NHASFAA Council Meeting Plymouth State University-Concord Campus Friday, February 17, 2012 Present: Suzy Allen, Leslie Bembridge, Tori Berube , Anna Clifford, Hillary DeAngelis, Sharon Eaton, Maureen Fagen, Crystal Finefrock, Robin Gagnon, Sheri Gonthier, Susan Howard, Carolyn Julian, Elizabeth Keuffel, Sue Proulx Absent: Jeff Bentley, Ken Ferreira, Lizbeth Gonzalez, Mike Levasseur, June Schlabach President’s Report: Crystal thanked those that helped and attended the annual Director’s Summit last Friday. Crystal then shared with council information that she received regarding a group outing on the Mount Washington-Dinner Cruise. Sheri suggested the possibility of putting together a training event in the lakes region area. It was also suggested that June is a better time to put together this type of event and that we can also include the families of NHASFAA members. We then discussed the annual meeting and putting together the itinerary. It was shared that Valerie from Rivier College would be attending a meeting in regards to homeless youth. Crystal stated that information from this meeting could be forwarded to her and that she would share the information with the membership. Our afternoon presentation for the annual meeting will be regarding homeless youth, as there are currently 3,000 homeless youth in NH. Secretary’s Report: Minutes from the December 9, 2011 meeting will be corrected and will be resubmitted and voted on at the June retreat. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer report submitted as follows. Balances as of 2/12/2012 Balances as of 2/12/12 Checking Balance: CD Balance: Elite Savings Balance: Net Balance: Oct-12 Dec-11 Feb-12 36,644.28 38,961.17 39,074.36 Interest 6,934.71 6,938.77 6,942.82 35% 25,177.53 25,192.26 25,206.81 30% $68,756.52 $71,092.20 $71,223.99 Account INCOME Line Item 5000 5100 5330 5340 5350 5410 5450 5460 5470 5480 Total Income Membership Dues Conference Registration Sponsor-Speaker's Bureau Sponsor-Training Sponsor-Website Bank Account Interest Other (CD Interest) Transfer from Reserve Prior Year Carryover Development Target 2011-12 Budget 2011-12 Actual 2011-12 Remaining $5,425.00 $5,425.00 $0.00 $6,800.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $140.00 $10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,000.00 $19,375.00 $6,880.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $56.71 $12.22 $0.00 $0.00 $7,850.00 $20,223.93 -$80.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $83.29 -$2.22 $0.00 $0.00 -$850.00 -$848.93 Budget Notes/Comments 155 people @ $35/person (J. Jovell carry from April 2011 for 11-12; exclude from actual) Budget 85 people/ 84 payments rec'd, 2 outstanding NB: Interest rate low Per LB $200 pending 2/12/2012 EXPENSE 6006 6700 6705 6706 6806 6910 6920 6930 6940 Travel Annual Meeting Strategic Planning Council Meetings Council Retreat Historian Newsletter Speaker's Bureau Training Committee $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $75.00 $1,500.00 $265.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,235.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $75.00 $1,500.00 Leadership Conference 1 person 6950 Website Committee $3,000.00 $1,760.00 $1,240.00 Includes website maintenance 6960 6970 7200 7206 Conference Committee Government Relations Supplies-General Supplies-Computer $9,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,849.92 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,350.08 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($350 Deposit paid in Feb 2012 for FY13) 7310 7700 Accounting/Audit Membership Committee $750.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $750.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $450.00 $150.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $250.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $250.00 $750.00 $19,375.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $155.00 $318.14 $9,448.06 $0.00 $0.00 $350.00 $150.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $250.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $95.00 $431.86 $9,926.94 7710 7720 7730 7740 7750 7800 7806 7900 7950 7960 7970 7980 7990 8000 Total Expenses Professional Development Scholarships Charitable Gifts/Awards Reynolds' Award Lease Lease-Deposit Bank Account Charges Other Transfer to Reserves Carry-back to Prior Year Development Committee Multicultural Committee Leadership Committee Not full audit, just 1099 w/ Houde Maguerite's Place Includes $14 Fisher Cats Tix dep (group tix) Budget looks good. Elizabeth gave praise to the continued hard work of Leslie as development chairperson. Elizabeth states that there are issues with the IRS and 501C-3. She is working on getting our non-profit status renewed with the IRS and will continue to re-app with the state of NH. Hillary states that is better to stay in good standing with the state. Until we have final numbers, cannot finalize annual meeting budget. Conference: At the Director’s Summit, the following suggestions were given for this year’s conference. *Motivational Speakers *Mingle with Vendors *Cocktail Hour *Pay one rate ($80) for 2 day conference *Work with local hotels-Estimate $79/night Theme for 2012 conference is “Past, Present, and Future-Celebrate NHASFAA” Date will be 10/25 and 10/26 NHHEAF will assist with the logo. Prior officers will speak at lunch T-shirts will be presented with logo Bring back icebreakers at lunch Mini website will be up and running soon Development: Leslie gave an update on vending at the annual meeting. There will be 8 vendors. NelNet just signed. Three companies will be presenting. Citizens Bank, ASA, and Wells Fargo The Director’s Summit had a mixed bag of reviews regarding the presentations. 25 were in attendance. Leslie suggested some type of survey be done. Suzy said she could do a survey. The question was asked if checks/payments should start going directly to the treasurer. This will be revisited at the June retreat. We will still not take credit cards as a form of payment. We would still have to pay fees and not worth it. Federal Relations: *Survey to membership-14 responses total, and a second email has been sent out. Cathy will be putting together a summary for the annual meeting. *FSA Conference-Too late to put a “tidbit” segment together for this year, but the committee will revisit for next year and it will be sent to membership immediately after the conference. *Task Force- Having weekly meetings over the next three weeks. The task force is still looking at where data is located to show FA in NH. They will put something together to share with the membership. Tori will outreach to NHCUC. There will be an update at the annual meeting. Leadership: *Director’s Summit. 