The Cool - Jordan Lorrius

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The Cool
Tony told Tom I play to win
Even if it means I have to bathe in sin
And the stakes are high
If someone’s got to die someone’s gonna die
Shh Keep it out the news
Too much money too much to lose
Shh don’t you say a word
Keep it cool if they ask say you never heard
It was for the cool
So many lives but so much cash
All we really need is a plane to crash
We’ll say its Muslims
Religion fosters war
They’ll believe it then
Shh put it in the stock
And get far away cuz the earth will rock
Shh don’t you say a word
Keep it cool if they ask say you never heard
It was for the cool
Bernie told the world “invest in us”
Markopolos said something don’t add up
So he did the math
57 Billion dollars stolen cash
When it hit the news
Mark killed himself cuz he had the blues
Where the greed could lead
150 years throw away the key!
It was for the cool
This speaker vocalizes three real life accounts. “The Cool” is in itself an action taken
against capitalistic greed.
The first story outlines the BP oil spill in the Gulf Coast
205 million gallons of oil were released into the gulf in the worst oil spill in US history.
BP CEO Tony Hayward states, “I’d like my life back”- words that don’t represent the
countless Gulf region residents affected by the tragedy, the 11 men who died in the
Deepwater Horizon explosion, and the damaged ecosystem/wildlife that will never be the
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same. BP, its board, its CEOs have a history of being cavalier with people’s lives, the
environment, safety standards..etc. taking the profits but assuming no liability
The second story outlines the 9/11 “acts of terror”.
Just before 9/11 there was an "extraordinary" amount of put options placed on United
Airlines and American Airlines stocks. Authorities believed, and some conspiracy
theorists continue to maintain, that trading insiders may have known in advance of the
coming events of 9/11 and placed their bets accordingly. An analysis into the possibility
of insider trading on 9/11 concludes that:
A measure of abnormal long *put volume was also examined and seen to be at
abnormally high levels in the days leading up to the attacks. There is evidence of unusual
option market activity in the days leading up to September 11 that is consistent with
investors trading on advance knowledge of the attacks.[72] —Allen M. Poteshman, The
Journal of Business
*A put or put option is a contract between two parties to exchange an asset, the
underlying, at a specified price, the strike, by a predetermined date, the expiry or
maturity. One party, the buyer of the put, has the right, but not an obligation, to sell the
asset at the strike price by the future date, while the other party, the seller, has the
obligation to buy the asset at the strike price if the buyer exercises the option.
The third story outlines the Bernie Madoff ponzi scheme
Former NASDAQ chairman Bernard Madoff was arrested and sentenced to 150 years in
prison for $50Billion+ in fraud. His business was the 6th largest on Wall St before getting
busted. Madoff’s personal and business asset freeze has created a chain reaction
throughout the worlds business and philanthropic community. Many organizations were
dipping into that muddy pool of money. The SEC was under fire for not investigating
more thoroughly throughout the years. Many investors including Madoffs son Mark
committed suicide after losing all of their assets. Harry Markopolos was originally sent
out to design a product similar to Madoff’s split-strike conversion in hopes of getting
investors to diversify away from Madoff. When Markopolos researched Madoff’s
organization he found many holes and even approached the SEC in the spring of 2000
and no action was taken. A year later a more detailed submission was sent out to the SEC
and he even offered to go to Madoff’s headquarters undercover to obtain the trading
tickets and compare them with the Options Price Reporting Authority tape, but still no
action was taken. Markopolos found that a large number of funds invested with Madoff
operated offshore- making it near-certainty that the Russian mafia and Latin-American
drug cartels had money with him. Markopolos pieced together a 21-page memo sent in
November 2005 to SEC regulators which outlined his suspicions and 30 red flags that
proved Madoff’s returns could not possibly be legitimate. In December of 2008 Madoff’s
scandal was uncovered and made public.