Recruitment and selection policy Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Introduction Equal opportunities Race equality scheme Training Roles and responsibilities Types of employment Recruitment schedule Vacancy Recruitment processes Advertising methods Advertising schedules Advert copy Application Equal opportunities monitoring Disabled candidates Late applications Selection panel formation Short-listing Interviews Selection process Interview outcomes Internal candidates Conditional offer letter Pre-employment checks Formal offer Eligibility list Travel expenses Data protection Relocation costs 3 3 3 4 4 5 7 7 9 10 13 13 15 15 15 15 16 17 17 19 19 21 21 22 23 23 24 25 25 2 1 Introduction Recruitment and selection is the process of sourcing and selecting the best candidate for a vacancy through a structured and open assessment process. Arts Council England recognises that people are the key to the success of the organisation and we aim to recruit diverse, talented, informed and creative people who are focussed on delivering our agenda for the arts. This policy sets out our agreed recruitment process. Ideally, the recruitment process should take no longer than seven weeks from date of advertisement to formal employment offer. The recruitment and selection process is outlined in the flow chart in Appendix 1. 2 Equal opportunities We are committed to providing equal opportunities in our recruitment and selection practices. All aspects of the recruitment process should be in accordance with the equal opportunities policy. Please see our equal opportunities in employment statement (Appendix 2) for further information. 3 Race equality scheme In order for Arts Council England to be truly representative of the society we serve, efforts need to be made to ensure that recruitment and selection mechanisms are used to their full potential to bring results across the organisation. All aspects of the recruitment process should be in accordance with the race equality scheme. For further information see the race equality scheme. 3.1 Specific action We will: ensure that we are able to attract a wide pool of talented candidates from diverse groups and communities, eg through advertisements for vacancies placed within media and other sources of information appropriate to the target groups provide training for interview panels in understanding cultural differences in presentation style and interviewing by job applicants 3 ‘equality-proof’ recruitment and selection process, e.g. ensuring that person specifications do not include unnecessary requirements launch an organisation-wide positive action programme, aimed at the underrepresented target groups facilitate the creation and maintenance of dedicated staff networks, covering ethnic minority groups, staff with disabilities, carers, etc offer general pre-interview training and preparation as part of our corporate training plan make reasonable adjustments in relation to employment so that policies and practices do not discriminate against under-represented groups encourage job applications from the target groups and operate within appropriate positive action schemes, eg guaranteed interview schemes for people with disabilities, pre-employment training for all staff, etc ensure that all our employee recruitment practices and policies are in line with Arts Council England’s Race and Disability Equality Scheme and other relevant diversity initiatives 4 Training We are committed to providing recruitment and selection skills to all Arts Council panel members to ensure a professional, fair and effective recruitment process. All internal panel members should have undertaken Arts Council England’s recruitment and selection training. Information and e-learning guidance is currently available through the Learning and Development studio. 5 Roles and responsibilities The practical application of the recruitment and selection policy is the responsibility of all Arts Council staff. The line manager is responsible for starting the recruitment process for posts under their supervision, ensuring that the recruitment process is managed effectively and in line with Arts Council England’s employment policies, legal requirements and good employment practice. The HR service will provide recruitment advice and support as follows: 4 HR Partners to provide recruitment advice and support to the local office developing and providing advice on job descriptions and person specifications developing local resourcing strategies for difficult to fill vacancies in relation to temporary recruitment solutions HR Service Centre co-ordinating all recruitment campaigns (internal and external) and the budgets associated with this recruitment. advertising all vacant posts, through external media or internally, via One Place in consultation with the line manager, developing diversity-focussed, costeffective recruitment programmes for posts managing the national recruitment budget, which includes the placement of national advertisements in consultation with local offices. 6 Types of employment 6.1 Permanent and Fixed term contracts over 12 months All permanent posts and fixed term contracts of over 12 months are advertised externally to ensure open competition to recruit the best available candidate and the promotion of diversity. If a fixed term post that was originally advertised externally becomes permanent then the post holder can be confirmed in post and an employment contract issued. When an existing member of staff applies for, and accepts, an offer of a fixed term contract for an Arts Council England post that is over 12 months in length they may be asked to give up their rights to return to their substantive post. Please refer to the Job Security policy. 6.2 Fixed term contracts up to 12 months A fixed-term contract (FTC) may arise out of a need to fill a permanent post on a temporary basis, such as maternity, sabbatical or long-term sick leave, or be a temporary addition to the existing staff structure, (this could be a post funded for a short time, from managed funds). In order to give our staff the opportunity to develop their skills and careers and to minimise the resources spent on administering and managing a recruitment 5 process then all posts of less than 12 months are advertised internally in the first instance. To be eligible to apply for an internally advertised post, internal candidates must have completed their probationary period. If a fixed term post becomes permanent and it had originally only been advertised internally then the post must be advertised again through external recruitment. The seconded post holder is able to apply through an open external recruitment process. The Temporary staff resourcing policy provides more information on recruiting to vacancies of up to 12 months and how these posts can be resourced. 6.3 Job share In line with our commitment to being a flexible, equal opportunities and family friendly employer, job share working arrangements should be considered as an alternative to a one full-time post for all appropriate positions. Job share applications for a full-time position will usually need to cover the whole post, for example two candidates can apply for a full-time post on a job share basis. 6.4 Secondments Where applicants are applying for an Arts Council England vacancy as a secondment from another employer, this should be discussed with the relevant line manager and HR Partner. Should a vacancy be filled in this way, then a formal secondment agreement needs to be agreed between the individual, their current employer and Arts Council England. This agreement will cover salary, terms and conditions of the secondment and other relevant information. Employment cannot commence until this agreement is in place. Please refer to the Temporary staff resourcing policy or section 6.1 for existing staff applying for a secondment within the Arts Council. The process for agreeing an existing member of staff to be seconded to an external organisation are outlined in the Learning and Development policy. 6 6.5 Joint funded posts Fixed-term posts funded in partnership with external bodies, which are outside of the staffing establishment, should have their full costs (including recruitment costs) met from non-admin budget funds apportioned as appropriate with the external body. HR Service Centre recruitment budget will not meet the recruitment costs such for posts. Where possible and where Arts Council England is not the employer, jointlyfunded posts will be encouraged to apply Arts Council England’s recruitment and selection policy, where appropriate. When establishing a joint funded post, the line manager should refer to their HR Partner for advice on the job description, recruitment and salary costs as well as the recruitment process. Any managed funds or other temporary funds bid needs to include the salary related costs (such as 35% on-costs and any applicable redundancy payments) and associated recruitment costs. 7 Recruitment schedule Recruitment can be a timely and costly exercise, especially if a wrong decision is made. To minimise the risk of an unsuccessful recruitment campaign, some time should be taken in planning and scheduling the recruitment of a vacancy. Things to consider: forward planning of short list and interview dates and locations availability of panel for short listing and interviews (consideration of annual leave) handover between current and newly appointed staff notice period for successful candidate (up to three months) external assessment processes time of year (e.g. try to avoid advertising vacancies during December/August) 8 Vacancy Vacancies can arise from a variety of situations such as: resignation or retirement newly created position (please refer to the change in staff structure policy) temporary cover (e.g. maternity leave, adoption leave etc) 7 change of hours, role or working pattern Often positions change over time with new technology, changing business needs and other external factors. When a position becomes vacant, the job description and person specification should be reviewed prior to recruiting to a vacancy to ensure that these documents are accurate and reflect current business needs. In reviewing the vacant post, there are things to consider: has the post’s level of responsibility increased or decreased? has the post’s duties changed significantly? is the person specification/behaviour specification accurate? is the post is still required? 8.1 Job Descriptions and Person Specifications Should the vacancy arise from a newly created post or the changes to an existing job description be significant, the relevant HR Partner will make an assessment whether or not the job needs to go through a formal job evaluation process to ensure consistency to the structure. Please refer to the Job Evaluation process for further information. The job description and person specification form the foundation of the recruitment process and it is vital that these documents are accurate before commencing the recruitment of a post. The job description document is used to attract candidates to a post so it is important that it is accurate, succinct and captures the key elements of the role. Generally when reviewing job descriptions: don’t specify the length of experience required, in terms of years or months, as this maybe in breach of age discrimination legislation consider the number of essential criteria, as these will be used for short listing. Be specific about what is required. As applicants are asked to complete the application form using these criteria, this could lead to lengthy application forms. consider why something is desirable but not essential – so is it needed at all? ensure all criteria are relevant to the post and can be justified Appendix 3 shows Job Description templates. All job descriptions should be within house style guidelines. 8 9 Recruitment processes All recruitment is handled by the HR Service Centre and would usually be dealt with by local or national recruitment campaigns. Local campaigns could include regional based websites, mailing lists and regional press (if appropriate). National campaigns would cover more senior posts that require a broader recruitment campaign to fill the post. These campaigns would include national press, websites and other attraction methods. The HR Service Centre will administer all campaigns, in consultation with the line manager, and if appropriate the relevant HR Business Partner. 9.1 Authorisation Only posts that are agreed as part of the current organisational structure do not require any further authorisation before recruitment begins. All other posts, including new/amended permanent, fixed-term and jointly funded posts must be approved through the process for making changes to staff structure to the organisation. Information on the process for making changes to the staff structure of the organisation is available on One Place. Only permanent posts in the organisational structure can be advertised on a permanent basis. 9.2 The recruitment campaign The line manager, in conjunction with the HR Service Centre and in some cases their relevant HR Partner, is responsible for the development of a recruitment campaign. A recruitment programme outlines: job particulars preferred advertising media (see ‘Advertising methods’ below) recruitment timetable (including interview dates and assessment process if applicable) The HR Service Centre will consider the proposal in relation to the recruitment budget, the national recruitment advertising schedule and Arts Council house style 9 guidelines. It may be that the recruitment programme needs to be adjusted in consideration of these factors. The HR Service Centre will place all advertising, through consultation with Arts Council England’s agreed recruitment advertising agency, who will provide additional media advice, where appropriate. 9.3 Recruitment budgets The HR Service Centre manages the national recruitment budget. This is intended to meet the costs of: all recruitment advertising (regional or national media) subscriptions to jobsites (regional or national) assessment centre costs maintenance and development of the e-recruitment site travel and subsistence costs processed by the HR Service Centre. (local budgets exist for this for claims processed by regional offices) Salary savings may be utilised to supplement the advertising budget for a particular post if required The table below is a guide to recruitment advert expenditure and should be used in conjunction with the recruitment and selection policy. Level Executive director/director (levels 1 and 2) Levels 3 to 6 Available funds Up to 15–20% of base salary Up to 10–15% of base salary 10 Advertising methods Advertising can be very expensive and alternate media and methods of advertising and promoting vacancies should be considered in each instance. Arts Council England has appointed a recruitment agency to work with us on our recruitment advertising and employer branding. It is important that we have a unified and consistent approach to all our advertising and employment branding which promotes the organisation in a creative way, on brand and on message. 10 The agency will work with Arts Council England on: providing media advice. Advertising can be very expensive and alternate media and methods of advertising and promoting vacancies should be considered in each instance. The agency will provide media advice on a job-by-job basis. advertisement production. From basic amends to pre-agreed formats and setting new adverts HR will work with the agency on advert production. setting and placing adverts. To ensure that Arts Council England benefits from competitive advertising rates all print media will be placed through the recruitment advertising agency. new creative concepts. Which will be led by the Head of Employee Engagement in conjunction with the Service Centre and be applicable for specific recruitment campaigns. In addition the HR Service Centre will provide periodic information on sources of candidate attraction to inform overall advertising strategies. Information specific to a previous vacancy can be requested by a line manager to help inform an advertising strategy. Vacancies Level 5-6 Generally we would not advertise these posts in press media but use alternative media, such as our own and other websites etc. Vacancies Level 4 and above Advice should be sought from our recruitment advertising agency as to where to advertise the post. In addition to websites, generally we would advertise posts at level 4 and above in national press. This may result in a composite advert. Vacancies of up to 12 months – all levels Only if internal recruitment campaigns prove unsuccessful would we advertise these posts to an external market. In these instances press advertising should be avoided, and alternative media, such as websites and mailing lists should be used. Please refer to the Temporary staff resourcing policy. 10.1 Internet advertising The recruitment world is rapidly changing and as a 21st century organisation we need to make best use of the Internet as an advertising medium. 11 Not only is it cost effective, but also underpins our commitment to attracting a diverse and talented workforce, by being accessible to a range of audiences. All posts are advertised on the Arts Council recruitment site. This is both to advertise posts and as the primary application method. To complement our own site we will consult our recruitment advertising agency for web based advertising solutions that are specific to a vacancy or raise awareness of Arts Council England as a recruiter (i.e. banners or buttons on external sites). 