25 were in attendance, which represented 10 or 11 schools. This year it included both directors and associate directors. This brought new faces and new perspectives to the summit. Some of the discussion at the summit *Annual Conference *Getting more of the proprietary schools involved. Ashley Coleman from Continental Beauty School would be a good resource. *We need to be more of a presence in Concord-Senate. *Outreach to the high school guidance counselors *For the next newsletter, the Face of NHASFAA will be Cindy Schofield. *Membership: *158 Members. 1 payment pending Multicultural/Diversity: Lizbeth was not in attendance, but submitted the following report. We have gone ahead and finally made the purchase of the electronic diversity calendar. The licensing agreement and payment has already been received by the company. The link to the calendar has been given to Sheri from the website committee to place on our website. Once the link is accessible, we will be working on how we can highlight at least one event and/or holiday on a monthly basis and share it thru the list serve. We will also put an announcement for the newsletter. Newsletter: Robin shared that her first newsletter was done in January. Her next newsletter will be out in late March, estimate deadline for 3/23/12 and have it out to membership before annual meeting. Speakers Bureau: Sharon gave a brief update. She is beginning to test on the website. She will be sending out late evaluations to the high school guidance counselors. Training: Discussion has been the lack of training sessions this past year. Jeff is aware of this. Suggestion was made to have a webinar with Jim Briggs. However, this would eat up our budget. Monday, information will be coming out on a webinar already set up with Jim Briggs. Cost and official date to be determined. NASFAA just sent out “FA Analysis of the Tax Transcript” Jeff will try to put an in-person training session in April. He will also work with Robin on some other sessions. Just the Facts (Replace the FA Institute) in MA. Possibility that we could contact the representative and NH could do the same format next year. Jeff will work to have a spring training event and continue to build committee and gain co-chairpersons. Possibility of bringing back FIN 101 and FIN 201. Update, as there are new members in the association. Robin commented that the change to one stop has been a challenge to those who moved from billing to FA. As a staff, it is hard to send everyone to conferences, but one day events would greatly benefit staff. Lender Report: Maureen gave a brief report. At this time, the interest rate for subsidized Stafford loans for 2012-2013 year will remain at 6.8% Website: Sheri is working on new website design and hopes to reveal at annual meeting. NH Charitable Fund Hilary shared that as of 2/1/12 the application for 12-13 became available, and that 47 people have applied. There was a first time webinar for guidance counselors. It was not recorded. Tori asked if they do it again, let her know so CCP can promote. The hardest part of the website has been the login and password to the application. Hilary shared that 40% of awards were given to student’s already in school and that 20% were renewable. She also reminded us of the scholarship application deadline (refer to 12/9/11 minutes). Crystal will put a message out to the list serv as a reminder. NHCF will no longer be awarding loans. They will be converted to grants. NHHEAF/Guarantor: Mike was not in attendance. Tori gave a brief report on his behalf. Cohort default rates will be delayed. 2010 will be reported on 2/27/12 and 2009 will be reported on 3/5/2012. Perkins loans-Proposal to have FSA take over the program. Elizabeth brought to discussion, Will the feds hold their end of the bargain and will the Perkins loan become an unsubsidized Stafford loan? Crystal suggested getting some feedback from NASFAA. CCP: *CEO Scholarships-Application due on 3/9/12 $5k scholarships given to college sophomores or juniors. 20-25 scholarship applications thus far and hope to award 6 scholarships. *Take it to the Bank Scholarship-Award to HS Senior or a current student. $1k awarded every month, 34 months thus far. *I am College Bound-Walk into classrooms; $1500 in cash incentives. Tori shared with us that on Sunday mornings on radio 107.7 Concord, there is a segment on college planning. Thus far CCP have done 6 weeks. Pre-recorded and it’s about 22 minutes. The 3/12/12 segment is based on the financial aid office, the staff, and what they do. They are looking for volunteers. Destination College is scheduled for 3/24/12 at SNHU. Large numbers of attendees are from Londonderry and Spaulding HS. Spaulding will be bringing students by bus. Tori reported that 970 FAFSA’s have been filed since 1/2/12. Discover U. 220 8th graders attended, and the second Discover U will be held at WMCC on 4/18/12. Talent Search: Carolyn reported that all programs are still on track. Carolyn shared with us that she has resigned as director of the program. She will retire. Deb McCann will become the new director and the office is moving back to UNH campus. Crystal personally thanked Carolyn for her many years of service with NHASFAA. Old Business: No old business was discussed. New Business: Maureen Begley Scholarship. Crystal will send to membership a notice regarding the scholarship. Nominees should be a first time attendee and a member of NHASFAA and in the fa field for 2 years or less. Nominations should be sent to Crystal and she will put a group together to review the names. As the first notification of the conference is sent out, prior officers and James Reynolds winners should be invited. Elizabeth will represent NH at the NASFAA Leadership Summit in Washington DC. Crystal discussed the EASFAA Conference Leadership Track. Sue Proulx will be part of the committee next year; she is just waiting for the OK regarding funding. Crystal then brought to council for discussion NASFAA University and the training and certification of FA professionals. It was mentioned that a lot of members don’t agree with it, and does it make us better professionals? Susan Howard then shared with us that 4 members of NASFAA will do a review of one of their campuses over a 3 day period. They reviewed everything. The cost was $17k, but worth it. She recommended this if a fa office is worried about their next program review. She also asked that they send their information before hand so that they can be prepared. