A ya volchok. - I am a wolf. Волк влез в теремок, стали они впятером жить. Volk vlez v teremok, stali oni vpyaterom zhit'. The wolf climbed into the house too, and they all started living together. Идет мимо медведь. Увидал теремок да как заревет: Idyot mimo medved'. Uvidal teremok da kak zarevyot: A bear walked by. He saw the house and roared: -Терем-теремок! Кто в тереме живет? -Terem-teremok! Kto v tereme zhivyot? - Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house? - Я мышка -Ya myshka -I am a mouse. -Я лягушка -Ya lyagushka -I am a frog. - А я зайчик -A ya zaichik -And I am a hare. - Я лисичка. -Ya lisichka -And I am a fox. - А я волчок. А ты кто? -A ya volchok. A ty kto? -And I am a wolf. Who are you? -А я медведь косолапый! -A ya medved' kosolapyi! -And I am a bear!!! Влез медведь на крышу и Трах! - раздавил теремок. Vlez medved' na kryshu I Trah! - razdavil teremok. The bear started cimbing onto the roof and - crushed the whole house! Разбежались звери кто-куда! Razbezhalis' zveri kto-kuda! All of the scared animals ran away in different directions! The Easter April - Easter 128 Here Comes Peter Cottontail Here comes Peter Cottontail, Hoppin' down the bunny trail, Hippity, hoppity, Easter's on its way. Bringin' every girl and boy Baskets full of Easter joy, Things to make your Easter bright and gay. He's got jelly beans for Tommy, Colored eggs for sister Sue, There's an orchid for your Mommy And an Easter bonnet, too. Oh! here comes Peter Cottontail, Hoppin' down the bunny trail, Hippity hoppity, Happy Easter day. Here comes Peter Cottontail, Hoppin' down the bunny trail, Look at him stop, and listen to him say: "Try to do the things you should." Maybe if you're extra good, He'll roll lots of Easter eggs your way. You'll wake up on Easter morning And you'll know that he was there When you find those choc'late bunnies That he's hiding ev'rywhere. Oh! here comes Peter Cottontail, Hoppin' down the bunny trail, Hippity hoppity, Happy Easter day. Patience Chocolate Easter bunny In a jelly bean nest, I'm saving you for very last Because I love you best. I'll only take a nibble From the tip of your ear And one bite from the other side So that you won't look queer. Yum, your'e so delicious! I didn't mean to eat Your chocolate tail till Tuesday. Ooops! There go your feet! I wonder how your back tastes With all that chocolate hair. I never thought your tummy Was only filled with air! Chocolate Easter bunny In a jelly bean nest, I'm saving you for very last Because I love you best. Bunnies 129 Bunnies are brown Bunnies are white Bunnies are always An Easter delight. Bunnies are cuddly The large and the small. But I like chocolate ones The best of them all. Easter Everywhere Rabbits soft and cuddly Baby chickens, too. Easter eggs for baskets White and pink and blue. Easter cards of greeting, Music in the air, Lilies just to tell us It's Easter everywhere. Hop, Hop, Hop Hop, hop, hop, Hop my bunny hop, Hop along my little bunny You look sweet and very funny On this Easter day. Look and see, Where the eggs may be, Here is on and here's another, Here's a lovely one for mother. Let us look and see, Where the eggs may be. Easter The Easter Bunny's feet Go hop, hop, hop, While his big pink ears Go flop, flop, flop. He is rushing on his way To bring our eggs on Easter Day, With a hop, flop, hop, flop, hop. Five Brown Eggs Five brown eggs in a nest of hay, One yellow chick popped out to play. Four brown eggs in a nest of hay, Another yellow chick cheep-cheeped Good day. Three brown eggs in a nest of hay, Crack went another one, Hip hooray. 130 Two brown eggs in a nest of hay, One more chick pecked his shell away. One brown egg in a nest of hay, The last yellow chick popped out to say, Happy Easter! Five Baby Bunnies Five baby bunnies hopping out to play, Hopping in the forest on happy Easter Day. The first baby bunny carried his new cane, He twirled as he came hopping down the lane. The second baby bunny came to the river's brink. Tasted the cool water and took a long, long drink. The third baby bunny tied her bonnet so new, Under her chin, a bow of pink, white, and blue. The fourth baby bunny skipped down the shady lane. He opened his umbrella just in case of rain. The fifth baby bunny said, "Look what I see" Lots and lots of coloured eggs hiding near the tree. Mr. Bunny, Mr. Bunny, Won't you stop, stop, stop? "No,"said Mr. Bunny, I must hop, hop, hop. Easter is coming, and there is lots to do. Eggs must be colored green, pink, and blue. I'll tie each basked with a pretty bow. Children are waiting so I must go!" Some Things That Easter Brings Easter duck and Easter chick, Easter eggs with chocolate thick. Easter hats for one and all, Easter Bunny makes a call! Happy Easter always brings Such a lot of pleasant things. Jelly Beans "I like white ones." "Here are two." "I like black." 131 "But there are so few." "I want pink ones." "Two for you." "I like orange." "WHAT shall we dothere isn't an orange, I've looked them through." "Awwww." "Wait! here's a red, and a yellow tooTHAT'LL make orange when you get through." Hopping Herbie Down the trail old Herbie hops. At every house he makes a stop Looking for a ready basket Into which the candy drops. Easter morning, faces pop Out the door of every stop, Smiling children see with pleasure All the treats that Herbie drops. At the end, his tired ears flop. Herbie heads back to his shop, Eggs and paint are all around him. But his Easter work was tops! Secret Information Would you like to know a secret? Well, I'll tell you one I know: The Easter's Bunny's coming, My mama told me so. He'll bring a basket filled with eggs And leave it in my yard, And I will find it Easter morn, If I look very hard. I shouldn't tell my secret, But I think it should be shared. You ought to know that Bunny's coming, So you can be prepared! 132 Finding a Treat Hippity hop, hippity hop, Will the Easter Bunny stop? Will he leave a treat behind An Easter basket for me to find? I'll look over here, I'll look over there, I'll look behind things, I'll look everywhere. I'll look until I find my treat, And then I'll sit right down and eat. Meeting the Easter Bunny On Easter morn at early dawn before the roosters were crowing, I met a bob-tail bunnykin and asked where he was going, "Tis in the house and out the house a-tipsy, tipsy toeing, Tis round the house and 'bout the house a-lightly I am going." "But what is that of every hue you carry in your basket?" "Tis eggs of gold and eggs of blue;" I wonder that you ask it. "Tis chocolate eggs and bonbon eggs And eggs of red and gray, For every child in every house on bonny Easter Day." He perked his ears And winked his eye And twitched his little nose; He shook his tailWhat tail he hadAnd stood up on his toes. "I must be gone before the sun; The East is growing gray; "Tis almost time for bells to chime." So he hippety-hopped away. Easter Surprise Easter eggs, Yellow and blue, Easter eggs, For me and you. Easter eggs, Candy sweet, Easter eggs, Are good to eat. Easter eggs, Pretty and funny, But... WHERE OH WHERE IS THE EASTER BUNNY? Colouring Easter Eggs 133 I take an egg All shiny white And then I dip It out of sight. I leave it there Within the cup Then after a minute I pick it up. And oh! It's a lovely Shade of green! The prettiest Easter egg I've ever seen. Hildy My hen, Hildy, has a secret Of the most amazing kind, For Easter she laid patterned eggs That she, herself, designed: Eggs with diamonds, Eggs with stars, Eggs with twinkly-winkly bars, Eggs with crescents, Eggs with flowers, And two eggs with rainbow showers! My hen, Hildy, is a marvel. She's a darling and a dear. Best of all, she's promised me To lay them every year! Egg Hunt (to the tune of "Clementine") Easter morning, Easter morning, Easter morning dawning fine Have to find the Easter eggs now, I've already picked up nine. Fill the basket, fill the basket, fill the basket every time Candy eggs and jelly beans are tucked behind each growing pine. Bend and scramble, bend and scramble, bend and scramble, reach and climb. Find each hidden Easter treat now, pick them up and they'll be mine. See them glow and see them glisten, see them glow and see them shine. Join me with my Easter candy and together we will dine. He Hopped So Very Quietly We didn't hear the Easter Bunny Hopping down the hall --He hopped so very quietly, 134 He made no noise at all. But on the breakfast table He left bright Easter toys --Downy chicks for little girls And rabbits for the boys. Then we found bright Easter eggs Tucked behind the chairs Upon the windowsill and in The corners of the stairs. Easter Bunny Easter bunny soft and white Hopping quickly out of sight. Thank you for the eggs you bring At Easter time to welcome spring. Yellow eggs and blue and red In the grass and flower bed We will hunt them everywhere Is it really you who put them there? Sky Bunnies The sky is full of bunny clouds So soft and fat and white, I wonder if they're hiding eggs For stars to find at night. Because it's Easter Eve, you know, And there's no reason why There shouldn't be an Easter hunt In meadows in the sky. The tulips in the garden Are wearing yellow hats; The pussywillows by the brook Have fur like any cats'. The bee is honey hunting; The robin's chirp is gay; And all the world is singing, "Oh, happy Easter Day!" The Birthday The Birthday Child Everything's been different, All the day long. Lovely things have happened, Nothing has gone wrong. Nobody has scolded me, Everyone has smiled. 135 Isn't it delicious To be a birthday child? Today Glory may I like today Today, today I like today No other day's quite like today Not tomorrow or yesterday I like today In every way Today, today TodayMy birthday! Happy Birthday! Today's the day We get to say We're happy you were bornHooray! The Wish Each birthday wish I've ever made Really does come true Each year I wish I'll grow some more And every year I DO! The Birthday Cake Today is ______'s birthday Let's make him/her a cake. Mix and stir, stir and mix Then into the oven to bake. Here's the cake so nice and round, We ice it ______ and white. We put __#__ candles on it To make the birthday bright. Happy birthday, ___________! The Birthday Cake Today is my birthday I think I'll make a cake Mix and stir, stir and mix 136 Then into the oven to bake. Here's the cake so nice and round, I'll put icing on so white. I'll put on all the candles To make my birthday bright! Happy birthday to me! Summer is hot, Winter is cold. I had a birthday, And I'm ___ years old. Summer is hot, Winter is cold. ______ had a birthday, And he's/she's ___ years old! (to tune of "Old MacDonald") __1st name__ __last name__ has a birthday. Hip, hip, hooray! And on her cake, she has _#&35;_ candles. What a happy day! With a puff puff here And a puff puff there, Here a puff There a puff Everywhere a puff puff __1st name__ __last name__ has a birthday. Hip, hip, hooray! The Birthday Cow Happy Mooday to you, Happy Mooday to you. Happy Mooday Dear Yooday, Happy Mooday to you! (to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star") __________, your birthday is today. We will listen to what you say. Tell us now what we should do. We will do it just for you! __________, your birthday is today! Happy, happy, happy day! My Birthday Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, dear Carmen! 137 Happy Birthday to you! Birthdays My birthdays take so long to start, They come along a year apart. It's worse than waiting for a bus; I fear I used to fret and fuss, But now, when by impatience vexed, Between one birthday and the next, I think of all that I have seen That keeps on happening in between. The songs I've heard, the things I've done, Make my un-birthdays not so un-. Birthdays Everything's been different All the day long, Lovely things have happened, Nothing has gone wrong. Nobody has scolded me, Everyone has smiled. Isn't it delicious To be a birthday child? I'm a Wizard, I'm a Warlock I'm a wizard, I'm a warlock, I'm a wonder of the age. I'm a sorcerer, magician, prestidigitator, mage. I can change into a chicken, or perhaps a purple pig. I can wave my wand and, presto, I'm a waffle with a wig. With the power in my pinky I can burst like a balloon or transform into a tiger with the head of a baboon. If I wiggle on my earlobe or I knock upon my knee I become a dancing doughnut or a turtle in a tree. Just a simple incantation and I deftly disappear, which I never should have done because I've been this way all year. And despite my mighty magic I'm impossible to see, for I never learned the spells I need to turn back into me. 138 Kenn Nesbitt Weather Rain Rain Rain rain falls on the street, mud in puddles cleaning my feet. Thunder thunder rumble and roar, close the windows and lock the door. Clouds clouds black and gray, heavy with water to drop all day. Sun sun is breaking through, clouds are moving, the rain stops too. Rainbow rainbow across the sky, see-through colours to tickle my eyes. Rain, rain go away Rain, rain go away, Come again another day When the rain is splashing down On the fields and on the town Singing winds begin to blow And the flowers start to grow. Raindrops Raindrops are such funny things. They haven't feet or haven't wings. Yet they sail throughout he air With the greatest of ease, And dance on the street Wherever they please. Let's Count the Raindrops 139 Let's count the raindrops as they pour: one million, two million, three million, four. Little Raindrops This is the sun, high up in the sky. A dark cloud suddenly comes sailing by. These are the raindrops, Pitter, pattering down. Watering the flower seeds That grow under the ground. Rain When the rain comes down drip drop drip drop, (flutter fingers down in front of you) Windshield wipers flip flop flip flop, (bend arms in front and move them side to side) Boots in puddles plip plop plip plop, (move feet up and down) I wish the rain would never stop. Drip drop drip, (use motions as you say it) Flip flop flip,("" ) Plip plop plip plop, ("") PLOP! (do the motions and jump) Fun In the Rain (to the tune of "Three Blind Mice") Rain, rain, rain Rain, rain, rain Dribble, dribble, sploosh! Dribble, dribble, sploosh! Grab your boots, your coat, and hat, Jump in a puddle and go kersplat! Stomp about and become a drowned rat, Rain, rain, rain Rain, rain, rain. Rain Rain on the rooftops, Rain on the trees. Rain on the green grass, But not on me! White sheep, white sheep on a blue hill. When the wind stops, you all stand still. When the wind blows, you walk away slow. White sheep, white sheep, where do you go? Water Cycle 140 (to the tune of "It's Raining, It's Pouring" It's raining, it's pouring, The oceans are storing Water from the falling rain While thunderclouds are roaring. The rain now is stopping, The rain's no longer dropping. Sun comes out and soaks up water Like a mop that's mopping. The water's still there now, But hidden in the air now. In the clouds it makes a home Until there's rain to share now. It's raining, it's pouring... It Rained It rained on Bill, It rained on Will, It rained on Isabella, But it didn't rain on ________, He/She had a huge umbrella. It rains on the duck, cow, and horse. It rains on the trees and leaves, of course! It rains on a little girl and fella. But I'm not wet. I have an umbrella! Raindrops Raindrops, raindrops, Falling all around, Pitter-patter on the rooftops, Pitter-patter on the ground. Here is my umbrella, It will keep me dry, When I go walking in the rain, I hold it up so high. One spring day the big round sun Winked at a cloud just for fun. That dark gray cloud thundered and cried, Scattering raindrops on all outside. But when the sun peeked out from a sunset low Together they both made a gay rainbow! Oh, Rainbow (to the tune of "Oh, Christmas Tree") 141 Oh, rainbow, oh, rainbow, How lovely are your colours. Oh, rainbow, oh, rainbow, How lovely are your colours. Purple, red and orange, too, Yellow, green and blue so true. Oh, rainbow, oh, rainbow, How lovely are your colours. Rainbow Song Red and yellow and pink and green, Purple and orange and blue. I can sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow, You can sing one too! Listen with your eyes, Listen with your eyes, And sing everything you see. You can sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow, Sing a long with me. Red and yellow and pink and green, Purple and orange and blue. You can sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow, Now you've sung one too! The Fog I like the fog It's soft and cool, It hides everything On the way to school. I can't see a house I can't see a tree, Because the fog Is playing with me. The sun comes out The fog goes away, But it shall be back Another day. Thunder crashes. Lightening flashes. Rain makes puddles, So I can make splashes. Thunder and Lightning (to the tune of "Pop Goes the Weasel") When a storm begins in the clouds, 142 It sometimes may look frightening. You see a quick electrical spark-Flash! goes the lightning! Long and thin and streaky and fast, Its glow is oh so brightening. Watch for the electric spark-Flash! goes the lightning! When a storm begins in the clouds, It truly is a wonder. You hear a rumble loud in the sky-Clap! goes the thunder! Lightning bolts are heating the air, Over clouds and under. When the air expands enough-Clap! goes the thunder. Rhyme I like to see a thunder storm, A dunder storm, A blunder storm, I like to see it, black and slow, Come stumbling down the hills. I like to hear a thunder storm, A plunder storm, A wonder storm, Roar loudly at our little house And shake the window sills! Elizabeth Coatsworth Clouds are Floating Clouds are floating, clouds are floating, Up so high, up so high, Floating up above us, floating up above us, In the sky, in the sky. It's Raining, It's Pouring It's raining, it's pouring, The old man is snoring. He bumped his head, and he went to bed, And he couldn't get up in the morning. Thunder I hear thunder, I hear thunder, Hark, don't you? Hark, don't you? Pitter patter raindrops, pitter patter raindrops, I'm wet through. 143 So are you. The Wind The wind came out to play one day, He swept the clouds out of his way, He blew the leaves and away they flew, The trees bent low and their branches did too, The wind blew the great big ships at sea, The wind blew my kite away from me. Wind Pictures Look! There's a giant stretching in the sky, A thousand white-maned horses flying by, A house, a mother mountain with her hills, A lazy lady posing in her frills, cotton floating from a thousand bales, And a white ship with white sails. See the old witch fumbling with her shawl, White towers piling on a castle wall, the bits of soft that break and fall away, Airborne mushrooms with undersides of gray Above, a white doe races with her fawn On the white grass of a celestial lawn. Lift up your lovely heads and look As wind turns clouds into a picture book. Mary O'Neill Clouds What's fluffy, white, and floats up high, Like piles of ice cream in the sky? And when the wind blows hard and strong, What brings the rain? What brings the snow? That showers down on us below? One, Two One, Two. The west wind blew. Three. Four. The thunder's roar. Five. Six. Seven. Rain from heaven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Sunny again. Alan Benjamin Mr. Sun 144 Oh Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. golden Sun, Please shine down on me. Oh Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. golden Sun, Hiding behind a tree. These little children are asking you To please come out so We can play with you. Oh Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. golden Sun, Please shine down on, Please shine down on, Please shine down on me! Weather Weather is hot, Weather is cold, Weather is changing As the weeks unfold. Skies are cloudy, Skies are fair, Skies are changing In the air. It is raining, It is snowing, It is windy With breezes blowing. Days are foggy, Days are clear, Weather is changing Throughout the year! Wonderful Weather I like to watch the way the wind can spin a weather vane. I like to wear my big blue boots to splash with in the rain. I like to ride my bright red sled on cold snowy days. I like to feel the sun's warm rays when I wade in the ocean waves. Wind, rain, snow, and sun Every kind of weather is wonderful and fun! Weather Song (to the tune of "Oh My Darling") 145 What’s the weather? What’s the weather? What’s the weather, everyone? Is it windy? Is it cloudy? Is there rain? Or is there sun? Whether the weather be mild or whether the weather be not, Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot, We'll weather the weather whatever the weather, Whether we like it or not. Weather Whether the weather be fine, Or whether the weather be not, Whether the weather be cold, Or whether the weather be hot, We'll whether the weather Whatever the weather Whether we like it or not. Weather Helper Song Weather Helper, Weather Helper What's the weather outside? Go and look out the window, Tell us what you see outside. What's the weather? What's the weather? What's the weather tell everyone. Is it windy? Is it cloudy? Is there rain? or is there sun? Weather Song There was a time when it was hot And sunny was the weather. Sun, sun, all around, Sun, sun, all around, Sun, sun, all around, And sunny was the weather. replace with appropriate weather words eg: There was a time with it was wet And rainy was the weather.... (to the tune of "Bingo") Today the sun is in the sky, And sunny is the weather. S-U-N-N-Y, S-U-N-N-Y, S-U-N-N-Y 146 And sunny is the weather. Other verses: Today the rain falls from the sky... R-A-I-N-Y Today the clouds are in the sky... C-L-OUD-Y Today the fog hangs in the sky... F-O-G-G-Y Today the snow falls from the sky... S-N-O-W-Y Today we have to wear a coat.. C-O-L-D I Like the Weather (to the tune of "The Farmer's in the Dell") I like the rain, I like the rain, R-a-i-n I like the rain! I like the sun, I like the sun, S-u-n I like the sun! I like the wind, I like the wind, W-i-n-d I like the wind! I like the snow, I like the snow, S-n-o-w I like the snow! I like the clouds, I like the clouds, C-l-o-u-d-s I like the clouds! On the Farm To the Farm Horses, donkeys, cows that moo, Chickens, kittens, piglets too, Fish that swim down in the pond, Ducklings quacking all day long. All these animals you can see If you go to the farm with me. All Around the Barnyard All around the barnyard The animals are fast asleep. Sleeping cows and horses, 147 Sleeping pigs and sheep. Here comes the cocky rooster To sound his daily alarm. "Cock-a-doodle-doo! Wake up sleepy farm!" Farmyard Little hen feathered and red pecking round for scraps of bread. Little goat fierce and white thinks his rope is much too tight. Little calf soft and shy peeking out with one brown eye. Little cat black and lean crouching so he won't be seen. Little pig muddy and stout trying hard to wriggle out. Gail Gregory Farmer McDonald Old McDonald had a goat, It ate his winter overcoat. Old McDonald had a sheep, It ate his big, red, four-wheeled jeep. Old McDonald had a cat, It ate his furry, winter hat. Old McDonald had a goose, It ate his can of apple juice. Old McDonald had a duck, It ate his new, green, pick-up truck. Old McDonald had a cow, It ate ten bags of puppy chow. Old McDonald had a horse, It ate his rubber boots, of course. Old McDonald had a pig, 148 It ate his sister's brand-new wig. Old McDonald had a dog, It ate the farmer's catalogue. Here is the Barn Here is the barn (form a roof shape with your hands) Where I like to go (Walk in place) It's as tall as a tree (Point up overhead) And cozy, you know (Hug body with arms) Here is the barn, (Make a roof shape with your hands) I'll go there with you (Walk in place) To pet a sweet lamb (Pretend to pet a lamb) And cuddle it, too! (Pretend to hug a lamb) Barnyard Gate Had a little rooster by the barnyard gate, That little rooster was my playmate, That little rooster went cock-a-doodle-doo, Dee doodle dee doodle dee doodle dee doo. Had a little cat by the barnyard gate, That little cat was my playmate, That little cat went meow, meow, meow, That little rooster went cock-a -doodle -doo, Dee doodle dee doodle dee doodle dee doo. Other Verses: ....dog went arf, arf, arf.... ....duck went quack, quack, quack.... ....pig went oink, oink, oink.... ....sheep went baa, baa, baa.... ....cow went moo, moo, moo.... ....horse went neigh, neigh, neigh.... Five Friendly Farmers Five friendly farmers Wake up with the sun, For it is early morning And the chores must be done. The first friendly farmer Goes to milk the cow. The second friendly farmer Thought he'd better plow. 149 The third friendly farmer Feeds the hungry hens. The fourth friendly farmer Puts the piggies in their pens. The fifth friendly farmer Picks the ripe corn. And waves to the neighbor When he blows his horn. When the work is finished And the evening sky is red Five tired farmers Tumble into bed! The Farmer Sun is coming up Farmer's out the door, He will go to milk the cows, And start his daily chores. Sun is going down Horse is in the stable, All the fields are planted now, Supper's on the table. The Scarecrow Scarecrow standing in the field On a bright and sunny day, Don't forget to do your job. Scare the hungry crows away! Chicken Known for its feather and wings and legs, The chicken lays eggs and eggs and eggs! Known for the comb atop its crown, The chicken lays eggs of white and brown. Known for its strut when taking a walk, The chicken lays eggs! Ba-a-awk! Ba-a-awk! The Chickens Said the first little chicken, With a strange little squirm, "I wish I could find A fat little worm." Said the next little chicken, With an odd little shrug: "I wish I could find A fat little bug." Said a third little chicken, With a small sigh of grief, "I wish I could find 150 A green little leaf!" Said the fourth little chicken, With a faint little moan, "I wish I could find A wee gravel stone." "Now, see here!" said the mother, From the green garden patch, "If you want any breakfast, Just come here and scratch!" The farm is in a flurry. The rooster caught the flu. His cock-a-doodle-doo Has changed to cock-a doodle-choo! Cow How come a cow Never says "Ow!" Whenever there's milking to do? It doesn't say "Ow!" For it pleases the cow, So instead, the cow says "Moo!" Purple Cow I have never seen a purple cow I never hope to see one But I can tell you anyhow, I'd rather see, than be one. Duck Duck in the water, quack, quack, quack! Soft, white feathers on your back, back, back! Duck in the water, splash and splish! Dip in your bill and catch those fish! Duck out of water, walk on land. Your webbed feet make it hard to stand! Waddle with your family, waddle in a pack. Duck out of water, quack, quack, quack! Goat What bearded animal helps on the farm? The goat! What friendly creature is loaded with charm? The goat! Who can produce both milk and wool? The goat! Who grows long horns like a bull? The goat! 151 What creature can mow your lawn, Eating the grass until it's gone? What animal can you always count on? The goat! Horse Who gallops swiftly down the lane, Slowing to a trot when I pull the rein? Who has a pony tail and a mane? Of course - it's my horse! Who loves to jump and leap and bound, Stomping its hooves upon the ground? Who likes to play and horse around? Of course - it's my horse! Who nibbles oats and piles of hay? Who has a stable where to stay? Who likes to whinny and just say "Neigh"? Of course - it's my horse! Mule Cross a donkey with a horse And you'll end up with a mule, Of course! The Higgy-Piggy You put your right hoof in; You put your right hoof out; You put your right hoof in and you shake it all about. You do the Higgy-Piggy, And you turn yourself around, That's what it's all about! Oink! Other Verses: You put your left hoof in.... You put your right ham hock (hip) in... You put your left ham hock in.... You put your snout in.... You put your curly tail in... Pig Behold the pig! It's very big! Its color pink Is nice, I think! Its tail's a beaut, So curly cute! And on the farm, 152 It oinks with charm! Piggies "It is time for my piggies to go to bed," The nice, big, fat mother pig said. "So I will count them first to see If they have all come back to me. One little piggie, two little piggies, Three little piggies dear. Four little piggies, five little piggies. Yes, they are all here! Why, they are the cutest piggies alive. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!" Sheep Sheep are rather bashful, Sheep are rather shy. I asked a sheep the reason but it wouldn't say why. The turkey is a funny bird Its head goes bobble-bobble; And all he knows is just one word... And that is GOBBLE-GOBBLE! Turkey Let's talk turkey! What a walk it's got! Strut about, strut about, Do the turkey trot! Let's talk turkey, What a shaky wobble! Strut about, strut about, Gobble, gobble, gobble! Good Morning (to the tune of "Happy Birthday") Good Morning to you Good Morning to you Good Morning Dear ____ Grade Good Morning to you! Good morning it's time to rise, Stand up and wipe your sleepy eyes. Reach and stretch for the sky, Hold your hands way up high. Bend your body and touch the ground, Stand up straight, now turn around. 153 Point to your eyes, point to your nose, Jump up and down and touch your toes. Clap your hands, stomp your feet, Let's start the day, now find your seat. Start the Day With a Smile This is the way we start the day Start the day, start the day, This is the way we start the day, So early in the morning. First we smile and shake a hand, Shake a hand, shake a hand, First we smile and shake a hand, So early in the morning. Then we sit down quietly, Quietly, quietly, Then we sit down quietly, So early in the morning. We listen very carefully, Carefully, carefully, We listen very carefully, So early in the morning. Good Morning Song (to the tune of Brownie Smile) I awoke this morning, ate my breakfast early. I dressed by myself and to school I hurry. School, school, here I am today. Now I am ready to read and sing and play. Good Morning Song Oh, the duck says "Quack", and the cow says "Moo", the old red rooster says "Cock-a-doodle-doo". The sheep says "Baa", and the cat says "Meow", but I say "Good Morning when I see you! Good Morning I say good morning to the sun, Good morning to the hills, Good morning to the chickies and the hen. "cluck, cluck". Good morning to the rooster, Good morning to the cow, 154 Good morning piggies in the pen. "oink, oink". I say, "Good morning, good morning," To everything in sight. And when I am finished It's time to say "Good night". Good Morning Good Morning to the school, Good morning to the flag, Good morning to the pencils and the pens. Good morning to the teacher, Good morning to the kids, Good morning to learning with my friends. How Do You Do? (tune of If You're Happy and You Know It) Good morning, (first name and last name). How are you? Good morning, (first name and last name). How are you? How are you this special day? We're glad you cam to play. Good morning, (first name and last name). How are you? Good Morning Boogie Hello Neighbor, what do you say? (Children bow to each other) It's going to be a happy day. (Children clap hands together) So greet your neighbor, (Children give each other high fives) And boogie on down. (Children wiggle their hips) Give 'em a bump, (Children bump their hips together) and turn around. (Children turn around) Good morning, good morning! School has begun. Good morning, good morning! Isn't it fun! Pencils and crayons Scissors and glue Erasers and paper Reading books, too. 155 Good morning, good morning! School has begun. Good morning, good morning! Isn't it fun! Me I am Special (to the tune of "Frere Jacques") I am special, I am special, Look at me, You will see, Someone very special, Someone very special, It is me, It is me. I am Special Hundreds of birds in the sky, Hundreds of fish in the sea, Hundreds of flowers in the field But there's only one of me! I'm Very Happy to be Me _______ is my hair, _______ are my eyes. I'm _______ years old, I'm just the right size. My name is _______ And as you can see, I'm very happy to be me! Me There's no one in This whole wide world Exactly just like me. I am me and You are you, We're special, Don't you see? Glad to Be Me! Sometimes I wish I was someone else, but mostly I’m glad I’m ME! We all have our likes and differences as everyone can see. 156 Some of us like to hurry, some like to take our time. Some spend all their money, some save each dime. Some are good at English; some are good at math. Some of us like showers some prefer the bath. Some of us are quiet; some of us are loud. Some of us like to be alone; some of us like a crowd. Some of us are tall; some of us are short. Some like to play an instrument, some like to play a sport. Some of us are black or brown, and some of us are white. Some of us leave the light on when we go to bed at night. All of us are special as everyone can see, You like you, and I like you, but also I like ME! Friendship I have a friend Whose name is ( ) And we have fun together. We laugh and play And sing all day In any kind of weather. Friends Friends care Friends share We need friends Everywhere! Friend of Mine (can be sung to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb) Will you be a friend of mine, a friend of mine, a friend of mine? Will you be a friend of mine and (insert an action) around with me? (name) is a friend of mine, friend of mine, friend of mine, (name) is a friend of mine, who (insert same action) around with me. Friends at school Are big and small. Friends at school Are best of all! With A Friend I can talk with a friend and walk with a friend and share my umbrella in the rain I can play with a friend and stay with a friend and learn with a friend and explain I can eat with a friend 157 and compete with a friend and even sometimes disagree I can ride with a friend and take pride with a friend A friend can mean so much to me! A Circle of Friends We've joined together as classmates as the new year begins... A year full of learning while we become friends. We'll share and be kind as we work and play. And our friendship will grow with each passing day. My Friend My friend is nice. We like to play We play together every day. We laugh and cry And laugh again Because, you see, we're Friends Friends Friends! I had a box of crayons, All shiny, straight and new. I lent a friend one crayon, And--oops--it broke in two! My friend said she was sorry, But I said "I don't care, 'cause now we both can color with one crayon--we can share!" Friendship (to the tune of "You are my Sunshine") You are my best friend, My very best friend, You make me happy, Everyday, You share your great snacks, You share your best toys, So please don't take My best friend away. Cooking and Eating Cooking Poem 158 When you're cooking in the kitchen, You're learning all the while -To pour and measure, mix and stir And sift flour into a pile. Scrub your hands before you start Then gather up the gear -Like pots'n pans and measuring cups That you use throughout the year. Go over the recipe, step-by-step, So you'll know just what to do. By carefully following the directions, It won't be hard for you. Have a hot pad handy And an adult standing by -So you won't hurt yourself When using the stove or baking a pie. Besides the fun and learning, There's always cleaning up to do, And even though it's quite a chore, It's part of cooking too. But after all the work is done, It will soon be time for dinner. And when someone asks for seconds, You'll know you've cooked a winner! We're Going To Make a Cake (to the tune of "The Farmer's in his Dell") We're going to make a cake, we're going to make a cake; We're going to make it really big, Because we all like cake. Flour in the bowl, flour in the bowl; Stir it with a great big spoon, Flour in the bowl. continue with other ingredients: sugar, salt, raisins, butter, etc. Put it in the oven, put it in the oven; Take care not to slam the door, Until it's nicely cooked. Icing on the top, icing on the top; Spread it with a big, flat knife, Icing on the top. We all have a piece, we all have a piece; Some for you and some for me, There's some for everyone. And now it's all gone, and now it's all gone; Yumm it was very good, 159 Now it's all gone. I Like to Eat! I like hotdogs I like beans, I like eating in my jeans. I like french fries I like ham I like eating in my jams. I like cookies I like pie I like eating in my tie. I like bagels I like lox I like eating in my socks. I like pancakes I like molasses I like eating in my glasses. I like veggies I like fruit I like eating in my boots. The Food Chant Apples on a tree, Apples on a tree, Pick them off, Eat them up, Apples on a tree. Carrots in the ground, Carrots in the ground, Pull them up, Wash them off, Carrots in the ground. Tuna on a bun, Tuna on a bun, Take a bite, Chew it up, Tuna on a bun. Sausage in a pan, Sausage in a pan, Sizzle, sizzle, Sizzle, sizzle, Sausage in a pan. Cereal in a bowl, Cereal in a bowl, Pour on milk, Eat it up, Cereal in a bowl. 160 Milk in a glass, Milk in a glass, Lift it up , Drink it all, Milk in a glass. Jelly in a bowl, Jelly in a bowl, Wibble, wobble, Wibble, wobble, Jelly in a bowl. Candies in a jar, Candies in a jar, Pick them out, Eat them up, Candies in a jar. Ice cream in the pail, Ice cream in the pail, Take it out, Scoop it up, Ice cream in a pail. Food in your tummy, Food in your tummy, Lick your lips. Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm, Yum, yum, yummy! Are You Eating (to the tune of "Are You Sleeping") Are you eating, are you eating Healthy foods, healthy foods? For your body needs them, for your body needs them Everyday, everyday. Chop, chop, choppity-chop, Cut off the bottom And cut off the top; What there's left we will Put in the pot; Chop, chop, choppity-chop. children guess which vegetables can be chopped like this: carrots, onions,... Slice, slice, the bread looks nice, Spread, spread, butter on the bread; On the top we'll put some _________, Now it's even nicer for us to eat! Lunch Box 161 Lunch box, lunch box, what's for lunch? Peanut butter sandwich and celery to crunch. Carrots and bananas and an apple to munch. A bite, and a bite and A BITE AND A BITE! Now I'm heavy and my lunchbox is light! I Eat I eat applescrunch, crunch, crunch I eat sandwichesmunch, munch, munch I eat lollipopslick, lick, lick But I eat ice cream quick, quick, quick! Wash Your Hands Wash your hands, Before you eat, A good health rule, That's hard to beat. For better work, For better play, Eat three good meals, Every day. Seeds, Plants, Flowers, Gardens, and More My Garden This is my garden, I'll plant it with care, Here are the seeds I'll plant in there, The sun will shine, The rain will fall, The seeds will sprout and grow up tall. Planting I took a little seed one day About a month ago. I put it in a pot of dirt, In hopes that it would grow. I poured a little water To make the soil right. I set the pot upon the sill, Where the sun would give it light. 162 I checked the pot most every day, And turned it once or twice. With a little care and water I helped it grow so nice. Dick Wilmes The Little Plant In the heart of a seed, Buried deep so deep, A tiny plant Lay fast asleep. "Wake," said the sunshine, "And creep to the light." "Wake," said the voice Of the raindrops bright. The little plant heard And it rose to see, What the wonderful, Outside world might be. Little Brown Seeds Little brown seeds so small and round, Are sleeping quietly under ground. Down come the raindrops sprinkle, sprinkle, sprinkle. Out comes the rainbow, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle. Little brown seeds way down below, Up through the earth they grow, grow, grow. Little green leaves come one by one. They hold up their heads and look at the sun. Package of Seeds They can't see their pictures, they can't read the label -the seeds in a package -so how are they able to know if they're daisies or green for the table? It sounds like a fancy, it sounds like a fable, but you do the sowing, the weeding, the hoeing, and they'll do the knowing of how to be growing. Five Little Seeds Five little seeds, 163 Five little seeds. Three will make flowers, And two will make weeds. Under the leaves, And under the snow, Five little seeds are Waiting to grow. Out comes the sun, Down comes a shower. And up come the three, Pretty pink flowers. Out comes the sun, That every plant needs, And up come two, Funny old weeds. Five Little Peas Five little peas in a pea-pod pressed, One grew , two grew, and so did all the rest; They grew...and grew...and did not stop, Until one day the pod went...POP! Oats, Peas, Beans and Barley Grow Chorus Oats, peas, beans, and barley grow, Oats, peas, beans, and barley grow, Do you, I, or anyone know how Oats, peas, beans, and barley grow? Firs the farmer sows his seed, Then he stands and takes his ease, He stamps his feet, And claps his hands, And turns around to view his land. Chorus Walking with a partner, Walking with a partner, Make a ring, oh make a ring, Oh, while we happily dance and sing. Chorus Seeds A little seed for me to sow A little earth to make it grow A little hole, a little pat, A little wish, and that is that, 164 A little sun, a little shower. A little while And then, a flower! I'm a Little Seed (to the tune of "I'm a Little Teapot") I'm a little seed, Brown and fat, I haven't got a front, And I haven't got a back. Plant me in the earth, Give me water each day, I'll grow to be an apple tree, While you play! I dig a hole and plant a seed, Cover it with dirt, and pull a weed. Down comes the rain, and out comes the sun, Up grows my plant, Oh! What fun! What Makes a Garden Grow, Grow, Grow What makes a garden grow, grow, grow? (Measure from floor with hand at three levels) Lots of work with a rake and hoe, (Pretend to rake and hoe) Seeds gently planted in a row -(pretend to plant seeds with thumb and index finger together) That makes a garden grow, grow, grow. (Measure from floor with hand at three levels) What brings the seedlings up from the ground? (With palms up, close to floor, measure at three levels) Rain from the sky coming down, down, (Raise hands high and flutter fingers down, down, down) Bright yellow sunbeams shining round. (Make arms into big circle overhead) Help bring the seedlings up from the ground. (With palms up, close to floor measure at three levels.) Patricia Elizabeth Garner The Gardener Plants the Seeds (can be sung to the tune of The Farmer in the Dell) The gardener plants the seeds. The gardener plants the seeds. High ho the derry oh, The gardener plants the seeds. 2nd verse: The rain falls on the ground. 3rd verse: The sun shines bright and warm. 4th verse: The seeds begin to grow. 165 5th verse: Flowers grow everywhere. I Will Plant a Garden (to the tune of "Old MacDonald Had a Farm") I will plant a garden green, Then I'll watch it grow. I'll dig some holes here in the dirt, In a nice straight row. With a dig-dig here, And a dig-dig there, Here a dig, there a dig, Everywhere a dig-dig, I will plant a garden green, Then I'll watch it grow. I will plant a garden green, Then I'll watch it grow. In the hole I'll drop a seed, Then each seed I'll sow. With a drop-drop here, And a drop-drop there, Here a drop, there a drop, Everywhere a drop-drop, I will plant a garden green, Then I'll watch it grow. I will plant a garden green, Then I'll watch it grow. I'll water each plant one by one, They'll sprout up in a row. With a squirt-squirt here, And a squirt-squirt there, Here a squirt, there a squirt, Everywhere a squirt-squirt, I will plant a garden green, Then I'll watch it grow. Seeds Seeds are funny, funny things, Some have stickers Some have wings Some are big Some are small Some round and flat Some like a ball. Some are hidden inside of fruit Some in pods or underground roots. Some seeds are foods And good to eat, Like corn or beans Or nuts for a treat. A Daffodil 166 A little yellow cup, A little yellow frill, A little yellow star, And that's a daffodil. Sunflower Sunflower, sunflower, standing straight and tall, Sunflower, sunflower, you're the tallest flower of them all! Sunflower, sunflower, when your seeds fall to the ground, Sunflower, sunflower, by the squirrels they'll be found! Others in and Around Water Sea Creatures Come along, come with me, Take a dive in the deep blue sea. Put on your gear, let's explore All the way to the ocean floor! See that snail wrapped in cursl? Look! An oyster wearing pearls! Watch the octopus oh so dark, But don't you dare to pet the shark! Dive on down, seaward bound, Motion in the ocean is all around! Dive on down, seaward bound. Motion in the ocean is all around. Now we're very far below, The lantern fish are all aglow. Is that a tiny shock you feel? You just met an electric eel! Giant blue whales start to stir, Bigger than dinosaurs ever were! Wave good-bye to the squid and sponge, This is the end of our deep-sea plunge! Dive on down, seaward bound, Motion in the ocean is all around! Dive on down, seaward bound. Motion in the ocean is all around. Slippery Sam Slippery Sam was a slippery seal And a slippery seal was he; He slithered and slid to the sandy shore Then he slipped back into the sea. 167 The Antarctic Food Chain (to the tune of “The Itsy Bitsy Spider”) Itsy, bitsy, plankton Floating in the sea. Along comes the krill and eats it easily. Next comes the penguin and the leopard seal, The antarctic killer whale finishes up the meal! Sea Animals What do you see in the sea? Animals moving free! Snails and whales Using their tails. Seals and eels Looking for meals. Catfish, flatfish Chasing fat fish. What do you see in the sea? Animals moving free! Hermit the Crab Hermit the crab Had a cute little home, He carried on his back Wherever he did roam. But one day he woke up And his home was too small, So he had to go shopping In the underwater mall. He found an empty shell That comfortably would fit. He moved right in His new home was a hit! Sea Shell Sea shell, sea shell, Sing a song for me; Sing about the ocean, Tell me about the sea. Sea shell, sea shell, When I hold you near, I can hear the ocean Whispering in my ear. Pink shells, white shells, and 168 shells coloured blue; Smooth shells, crinkled shells, old shells and new; Striped shells, and plain shells lift by the tide; My shell is magic - the sea sings inside. A Butterfly The Cocoon I found a cocoon That a caterpillar made, Fastened to a leaf Hanging in the shade. He barely had room To wiggle or wag, Like me zipped up In my sleeping bag. I looked each time That I passed his way, But he never budged Until just today. Something happened! He wagged and wiggled And then climbed out And carefullly jiggled Small wet wings That grew as they dried. He'd turned to a butterfly Inside! Birth of a Butterfly (can be sung to the tune of Hush Little Baby, Don't Say a Word) A mama butterfly lays all her eggs, Out pops a caterpillar, crawling on its legs. The caterpillar first is rather thin, But then it eats till it bursts through its skin. After growing nice and big, The caterpillar climbs on a leaf or twig. It makes a shell where it hangs insiede. The shell then cracks, and teh parts divide. Inside the shell, a change was going on, The form of the caterpillar now is gone. When the shell opens, what comes out? A beautiful butterfly fluttering about! 169 Butterfly Cycle (to the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat") Hatch, hatch little egg, I'm so very small. Teeny tiny caterpillar, You can't see me at all. Crawl, caterpillar, crawl, Munching on a leaf. Crawling, munching, crawling, munching, Eat and eat and eat. Form, form chrysalis, I'm a different shape; Hanging by a silken thread Until I can escape. Rest, rest, chrysalis While I change inside; Now at last my time has come To be a butterfly. Stretch, stretch, pretty wings, It's a special day; Soon they will be strong enough For me to fly away. Fly, fly, butterfly, Fly from flower to tree; Find a place to lay my eggs So they can grow like me. Caterpillar Song I started as a tiny egg Upon a leaf of green And now I stay upon the leaf So I will not be seen Soon I'll build a chrysalis Upon a limb up high I'll stay a while and then come out And be a butterfly The Butterfly song (to the tune of "Up on the Housetop") First comes a butterfly and lays an egg, Out comes a caterpillar with many legs, Oh see the caterpillar spin and spin, A little chrysalis to sleep in. 170 Oh, oh ,oh wait and see oh oh oh wait and see Out of the chrysalis,my oh my out comes a pretty butterfly. Caterpillar Creepy crawly caterpillar Looping up and down, Furry tufts of hair along Your back of golden brown. You will soon be wrapped in silk, Asleep for many a day; And then, a handsome butterfly, You'll stretch and fly away. The Caterpillar Brown and furry Caterpillar in a hurry; Take your walk To the shady leaf or stalk. May no toad spy you, May the little birds pass by you; Spin and die, To live again a butterfly. Only My Opinion Is a caterpillar ticklish? Well, it's my belief That he giggles As he wiggles Across a hairy leaf! Fuzzy Wuzzy Caterpillar Fuzzy wuzzy caterpillar in the garden creeps. He spins himself a blanket and soon falls fast asleep. Fuzzy wuzzy caterpillar wakes up by and by To find he has wings of beauty, changed to a butterfly. The Fuzzy Caterpillar (to the tune of "The Eensy Weensy Spider") 171 The fuzzy caterpillar Curled upon a leaf, Spun her little chrysalis And then fell asleep. While she was sleeping, She dreamed that she could fly, And later when she woke up She was a butterfly! Caterpillar Caterpillar White, black and yellow Caterpillar You're such a pretty fellow Caterpillar Fuzzy, wuzzy, creepy crawly Caterpillar funny You will be a butterfly When the days are sunny. Wiggling, flinging, dancing, springing Butterfly so yellow, You were once a caterpillar, Wriggly, wiggly, fellow. Caterpillar, Caterpillar (to the tune of "Motor Boat, Motor Boat") Caterpillar, caterpillar, long and slow. Caterpillar, caterpillar eat and grow. Caterpillar, caterpillar close your eyes. Caterpillar, caterpillar change your size. Caterpillar, caterpillar where'd you go? Funny Little Caterpillar Funny little caterpillar crawling on the ground. Funny little caterpillar nowhere to be found. Though we've looked and looked and hunted everywhere around! Caterpillar Our garden's furry little train, Sir Caterpillar, please explain. I've been told that by and by you'll turn into a butterfly. Instead of moving like a train You'll fly and flutter like a plane! 172 I've wished for wings, but I don't know Just how a kid gets wings to grow. If you could show me how to do it, I bet there would be nothing to it! Flitter, flitter, butterfly, Flitter, flitter, butterfly, Flitter, flitter, butterfly, Flitter, and fly up in the sky, Oh my, butterfly, Oh my, butterfly, Oh my, butterfly, Do you always fly so high? Fly Fly Butterfly (to the tune of "Skip To My Lou") Fly fly butterfly, Fly fly butterfly, Fly fly butterfly, Fly up in the sky so high. CATERPILLARS! What do caterpillars do? Nothing much but chew and chew. What do caterpillars know? Nothing much but how to grow. They just eat what by and by will make them be a butterfly, But that is more than I can do however much I chew and chew. Butterfly, Butterfly (to the tune of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) Butterfly, Butterfly, Fly Away, You were a caterpillar yesterday Butterfly, Butterfly You never stay, Always flying to a new day. Mr. Butterfly Butterflly, butterfly, where do you fly? Where do you go alone? Is it for flowers and honey you spy? Have you a home of your own? What is your name? Do you live in the wood? And what do you come to see? 173 Dear Mr. Butterfly, won't you tell Your secrets to someone like me? Good Morning Butterfly Way up in the sky The butterflies fly. While down in their nests The butterflies rest. With a wing to the left And a wing to the right The sweet little butterflies Sleep all through the night. SH-h-h-h they're sleeping. The bright sun comes up. The dew falls away. Good morning, good morning The butterflies say. For Gifts to Give A piece of me I give to you I __________ (painted a flower, made an ashtry, etc) to say "I love you." I hope you will save it And look back someday At the________we shared On your special day. (to go with bath salts) Here's a gift for Mother's / Father's Day I'll try my best in every way. But if you get upset with me, Relax and soak! Don't you agree? (to go with bath salts) Here's a little gift to soak your cares away, So you can have a happy, happy, happy, Mother's Day! (to go with a cup and/or a tea bag) A cup of tea to say thank you For all the things you've done And wishes that the day will bring You happiness and fun. 174 Happy Mother's / Father's Day. (to go with a cup and a tea bag) I'll try my best in every way, Then open up this gift from me, Relax and have a cup of tea! (to go with a cup and/or a tea bag) I'm not always just perfect, Even though I try. Sometimes when I'm not so great, You give a little sigh! On days like that I wish I could give you cause to smile And have you put your feet up, To rest a little while. So the next time you're tired, And it's because of me, Please sit down and relax a while, And have a cup of tea! (to go with a cup and/or a tea bag) Here's a gift for Mother's / Father's Day: With this gift, I’m trying to say Thanks for all you do for me, Relax and have a cup of tea! YOU DESERVE IT! To Mother Every mouse and bumble bee Every bird up in a tree Every caterpillar and lady bug Loves to feel his mother's hug Every bear so fat and funny Loves his mother more than honey Just as woodland creatures do Mother that's how I LOVE YOU! 175 (to go with a wrapped up box) Dear Mom/Dad, This is a very special gift That you can never see. The reason it's so special Is, it's just for you from me. Whenever you are lonely Or even feeling blue, You only have to hold this gift And know I think of you. You never can unwrap it Please leave the ribbon tied, Just hold the box next to your heart It's filled with love inside. I planted some seeds in hopes that they'd grow. Something went wrong, I just didn't know. Instead of some flowers, it's a cupful of dirt. I love you ! I hope your feelings aren't hurt. HAPPY MOTHERS/FATHERS DAY !! Here's a happy Hug-A Bunch Wrap it around and feel the crunch. May smiles and kisses come your way With lots of love on Mother's / Father's Day. (to go with stepping stones) When you step upon this stone Just think about how much I've grown. I made this in my own special way To show you my love on mother's day. (to go with stepping stones) This is to remind you When all the years go by That i'll always love you When times are low and high. This stepping stone will survive Through heat and snow and rain Just like the love between us It will never strain. (to go with a flower) A mother's love and tender care makes happiness bloom everywhere. 176 Earth Day This Old Earth (to the tune of "This Old Man") This old earth Needs our help To stay fresh and clean and green With a pick it up; pitch it in; and throw it in the can-This old earth needs a helping hand! Everdyay is Earth Day Everyday is Earth Day, If it's cold or wet or hot Pitch in to save the planet It's the only one we've got. Save The Earth People everywhere breathe the same air, share the same seas, live together on the land. People everywhere who learn, plan, work, care, can save the earth. If you listen for the songbirds As they greet the summer sun, And love the way the wind can make The trees sings just for fun; If you like to hear the ocean As it drums upon the shore, And imagine all the whales out there, And hope they'll sing some more; If you think of all the animals As players in a band, Each with a lovely tune to play, All needed on the land; And know that as a boy or girl A woman or a man You have a vital role to play In Mother Nature's plan; If you honor every living thing As a part of nature's treasure You're in tune with Mother Nature 177 So let's all sing her song together. Earth Day I am the Earth And the Earth is me. Each blade of grass, Each honey tree, Each bit of mud, And stick and stone Is blood and muscle, Skin and bone. And just as I Need every bit Of me to make My body fit, So Earth needs Grass and stone and tree And things that grow here Naturally. That's why we Celebrate this day. That's why across The world we say: As long as life, As dear, as free, I am the Earth And the Earth is me. Our Earth The Earth is ours to enjoy For every little girl and boy. But we must always be aware. That all its beauty we must share With all the children yet to come, Who want to laugh and play and run Around the trees and in the fields. So we must keep our planet free From messy trash and debris With air that's clean and fresh and clear For all to breathe from year to year. We must never ever abuse Our sweet Earth that's ours to use. Recycling In My Home (to the tune of "The Wheels On the Bus") Recycling in my home goes round and round, Round and round, round and round. Recycling in my home goes round and round, 178 All through the day. Tie up the papers and take them back, Take them back, take them back. Tie up the papers and take them back, All through the day. Crush the cans and take them back..... Rinse the milk bottles and take them back.... Save the glass and take it back...... Working on the Trash (to the tune of "I've Been Working on the Railroad") We've been working on RECYCLING All the trash we can, We've been working on recycling, It's a very simple plan, Separate your glass and paper, Separate your plastic and tin. Take the trash that you've recycled To your recycling bin! We've been working on REDUCING All the trash we can. We've been working on reducing It's a very simple plan. Don't go wasting any products, Use just exactly what you need. Don't buy things in extra wrapping, Reduce and you'll succeed! We've been working on REUSING All the trash we can. We've been working on reusing, It's a very simple plan. If it's a paper bag you're using, Don't use it once, use it twice! Give old clothes and toys to someone, To reuse them would be nice! Working on Recycling (to the tune of "I've Been Working on the Railroad") We've been working on recycling All the trash we can We've been working on recycling It's a very simple plan Separate your glass and paper Separate you plastic and tin Take the trash you've recycled... To the recycling bin!!! Reduce Reuse Recycle (to the tune of "The More We Get Together") Reduce Reuse Recycle Recycle... recycle Reduce Reuse Recycle It's easy to do Cause your trash And my trash Make up way 179 Too much trash Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Its easy to do! Thanksgiving Five Little Turkeys 5 little turkeys standing by door, One waddled off, and then there were 4. 4 little turkeys under a treee, One waddled off , and then there were 3. 3 little turkeys with nothing to do, One waddled off, and then there were 2. 2 little turkeys in the noon day sun, One waddled off, and then there was 1. One little turkey better run away, For soon will come Thanksgiving day. If Turkeys Thought If turkeys thought, they'd run away, A week before Thanksgiving Day. But turkeys can't anticipate, And so there's turkey on my plate! Fat Turkey's Song (to the tune of "Did You Ever See a Lassie?") Oh, gobble, gobble, gobble, Fat turkeys, fat turkeys. Oh, gobble, gobble, gobble, Fat turkeys are we. We walk very proudly and gobble so loudly, Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble. Oh, gobble, gobble, gobble. Fat turkeys are we. The turkey is a funny bird Its head goes bobble-bobble; And all he knows is just one word... And that is GOBBLE-GOBBLE! Turkey Let's talk turkey! What a walk it's got! Strut about, strut about, Do the turkey trot! 180 Let's talk turkey, What a shaky wobble! Strut about, strut about, Gobble, gobble, gobble! Mr. Turkey Song I heard Mr. Turkey say, Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, Soon t'will be Thanksgiving day, Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, People say that it's much fun, But I think I'll run and run And hide until the day is done, Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, Albuquerque Turkey Albuquerque is a turkey And he's feathered and he's fine And he wobbles and he gobbles and he's absolutely mine. He's the best pet that you can get.. Better than a dog or cat. He's my Albuquerque turkey And I'm awfully proud of that. He once told me , very frankly he preferred to be my pet, not the main course at my dinner, and I told him not to fret. And my Albuquerque turkey is so happy in his bed, 'Cause for our Thanksgiving dinner... We had egg foo yong instead. Five Fat Turkeys Five fat turkeys are we. We spent all night in a tree. When the cook came around, We were no where to be found And that's why we're here you see! Turkey Trouble (to the tune of "Mary Had a Little Lamb") We cooked turkey, nice and hot, Nice and hot, nice and hot. We cooked turkey nice and hot On Thanksgiving Day. We eat turkey a whole lot, A whole lot, a whole lot. We eat turkey a whole lot. 181 It will not go away! Sandwiches and soup are fine. By the way, would you like mine? Pot pie lasts a long, long time, It's turkey every day! A Thanksgiving Dinner Take a turkey, stuff it fat, Some of this and some of that. Get some turnips, peel them well. Cook a big squash in its shell. Now potatoes, big and white, Mash till they are soft and light. Cranberries, so tart and sweet, With the turkey we must eat. Pickles-yes-and then, oh my! For a dessert a pumpkin pie, Golden brown and spicy sweet. What a fine Thanksgiving treat! Maude M. Grant Every day when we eat our dinner, Our table is very small. There's room for father, mother, sister, brother, and me--that's all. But when it's Thanksgiving Day and the company comes. You'd scarcely believe your eyes, For that very same table stretches until it is just this size. When Daddy Carves the Turkey When Daddy carves the turkey, It is really quite a sight, I know he tries his hardest, But he never does it right. He makes a fancy show of it, Before he starts to carve, And stabs in all directions, While we're certain that we'll starve. He seems to take forever, As we sit and shake our heads, By the time he's finished slicing, He's reduced the birds to shreds. He yells as loud as thunder, Just before he's finally through 182 For when Daddy carves the turkey, Daddy carves his finger too! Thanksgiving The year has turned its circle, The seasons come and go. The harvest is all gathered in And chilly north winds blow. Orchards have shared their treasures, The fields, their yellow grain. So open wide the doorwayThanksgiving comes again! Договорки Из книги Ефима Ефимовского " Мудрые науки без назидания и скуки." ПЕРВАЯ ВСТРЕЧА Возле forest чудный house. В нем живет малышка Mouse. Mouse любит book читать. И на sofa сладко спать. Подметает чисто flat. Варит apple на обед. Навестить Grandmother надо. Вот старушка будет рада. В window она глядит. Возле house Cat сидит. Когти острые у Cat. Ждет добычу на обед. Door открылась. На порог Выбегает страшный Dog. Помогите! Ай-ай-ай! А ему в ответ:"Good buy!" Dog страшнее, чем акула. Так вот Mouse Cat "надула". Любовь. A Love Story. Я люблю гулять – «to walk», Говорил волчице волк. Можем вместе побродить, На луну - на moon повыть. В ОГОРОДЕ Morning. Надобно вставать. Kitchen-garden поливать. Вот tomatoes полила, С грядки carrot сорвала. Flowers несет букет, Возле house видит Cat. -Mouse, how do you do! Я сейчас к тебе приду. Mouse видит: плохо дело, Basket на врага надела. 183 Налетел на apple-tree. Сверху фрукты: one, two,three. Ну, теперь тебя я съем. No, Cat,-ответил Ram. ЗИМНЯЯ ПРОГУЛКА Вот и winter наступила, Белым snow все покрыла. Хорошо на skates кататся. И на sledge с горы помчатся. Mouse надевает skis, Но за елкой ждет сюрприз. Mouse мчится все быстрей. Cat, как wind, летит за ней. Ой, да это же трамплин. Покатился Cat один. Превратился в снежный ком, Вновь все дело кувырком. У ребят сегодня play. А у Cat-тяжелый day. В ГОСТЯХ У БАБУШКИ Возле river старый house. В нем живет Grandmother-mouse. Mouse дарит вкусный chees. -Дай мне cup,Grandmother, please. Thank you, очень вкусный tea. Five o clock-пора идти. Mouse в window глядит: Cat усатый сторожит. Занял возле tree свой пост. Что это? Мышиный хвост? Тянет хвост из дома Cat. Даже закружилась head. Mouse снова спасена. Cat запутала она. СЛУЧАЙ В ЗООПАРКЕ. Служит Mouse маляром. Ходит с кистью и ведром. Зверю каждому свой цвет. Льву по нраву толь red. Green для клетки попугая. Краска black совсем другая. Для медведя выбран white. И медведь сказал: ¨All right!¨ А жираф сказал: ¨Люблю Цвет небесный, то есть blue.¨ -Кто ты? Mouse? -Yes,I am. -Ну, тогда тебя я съем. Под охрану Cat был взят. Он, как tiger, полосат. Мишка. Что за noise , что за шум В этой комнате - room ? 184 Пляшет мишка косолапый, Машет hat, по русски - шляпой. Часы Нет у них ни рук, ни ног. У часов настенных, clock. Но когда часы заводят, Они ходят, ходят, ходят... Письмо Джонни ждать устал ответа. Написал письмо он, letter. Запечатал и послал. Адрес лишь не написал. Зонтик Дождь как из ведра полил. Зонт скорее я открыл. Мимо бабочка летела, Спряталась под зонт, umbrella. Мяч Во дворе игра в футбол. Мы гоняем мячик, ball. Я на угол сделал пас И стекло разбилось, glass. Книга Книга, book, стоит на полке, В ней медведи, лисы, волки. Если нам открыть ее, Разбежится все зверье. Воздушный шарик. Поиграть решил шалун С красным шариком, balloon. Поглядел как шар летит, Как на ниточке висит А когда по шару хлопнул, Шар зачем-то взял и лопнул. Цвета. Море и солнце Нарисую кораблю Море синей краской, blue. А потом раскрашу смело Солнце желтой краской, yellow. Волны плещут через край. Новый лист скорей давай! Кот Кот ни в чем не виноват. Он всегда был белый, white. Но залез в трубу на крыше, Черный, black, оттуда вышел. 185 Шоколадка Больше всех цветов по нраву Мне коричневый цвет, brown. Потому что очень сладкий Цвет у каждой шоколадки. Мандарин Вот неспелый мандарин. Он пока зеленый, green. Но дозреет, и запомнишь Ты оранжевый цвет, orange. Поросенок-озорник Поросенок-озорник Раньше розовый был, pink. Но однажды он пролил Целый пузырек чернил. С той поры наш недотепа Фиолетовый весь, purple. Светофор Знаю, самый строгий цвет В светофоре красный, red. Если вдруг он загорится, Все должны остановиться! Мышка Котик, котик, пожалей Мышку серенькую, grey. Если очень хочешь кушать, Кушай яблоки и груши. Загадка Солнце — yellow, небо — blue. Очень я глядеть люблю В стеклышко цветное, glass, Закрывая левый глаз. Небо — purple, солнце — red. Догадайся, что за цвет У волшебного стекла, Раз береза pink была? (розовый) Животные. Кошка и рыба Сошка, cat, в пруду живет, рыба, fish, — на суше. Я еще не то скажу, Ты меня не слушай. Ёжик Шар колючий, не простой Вижу я в траве густой. У моих свернулся ног 186 Ёжик маленький, hedgehog. Белка Хвастала своей квартирой Мне соседка — белка, squirrel. Обжила она дупло. В нем и сухо и тепло. Лягушка, Заяц и Пчела Я сегодня на пирог Пригласил лягушку, frog. Не успел закрыть я двери, Как примчался кролик, rabbit. Услыхал от пчелки, bee, Что с капустой пироги. Кузнечик Повстречал в траве высокой Я кузнечика, grass-hopper. Он играл на скрипочке Маленькой улиточке. Муравей Муравья позвать к обеду Захотелось муравьеду. Не пошел на тот обед Умный муравьишка, ant. Улитка Кто скажите мне сильней Маленькой улитки, snail? На себе таскает дом И не устает при том. Свинка Что за странная картинка: Pig, воспитанная свинка Прямо в луже разлеглась. Вот как свинки любят грязь! Собака Очень длинный поводок У моей собаки, dog. Поводок в руке держу, А ее не нахожу. В пруд без спроса окунулась И довольная вернулась. Лев На кого щенок залаял? В клетке лев огромный, lion. Пусть узнает царь зверей, Кто зубастей и смелей! Мышь 187 Мышка, mouse, сон видала, Будто ростом с гору стала. И как маленькая мошка Перед ней стояла кошка. Храбро глядя сверху вниз, Мышь сказала ей: "Кис-кис!" В лесу Собирать для печки хворост Я отправился в лес, forest, Ни ружья не взял, ни пуль — Не боюсь я волка, wolf. Я ничуть не оробею, Повстречав медведя, bear. Захочу, схвачу за хвост Рыжую лисицу, fox. Только то, что я не трус, Позабыл соседский гусь. Встал он грозно на пути. Как теперь мне в лес пройти? Овечка Не пущу гулять за речку Sheep, пугливую овечку. Рядом рыщет серый волк. Он зубами щелк да щелк. На ферме Что за шум что за гам У меня на ферме, farm? Отчего корова, cow Молоко давать не стала? А в конюшне лошадь, horse, Весь просыпала овес? Улетела за плетень Курица наседка, hen. А толстушка утка, duck, Убежала на чердак. Это просто в огород К нам коза залезла, goat. Я ее с сестренкой Зиной Прогоняю хворостиной. В зоопарке Где увидеть отгадай-ка В городе тигренка, tiger, Или горную козу? Только в зоопарке. Zoo. Кто в далеких странах не был, Здесь найдет верблюда, camel, И конечно Крошку Ру Кенгуренка, kangaroo. Любят сушки и баранки Добродушный ослик, donkey, И похожая на тигра 188 Вся в полоску зебра, zebra. Дал банан я обезьянке. Рада обезьянка, monkey, А тюлень обжора, seal, Тут же рыбы попросил. Жаль, чем угостить не знал Крокодила, crocodile. Предложил ему конфету — Он обиделся за это. Подходить не велено Мне к слоненку, elephant. Он ужасно озорной: Обливает всех водой. Английский счёт One, one - к нам пришли сегодня гости и уселись на диван; Two, two - слон несёт гостям конфеты, мишка спрятал две во рту; Three,three-три лисёнка-поварёнка носят к чаю сухари; Four,four-принесли лягушки сушки как четыре буквы "О"; Five, five-пять мышат испечь спешат 5 румяных караваев; Six,six- шесть котят спеть хотят : " До, ре, ми, фа, соль, ля, си "; Seven,seven - "Эй, синицы! Эй, певицы! Собрались на праздник все вы?"; Eight, eight-бегемоты взяли ноты, заиграли восемь флейт; Nine, nine - пока белки бьют в тарелки, ну-ка цифры вспоминай! Ten, ten - выше крыши и антенн мишка в небо полетел, цифры там писать хотел. На кухне Сахар, соль, мука и спички Есть у нас на кухне, kitchen, Здесь увидишь ты всегда, Как готовится еда. Хлеба круглый каравай Разрезает ножик, knife, Для картошки и котлет Получай тарелку, plate. А теперь поставим, дети, На плиту наш чайник, kettle, Закипит — нальем, кап-кап, Чаю прямо в чашку, cup. Будем чай с печеньем пить, По-английски говорить. Ложка и вилка Как у нас один шалун Ел конфеты ложкой, spoon. Он конфеты есть бы мог Даже острой вилкой, folk. ВКУСНАЯ ЕДА Как печь пирог Только мама за порог — Мы скорее печь пирог. В пироге что главное? Муки побольше, flour. 189 Все в муке -- лицо и руки, И рубашка, даже брюки. Тихо, тихо, словно мышь, Лезем в холодильник, fridge. Показалось маловато Нам с сестренкой масла, butter. И конечно в тот же миг Молоко пролили, milk Мы смешали все, что можно, Положили сверху дрожжи. Начинка будет вкусной: Варенье и капуста. Нашли мы мед и виноград, И еще орешек, nut... Мы б еще чего нашли, Но родители пришли. Как угостить друга Если к чаю ждешь ты друга, К чаю нужен сахар, sugar, И еще варенье, jam. Это следует знать всем. Надо щедрым быть с друзьями И делиться медом, honey. Дружбу только укрепит Сладкая конфета, sweet. Ни котлеты, ни сосиски Не сравнить с печеньем, biscuit. Даже сытый человек Съест пирожное, cake Наслажденьем будет райским Съесть мороженое, ice-cream. Это вам не бутерброд. Целиком не сунешь в рот. Угощенье уплетай С аппетитом, appetite! Сыр и улыбка Если хочешь научиться Улыбаться по-английски, Поскорее научись Говорить не "сыр", a "cheese". Если скажешь без ошибки, Выйдут "сырные" улыбки. Фрукты и овощи На доске рисую мелом Грушу, pear, дыню melon, Если захотите, вам Нарисую сливу, plum Груша, дыня и слива Вам признаюсь откровенно: Я люблю банан, banana. Больше брюквы, больше репы Ананас люблю, pineapple. 190 Тропические фрукты Не сравнить обычный овощ, С сочным апельсином, orange. Съесть могу хоть целый пуд, Если столько мне дадут. Я отведать был бы рад И кокоса, coco-nut. Вкусное в нем молоко... Да лезть на пальму высоко. Как готовить щи Чтоб отведать вкусных щей, Надо много овощей. Cabbage нам нужна, капуста. С нею будет очень вкусно. И нужна по крайней мере Хоть одна морковка, carrot Мы, конечно, в щи добавим Лука репчатого, onion. И potato, картошку. Щи пусть покипят немножко. Напоследок — соли, salt. Щи готовы. Ставь на стол. "Я кукле платье сшить решила..." Я кукле платье сшить решила. Я раньше никогда не шила. Белые пуговки, красный подол, Будет нарядная кукла - a doll. "Построил я дом - house..." Построил я дом - house живет в нем мышка - mouse а кошка, cat, твердит о том, чтоб рядом ей построить дом. "Беленькая кошечка..." Беленькая кошечка A little white cat Сидела на коврике Sat on a mat А рядом на дереве On a near by tree Сидела большая пчела Sat a big bee "Рыжий кот полез в пакет..." Рыжий кот полез в пакет. Что забыл там кот - a cat? Тут кота в пакете за нос Укусила мышь - a mouse. "Возле forest чудный house" Возле forest чудный house. В нем живет малышка Mouse. 191 Mouse любит book читать. И на sofa сладко спать. "У обезьянки the monkey..." У обезьянки the monkey Была подружка, the frog, лягушка the duckling, утенок the pig, поросенок А возле озера near the lake Жила большая змея A big snake "Я люблю гулять - to walk..." - Я люблю гулять - to walk,говорил волчице волк. - Можем вместе побродить, на луну, на moon, повыть. "Я шалил: разбилась ваза..." Я шалил: разбилась ваза. - Кто разбил? - спросил мой father. - Это бабушкина ваза., Прослезилась моя mother. Тут за меня вступилась sister: - Осколки он убрал, все чисто! Потом сказала: "Father, mother, Шалить не будет больше brother". "Медведь-лежебока зимой сладко спит..." Медведь-лежебока зимой сладко спит. И снится медведю конфета - a sweet. Мохнатому Мишке, наверное, редко В лесу удается отведать конфетку. Я домик нарисую белый - white (уайт), Всё нормально, всё all right (ол райт). Трубочист весь чёрный - black (блэк), Симпатичный человек. Мышка серый свой жилет Надевает на обед, Серый по-английски - grey (грей), Ты запомнил всё? OK! (окей) ЧАСТИ ТЕЛА В ванной Eyes — глаза, a ears — уши. Ты гляди и молча слушай: Кто не моет шею, neck, 'Тот пропащий человек. Чтобы быть для всех примером, Волосы расчешем, hair Улыбайся, как артист, Если чистишь зубы, teeth Будь здоровым и красивым — 192 Подружись с водой и мылом! Сколько лет ? Спросят: "Сколько тебе лет ?" Покажу я руку, hand. А на ней все сразу видно: Каждый год - мой пальчик, finger. Моя семья Расскажу- ка вам, друзья, Как живет моя семья. Шьет роскошные наряды Нам с сестренкой мама, mother. Вышивает тетя, aunt, У нее большой талант. Служит в самом главном банке Наш любимый дядя, uncle, Каждый день после работы Он гуляет с дочкой, daughter. Варит вкусное варенье На зиму бабуля, granny. Весь вареньем перемазан Мой двоюродный брат, cousin. Есть еще щенок пушистый У моей сестренки, sister. Со щенком гулять по саду Ходит старший брат мои, brother. Если что-то сделать надо, Обращаюсь к папе, father Папа мастер хоть куда, Мне готов помочь всегда. Он научит сына, son, Чтоб умел все делать сам. Квартира Ничего уютней нет, Чем моя квартира. Hat. Все знакомо и привычно — На стене картина, picture. Чтобы время знать я мог, Есть часы большие, clock. В доме разная есть мебель. Вот обеденный стол, table. Отдохнуть и выпить кофе Можно на диване, sofa. Для усатых и хвостатых Есть ковер ворсистый, carpet. А у папы-книгочея – Кресло мягкое, arm-chair. Есть еще у нас в квартире Зеркало большое, mirror. Лампа, телефон, буфет, Телевизор, TV-set. Даже море есть у нас Прямо в белой ванне, bath. 193 Очень я люблю мой дом. Хорошо живется в нем! Утром Рано утром просыпаюсь Я в красивом доме, house. Сам себе кричу: "Привет!" И встаю с кровати, bed. Надеваю тапки бодро, Лезу в шкаф с одеждой, wardrobe. Переделать много дел В доме я с утра хотел. Домашние дела Взяться я решил за ум. В комнате прибрался, room. На шкафу плакат нашел, Прилепил на стену, wall. Вынес с мусором ведро, Смазал петли в двери, door, Чтобы двор наш было видно, Я протер окошко, window. Что вдруг на меня нашло? Даже пол я вымыл, floor Завтра, если будут силы, Потолок помою, silling. ZOO Мы сегодня оказались не в лесу Мы сегодня оказались in the zoo Кто сидит там на полянке Это обезьянка - monkey. Bear здесь - медведь лохматый Tiger - тигр полосатый Здесь и elephant большой Здесь и wolf совсем не злой Вот "a fox", a вот "a bear" Вот "giraffe", а вот "a hare" Кто это, смотри скорей! Это lion - царь зверей Hippo - бегемот большой Говорит: "Пора домой!" Посмотрите, что я шью! Фартук будет новый - new Двойку получил сосед. Он сегодня грустный - sad Мальчик Сева умный - clever Знает право где и лево. Брата на руках носили. Думали, что глупый - silly Думал нам в ответ братишка: "Сами умные вы слишком!" Раз, раз - one, one 194 К нам пришли сегодня гости И уселись на диван. … Нашу песню слушал слон И сказал ребятам он: - Я не знаю, как мне быть. Я хочу вам подарить Каждому кулек сластей! Сколько к нам пришло гостей? Есть здесь Саши, Пети, Жени… Вас здесь СКОЛЬКО? How many? СКОЛЬКО здесь ДЕВЧОНОК? How many girls? СКОЛЬКО надо БУЛОК? How many rolls? … Очень долго слон считал, Очень сильно он устал. Время - ДЕВЯТЬ. 9 o'clock. Ночь пришла к нам на порог. Время - десять. 10 o'clock. Гости! Кушайте пирог! … ОДЕЖДА В шкафу Загляни-ка в темный шкаф: Там на полке шарфик, scarf. Рядом дремлет серый кот, Вот висит пальтишко, coat. Кто и что здесь разберет — Юбка, skirt, рубашка, shirt. А по полкам, прыг да скок, Скачет твой носочек, sock. Пусть не радуется ветер, Есть тут теплый свитер, sweater. Ничего приятней нет, Чем примерить шляпу, hat. Раз ты в шкаф уже залез, Не забудь про платье, dress, Про костюм парадный, suit. Вот он, черный, тут как тут, В шкафу подолгу не сиди: Померил все — и уходи! ПРОФЕССИИ Кем стать Говорила сыну мама: Дедушка твой фермер — farmer, А тебе, сын, стать важнее Инженером, engineer Возражал ей папа: "Разве? Много есть профессий разных. Может больше будет прока Если стать рабочим, worker Бабушка, услышав, села: "Моряком он будет, sailor. 195 Ну, а моряком не станет, Значит будет летчик, pilot. Дед вмешался: "Вы не правы! ( Будет внук водитель, driver. Ничего, что он недавно, Стать хотел пожарным, fireman. А захочет, так учтите, Будет он учитель, teacher") ПРИРОДА Утро На траве блестит роса. Рано встало солнце, sun. Темноту оно прогонит И наступит утро, morning. День Снова радует людей День погожий ясный, day. Щебет птиц деревьев шум. Это полдень, afternoon. Вечер Солнце село. В небе плавает Одиноко тучка, cloud. В сумерках все стало синим. Наступает вечер, evening. Ночь За окном темно? Пускай! Я гляжу на небо, sky. Досчитаю я до ста И звезду увижу, star. А за ней еще одну И конечно Moon, луну. Очень хочется мне знать, Что на небе ночью, night! ВРЕМЕНА ГОДА Лето Говорит в июне мама: "Наступает лето, summer. Кто проводит в городе Летний отпуск, Нет тут моря, нет залива.. Нету даже речки, river. — Соглашается малыш, — Где ловить мне рыбу, fish Нам бы сесть с тобой на поезд, В лес густой уехать, forest. "Хорошо, мышонок, mouse, Снимем дачу, country house." Осень 196 Погляди в окно скорей: Кто стучится? — Дождик, rain. Наступает осень, autumn. Все выходят на работу. На асфальте дети мелом Не рисуют — места нет. Листья желтые там, yellow, Много также красных, red. Лету мы рукой помашем. Дует влажный ветер, wind. Ой, смотри, грибочек, mushroom, На одной ноге стоит. Зима Не страшна зима мне, winter! У меня есть теплый свитер, Рукавички и носки. Позову ребят скорей На коньках кататься, skate, И на лыжах, ski. В снежки играли, snowballs. За воротник заполз мороз — Хитер мороз, непрост! Приду домой, открою шкаф — Там теплый мамин шарфик, scarf Держись морозец frost! Весна Тепло посмотрит солнце вниз. Природа сразу оживет, Зазеленеют листья, leaves, И прилетит к нам птичка, bird. В апреле птицы будят нас, И мы с тобою говорим: "Смотри, пробилась травка, grass. Как хорошо весною, spring!" ПРАЗДНИКИ Рождество Вот зима пришла, и снова Снег лежит пушистый, snow. На санях мы мчимся быстро. С Рождеством вас! Merry Christmas! Новый год Песни, танцы, шутки, смех... Закружил нас праздник всех. Поскорей зажжем огни Мы на елочке, fir-tree. Как она теперь красива! Здравствуй, Новый Год, New Year! Мамин день В марте самый светлый день Мамин День, Mother's Day. Маму я свою порадую Подарю цветочек, flower. 197 День рождения Завтра день рождения, birthday, У моей сестренки. Это юбилей серьезныйБудет пять Аленке. И, конечно, я хотел Чтобы был полезен Для любых девчачьих дел Мой подарок, present. Чтобы дождь не промочил, Чтоб не заболела, Я сестренке подарю Новый зонт, umbrella. Подарю ей мячик, ball, Чтобы с ним играла. И большую куклу, doll, Чтобы с ней гуляла. Да, пять лет – Солидный возраст. С Днем Рождения, Happy Birthday! В ГОРОДЕ Как путешествовать Дочь и сын у мамы требовали: "Мы хотим в поездку, travel. Из окна все дни подряд Виден только дворик, yard, Куст, скамья, асфальт и люк. Погляди-ка, have a look!" "Вижу, — мама говорит. — Улица вас манит, street. Собирайтесь, там для вас Подали автобус, bus." Только мы в автобус сели, Глядь — дворец в окошке, palace. Рядом, не окинуть взглядом, Сад большой цветущий, garden. "Мама, посмотри скорей! Там в саду аллея, lane." Нет, ребята, нам налево. Дальше через площадь, square." "Нам туда, где церковь, church?" "Нет, в другое место, дочь. Нам не в Лондон, не в Париж, А за мост ближайший, bridge. Не в Бомбей, не в Нагасаки — На центральный рынок, market. Продают там фрукты, fruit. И недорого берут! Мы сначала между делом Выберем там дыню, melon. Купим лук, чеснок, укроп. Рядом в магазине, shop — Мясо, meat, и рыбу, fish. 198 А потом махнем в Париж!" СЧЕТ Считалка Посчитать хочу я вам: Вот одна овечка, one. К ней шагают по мосту Сразу две овечки, two. Сколько стало? Посмотри. Три теперь овечки, three. Вон еще недалеко. Их уже — четыре, four. К ним спешит овечка вплавь — Стало пять овечек, five. Вдруг, откуда не возьмись Еще овечка — шесть их, six. Это кто за стогом сена? Семь уже овечек, seven. Стал считать я их скорей — Получилось восемь, eight. Но на двор явились к нам Почему-то девять, nine. Я считал их целый день, Оказалось десять, ten. Ну а ты, хочу я знать, Сможешь всех пересчитать? АНТОНИМЫ Снег Мы дворец из снега слепим, Заживем счастливо, happy. А когда растает снег, Станет нам печально, sad. Королева Говорила королева: "Хорошо быть умной, clever. Даже если б попросили, Я не стану глупой, silly" Конфеты Если много съешь конфет, Будешь очень толстым, fat. А не съешь — не хватит сил Будешь очень тонким, thin. Мышь и слон Прибежала к Айболиту Мышка маленькая, little "Сделай, — говорит, — чтоб в миг Стала я большою, big." А потом явился слон. Стать поменьше хочет он. Плащ 199 В коридоре шкаф стоит, Много в нем плащей висит. Длинный, long, короткий, short,— Выбирай, что подойдет. Кот и волк В тень залез пушистый кот – Очень жарко летом, hot. А зимою даже волк Мерзнет. Холодно так, cold! Далеко-далеко Далеко-далёко, far, За горой кричит сова. А в кроватке рядом, near, Спит моя сестренка Нина. Хороший и плохой Кто больших наделал бед, Тех зовут плохими, bad. А хороших все зовут Очень добрым словом — good. Жираф Сесть хотел жираф за стол. Был жираф высокий, tall, И не смог, как ни старался. Стол наш слишком низкий, small, Для жирафа оказался. У дверей Мы замерзли, мы торопим: "Дверь скорей откройте, open! Мы не пустим в дом мороз. Плотно дверь закроем, close!" ГЛАГОЛЫ Ученик Мама сыну говорит: "Ты уже читаешь, read, И среди других ребят Буквы лучше пишешь, write. Жаль, что только не знаком Ты с английским языком. Вот учебники, тетради. Начинай учиться, study. Чистюля Руки грязные — так что ж! Можно руки вымыть, wash. Знай еще секрет один: Зубы можно чистить, clean. Утюг Утюг, когда включен, горяч. Не стоит его трогать, touch. 200 Не плачь Даже если есть причины, Все равно не унывай. Настоящие мужчины Не умеют плакать, cry. Крошка Ру Говорила кенгуру Мама Кенга Крошке Ру: "Ты сегодня именинник. Прогуляйся по двору. Прыгай, jump, и бегай, run, Развлекайся, have a fun! Но не шумно, и в подарок Ты получишь барабан. Аппетит Мы ходили на прогулку По двору, по переулку. Нагуляли аппетит, Захотели кушать, eat Сливы На столе тарелка слив. Поскорее дайте, give, Мне попробовать одну. Я вам косточку верну Замок Если крепко, на замок Двери запирают, lock, Я, по крайней мере, Не ломаю двери. Ключ вставляю и потом Поворачиваю, turn. Квакша Квакша, frog, в пруду живет. Песенки — "Ква-ква" поет. А еще с лещом одним Очень любит плавать, swim. Ей с утра до вечера Больше делать нечего. На помощь! "Help!" - "На помощь!" Я домой попасть хочу. Во дворе собака злая, Как я мимо проскочу! Пироги К чайку и вкусным пирогам Люблю домой прийти я, come. Но чашки мыть совсем другое, 201 Пора уже идти мне, go. Тренировка Спит утром пес "без задних лап". "Проснись!" — "Wake up!" "Вставай!" — "Get up!" Тренировать тебя я стану. "Садись!"-—командую. — "Sit down!" Пес выполнять команды рад. Встает, когда скажу: "Stand up!" А заниматься с ним устанем, Возьмем и просто поболтаем. ВЕЖЛИВЫЕ СЛОВА Спасибо Съел я завтрак с аппетитом: Йогурт, булку и бисквиты. С молока снял ложкой пенку И сказал: "Спасибо! Thank You!" Извините Если встал ты на ногу соседу, Если чью-то вдруг прервал беседу, Если с другом оказался в ссоре, Помни: "извините" будет "sorry", Пожалуйста Вежливым быть не ленись. Каждый день хоть раз до ста, Если просишь, слово "please" Говори, пожалуйста. Рад познакомиться Всем при встрече какаду Говорит: "How do you do? Рад, мол, познакомиться. Скажет и поклонится. Как здороваться Даже если ты молчун, Даже если бука, Говори: "Good afternoon!" Если встретишь друга. Это днем, когда светло И спешишь не очень. А спешишь, скажи: "Hello!" Как бы между прочим. Вечер выдался плохой, С ветром или с ливнем. Все равно, придя домой, Ты скажи: "Good evening!" Посмотри: опять светло, Синь на небосклоне. Утро доброе пришло. 202 Говори: "Good morning!" До свидания Будь вежлив и не забывай, Прощаясь говорить: "Good-bye!" THE ABC Alphabet ABCDEFG School time, learning time, For you and me. H I J K L M N O P, Recess time, book time, For you and me. Q R S T U V, Gym time, sing time, For you and me. X, X and Y and Z(Canadian Z) I'll really be tired When I go to bed. sshhh....... The Canadian Alphabet A-B C-D E-F G Say the alphabet with me, H-I J-K L-M N Write it down with ink and pen, O-P Q-R S and T Read it back out loud to me, U-V W X-Y-Z Now it's always in your head. ABC Chant A - B - CDE (Teacher) A - B - CDE (Students) Grade One is where I want to be. (Teacher) Grade One is where I want to be. (Students) F - G - HIJ Learning to read and write each day. K - L - MNO Many boys and girls we know. P - Q - RST Sharing books with you and me. 203 U - V - WXY Now it's time to say good-bye. Z - Z - ZZZ Grade One is where I want to be. (or, with the zed sound -) Z - Z - ZZZ And the letters are in my head. The Alphabet Song ABCDE Stand up and look at me! FGHIJ I play football every day! KLMNO I like cake, oh, oh, oh! PQRST Hey people. Listen to me – UVWXYZ The alphabet is in my head! A was an apple pie A was an apple pie B bit it, C cut it, D dealt it, E eat it, F fought for it, G got it, H had it, I inspected it, J jumped for it, K kept it, L longed for it, M mourned for it, N nodded at it, O opened it, P peeped in it, Q quartered it, R ran for it, S stole it, T took it, U upset it, V viewed it, W wanted it, X, Y, Z and ampersand All wished for a piece in hand. ABCDEFG come on out and play with me. HIJ come and play. KLM come with them. 204 NOP near the tree. QRSTUV Oh, how happy we will be. WXYZ Lot's of fun for you and me. ABCDEFG come on out and play with me. HIJ come and play. KLM come with them. NOP near the tree. QRSTUV Oh, how happy we will be. WXYZ Lot's of fun for you and me. Be My Echo (to the tune of "Are You Sleeping?") Be my echo (teacher) Be my echo (students) E says /e/ (teacher) E says /e/ (students) Elephant and enter (teacher) " " " (students) Eggs and elevator (teacher) " " " (students) /e/, /e/, /e/ (teacher) /e/, /e/, /e/ (students) (Can be used for any letter of the alphabet.) Letters & Rhymes (this poem can be drawn out) I saw a little mouse Who found a place to hide Beneath a letter K Turned over on its side. I saw a hungry fish With a mouth shaped like a C. It was about to catch A swimming letter D. I saw a snake whose shape Was like S's end to end. It was wearing a big smile, 205 So I guess it was a friend. I saw a funny owl With letter O's for eyes. Its beak was like a V, And it really looked quite wise. I saw a little kitten With a tail shaped like a C. It was having fun Sitting on a T. I saw a little man Whose hair was quite a mess. And every hair he had Looked like the letter S. I saw two D's turned over To form two turtle shells. The turtles both were walking On legs like letter L's. I saw a funny face With a big L for a nose. The mouth looked like a U, And the eyes were made of O's. I saw an alligator With looks so fierce they'd trouble you. It had short legs and little eyes And teeth like M and W. I saw a two-humped camel With a big M for a back. It was walking near A little railroad track. I saw a lady in a hat Like a U turned upside down. The hat was very tight, And it made the lady frown. I saw an elephant Standing on same hay. Its ear looked like a C, And its trunk, a backwards J. I saw a spotted bug With a body made of O's. It had long, skinny legs, And feet with many toes. I saw a happy clown With a big A for a hat. 206 It had a funny collar, And a nose that was quite fat. I saw a pretty flower With petals made of V's It had a crooked stem And leaves like C's and D's. I saw a little chair Made from the letter L. It had letter I's for legs, And was really made quite well. If You're Happy and You Know It If you're happy and you know it, Bounce around “b” “b” If you're happy and you know it, Bounce around “b” “b” If you're happy and you know it, Then your face will surely show it If you're happy and you know it, Bounce around “b” “b”. Catch a ball “c” “c”... Dance with me “d” “d”... Fall down “f” “f”... Gallop like a horse “g” “g”... Hop on one foot “f” “f”... Jump so high “j” “j”... Kick in the air “k” “k”... Laugh out loud “l” “l”... March in place “m” “m”... Nod your head “n” “n”... Paint a picture “p” “p”... Run in place “r” “r”... Sit on the floor “s” “s”... Talk to me “t” “t”... Vacuum the rug “v” “v”... Walk around “w” “w”... Yawn right now “y” “y”... Zip your zipper “z” “z”... Proverbs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Never put of till tomorrow what you can do today. There is no smoke without fire. Two heads are better than one. East or West home is best. Better late than never. He laughs best who laughs last. There is many a slip between the cup and the lip. As you make your bed, so you must lie on it. 207 9. One hand is not enough for applause. 10. Silence catches a mouse. 11. Make hay while the sun shines. 12. First think then speak. 13. To fall of the frying-pan into the fire. 14. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 15. The longest day must have an end. 16. There is no use crying over split milk. 17. What the heart thinks the tongue speaks. 18. Knowledge is power. 19. Bad news travels fast. 1. A bad beginning makes a bad ending. Плохое начало ведет к плохому концу. Ср. Плохому началу — плохой конец. Плохое начало не к доброму концу. 2. A bad corn promise is better than a good lawsuit. Плохой компромисс лучше, чем хорошая тяжба. Ср . Худой мир лучше доброй ссоры . 3. A bad workman quarrels with his tools. Плохой работник с инструментами не в ладу. Ср. У плохого мастера и пила плохая. Мастер глуп — нож туп. 4. A bargain is a bargain. Сделка есть сделка. Ср. Уговор дороже денег. Уговор святое дело. 5. A beggar can never be bankrupt. Бедняк никогда не обанкротится. Ср. Голый — что святой: не боится беды. Голой овцы не стригут. 6. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Лучше одна птичка в руках, чем две в кустах. Ср. Синица в руках — лучше соловья в лесу. Не сули журавля в небе, а дай синицу в руки. Ближняя соломка лучше дальнего сенца. Лучше воробей в руке, чем петух на кровле. 7. A bird may be known by its song. Птицу можно узнать по тому, как она поет (букв. по ее песне). Ср . Видна птица по полёту . 8. A black hen lays a white egg. Черная курица несет белое яичко. Ср. От черной курочки да белое яичко. От черной коровы да белое молочко. Черна корова, да бело молоко. 9. A blind leader of the blind. У слепого слепой поводырь. Ср. Слепой слепого далеко не уведет. Слепой слепца водит, а оба зги не видят. Косой кривого не учит. 10. A blind man would be glad to see. Слепой был бы рад видеть. Ср . Посмотрим , сказал слепой . 11. A broken friendship may be soldered, but will never be sound. Треснувшую дружбу можно склеить (букв. спаять), но она никогда уже не будет прочной. Ср . Замирённый друг ненадежен . 12. A burden of one's own choice is not felt. Груз, который сам выбрал, несешь не чувствуя. Ср . Своя ноша не тянет . 13. A burnt child dreads the fire. Обжегшееся дитя огня боится. Ср. Обжегшись на молоке, будешь дуть и на воду. 14. A cat in gloves catches no mice. Кот в перчатках мышей не поймает. Смысл: будешь белоручкой — дела не сделаешь. Ср. Без труда не вытащишь и рыбки из пруда. Не замочив рук, не умоешься. 15. A city that parleys is half gotten. Город, желающий вступить в переговоры, на полпути к сдаче. Ср. Осажденный город двоемыслен. 16. A civil denial is better than a rude grant. Вежливый отказ лучше, чем грубое согласие. 17. A clean fast is better than a dirty breakfast. Честный пост лучше, чем нечестный (букв. грязный) завтрак. Смысл: лучше беднее, да честнее. Ср. лучше бедность да честность, нежели прибыль да стыд. Хлеб с водою, да не пирог с лихвою. 18. A clean hand wants no washing. Чистую руку мыть не нужно. Смысл: честному человеку оправдываться излишне. Ср. Правда милости не ищет. Правду красить нет нужды. Правда сама себя очистит. 19. A clear conscience laughs at false accusations. Чистая совесть смеется над клеветой. Ср. Добрая совесть не боится клеветы. Чистого и огонь не обожжёт. 208 20. A close mouth catches no flies. В закрытый рот муха не влетит. Смысл: молчание глупостей не делает. Ср. В рот, закрытый глухо, не залетает муха. Кто молчит, тот не грешит. 21. A cock is valiant on his own dunghill. Петух храбр на своей навозной куче. Ср. И петух на своем пепелище храбрится. В подполье и мышь геройствует. На своей улочке храбра и курочка. Из-за куста и ворона востра. 22. A cracked bell can never sound well. Треснутый колокол уже никогда хорошо звенеть не будет. Ср. На леченой кобыле далеко не уедешь. Надсаженный конь, надломленный лук да замирённый друг равно ненадежны. 23. A creaking door hangs long on its hinges. Скрипучая дверь долго висит на своих петлях. Ср. Скрипучее дерево два века стоит. Скрипучая береза дольше стоит. Битая посуда два века живет. 24. A curst cow has short horns. У проклятой коровы рога коротки, Ср. Бодливой корове бог рог не дает. 25. A danger foreseen is half avoided. Кто знает о надвигающейся опасности, тот наполовину избежал ее. Ср. Опасайся бед, пока их нет. 26. A drop in the bucket. Капля в ведре. Ср. Капля в море. 27. A drowning man will catch at a straw. Утопающий за соломинку схватится. Ср. Утопающий и за соломинку хватается. Кто тонет — нож подай, и за нож ухватится. 28. A fair face may hide a foul heart. За прекрасной внешностью может скрываться низкая душа. Ср. Лицом хорош, да душой непригож. Личиком гладок, а делами гадок. Сверху ясно, снизу грязно. 29. A fault confessed is half redressed. Признанная вина наполовину искуплена. Ср. Повинную голову меч не сечет. За признание — половина наказания. 30. A fly in the ointment. Муха в бальзаме. Ср. Ложка дегтя в бочке меда. 31. A fool always rushes to the fore. Дурак всегда лезет вперед. Ср. Глупый ищет большого места, а умного и в углу видать. 32. A fool and his money are soon parted. Дурак легко расстается с деньгами. Ср . У дурака в горсти дыра . 33. A fool at forty is a fool indeed. Дурак в сорок лет окончательно дурак. Ср . Старого дурака не перемолаживать . 34. A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years. Умный семь лет не ответит на вопросы, которые дурак задаст за один час. Ср . На всякого дурака ума не напасешься . 35. A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot pull out. Дурак в колодец камень закинет—сто умных не вытащат. Ср. Дурак завяжет — и умный не развяжет. Умный не всегда развяжет, что глупый завяжет. 36. A fool's tongue runs before his wit. Дурак сперва говорит, а потом думает. Ср. У дурака язык наперед ума рыщет. У дурака язык впереди ног бежит. 37. A forced kindness deserves no thanks. Вынужденная доброта не стоит благодарности. 38. A foul morn may turn to a fair day. Ненастное утро может смениться ясным днем. Ср . Серенькое утро — красненький денек . 39. A fox is not taken twice in the same snare. Лису в одну и ту же ловушку дважды не поймаешь. Ср. Старую лису дважды не проведешь. Старая лиса дважды себя поймать не даст. 40. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Друг в беде есть настоящий друг. Ср. Друзья познаются в беде. Коня в рати узнаешь, друга в беде. Друг познается в несчастье . 43. A friend is never known till needed. Друга не узнаешь, пока не понадобится его помощь. Ср. Неиспытанный друг ненадежен. Без беды друга не узнаешь. 42. A friend to all is a friend to none. Тот, кто друг всем, не является другом никому. Ср. Всем брат — никому не брат. Приятелей много, да друга нет. И много друзей , да нет дружка . 43. A friend's frown is better than a foe's smile. Лучше хмурое лицо друга, - чем улыбка врага. Ср. Лучше горькая правда друга, чем лесть врага. Недруг поддакивает, а друг спорит. 44. A good anvil does not fear the hammer. Хорошая наковальня молота не боится. Ср . Правда суда не боится . 45. A good beginning is half the battle. Хорошее начало — половина дела ( букв. сражения). 209 Ср . Доброе начало полдела откачало . 46. A good beginning makes a good ending. Хорошее начало обеспечивает хороший конец. Ср. Путное начало приводит к путному концу. Зачин дело красит. Лиха беда начало. 47. A good deed is never lost. Доброе дело даром не пропадет. Ср. Доброе дело без награды не остается. Добро всегда вспомянется. За доброе дело жди похвалы смело. Доброе добром поминают. 48. A good dog deserves a good bone. Хорошая собака заслуживает хорошую кость. Ср . ' По заслугам и честь . 49. A good example is the best sermon. Хороший пример — наилучшая проповедь. Ср. Ничто не убеждает людей лучше примера. 50. A good face is a letter of recommendation. Хорошее лицо все равно что рекомендательное письмо. Ср. Глаза (лицо) — зеркало души. Аленький цветок бросается в глазок. На алый цветок летит мотылек . 51. A good Jack makes a good Jill. У хорошего Джека и Джил хороша. Ср. У хорошего мужа и жена хороша. 52. A good marksman may miss. И хороший стрелок может промахнуться. Ср. И на доброго коня бывает спотычка. И на большие умы живет промашка. 53. A good name is better than riches. Ср. Добрая слава лучше богатства. Денег ни гроша, да слава хороша. Лучше быть бедняком, чем разбогатеть с грехом. 54. A good name is sooner lost than won. Хорошую репутацию легче утратить, чем приобрести. Ср. Слава приходит золотниками, а уходит пудами. 55. A good name keeps its lustre in the dark. Доброе имя и во тьме светит. Ср . Золото и в грязи блестит . 56. A good wife makes a good husband. У хорошей жены и муж хорош. Ср. Доброю женою и муж честен. У хорошей жены и плохой муж будет молодцом. 57. A great dowry is a bed full of brambles. Богатое приданое все равно, что постель полная колючек. Ср. Лучше на убогой жениться, чем с богатой браниться. Не с богатством жить — с человеком. Не бери приданое, бери милу девицу. Богатую взять — станет попрекать . 58. A great fortune is a great slavery. Большое состояние — большое рабство. Ср. Больше денег — больше хлопот. Лишние деньги — лишние заботы. Богатому не спится, он вора боится. 59. A great ship asks deep waters. Ср. Большому кораблю — большое плавание. 60. A guilty conscience needs no accuser. Нечистой совести обвинитель не нужен. Ср. Нечистая совесть спать не дает. Совесть без зубов, а грызет. Совесть не волк, а ест поедом. Краденый поросенок в ушах визжит. Грех несет в себе и наказание. 61. A hard nut to crack. Ср. Орешек не по зубам. 62. A heavy purse makes a light heart. От туго набитого кошелька на сердце легко. Ср. Есть чем звякнуть, так можно и крякнуть. 63. A hedge between keeps friendship green. Когда между друзьями изгородь, то и дружба дольше. Смысл: соблюдение границ в отношениях способствует продолжительной дружбе. 64. A honey tongue, a heart of gall. Медовый язык, а сердце из желчи. Ср. На языке мед, а под языком лед. Глядит овцой, а пахнет волком. 65. A hungry belly has no ears. Ср. Голодное брюхо ко всему глухо. У голодного брюха нет уха . 66. A hungry man is an angry man. Голодный мужчина — сердитый мужчина (т. е. если голоден, значит зол). 67. A Jack of all trades is master of none. Человек, который берется за многие ремесла, хорошо не владеет ни одним. Ср. За все берется, да не все удается. За все браться — ничего не уметь. 68. A Joke never gains an enemy but often loses a friend. Шуткой врага не задобришь, а друга можешь оттолкнуть. Ср. Шути, да осторожно, а то в беду попасть можно. Шутки шути, да людей не мути. Шути, да оглядывайся. 69. A lawyer never goes to law himself. Сам юрист никогда в суд не обращается (так как хорошо знает законы и пути, как их обойти). Ср. Умный в суд не ходит. Из суда — что из пруда: сух не выйдешь. 210 70. A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy. Ленивой овце и собственная шерсть тяжела. Ср. Ленивой лошади и хвост в тягость. Проглотить-то хочется, да прожевать лень. Лежебоке и солнце не в пору всходит . 71. A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth. Лжецу не верят, даже когда он правду говорит. Ср. Раз солгал — навек лгуном стал. Кто вчера солгал, тому и завтра не поверят. Лживый хоть правду скажет, никто не поверит. Соврешь — не помрешь, да вперед не поверят. 72. A lie begets a lie. Ложь порождает ложь (т. е. чтобы оправдать сказанное раньше, надо еще и еще лгать). Ср. кто привык лгать, тому не отстать. 73. A light purse is a heavy curse. Легкий кошелек — тяжелое проклятие. Ср . Хуже всех бед , когда денег нет . 74. A light purse makes a heavy heart. Когда кошелек легок — на душе тяжело. Ср . Хлеба ни куска , так и в горле тоска . 75. A little body often harbours a great soul. В маленьком теле часто таится великая душа. Ср. Мал золотник, да дорог. Мала искра, да великий пламень родит. Мал соловей , да голосом велик . 76. A little fire is quickly trodden out. Маленький огонь легко затоптать. Ср. Искру туши до пожара, напасть отводи до удара. 77. A man can die but once. Умереть человек может лишь один раз. Ср. Двум смертям не бывать, а одной не миновать. 78. A man can do no more than he can. Больше того, что можешь, не сделаешь. Ср. Выше головы не прыгнешь. Поперек себя не перепрыгнешь. 79. A man is known by the company he keeps. Человек узнается по его друзьям. Ср. Скажи мне, кто твой друг, и я скажу тебе, кто ты. С кем хлеб - соль водишь , на того и походишь . 80. A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. Cp. Противник дел, любитель слов, подобен саду без плодов. 81. A miserly father makes a prodigal son. У отца-скряги сын может оказаться мотом. Ср. Скупые умирают, а дети сундуки открывают. Бывает, что отец копит, а сын деньгами сорит. Отец накопил , а сын раструсил . 82. A miss is as good as a mile. Промахнуться не лучше, чем милей ошибиться (т. е. если промахнулся, то уже все равно насколько). 83. A new broom sweeps clean. Cp. Новая метла хорошо метет. 84. A nod from a lord is a breakfast for a fool. Для дурака кивок лорда, всё равно что завтрак. Ср. Дадут дураку честь, так не знает, куда и сесть. 85. A penny saved is a penny gained. Пенни сбереженное—всё равно что пенни заработанное. Ср. Сбережешь, что найдешь. Неистраченные деньги — приобретение. 86. A penny soul never came to twopence. Копеечная душа никогда не возвышалась до двух копеек. Смысл: Мелочный человек никогда не достигал успеха. Ср. Пожалеть алтына — потерять полтину. 87. A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder. С чистой совестью и в грозу спится. Ср. У кого совесть чиста, у того подушка под головой не вертится. 88. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Катящийся камень мхом не обрастает. Ср. Кому на месте не сидится, тот добра не наживет. 89. A round peg in a square hole. Круглый стержень в квадратной дыре. Ср. Пристало, как корове седло. 90. A shy cat makes a proud mouse. У робкой кошки мышь хвастлива. Ср . У робкой кошки мышь резвится . 91. A silent fool is counted wise. Молчаливый дурак сходит за умника. Ср . Молчи — за умного сойдешь . 92. A small leak will sink a great ship. Малая течь большой корабль ко дну пустит. Ср. Невелика болячка, а на тот свет гонит. 93. A soft answer turns away wrath. Мягкий ответ охлаждает гнев. Ср. Покорное слово гнев укрощает. Ласковое слово и ласковый вид и свирепого к рукам приманит. Жесткое слово строптивит , мягкое смиряет . 94. A sound mind in a sound body. В здоровом теле здоровый дух. 95. A stitch in time saves nine. Один стежок, сделанный вовремя, стоит девяти. Смысл: то, что 211 делается своевременно, экономит много труда впоследствии. 96. A storm in a teacup. Ср. Буря в стакане воды. 97. A tattler is worse than a thief. Болтун хуже вора. Ср. Глупость хуже воровства. 98 A thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf. Вор узнает вора так же, как волк узнает волка. Ср . Рыбак рыбака видит издалека . 99. A thief passes for a gentleman when stealing has made him rich. Когда воровство сделало вора богатым, то он сходит за джентльмена. Ср . Деньги не пахнут . 100. A threatened blow is seldom given. Удар, который угрожают нанести, редко наносят. Ср. Кто много грозит, тот мало вредит. 101. A tree is known by its fruit. Дерево познается по плодам. Ср. От яблони яблоко, от ели шишка. 102. A wager is a fool's argument. Биться об заклад — довод дурака (т. е. когда у дурака нет доводов, он предлагает биться об заклад). Ср. Спорь до слез, а об заклад не бейся. 103. A watched pot never boils. Котелок, за которым наблюдают, никогда не закипает (т. е. когда ждешь, время тянется бесконечно долго). 104. A wise man changes his mind, a fool never will. Умный меняет свое мнение, дурак же — никогда. Ср. Упрямство — порок слабого ума. Хоть кол на голове теши, а он всё свое. 105. A wolf in sheep's clothing. Ср. Волк в овечьей шкуре. 106. A wonder lasts but nine days. Чудо длится лишь девять дней (т. е. все приедается). Ср. Блины, и то надоедают. 107. A word is enough to the wise. Умному и слова довольно. Ср. Умный понимает с полуслова. Умному свистни, а он уже смыслит. Умному — намек, глупому — толчок. 108. A word spoken is past recalling. Сказанного не воротишь. Ср. Слово — не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь. 109. Actions speak louder than words. Поступки говорят громче, чем слова. Ср. Не по словам судят, а по делам. О человеке судят по его делам. 110. Adversity is a great schoolmaster. Несчастье — великий учитель. Ср. Беда вымучит, беда и научит. Что мучит, то и учит. 111. Adversity makes strange bedfellows. Нужда сведет человека с кем угодно. Ср. В нужде с кем ни поведешься. 112. After a storm comes a calm. После бури наступает затишье. Ср. После грозы — вёдро, после горя — радость. Слезы — что гроза: потекут, да и обсохнут. Серенькое утро — красненький денек. 113. After dinner comes the reckoning. После обеда приходится платить. Ср. Любишь кататься, люби и саночки возить. 114. After dinner sit (sleep) a while, after supper walk a mile. После обеда посиди (поспи) немного, после ужина с милю пройдись. 115. After rain comes fair weather. После ненастья наступает хорошая погода. Ср. Не всё ненастье, будет и красное солнышко. Не всё ненастье, будет и вёдро. 116. After us the deluge. После нас хоть потоп. 117. Agues come on horseback, but go away on foot. Болезни к нам являются верхом, а от нас уходят пешком. Ср. Болезнь входит пудами, а выходит золотниками. Беду скоро наживешь, да не скоро выживешь. 118. All are good lasses, but whence come the bad wives? Все девушки хороши, но откуда же тогда берутся плохие жены? Ср. Все невесты хороши, а откуда (отколь) берутся злые жены? 119. All are not friends that speak us fair. He всяк тот друг, кто нас хвалит. Ср. Не всякому другу верь. 120. All are not hunters that blow the horn. He всяк тот охотник, кто в рог трубит. Ср. Не всё, что серо, волк. Не всё то золото, что блестит. 121. All are not merry that dance lightly. He всяк весел, кто резво пляшет. Ср. Не всяк весел, кто поет. Больше те люди шутят, у которых сердце ноет. 122. All are not saints that go to church. Ср. Не всяк праведник, кто в церковь ходит. Всяк крестится, да не всяк молится. 212 123. All asses wag their ears. Все ослы ушами поводят. Смысл: дуракам свойственно принимать глубокомысленный вид. Ср. Не в бороде честь, борода и у козла есть. Не всяк умен, кто с головою. Обычай бычий, а ум телячий. 124. All bread is not baked in one oven. He все хлеба из одной печи. Смысл: люди разные бывают. Ср. Не следует всех стричь под одну гребенку. 125. All cats are grey in the dark (in the night). Ср. Ночью все кошки серы. Ночью все кони вороные. 126. All covet, all lose. Всё желать, всё потерять. Ср. Многого желать, ничего не видать. Многого желать, добра не видать. 127. АН doors open to courtesy. Перед вежливостью все двери открываются. Ср. Ласковое слово не трудно, а споро. Медом больше мух наловишь, чем уксусом. 128. All is fish that comes to his net. Что ни попадается в его сети, всё рыба. Смысл: он ничем не брезгует; из всего извлекает выгоду. 129. All is not lost that is in peril. He всё то потеряно, что на краю гибели. Ср. Не всё то падает, что шатается. Ещё тот не наг, что лыком перевязан. 130. All is well that ends well. Ср. Всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается. Добрый конец всему делу венец. 131. All lay load on the willing horse. На добросовестную лошадь все груз взваливают. Смысл: свою работу все валят на добро совестного работника. Ср. Ретивому коню всегда работы вдвое, а тот же корм. 132. All men can't be first. He всем дано быть первыми. 133. All men can't be masters. He всем дано быть руководителями. Не всем стоять во главе. 134. All promises are either broken or kept. Все обещания или нарушаются или исполняются. Ср. Что обещание, что зарок — не надежны. 135. All roads lead to Rome. Все дороги ведут в Рим. 136. All sugar and honey. Весь из сахара и меда. Ср. Сахар Медович (о слащавом, неискреннем человеке). 137. All that glitters is not gold. Ср. Не всё то золото, что блестит. Не всякая блестка — золото. 138. All things are difficult before they are easy. Прежде чем стать легким, всё трудно. Ср. Лиха беда — начало. Всякое начало трудно. 139. All truths are not to be told. He всякую правду следует произносить вслух. Ср. Всяк правду хвалит, да не всяк ее сказывает. Всяк правду знает, да не всяк правду бает. 140. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Нескончаемая работа без отдыха и развлечения делает Джека скучным малым. Ср. Умей дело делать — умей и позабавиться. Мешай дело с бездельем, проживешь век с весельем. 141. "Almost" never killed a fly (was never hanged). “Почти” не убивало и мухи (За слово “почти” на виселицу не отправляли). Смысл: никогда не вредно сказать “почти”, т. е. будь осторожен в высказываниях. 142. Among the blind the one-eyed man is king. Кривой среди слепых — царь. Ср. Промеж слепых кривой — первый вождь. На безрыбьи и рак рыба. 143. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Кушай по яблоку в день и доктор не понадобится. 144. An ass in a lion's skin. Осел в львиной шкуре. 145. An ass is but an ass, though laden with gold. Осел ослом останется, даже если он гружен золотом. Ср. Свинья в золотом ошейнике — всё свинья. Осел останется ослом и в орденах и в лентах! 146. An ass loaded with gold climbs to the top of the castle. Груженый золотом осел и на крышу замка взберется. Ср. Денежка дорожку прокладывает. Иному слова не скажи, а только деньги покажи. 147. An empty hand is no lure for a hawk. Пустая рука ястреба не влечет. Ср. Сухая ложка рот дерет. 148. An empty sack cannot stand upright. Пустой мешок стоять не будет. 149. An empty vessel gives a greater sound than a full barrel. Пустой сосуд гремит громче, чем полный бочонок. Ср. Пустая бочка звонче (пуще) гремит. В пустой бочке звону много. Где река всего глубже, там меньше шумит. 213 150. An evil chance seldom comes alone. Беда редко приходит одна. Ср. Беда одна не ходит. Пришла беда, отворяй ворота. 151. An honest tale speeds best, being plainly told. Самое лучшее — прямо и просто сказанное слово. Ср. Не долго думано, да хорошо сказано. 152. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. Один утренний час стоит двух вечерних. Ср. Утро вечера мудренее. На свежую голову. 153. An idle brain is the devil's workshop. Праздный мозг — мастерская дьявола. Ср. Безделье — мать всех пороков. На безделье всякая дурь в голову лезет. 154. An ill wound is cured, not an ill name. Тяжелую рану залечишь, а недобрую славу — нет. 155. An oak is not felled at one stroke. Ср. С одного удара дуба не свалишь. 156. An old dog barks not in vain. Старый пес без причины не лает. Ср. Старый ворон даром не каркает. Старая собака на пустое дерево лаять не станет. 157. An open door may tempt a saint. Открытая дверь и святого в искушение введет. Ср. Плохо не клади, вора в грех не вводи. У вора брюхо болит, где плохо лежит. Не там вор крадет, где много, а там, где лежит плохо. 158. An ounce of discretion is worth a pound of learning. Унция осторожности не хуже фунта ученья. Ср. Одним глазом спи, а другим береги. 159. An ox is taken by the horns, and a man by the tongue. Быка берут за рога, а человека — за язык. Ср. Всякая сорока от своего языка погибает. Болтуна язык до добра не доведет. Язык мой — враг мой. Говори, да не проговаривайся. 160. An unfortunate man would be drowned in a teacup. Неудачника можно утопить и в чашке. Ср. Когда не везет, утонешь и в ложке воды. На бедного Макара все шишки валятся. 161. Anger and haste hinder good counsel. Гнев и спешка затемняют рассудок. Ср. Во гневу не наказывай. Гневайся, да не согрешай. 162. Any port in a storm. В бурю любая гавань хороша. Смысл: в беде любой выход хорош. 163. Appearances are deceitful. Ср. Наружность обманчива. Не гляди на лицо, гляди на обычай. Лицом хорош, да душой непригож. 164. Appetite comes with eating. Ср. Аппетит приходит во время еды. Чем больше ешь, тем больше хочется. 165. As drunk as a lord. Пьян, как лорд (т. е. как может напиться лишь богач). Ср. Пьян в стельку. 166. As innocent as a babe unborn. Невинный, как неродившийся младенец (т. е. до крайней степени наивный). Ср. Сущий младенец. 167. As like as an apple to an oyster. Так же похоже, как яблоко на устрицу. Ср. Похоже, как гвоздь на панихиду. 168. As like as two peas. Похожие, как две горошины. Ср. Как две капли воды. Будто из одной плахи вытесаны. 169. As old as the hills. Древний, как холмы. Ср. Старо как мир. 170. As plain as the nose on a man's face. Так же очевидно, как нос — на лице. Ср. Ясно, как день. 171. As plain as two and two make four. Ср. Ясно, как дважды два — четыре. 172. As snug as a bug in a rug. Уютно, словно клопу в ковре (т. е. очень уютно). Ср. Тепло, светло и мухи не кусают. 173. As sure as eggs is eggs. Верно, как то, что яйца суть яйца. Ср. Как дважды два — четыре. 174. As the call, so the echo. Как покличешь, так и откликнется Ср. Как аукнется, так и откликнется. 175. As the fool thinks, so the bell clinks. Дурак думает, что стоит ему захотеть, и колокол зазвонит. Ср. Дуракам закон не писан. Дуракам закон не писан, если писан - то не читан, если читан - то не понят, если понят - то не так. 176. As the old cock crows, so does the young. Как старый петух кукарекает, так и молодой ему вторит. Ср. Молодой петух поет так, как от старого слышал. Маленькая собачка лает — большой подражает. 177. As the tree falls, so shall it lie. Как дерево упадет, так ему и лежать. Ср. Куда дерево клонилось, туда и повалилось. 178. As the tree, so the fruit. Ср. Каково дерево, таков и плод. 214 179. As welcome as flowers in May. Такой же желанный, как цветы в мае (т. е. долгожданный, желанный, весьма кстати). 180. As welcome as water in one's shoes. Желанный, как вода в туфлях (т. е. совсем некстати). Ср. Нужен, как собаке пятая нога. Нужен, как пятое колесо в телеге. 181. As well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb. Всё равно за что быть повешенным: за овцу или ягненка. Ср. Семь бед — один ответ. 182. As you brew, so must you drink. Что заварил, то и расхлебывай. Ср. Сам заварил кашу, сам и расхлебывай. 183. As you make your bed, so must you lie on it. Ср. Как постелешь, так и поспишь. 184. As you sow, so shall you reap. Как посеешь, так и пожнешь, Ср. Что посеешь, то и пожнешь. 185. Ask no questions and you will be told no lies. He задавай вопросов, и тебе не будут лгать. Ср. Не лезь в душу. 186. At the ends of the earth. На краю света. Ср. У чёрта на куличках. 187. Bacchus has drowned more men than Neptune. Вакх утопил больше людей, чем Нептун. Смысл: вино погубило больше людей, чем море. Ср. В стакане тонет больше людей, чем в море. Больше людей погибает в вине, нежели в воде. Кто вино любит, тот сам себя губит. 188. Bad news has wings. Дурная весть имеет крылья. cjo. Худая молва на крыльях летит. Худые вести не лежат на месте. 189. Barking does seldom bite. Лающие собаки редко кусают. Ср. Лающая собака реже кусает. Собака, что лает — редко кусает. 190. Be slow to promise and quick to perform. Будь не скор на обещание, а скор на исполнение. Ср. Не дав слова, крепись, а дав слово, держись. Обещай мало — делай много. 191. Be swift to hear, slow to speak. Шибко слушай, да не шибко говори. Ср. Побольше слушай, поменьше говори. 192. Beauty is but skin-deep. Красота всего лишь сверху. Смысл: наружность обманчива; красота недолговечна. Ср. Не с лица воду пить. Красота приглядится, а ум вперед пригодится. 193. Beauty lies in lover's eyes. Красота — в глазах любящего. Ср. Не красивая красива, а любимая. Не по-хорошу мил, а по-милу хорош. 194. Before one can say Jack Robinson. Прежде, чем успеешь сказать “Джек Робинсон”. Ср. Не успеть и глазом моргнуть. 195. Before you make a friend eat a bushel of salt with him. Прежде чем с человеком подружиться, съешь с ним бушель соли. Ср. Не узнавай друга в три дня, узнавай в три года. Человека узнаешь, когда с ним пуд соли съешь. Человека узнаешь, как из семи печек с ним щей похлебаешь. 196. Beggars cannot be choosers. Нищим выбирать не приходится. Ср. Бедному да вору — всякая одежда впору. 197. Believe not all that you see nor half what you hear. He верь всему, что видишь, ни половине того, что люди говорят. Ср. Не все то правда, что люди говорят. 198. Best defence is offence. Нападение — лучший вид защиты. 199. Better a glorious death than a shameful life. Лучше славная смерть, чем постыдная жизнь. Ср. Лучше смерть славная, чем жизнь позорная. Лучше смерть, но смерть со славой, чем бесславных дней позор. 200. Better a lean peace than a fat victory. Ср. Худой мир лучше доброй ссоры (брани. 201. Better a little fire to warm us, than a great one to burn us. Лучше маленький огонь, который нас согреет, чем большой, который нас сожжет. Ср. Хорошего понемножку. 202. Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow. Ср. Лучше яйцо сегодня, чем курица завтра. Не сули бычка, а дай стакан молочка. Не сули журавля в небе, а дай синицу в руки. 203. Better an open enemy than a false friend. Лучше иметь явного врага, чем лицемерного друга. Ср. Не та собака кусает, что лает, а та, что молчит да хвостом виляет. 204. Better be alone than in bad company. Лучше быть одному, чем в плохой компании. Ср. С добрыми дружись, а лукавых сторонись. 205. Better be born lucky than rich. Лучше родиться удачливым, нежели богатым. Ср. Не родись красивой, а родись счастливой. 215 206. Better be envied than pitied. Лучше вызывать в людях зависть, чем жалость. Ср. Лучше жить в зависти, чем в жалости. 207. Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion. Лучше быть головой собаки, чем хвостом льва. Смысл: лучше быть первым среди простых людей, чем последним среди знатных или богатых. Ср. Лучше быть головой кошки, чем хвостом льва. 208. Better deny at once than promise long. Чем все время обещать, лучше сразу отказать. Ср. Не держи посулом, одолжи отказом. Честный отказ лучше затяжки. 209. Better die standing than live kneeling. Ср. Лучше умереть стоя, чем жить на коленях. Лучше смерть славная, чем жизнь позорная. 210. Better early than late. Лучше рано, чем поздно. Ср. Искру туши до пожара. 211. Better give a shilling than lend a half-crown. Лучше подарить шиллинг, чем дать взаймы пол-кроны. (Шиллинг в 2,5 раза меньше пол-кроны), 212. Better go to bed supperless than rise in debt. Лучше ложиться не поужинав, чем вставать в долгу. Ср. Ешь хоть репу вместо ржи, а чужого не держи. 213. Better late than never. Ср. Лучше поздно, чем никогда. 214. Better lose a jest than a friend. Лучше воздержаться от шутки, чем потерять друга. Ср. Не шути с таким ты шуток, кто на всяко слово чуток. Не шути над тем, что дорого другому. 215. Better one-eyed than stone-blind. Лучше кривой, чем совсем слепой. 216. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. Чёрт знакомый лучше чёрта незнакомого. Ср. Известная беда лучше ожидаемой неизвестности. 217. Better the foot slip than the tongue. Ср. Лучше оступиться, чем оговориться. Лучше ногою запнуться, чем языком. 218. Better to do well than to say well. Лучше хорошо поступать, чем хорошо говорить. Ср. Сказано — не доказано, надо сделать. От слова до дела — бабушкина верста. 219. Better to reign in hell, than serve in heaven. Лучше царствовать в аду, чем прислуживать в раю. Ср. Лучше быть в деревне первым, чем в городе последним. 220. Better unborn than untaught. Лучше не родиться, чем неучем жить. 221. Better untaught than ill-taught. Лучше быть необученным, чем плохо обученным. Ср. Недоученный хуже неученого. Полузнание хуже незнания. 222. Between the cup and the lip a morsel may slip. Кусочек может упасть, пока его несешь от чаши ко рту. Ср. Не говори “гоп”, пока не перепрыгнешь. Хвали горку, как перевалишься. 223. Between the devil and the deep (blue) sea. Между дьяволом и синим (глубоким) морем. Ср. Между двух огней. Между молотом и наковальней. 224. Between two evils 'tis not worth choosing. Из двух зол выбирать не стоит. Ср. Хрен редьки не слаще. 225. Between two stools one goes (falls) to the ground. Кто сидит между двумя стульями, легко может упасть. Ср. Хотел сесть на два стула, да и очутился на полу. 226. Between the upper and nether millstone. Между верхним и нижним жерновами. Ср. Между молотом и наковальней. Между двух огней. 227. Betwixt and between. Ср. Серёдка на половинку. Ни то, ни се. 228. Beware of a silent dog and still water. Берегись молчащей собаки и тихой воды. Ср. В тихом омуте черти водятся. Где река глубже, там она шумит меньше. Не бойся собаки брехливой, бойся молчаливой. Тих, да лих; криклив, да отходчив. 229. Bind the sack before it be full. Завяжи мешок прежде, чем он доверху полон. Ср. Во всем надо знать меру. Знай во всем меру. 230. Birds of a feather flock together. Птицы одного оперения собираются вместе. Ср. Масть к масти подбирается. Рыбак рыбака видит издалека. 231. Blind men can judge no colours. Слепые о красках судить не могут. Ср. Слепой курице всё пшеница. 232. Blood is thicker than water. Кровь гуще годы (т. е. узы кровного родства сильнее других уз). Ср. Свой своему поневоле брат. Свой дурак дороже чужого умника. Свое дитя и горбато, да мило. 233. Borrowed garments never fit well. Чужая одежда никогда хорошо не сидит. Ср. Чужая корка рот дерет. Чужая одёжа — не надёжа. 216 234. Brevity is the soul of wit. Краткость —душа остроумия. Ср. Коротко и ясно, оттого и прекрасно. Не то мудрено, что переговорено, а то, что недоговорено. Краткость — сестра таланта. 235. Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse. He сжигай своего, дома, чтобы избавиться от мышей. Ср. Осердясь на блох, да и шубу в печь. 236. Business before pleasure. Сначала дело, потом развлечения. Ср. Делу время, потехе час. Сделай дело, гуляй смело. 237. By doing nothing we learn to do ill. Ничего не делая, мы учимся дурным делам. Ср. Праздность (безделье) — мать всех пороков. На безделье всякая дурь в голову лезет. 238. By hook or by crook. He крюком, так крючком. Ср. Не мытьем, так катаньем. Не скоком, так боком. Всеми правдами и неправдами. 239. By the street of 'by-and-bye' one arrives at the house of 'Never'. По улице “Вот-вот” попадешь в дом “Никогда”. Смысл: мешканьем ничего не добьешься. 240. Calamity is man's true touchstone. Несчастье — лучший пробный камень для человека. Ср. Человек познается в беде. 241. Care killed the cat. Забота убила кошку. Ср. Беды да печали с ног скачали. Не работа старит, а забота. Кручина иссушит и лучину. Морских топит море, а сухопутных — горе. 242. Catch the bear before you sell his skin. Прежде поймай медведя, а потом продавай его шкуру. Ср. Не убив медведя, шкуры не продавай. Не дели шкуру неубитого медведя. 243. Caution is the parent of safety. Осторожность — мать безопасности. Ср. Береженого и бог бережет. 244. Charity begins at home. Милосердие (благотворительность) начинается у себя дома. Ср. Своя рубашка ближе к телу. 245. Cheapest is the dearest. Дешевое дороже всего обходится. Ср. Дешевое доводит до дорогого. Дешево, да гнило, дорого, да мило. Дешевой покупке не радуйся. 246. Cheek brings success. Самоуверенность приносит успех. Ср. Смелость города берет. Успех неразлучен с храбрым. 247. Children and fools must not play with edged tools. Дети и дураки не должны играть острыми инструментами. 248. Children are poor men's riches. Дети — богатство бедняков. Ср. На что и клад, когда дети идут в лад. 249. Choose an author as you choose a friend. Выбирай писателя так, как выбираешь друга. 250. Christmas comes but once a year, (but when it comes it brings good cheer). Рождество раз в год бывает, но когда оно приходит — с собой веселие приносит. Смысл: праздник бывает не каждый день. 251. Circumstances alter cases. Все зависит от обстоятельств. Ср. Наперед не загадывай. 252. Claw me, and I will claw thee. Похвали меня, и я похвалю тебя. Ср. Кукушка хвалит петуха за то, что хвалит он кукушку. Услуга за услугу. Рука руку моет. 253. Cleanliness is next to godliness. Чистоплотность сродни праведности. Ср. Чистота — лучшая красота. 254. Company in distress makes trouble less. Когда есть друзья по несчастью, и несчастье меньше. Ср. На миру и смерть красна. 255. Confession is the first step to repentance. Признание — первый шаг к раскаянию. Ср. Кто сознался, тот покаялся. Признание — сестра покаяния. Повинную голову меч не сечет. 256. Counsel is no command. Совет — не приказание. Ср. Совет в карман не лезет и кармана не трет. 257. Creditors have better memories than debtors. У заимодавцев память лучше, чем у должников. Ср. Долги помнит не тот, кто берет, а кто дает. 258. Cross the stream where it is shallowest. Переходи речку в самом мелком месте. Ср. Не зная броду, не суйся в воду. 259. Crows do not pick crow's eyes. Ср. Ворон ворону глаз не выклюет. 260. Curiosity killed a cat. Любопытство погубило кошку. Смысл: любопытство до добра не доведет. Ср. Много будешь знать — скоро состаришься. Любопытному на базаре нос прищемили. Любопытной Варваре на базаре нос оторвали 217 261. Curses like chickens come home to roost. Проклятия, подобно цыплятам, возвращаются на свой насест. Ср. Не рой другому яму, сам в нее попадешь. Отольются кошке мышкины слезки. 262. Custom is a second nature. Привычка — вторая натура. Трясет козел бороду, так привык смолоду. 263. Custom is the plague of wise men and the idol of fools. Обычай (т. е. соблюдение условностей) — наказание для умных и предмет поклонения для дураков. 264. Cut your coat according to your cloth. При кройке исходи из наличного материала. Ср. По одежке протягивай ножки. 265. Death is the grand leveller. Смерть — великий уравнитель, Ср. Смерть всех равняет. У смерти все равны. Смерть не разбирает чина. И пономарь и владыка в земле равны. 266. Death pays all debts. Смерть платит все долги. Ср. С мертвого и голого ничего не возьмешь. Смерть все примиряет. 267. Death when it comes will have no denial. Когда смерть придет, ей не откажешь. Ср. Смерть не спросит, придет да скосит. От смерти не уйдешь. От смерти не откупишься. 268. Debt is the worst poverty. Долг — худший вид бедности. Ср. Долг есть тягостное бремя — отнимает сон и время. 269. Deeds, not words. Ср. (Нужны) дела, а не слова. 270. Delays are dangerous. Промедление опасно. Ср. Промедление смерти подобно. 271. Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies. Тяжелые болезни должны лечиться сильными средствами. Смысл: при чрезвычайных обстоятельствах нужно принимать чрезвычайные меры. 272. Diligence is the mother of success (good luck). Прилежание— мать успеха (удачи). Ср. Терпенье и труд всё перетрут. 273. Diseases are the interests of pleasures. Болезни — это проценты за полученные удовольствия. Ср. Свою болезнь ищи на дне тарелки. Умеренность — мать здоровья. 274. Divide and rule. Разделяй и властвуй. 275. Do as you would be done by. Поступай так, как хочешь, чтобы с тобой поступали. Ср. Чего себе не хочешь, того другому не делай. Когда хочешь себе добра, то никому не делай зла. Чего себе не желаешь, того и другому не твори. 276. Dog does not eat dog. Собака собаку не ест. Ср. Ворон ворону глаз не выклюет. 277. Dog eats dog. Собака собаку ест. Ср. Человек человеку волк. 278. Dogs that put up many hares kill none. Собаки, которые спугивают много зайцев, ни одного не поймают. Ср. За двумя зайцами погонишься, ни одного не поймаешь. 279. Doing is better than saying. Чем говорить, так лучше делать. Ср. Не спеши языком, торопись делом. 280. Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. He считай цыплят, пока не вылупились. Ср. Цыплят по осени считают. Не считай утят, пока не вылупились. 281. Don't cross the bridges before you come to them. He переходи мостов, пока до них не добрался. Смысл: не создавай себе трудностей заранее. Ср. Наперед не загадывай. Утро вечера мудренее. 282. Don't have thy cloak to make when it begins to rain. He принимайся шить себе плащ, когда начинает идти дождь. Ср. Когда на охоту ехать, тогда и собак кормить. 283. Don't keep a dog and bark yourself. Если держишь собаку, сам не лай. Смысл: не работай за своего подчиненного. Ср. За то собаку кормят, что она лает. 284. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Дареному коню в рот не смотри. Ср. Дареному коню в зубы не смотрят. 285. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. He клади всех яиц в одну корзину (т. е. не рискуй всем, что у тебя есть). Ср. Не ставь всего на одну карту. На один гвоздь всего не вешают. 286. Don't sell the bear's skin before you've caught it. He продавай медвежьей шкуры, не поймав сперва медведя. Ср. Не убив медведя, шкуры не продавай. Медведь в лесу, а шкура продана. 287. Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. He тревожь беды, пока беда сама не потревожит. Ср. Не буди лихо, пока оно тихо. Не вороши беды, коли беда спит. Не ищи беды: 218 беда сама тебя сыщет. Не дразни собаку, она и не укусит. Не хлещи кобылы — и лягать не станет. 288. Don't whistle (halloo) until you are out of the wood. He насвистывай, пока не выбрался из лесу. Ср. Не скажи “гоп”, пока не перепрыгнешь. 289. Dot your i's and cross your t's. Поставь точки над i и черточки на t (т. е. уточни свои слова, договаривай до конца). Ср. Поставить все точки над i. Начал говорить, так договаривай. 290. Draw not your bow till your arrow is fixed. He натягивай лука, пока не приладил стрелу (т. е. не поступай поспешно и неосмотрительно). Ср. Прежде соберись, а потом дерись. 291. Drive the nail that will go. Вбивай гвоздь, который вбивается. Смысл: делай то, что возможно; не пытайся делать невозможное. Ср. Стены лбом не прошибешь. На рожон не лезь. 292. Drunken days have all their tomorrow. У пьяных дней есть свое завтра. Ср. Пьяный скачет, а проспится плачет. 293. Drunkenness reveals what soberness conceals. Ср. Что у трезвого на уме, то у пьяного на языке. Трезвого дума, да пьяного речь. Пьяный — что малый: что на уме, то и на языке. 294. Dumb dogs are dangerous. Молчаливые собаки опасны. Ср. Не бойся собаки брехливой, а бойся молчаливой. В тихом омуте черти водятся. 295. Each bird loves to hear himself sing. Всякая птица себя любит слушать. Ср. Всяк сам себе загляденье. Всяк сам себе хорош. Всякая лиса свой хвост хвалит. Гречневая каша сама себя хвалит. 296. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Ср. Кто рано ложится и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживет. 297. Easier said than done. Легче сказать, чем сделать. Ср. Легко сказка сказывается, да не легко дело делается. Сказано — не доказано, надо сделать. 298. East or West — home is best. Восток ли, запад ли, а дома лучше всего. Ср. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. Свой уголок хоть боком пролезть — всё лучше. 299. Easy come, easy go. Ср. Легко добыто — легко и прожито. Пришло махом — ушло прахом. Что без труда наживается, легко проживается. Тема "СЕМЬЯ" THE FAMILY There is no place like home. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. East or West home is best. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. All for one, one for all. Один за всех и все за одного. A man's home is his castle. Мой дом - моя крепость. Тема "ПРОФЕССИИ" PROFESSIONS The workman is known by his name. Сделал дело - гуляй смело. Actions speak louder than words. Поступки говорят громче слов. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Не откладывай на завтра, то что можно сделать сегодня. A cat in gloves catches no mice. Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда. Тема "МОЙ ДЕНЬ" MY DAY Business before pleasure. Сделал дело - гуляй смело. The early bird catches the worm. 219 Кто рано встаёт - тому Бог подаёт. You can think better after a night sleep. Утро вечера мудренее. The first wealth is health. Здоровье - главное богатство. Тема "ЕДА" FOOD Hungry as a hunter. Голоден как волк. You cannot eat your cake and have it. Один пирог два раза не съешь. An apple a day keeps a doctor away. Кушай по яблочку в день и доктор не понадобится. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Обед узнают по кушанью, а ум по слушанью. Half a loaf is better than no bread. На безрыбье и рак - рыба. Tastes differ. О вкусах не спорят. Twinkle, twinkle little star! How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Our team’s name is stars. There are many stars on the sky; There are many stars in the world; But there are no stars as we any where Now we are small stars, but we very like English Soon we will learn English and we will become very well great stars. The big kick by Beverley Randell Dad kicked the ball, up, up, up. "Oh!" shouted Dad. "Oh!" shouted Tom. Tom and Dad looked for the ball. Tom and Dad looked and looked. Tom and Dad looked and looked and looked. Tom looked up. "I can see the ball, up in the tree," said Tom. "Look at me, up in the tree," said Tom. "Here you are, Dad," said Tom. "Here is the ball." 220 "Good night!" ("Спокойной ночи"), "Lullaby" ("Баю-бай"). "Good night!" Good night, Mummy! Good night, Daddy! Kiss your little son. Good night, Granny! Good night, sister! Good night every one. "Спокойной ночи" Спокойной ночи, мамуля! Спокойной ночи папа! Поцелуйте своего маленького сына Спокойной ночи бабуля! Спокойной ночи сестра! Спокойной ночи всем. "Lullaby" "Баю-бай" It is bedtimeПора спать Let’s go to bed. Пойдем спать. Your cozy bed is waiting for you. Твоя удобная кроватка ждет тебя. Put on your pajamas. Одевай свою пижамку. I’ll tuck you in blanket. Я укрою тебя одеялом. You look tired. Ты выглядишь усталым. You need some rest. Тебе нужно отдохнуть I’ll tell you a bed tame story. Я расскажу тебе сказку на ночь. Close your eyes. Закрывай глаза. Let’s turn on our night-light. Давай включим наш ночник. Good night! Спокойной ночи Frank, the Frog Collector I'm Frank, the frog collector, and I'm happy to report my collection's nearly finished; I have frogs of every sort. I record them in my journal so that every single frog is accounted for completely with an entry in my log. I have hundreds, maybe thousands of amphibians at home. I have frogs of quilted fabric. I have frogs of gleaming chrome. I have frogs of painted porcelain, and frogs of brass and tin. I have frogs you open up to find another frog within. There are small magnetic tree frogs clinging gently to the fridge and Louisiana bullfrogs on a plastic bayou bridge. 221 I have frogs on ancient bicycles with shiny silver bells. I have frogs proposing marriage to their froggy mademoiselles. You'll see frogs ascending ladders. You'll see frogs descending stairs, yes, and frogs reclining dreamily in comfy leather chairs. I have frogs with pink umbrellas. I have frogs engrossed in books. Even frogs that dangle fishing poles in nonexistant brooks. My abode is filled with frogs from top to bottom, front to back. There are frogs in every corner, every crevice, every crack. There is only one that's missing; just one blank space in my log. So I'm begging, mom and dad, can I please have a REAL frog? Kenn Nesbitt Boys and girls come out to play Boys and girls come out to play, The moon doth* shine as bright as day, Leave your supper, and leave your sleep, And come with your playfellows into the street. Come with a whoop, come with a call, Come with a good will, or not at all. Up the ladder and down the wall, A halfpenny loaf will serve us all. You find milk, and I'll find flour, And we'll have pudding within the hour. * doth устаревшая форма глагола do в 3-м лице ед. числа настоящего времени Hark, hark, the dogs do bark Hark, hark, the dogs do bark, The beggars are coming to town Some in rags, and some in jags, And some in velvet gowns. Humpty Dumpty (Шалтай-Болтай) Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again! 222 If all the world were paper If all the world were paper, And all the sea were ink, If all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink? Jack and Jill Jack and Jill went up the hill The fetch a pail of water; Jack feel down and broke his crown, And Jill came tumbling after. Up got Jack and home did he trot, As fast as he could caper; Went to bed and bound his head, With vinegar and brown paper. When Jill came in how she did grin To see Jack's paper plaster; Mother vexed, did whip her next; For causing Jack's disaster. Jack-a-Nory I'll tell you a story About Jack-a-Nory, And now my story's begun; I'll tell you another, About Jack and his brother, And now my story is done. The Jumblies They went to sea in a Sieve, they did, In a Sieve they went to sea; In spite of all their friends could say, On a winter's morn, on a stormy day, In a Sieve they went to sea! And when the Sieve turned round and round, And everyone cried, 'You'll all be drowned!' They called aloud, 'Our Sieve ain't big, But we don't care a button! we don't care a fig! In a Sieve we'll go to sea!' Far and few, far and few, Are the lands where the Jumblies live; Their heads are green, and their hands are blue, And they went to sea in a Sieve. They sailed away in a Sieve, they did, In a Sieve they sailed so fast, With only a beautiful pea-green veil Tied with a riband by way of a sail, To a small tobacco-pipe mast; 223 And everyone said, who saw them go, 'O won't they be soon upset, you know! For the sky is dark, and the voyage is long, And happen what may, it's extremely wrong In a Sieve to sail so fast!' Far and few, far and few, Are the lands where the Jumblies live; Their heads are green, and their hands are blue, And they went to sea in a Sieve. The water it soon came in, it did, The water it soon came in; So to keep them dry, they wrapped their feet In a pinky paper all folded neat, And they fastened it down with a pin. And they passed the night in a crockery-jar, And each of them said, 'How wise we are! Though the sky be dark, and the voyage be long, Yet we never can think we were rash or wrong, While round in our Sieve we spin!' Far and few, far and few, Are the lands where the Jumblies live; Their heads are green, and their hands are blue, And they went to sea in a Sieve. And all night long they sailed away; And when the sun went down, They whistled and warbled a moony song To the echoing sound of a coppery gong, In the shade of the mountains brown. 'O Timballoo! How happy we are, When we live in a sieve and a crockery-jar, And all night long in the moonlight pale, We sail away with a pea-green sail, In the shade of the mountains brown!' Far and few, far and few, Are the lands where the Jumblies live; Their heads are green, and their hands are blue, And they went to sea in a Sieve. They sailed to the Western Sea, they did, To a land all covered with trees, And they bought an Owl, and a useful Cart, And a pound of Rice, and a Cranberry Tart, And a hive of silvery Bees. And they bought a Pig, and some green Jackdaws, And a lovely Monkey with lollipop paws, And forty bottles of Ring-Bo-Ree, And no end of Stilton Cheese. Far and few, far and few, Are the lands where the Jumblies live; Their heads are green, and their hands are blue, And they went to sea in a Sieve. And in twenty years they all came back, In twenty years or more, And everyone said, 'How tall they've grown! For they've been to the Lakes, and the Torrible Zone, And the hills of the Chankly Bore!' 224 Far and few, far and few, Are the lands where the Jumblies live; Their heads are green, and their hands are blue, And they went to sea in a Sieve. The Courtship Of the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo On the Coast of Coromandel Where the early pumpkins blow, In the middle of the woods Lived the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo. Two old chairs, and half a candle,One old jug without a handle,These were all his worldly goods: In the middle of the woods, These were all the worldly goods, Of the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo, Of the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo. Once, among the Bong-trees walking Where the early pumpkins blow, To a little heap of stones Came the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo. There he heard a Lady talking, To some milk-white Hens of Dorking,'Tis the Lady Jingly Jones! On that little heap of stones Sits the Lady Jingly Jones!' Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo, Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo. 'Lady Jingly! Lady Jingly! Sitting where the pumpkins blow, Will you come and be my wife?' Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo. 'I am tired of living singly,On this coast so wild and shingly,I'm a-weary of my life: If you'll come and be my wife, Quite serene would be my life!' Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo, Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo. 'On this Coast of Coromandel, Shrimps and watercresses grow, Prawns are plentiful and cheap,' Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo. 'You shall have my Chairs and candle, And my jug without a handle!Gaze upon the rolling deep (Fish is plentiful and cheap) As the sea, my love is deep!' Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo, Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo. Lady Jingly answered sadly, 225 And her tears began to flow,'Your proposal comes too late, Mr Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo! I would be your wife most gladly!' (Here she twirled her fingers madly,) 'But in England I've a mate! Yes! you've asked me far too late, For in England I've a mate, Mr Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo! Mr Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo!' 'Mr Jones-(his name is Handel,Handel Jones, Esquire, & Co) Dorking fowls delights to send, Mr Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo! Keep, oh! keep your chairs and candle, And your jug without a handle, I can merely be your friend! -Should my Jones more Dorkings send, I will give you three, my friend! Mr Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo! Mr Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo! Though you've such a tiny body, And your head so large doth grow,Though your hat may blow away, Mr Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo! Though you're such a Hoddy DoddyYet I wish that I could modify the words I needs must say! Will you please to go away? That is all I have to sayMr Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo! Mr Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo!' Down the slippery slopes of Myrtle, Where the early pumpkins blow, To the calm and silent sea Fled the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo. There, beyond the Bay of Gurtle, Lay a large and lively Turtle;'You're the Cove,' he said, 'for me On your back beyond the sea, Turtle, you shall carry me!' Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo, Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo. Through the silent-roaring ocean Did the Turtle swiftly go; Holding fast upon his shell Rode the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo. With a sad primaeval motion Towards the sunset isles of Boshen Still the Turtle bore him well. Holding fast upon his shell, 226 'Lady Jingly Jones, farewell!' Sang the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo. Sang the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo. From the Coast of Coromandel, Did that Lady never go; On that heap of stones she mourns For the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo. On that Coast of Coromandel, In his jug without a handle Still she weeps and daily moans; On that little heap of stones To her Dorking Hens she moans, For the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo, For the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo. The Pobble who has no toes The Pobble who has no toes Had once as many as we; When they said, 'Some day you may lose them all' He replied, 'Fish fiddle de-dee! 'And his Aunt Jobiska made him drink, Lavender water tinged with pink, For she said, 'The World in general knows There's nothing so good for a Pobble's toes!' The Pobble who has no toes, Swam across the Bristol Channel; But before he set out he wrapped his nose, In a piece of scarlet flannel. For his Aunt Jobiska said, 'No harm Can come to his toes if his nose is warm; And it's perfectly known that a Pobble's toes Are safe-provided he minds his nose.' The Pobble swam fast and well And when boats or ships came near him He tinkledy-binkledy-winkled a bell So that all the world could hear him. And all the Sailors and Admirals cried, When they saw him nearing the further side'He has gone to fish, for his Aunt Jobiska's Runcible Cat with crimson whiskers!' But before he touched the shore, The shore of the Bristol Channel, A sea-green Porpoise carried away His wrapper of scarlet flannel. And when he came to observe his feet Formerly garnished with toes so neat His face at once became forlorn On perceiving that all his toes were gone! And nobody ever knew 227 From that dark day to the present, Whoso had taken the Pobble's toes, In a manner so far from pleasant. Whether the shrimps or crawfish grey, Or crafty Mermaids stole them awayNobody; and nobody knows How the Pobble was robbed of his twice five toes! The Pobble who has no toes Was placed in a friendly Bark, And they rowed him back, and carried him up, To his Aunt Jobiska's Park. And she made him a feast at his earnest wish Of eggs and buttercups fried with fish And she said, 'It's a fact the whole world knows, That Pobbles are happier without their toes! The Quangle Wangle's hat On top of the Crumpetty Tree The Quangle Wangle sat, But his face you could not see, On account of his Beaver Hat. For his Hat was a hundred and two feet wide, With ribbons and bibbons on every side, And bells, and buttons, and loops, and lace, So that nobody ever could see the face Of the Quangle Wangle Quee. The Quangle Wangle said To himself on the Crumpetty Tree, 'Jam, and jelly, and bread Are the best of food for me! But the longer I live on this Crumpetty Tree The plainer than ever it seems to me That very few people come this way And that life on the whole is far from gay!' Said the Quangle Wangle Quee. But there came to the Crumpetty Tree Mr and Mrs Canary; And they said, 'Did you ever see Any spot so charmingly airy? May we build a nest on your lovely Hat? Mr Quangle Wangle, grant us that! Oh, please let us come and build a nest, Of whatever material suits you best, Mr Quangle Wangle Quee!' And besides, to the Crumpetty Tree Came the Stork, the Duck, and the Owl; The Snail and the Bumble Bee, The Frog and the Fimble Fowl (The Fimble Fowl, with a corkscrew leg); And all of them said, 'We humbly beg 228 We may build our homes on your lovely HatMr Quangle Wangle, grant us that! Mr Quangle Wangle Quee!' And the Golden Grouse came there, And the Pobble who has no toes, And the small Olympian Bear, And the Dong with a luminous nose. And the Blue Baboon who played the flute, And the Orient Calf from the Land of Tute, And the Attery Squash, and the Bisky BatAll came and built on the lovely Hat Of the Quangle Wangle Quee! And the Quangle Wangle said To himself on the Crumpetty Tree, 'When all these creatures move What a wonderful noise there'll be!' And at night by the light of the Mulberry Moon They danced to the Flute of the Blue Baboon, On the broad green leaves of the Crumpetty Tree, And all were as happy as happy could be, With the Quangle Wangle Quee. London Bridge London Bridge has fallen down, Fallen down, fallen down, London Bridge has fallen down, My fair Lady. Build it up with wood and clay, Wood and clay, wood and clay, Build it up with wood and clay, My fair Lady. Wood and clay will wash away, Wash away, wash away, Wood and clay will wash away, My fair Lady. Build it up with bricks and mortar, Bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar, Build it up with bricks and mortar, My fair Lady. Bricks and mortar will not stay, Will not stay, will not stay, Bricks and mortar will not stay, My fair Lady. Build it up with iron and steel, Iron and steel, iron and steel, Build it up with iron and steel, My fair Lady. 229 Iron and steel will bend and bow, Bend and bow, bend and bow, Iron and steel will bend and bow, My fair Lady. Build it up with silver and gold, Silver and gold, silver and gold, Build it up with silver and gold, My fair Lady. Silver and gold will be stolen away, Stolen away, stolen away, Silver and gold will be stolen away, My fair Lady. Set a man to watch all nigh, Watch all night, watch all night, Set a man to watch all night, My fair Lady. Suppose the man should fall asleep, Fall asleep, fall asleep, Suppose the man should fall asleep? My fair Lady. Give him a pipe to smoke all night, Smoke all night, smoke all night, Give him a pipe to smoke all night, My fair Lady. There was a little girl There was a little girl Who had a little curl Right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, She was very very good But when she was bad She was horrid There was a crooked man There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile. He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile. He had a crooked cat which caught a crooked mouse And they all lived together in a little crooked house. Do it Pick up, put down, stand up, turn round Clap left, clap right, clap up, clap down. Look left, look right, look up, look down. Turn round, sit down, touch something …brown! Point to your teacher, point to the door, 230 Look at the window, look at the floor, Stand on your left leg, stand on your right. Now sit down, touch something…white. Put your hands and touch your toes. Cross your fingers, hold your nose. Bend your knees and shake your head, Stamp your feet, touch something…red. Head and shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes, knees and toes; Head and shoulders, knees and toes, Eyes, ears, mouth and nose. I like I like comics, I like hats. I like biscuits, trees and cats. I don't like spider, I don't like cheese. I don't like rats or big yellow bees. I like To Skip I like to skip, I like to jump, I like to run about, I like to play, I like to sing, I like to laugh and shout. My House Let's go to my house. Let's go today. I'll show you all the rooms Where we work and play. Here is the kitchen Where Mother cooks for me. Here is the living room Where I watch TV. Here is the dining room. We eat here every day. And this room is my room Where I sleep and play. The Toy Shop I can see balls and bats and cars. I can see boats and planes. I can see carts, skipping ropes, dolls. I can see ships and trains. I can see games and tops and lorries. 231 I can see bear and bikes. I can see swings and slides and skates. I can see drums and kites. Of all the toys I can see, I want one for me! What Are Little Boys Made of? What are little boys made of? What are little boys made of? Frogs and snails, And puppy-dogs' tails; That's what little boys are made of. What are little girls made of? What are little girls made of? Sugar and spice, and all that's nice; That's what little girls are made of. What Are Little Girls Made of? What are little boys made of? What are little boys made of? Frogs and snails, And puppy-dogs' tails; That's what little boys are made of. What are little girls made of? What are little girls made of? Sugar and spice, and all that's nice; That's what little girls are made of. Can You Tell Me Can you tell me, Can you tell me, What little boys do? They run and jump. They run and jump, So I will jump too. Can you tell me, Can you tell me, What little girls do? They dance and skip, They dance and skip, So I will skip too. Can you tell me, Can you tell me, What little soldiers do? They fight and march, 232 They fight and march, So I will march too. Can you tell me, Can you tell me, What little people do? They play and work, They play and work, So I will work too. Can you tell me, Can you tell me, What little babies do? They eat and sleep, They eat and sleep, So I will sleep too. I'm a Brand new Daddy I'm a brand new daddy, Proud as I can be Of this little darling Right in front of me. You're so different from the rest. Daddy knows that he's been blessed With the very, very best Wonder in the world. Daddy will be here Everything to both of us is so new. As you learn about the world I learn about you, There's no need to fear. Daddy will be here, And I'll love and care for you Through the years. An Irish Blessing May the road rise up to meet you; May the wind be always at your back; May the rains fall soft upon your fields; And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of his hand. The Mistletoe Mommy, Daddy, Quick! Let's go And stand Beneath The mistletoe. 233 You kiss me and I'll kiss you, Here comes Sister, kiss her too. Mommy, Daddy, Quick! Let's go And stand Beneath The mistletoe. Green Jeans He's wearing green jeans and a bright green shirt. She's wearing a long green sweater and a short green skirt. He's got an apple for the teacher in a little green box. He's wearing big green sneakers with his big green socks. She's wearing little green gloves and a big green hat. She's got a kelly green ribbon on her kelly green cat. They're eating green popcorn. Hooray! Today's St. Patrick's Day! *** *** Fly, little bird, fly! Fly into the blue sky! One, two, three, You are free! *** My cat is fat, My cat is black. My cat likes rats, Thin and fat. Стихи на английском для детей (продолжение) *** Sleep, baby, sleep, Our cottage vale is deep; A little lamb is on the green, With woolly fleece so sort and clean Sleep, baby. sleep. *** Round and round the garden Like a teddy bear; One step, two step, Tickle you under there! *** Row, row, row the boat Gently down the streem, Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream. 234 *** One, two, three, four, five, Once I caught a fish alive, Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Then I let it go again. *** I have a pig, Not very little, not very big, Not very pink,not very green, Not very dirty, not very clean. *** Good night, good night, My little child. Wake up gay and bright In the morning light. *** My rabbit hops, My hourse clops, My mouse creeps, My puppy leaps. *** What a happy day today! Boys and girls are very gay! They dance and play. What a happy,happy day! *** Cock is happy, Fox is sad. Cat is pretty, Wolf is bed. *** Bye, baby bunting, Daddy`s gone a-hunting, Gode to get a rabbit skin To wrap the baby bunting in. Week Monday's child is nice and slow Tuesday's child is go, go, go Wednesday's child is very funny Thursday's child is happy and sunny Friday's child is like a king Saturday's child can dance and sing Sunday's childe can stand on her head And count the ghosts under her bed! 235