10.2 Press advertising Traditionally we have used The Guardian as our main advertising media. While in some instances this is the most appropriate resource, this is not always the case and ‘trade’ press, such as specialist publications for professional roles maybe more appropriate. As above, national press should only be considered for posts Level 4 or above. Level 5 posts maybe considered for national press only in exceptional circumstances. 10.2.1 Teaser adverts Teaser style adverts are smaller and include copy detailing the position title, reference number, salary, location, closing date and contact details, and brief details about the position. These style adverts used to direct readers to the Arts Council England website for further information and to apply. Teaser adverts are very cost effective and should be used in conjunction with web advertising in recruiting for popular posts. 10.2.2 Single vs. composite adverts To ensure that Arts Council England is presented as one organisation, positions should be advertised, where possible, in a composite advert with other vacancies. Composite adverts should be limited in the number of posts that they advertise to balance presentation with cost effectiveness. 10.3 Mailing lists Mailing lists can be used to target specific audiences. This is particularly useful for regional posts. The region would usually hold these mailing lists from existing 12 data and it would be the decision of the line manager if they wanted to circulate information on a particular vacancy. 11. Advertising schedules The timing of the advert placement can be as important as the content of the advert, with a badly timed advert proving to be very costly. Not only will the advert attract fewer applicants, there are likely to be problems in arranging interviews for candidates and panel members alike. In considering this usually: there will be no national advertising during August there will be no national advertising three weeks before or the first week after Christmas national advertising will not be placed on a bank holiday weekend 12 Advert copy The job advertisement is often the first contact a candidate will have with Arts Council England. It is therefore vital that the Arts Council is represented in a consistent and professional manner. 12.1 Press advertising The aim of all our advertising is to attract quality rather than quantity, with an emphasis on cost effectiveness. The purpose of advert should provide brief details of the post and direct the reader to the Arts Council England recruitment site. The advert copy should aim to be approximately 2 sentences per post and the advert should also include: our logo title of position reference number for post salary details term of employment (fixed-term, job share, part-time) location contact details (email, website) closing date (two weeks from last advertised date) equal opportunities statement: 13 ‘We proudly promote cultural diversity and equal opportunities for all’ relevant accreditations, e.g. Positive About Disabled People, Investors in People, Stonewall Diversity Champion (Agreed recruitment advertising templates are held by the HR Service Centre and our appointed agency). The advertisement will follow house style guidelines, which outlines the approach to be taken in all Arts Council England correspondence, including recruitment. As the advert copy used in the press is a very brief description of the role, more text should be added on the job description on the website to provide more information. 12.2 Website copy Our e-recruitment website is a very important tool in our recruitment in attracting and processing candidate applications. It is vital that the Arts Council site displays vacancies in a professional and consistent way. Appendix 4 shows how we should style text on our site. The description of the role should only contain information relevant to the post, other generic information is available elsewhere within the recruitment site. 12.3 Advertising copy For posts advertised in the press, our recruitment advertising agency will take a brief from the line manager. They will submit copy, which will be agreed by the HR Service Centre in conjunction with the line manager. This copy will also be used in website advertising of the role. For posts advertised online only the Service Centre will draft copy, in line with House Style guidelines and suggested copy templates. These have been devised by our recruitment advertising agency. The line manager will then agree the copy. 14 13 Application The HR Service Centre will upload all posts on our e-recruitment system. They will arrange to send alternative format application forms to candidates when requested. 14 Equal opportunities monitoring All candidates are requested to complete an equal opportunities monitoring questionnaire as part of their application. Equal opportunities information is collated by the HR Service Centre and available only for reporting and statistical purposes. It is used in monitoring Arts Council England’s performance against the organisations diversity goals. All equal opportunities information is treated with the strictest confidentiality and we will abide by all the requirements under the Data Protection Act. 15 Disabled candidates We are committed to interviewing all disabled candidates who meet the minimum selection criteria. Candidates who wish to be considered under this initiative will have the option to do so on their application form (separate to the equal opportunities questionnaire). Arts Council England has achieved Positive About Disabled People accreditation across the organisation and we are committed to the principles of this scheme in line with our commitment to disability equality. All reasonable adaptations as defined under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 will be provided for prospective disabled candidates. 