1 DRAFT October 14, 2013 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR No. ____________ Series of 2013 SUBJECT: REGISTRY OF MEAT DEALER, VENDOR, HANDLER AND MEAT SHOP/STALL OWNER _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, Section 5 of amended Republic Act No. 9296, otherwise known as the Meat Inspection Code of the Philippines, provides that the National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS) shall serve as the sole national controlling authority on all matters pertaining to meat and meat products inspection and hygiene; WHEREAS, Section 8.1. of the above law vested NMIS with the powers and functions of formulating, issuing and implementing national policies, guidelines, rules and regulations on registration/licensing of meat brokers, handlers, and meat and meat products; WHEREAS, Section 4(e) of Executive Order No. 137 on Meat Transport and Post Abattoir Control, stipulates that the licensing and registration of butchers, meat vendors, meat dealers and meat stall/shops is to be exercised by the city or municipality; NOW, THEREFORE, I, MINDA S. MANANTAN, Executive Director of the National Meat Inspection Service, do hereby issue this Memorandum Circular providing guidelines governing the registration of meat dealer, vendor, handler, and meat shop/stall owner or any juridical person engaged in the business of distributing and selling meat and/or meat products whether in the local, national and/or international markets to ensure the proper handling, keeping and maintaining of the quality and safety of the meat and meat products during post-meat establishment commercial distribution, wholesale or retail. Section 1 OBJECTIVES In general, this guideline is issued to implement specific provisions of the amended RA 9296, RA 7394, EO 137 and rules and regulations on post-meat establishment control. Specifically, the guideline aims to achieve the following objectives: 1. To address the need for a baseline data on existing meat traders, handlers and transporters of local and imported meat and meat products 2. To serve as basis for designing program/project for traceability and capacity building activities of meat entrepreneurs/businessmen and plan for the future improvement/rehabilitation of the meat markets 3. To institutionalize a system of identification to support traceability programs on pest and disease prevention, protection of the consuming public, investigation of food poisoning cases and the like 4. To use the information gathered from the baseline data as reference for government and non-government entities in the formulation and execution of policies, procedures, rules and regulations to further develop and improve the meat value chain to be compliant with the national and international standards thus enabling them to be competitive Section 2 DEFINITION OF TERMS The terms and phrases below shall have the following meaning as used in this guideline: 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 Imported Meat Dealer, Vendor, Handler, Meat Shop/Stall refers to meat dealer, vendor, handler and meat shop/stall owner who are engaged in the trading, handling, distribution of imported meat and meat products and officially listed as trader or distributor by an accredited meat importer trader and registered with the NMIS. Locally Registered Meat Dealer, Vendor, Handler and Meat Shop/Stall refers to person or entity who are engaged in the trading, handling, distribution of locally produced meat and meat products and are registered with or licensed by the Local Government Units (LGUs). Local Meat Inspection Service (MIS) refers to the established meat inspection system in the LGUs, namely the Provincial (PMIS), City (CMIS) and Municipal (MMIS). Section 3 SCOPE This order shall apply to all meat dealer, vendor, handler, trucker, delivery personnel, meat shop/stall owner or juridical person engaged in the business of transporting, distributing and selling locally produced or imported meat and/or meat products, whether in the local, national or international market. Section 4 REGISTRATION PROCEDURE A. Cities (Highly Urbanized, Independent and Component) and Municipalities (CMIS/MMIS) The following procedures and requirements shall be observed in the registration of meat dealer/ vendor/ handler/ trucker/ delivery vehicle personnel/ meat shop or stall owner who are engaged in the trading/ handling/ transport and distribution of locally produced meat and meat products: 1. Fill up the Registration Form 2. Submit the duly accomplished Registration Form together with a certified true copy of the following valid and latest documents to the concerned LGU office: a. Barangay Clearance, Sanitary Permit and Mayor’s Permit b. Picture of the meat stall/ outlet/ depot/ display area and other similar sales area, whichever is applicable c. Health Certificate d. Tax Identification Number e. Notarized Undertaking f. Official Receipt of Registration Fee. An ordinance shall be issued prescribing the registration fee and other charges to be collected by the LGU. 3. A team from the City/Municipal Veterinary Office or any equivalent office shall conduct an ocular inspection of the meat stall/ outlet/ depot/ display area and other similar sales area, whichever is applicable 4. Upon completion of ocular inspection report and recommendation/s, the LGU Vet/MI shall prepare and submit to the Local Chief Executive (LCE) the Certificate of Registration for approval. 5. The signed Certificate of Registration shall be released to the meat dealer/ vendor/ handler/ trucker/ delivery vehicle personnel/ meat shop or stall owner which shall be displayed in the meat sales area. B. Province/City Meat Inspection Service (PMIS/CMIS) 1. The PMIS shall submit a master list of registered meat dealer/ vendor/ handler/ trucker/ delivery vehicle personnel/ meat shop or stall owner in the Province to the NMIS Regional Technical Operation Center on or before the last day of March of the year. 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 C. National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS) 1. The following procedures and requirements shall be observed in the registration of meat dealer/ vendor/ handler/ trucker/ delivery vehicle personnel/ meat shop or stall owner who are engaged in the trading/ handling/ transporting and distribution of imported meat and meat products and are officially listed as distributor/ trader by an accredited meat importer trader: a. Fill up the Registration Form b. Submit the duly accomplished Registration together with a certified true copy of the following valid and latest documents to the NMIS Regional Technical Operation Center (RTOC): b.1. Barangay Clearance, Sanitary Permit and Mayor’s Permit b.2. Picture of the meat shop or stall/ outlet/ depot/ display area and other similar sales area, whichever is applicable b.3. Health Certificate b.4. Tax Identification Number b.5. Notarized Undertaking c. A team from the RTOC POIS, ARES and MIEAIS shall conduct an ocular inspection of the meat stall/outlet/ depot/ display area and other similar sales area, whichever is applicable. d. Upon completion of ocular inspection, the team shall submit a report and recommendation/s to the Regional Technical Director (RTD) for final decision. e. The MIEAIS shall prepare the Certificate of Registration for approval and signature by the RTD. g. The signed Certificate of Registration shall either be sent by mail or picked up personally by the registered person, which certificate shall be conspicuously displayed in the meat sales area. Prior to the payment of the registration fee, however, the applicant shall inform the Special Collecting Officer (SCO) of his/her preference whether to mail the certificate or for personal pick-up. D. Submission of List 1. The component cities and municipalities shall submit to and regularly update the list of registered meat dealer/ vendor/ handler/ trucker/ delivery vehicle personnel/ meat shop or stall owner in their territorial jurisdiction to the Provincial Meat Inspection Service (PMIS) for record purposes. 2. The highly urbanized and independent cities shall likewise submit a master list of registered meat dealer/ vendor/ handler/ trucker/ delivery vehicle personnel/ meat shop or stall owner in their territorial jurisdiction directly to the NMIS Regional Technical Operation Center on or before the last day of February of the year. E. National Registry of Registered Meat 1. The NMIS RTOC shall prepare a consolidated list of a. Locally Registered Meat Dealer/Vendor/Handler/ Trucker/ Delivery Van/ Meat Shop or Stall Owner (LRM D/V/H/T/ DV/ MS) in the region and b. NMIS Registered Meat Dealer/Vendor/Handler/ Trucker/ Delivery Van/ Meat Shop or Stall Owner (NRM D/V/H/ T/ DV/ MS) 2. A hard and soft copies of the list shall be sent to the Office of the Executive Director through the MIEAID. 3. The MIEAIS shall likewise furnished the concerned LGU (municipality, city and province) of the NMIS Registered Meat Dealer/Vendor/Handler/ Trucker/ Delivery Van/ Meat Shop or Stall Owner (LRM D/V/H/T/ DV/ MS) in their territorial jurisdiction. 4. A National Registry of a. Locally Registered Meat Dealer/Vendor/Handler/ Trucker/ Delivery Van/ Meat 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 Shop or Stall (LRM D/V/H/T/ DV/ MS) in the regions and b. NMIS Registered Meat Dealer/Vendor/Handler/ Trucker/ Delivery Van/ Meat Shop or Stall Owner (LRM D/V/H/T/ DV/ MS) shall be kept, maintained and regularly updated by the concerned Division at the NMIS Central Office. 5. The National Registry shall be uploaded at the NMIS website for ready reference by the public. SO ORDERED. DR. MINDA S. MANANTAN Executive Director 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION 226 227 NMIS / LGU LOGO 228 229 CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 This is to certify that _________________________, located at _____________, owned and/or (Name of Person) operated by _________________, has been registered in our office as ________________________. (Type of meat establishment) The registration number of the meat establishment is 0000-SH-0000 and is valid until (ZIP Code) (Type of Meat) (Local Number) Establishment) Issued this _______ day of _____________, 20__ at _______________, Philippines. 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 ____________________ Local Chief Executive 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 ANNEX 1: REGISTRATION FORM LOGO AND LETTERHEAD OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT REGISTRY FORM FOR LOCALLY REGISTERED MEAT ESTABLISHMENT 1. Name of applicant: ____________________ 279 2. Address of Applicant: ____________________ 280 3. Type of Meat Establishment: 281 __ Slaughterhouse/Abattoir 282 __ Poultry Dressing Plant 283 __ Meat Processing Plant 284 __ Meat Cutting Plant 285 __ Cold Storage 286 __ Others (please specify) 287 4. City/Municipal Registration Number: _________________ 288 289 290 291 292 5. Date established/constructed: ________________________ 293 294 295 296 297 6. Date of rehabilitation (if any): _______________________ 1. Number of animals slaughtered/dressed per day: Large cattle _______; Hogs _______; Goats_____; Poultry ________ 2. Prepared or Processed (for meat processing, meat cutting plant): Average daily production Product Volume Brand name 298 __ Pork__ Cutting _______ _______ _________ 299 __ Beef __ Boning _______ _______ _________ 300 __ Poultry __ Mechanical boning _______ _______ _________ 301 __Others __ Fabrication _______ _______ _________ 302 __ Curing __ Formulating _______ _______ _________ 303 __ Cooking __ Smoking _______ _______ _________ 304 __ Cunning __ Drying _______ _______ _________ 305 __ Slicing _______ _______ _________ 306 3. Destination/Distribution: 307 Wet markets _______ 308 Hotel/Restaurants____ 309 Cold Storage _______ 310 Meat Shops ________ 311 Supermarket _______ 312 4. Status of facilities: ____________________ 313 5. Location of meat establishment: _____________ 314 6. Reason for non-accreditation of meat establishment: ________________________ 315 7. Signature of Applicant: (over printed name, position): _________________ 316 8. Contact Details: ______________________________________________ 317 9. Date of Application: ___________________ 318 10. Prepared by: __________________________ 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 ANNEX 2. UNDERTAKING I, ________________________________________________________, of legal _____________________________________________, do hereby undertake age, residing at 2. Meat Importer Trader (MIT) shall be allowed to import meat and/or meat products except buffalo meat from India for wholesale or retail distribution as is or without value adding B. The importer shall import meat and/or meat products only from FMEs duly accredited by DA which are posted at the NMIS website (www.nmis.gov.ph) C. In case the importer is importing meat and/or meat products thru consolidation or indenture, the importer must submit a Certification from the DA accredited Foreign Meat Establishment (FME) that a consolidator from the source country is authorized to export meat and meat products; D. The importer shall not apply for a Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Import Clearance to import meat and/or meat products without a valid meat importer’s accreditation certificate from the NMIS or when the NMIS accreditation has expired; E. The importer shall notify the NMIS RTOC at least three days prior to the arrival of the imported shipment at the port of entry for proper coordination and dispatching of Veterinarian/Meat Inspector to the designated Cold Storage Warehouse (CSW)/dry warehouse destination. F. The transfer of shipment from the port of entry to the NMIS accredited (CSW) shall be covered by a Veterinary Quarantine Meat Inspections Laboratory Certificate (VQMILC) duly issued by the Veterinary Quarantine Officer (VQO) assigned at the seaport or airport. G. That upon release and clearance from the seaport or airport of entry, the importer shall transfer the imported goods to the NMIS accredited CSW or dry warehouse stated in the application for accreditation and/or the VQMILC; H. If the designated CSW or dry warehouse is full, the importer shall submit a request letter to the concerned RTD for authority to transfer the imported goods and for endorsement to another accredited meat establishment; I. The importer shall submit to the NMIS Plant Officer for inspection, evaluation and verification the following documents: 1. Regular meat importers – VQMILC (green copy); IVC, Bill of Lading, Commercial Invoice, Packing List, SPS Import Clearance and IEIRD or proof of payment of customs duties and taxes (CTC) 2. Duty free meat importers – VQMILC (green copy) except for DFS; IVC, Bill of Lading, Commercial Invoice and Packing List, SPS Import Clearance (CTC) J. The importer shall submit a summary report of all importations/utilization with copies of the VQMILCs and SPS Import Clearances when requesting for the issuance of Utilization and Good Standing Certificate and renewal of accreditation; 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 K. The importer shall at no time break the BAI seal and BOC seal (if present); L. The BAI seal and BOC seal (if present) shall only be broken by the duly assigned NMIS Plant Officer at the CSW/DW, in the presence of the importer/broker, BOC Inspector (when present), CSW owner/operator/representative and Duty Free Authority representative (where applicable); M. The importer shall unload the shipment at the accredited CSW indicated in the VQMILC or in the dry warehouse indicated in the accreditation certificate in the presence of the NMIS Plant Officer. The policy on “NO NMIS PLANT OFFICER, NO UNLOADING” shall be strictly implemented; O. The importer shall provide utility workers to assist the NMIS Plant Officer in the opening and closing of the boxes during the conduct of physical inspection in order to expedite the unloading process; P. The importer shall not transfer the imported meat and/or meat products to its final destination without the accompanying Certificate of Meat Inspection (COMI) or Meat and Meat Product Inspection Certificate (MMPIC), whichever is applicable, for transport of meat and meat products duly signed by the NMIS Plant Officer; Q. The importer shall renew the NMIS accreditation at least one month before the expiry date. Application for renewal of accreditation after the expiry date shall be considered as new application. R. The importer shall abide by the other pertinent Philippine laws and rules and regulations of the Department of Agriculture; S. The importer’s accreditation shall be revoked/cancelled for failure to comply with the undertaking or upon recommendation of the Regional Technical Director for violation of the Guideline.