16 Late applications To ensure that a consistent and equitable approach is adopted for all candidates, we will not accept late applications unless there are extraordinary circumstances. All applications are to be received by midnight of the advertised closing date. 15 In some circumstances when the recruitment timetable is short and requires completed applications to be processed by the close of business, then a closing time of 5pm or noon is acceptable. Do not use any other times of day. Faxed applications are accepted; however an original application should follow. Disabled candidates my submit a video in a recognised sign language or an audio tape if that is their preferred method 17 Selection panel formation The interview panel must consist of at least two panel members, made up of a chair (usually the line manager for the post), and technical specialist. Ideally, there should be a third panel member to assist in the decision-making process. More panel members may be included up to a maximum of six. Panel members must be the same grade or above to that of the vacant post Post holders who are peers of the vacant post may be on the panel usually as the third panel member HR is available to provide support and advice to the panel, and HR staff who are trained and experienced in recruitment and selection may participate in the recruitment of posts more senior than their grade The panel chair (wherever possible) must be the line manager of the vacant post. The panel should aim to accurately reflect the community which we serve, with gender, disability and ethnic diversity considered Where appropriate, external panel members may be used All internal panel members must be fully trained in Arts Council recruitment and selection policy and procedures and external panel members must be appropriately briefed by the panel chair HR is not required on all interview panels, but where appropriate HR staff may play a monitoring role when participating on select interview panels and in complex recruitment campaigns It is the responsibility of the panel chair to select other panel members and confirm their availability for participation in the short listing and interview stages. 16 18 Short-listing At least two panel members should be involved in the short-listing process in effort to eliminate any bias each application should be assessed against all essential selection criteria outlined in the person specification and reasons for and against selection for interview noted the short-listing form outlining the reasons for and against selection, needs to be comprehensive and relate directly to the selection criteria so that it may be used to provide feedback to unsuccessful candidates. This should be completed for all candidates before short-listing decisions can be finalised. The short-listing template is shown in Appendix 5. generally, up to six candidates should be short-listed for any post. It is the responsibility of the panel chair to ensure that short listing decisions are fully documented in writing, with appropriate signature and returned to the HR Service Centre. The chair of the panel also has responsibility for ensuring that candidates are given due consideration under the Positive about Disabled People scheme. HR Service Centre will advise candidates of the outcome of the short-listing stage via e-recruitment. As a guide, short-listing should be completed and returned to HR within 1.5 weeks of the post closing. 19 Interviews Interviews and, where required, assessment centres should be forward planned to ensure a speedy recruitment process. As a guide interviews should be conducted within two to three weeks of the post closing. 19.1 Timing where possible interview dates can be detailed on the recruitment website, to provide advance notice to candidates and therefore maximising interview attendance. short-listed candidates should be given at least one weeks’ notice of invitation to interview. candidates are advised by email (and SMS) that they have been invited to interview. 17 candidates are required to book their own time for interview within the timeslots set up by the HR Service Centre, in conjunction with the line manager. In some cases it maybe necessary to manually allocate a time for a candidate when their availability if limited, or to minimise travel time and costs when a lengthy journey is involved. if an assessment centre is required prior to an interview this should be arranged with the HR Service Centre, following the short-listing stage It will be the responsibility of the panel chair to attend to the practical arrangements for the interview day. This will include booking rooms, setting up any tests and ensuring they have made provision to ‘meet and greet’ candidates. 19.2 Assessment Assessments can be used in addition to the formal interview to assist in the selection process assessments can be in the form of prepared presentation, unprepared written exercise, and/or aptitude exercise specific to the post assessments should be based on the post person specification and be relevant and beneficial in the selection process candidates should be advised of any assessment exercise at time of their invite to interview. This can be included on the invite to interview email. It is also useful to advise candidates that all the information they require will be provided on the day. generally for posts above Level 4 candidates would be asked to deliver a presentation. Candidates should be given at least one weeks’ notice to prepare this presentation and sent any relevant background information Director level positions and higher are to include a formal assessment centre as part of the selection process, usually delivered by specialist external agency We are committed to ensuring that all assessment centres are independent and objective. 19.3 Questions Interview questions should be formulated in advance to the interview and be based on the selection criteria outlined in the person specification. The panel chair is responsible for developing the questions, but assistance can be sought from HR. 18 For generic roles across the organisation consider using question sets from other colleagues who have recruited for similar roles. In addition the HR Service Centre hold a library of previous questions. All candidates should be assessed on their understanding and commitment to the principles of diversity. 19.4 Interview notes Each panel member must make clear and comprehensive interview notes based on the person specification to be used in providing feedback to unsuccessful candidates. These notes are retained for up to 6 months and panel members should be aware that these are available to candidates in the event of a complaint. 20 Selection process The final selection of preferred candidate should take into consideration the application, interview and any assessment exercises. All panel members are to agree on the final selection of the preferred candidate and document the reasoning why and why not candidates were selected. The panel chair will have the final decision of a recruitment outcome. The chair must complete an interview summary report (see Appendix 6) detailing the outcome of the interview. The report needs to be signed by the panel and forwarded along with all other recruitment documentation (interview notes, assessment exercise results) to HR Service Centre for filing and action This form also asks the panel to note other appointable candidates identified from the interview and assessments. This information will be retained and used for up to six months after the interviews if necessary. See section 26 below. All documentation relating to the interview is to be forwarded to the HR Service Centre for action and filing 21. Interview outcomes Following the interviews there will be a number of outcomes. 19 21.1. Making an offer In the first instance a conditional offer will be made verbally to the preferred candidate, by the panel chair, or line manager (if different). This offer is made on the condition of eligibility to work within the UK, two satisfactory references and any relevant pre-employment checks. The offer will usually be made at the bottom of the salary level for the post. If there is a reason to offer higher than the bottom of the salary level, then the line manager will pass responsibility to discuss salary and other terms of the offer of employment with the preferred candidate to the HR Partner, or if this is not possible, a member of the HR Service Centre. Line managers do not have the authority to make an offer above the bottom of the salary level for the post. See Starting salary policy for more information. No formal offer is to be made until all pre-employment checks have been conducted to the satisfaction of HR. 21.2. Unsuccessful candidates Unsuccessful candidates are notified by email via the e-recruitment system of their application status. (This is at short listing and interview stage). Unsuccessful candidates should be advised as soon as possible. 21.3 Feedback to unsuccessful candidates We advise candidates on our website that Arts Council England doesn’t provide feedback to candidates at short-listing stage. We will provide feedback to interviewed candidates. The chair of the panel, or another panel member should convey feedback to unsuccessful interview candidates in their absence. This should be co-ordinated between the panel chair and the HR Service Centre. Feedback should concentrate on the person specification and the candidate’s profile in comparison to the specification and requirements. 20 21.4 No appointment made If the panel decide that no candidates are appointable to the position as none meet the specifications or requirements then advice should be sought from the HR Partner as so how to resource the vacancy. 22. Internal candidates If an internal candidate meets all the essential criteria outlined in the person specification of the vacant post, they should be short-listed for interview. Normal recruitment procedure should follow. If an internal candidate is unsuccessful in securing an interview or at interview, the chair of the panel should advise them in person and provide some constructive feedback. If the candidate has applied through a redeployment exercise please refer to the Job Security policy. If an internal candidate wishes to appeal against a recruitment decision, they should refer to Arts Council England’s Grievance Policy, available on One Place. Any appointments to a permanent or temporary post will be made in conjunction with Arts Council England’s salary policies. Should an internal candidate apply for a fixed term opportunity of over 12 months in length, upon accepting the post Arts Council England may ask them to give up their rights to return to their substantive post. Please refer to the Temporary resourcing policy. When an internal applicant applies for a post, a copy of the application form should be kept on the employees file. 23. Conditional offer letter A conditional offer letter will be sent to the successful candidate as soon as the verbal offer has been made. It will outline details of the offer and state that the offer is conditional upon satisfactory references and the right to work in the UK, in accordance with the 1988 Asylum and Immigration Act. 21 This letter advises candidates that references will now be sought and requires them to sign a copy letter and return to confirm their acceptance of the employment offer. 24. Pre-employment checks All pre-employment checks are to be conducted to the satisfaction of HR before any formal offer of employment and negotiation of start date is to be made to the preferred candidate. The HR Service Centre will use the standard reference request form when contacting referees (Appendix 7). 24.1 Reference checks Two satisfactory written reference checks are to be conducted for the preferred candidate References should be recent and relevant, including a reference from the candidate’s current or most recent employer. Panel members are not to provide references for the preferred candidate. In this case an additional referee needs to be sought Only referees provided by the preferred candidate can be contacted Internal candidates only need one written reference from their current line manager. The appointment will not be finalised until the line manager produces this reference which will be based on performance management information Arts Council England does not normally ask for references until a formal offer has been made, The offer letter advises candidates references will be sought, however if references are required prior to this, the candidate’s permission needs to be gained 24.2. Criminal check/child protection Some positions have been identified as being potentially responsible for children or young adults, therefore need to receive a enhanced Criminal Records Bureau check before a formal offer of employment can be made (see Policy on the use of Criminal Record Disclosure checks). These checks can be processed by the HR Service Centre, but carried out by a nominated third party. 22 24.3 Right to work in the UK All preferred candidates must to be eligible to work in the UK that is they are a member of the European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA). At the stage of conditional offer, candidates must send a copy of their passport to HR. Evidence of the candidate’s eligibility must be provided on the first day of employment when the original document (passport or birth certificate) must be checked and verified by HR. Where candidates are unable to provide original documents, we reserve the right to withdraw the job offer. Work permits will only be sought for candidates if recruitment for an EU or EEA candidate is exhausted. 24.4 Professional membership Where qualifications or professional memberships are essential to the post, these need to be confirmed on the commencement of employment. 25. Formal offer On completion of all pre-employment checks a formal offer of employment can be made to the preferred candidate and a start date negotiated. The induction programme for the new employee can be initiated at this stage (see One Place for induction programme guidelines). 26. Eligibility list Strong candidates who were not the preferred candidate, but who would be suitable in the post, may be placed on an eligibility list, at the discretion of the panel chair. Applications from candidates on the eligibility list will be stored on the recruitment file in HR for up to six months, after which time all applications will be destroyed as in line with the Data Protection legislation Eligibility-listed candidates may be contacted to assess their interest should the post or similar post become vacant in the future, and advised they should apply in the usual way. 23 Placement on the eligibility list does not guarantee the candidate a position with Arts Council England, nor does it restrict us from re-advertising the post should it become vacant in the future Candidates should only be placed on the eligibility list if they are considered as strong and able to fulfil the role In the first instance of the post or a similar post becoming vacant the eligibility list should be considered 27. Travel expenses We have a limited budget for travel expenses and therefore will only pay expenses to interviews and assessment centre on request and in the following circumstances: maximum travel expenses paid will be the equivalent to a standard class rail fare from the place of residence to the place of interview, unless prior agreement has been made. low-cost airfares may be considered with prior approval (this applies to overseas candidates and maybe more cost effective than some journeys within the UK). over night accommodation will not be paid, unless prior agreement has been made. Where possible, interview times will allow reasonable travel time to and from the interview, for example candidates needing to travel to the interview will be given interview appointments later in the day. interview expense claims will not normally include; accommodation, international flights (unless low-cost fares, see above), refreshments or taxi fares. all expenses claims should be within Arts Council England’s expenses limits for travel, accommodation and subsistence. all claims must be supported by receipts, provided by the candidate. We are committed to assist disabled candidates. All reasonable requests for assistance (including funding for assistance) for attending the selection process received from disabled candidates, will be considered by HR. Expense claims will be approved and processed by the HR Service Centre from the organisations recruitment budget. 24 28. Data protection The recruitment process should be transparent and documented at all times. All recruitment documentation needs to be stored in a central location by the HR Service Centre. All records need to be comprehensive and legible should they be required for an appeal or legal case. All recruitment documentation will be stored by the HR Service Centre and destroyed after six months, in line with Data Protection legislation. 29. Relocation costs Please refer to the employee relocation policy. Agreed January 2004 Amended September 2005 Amended January 2008 25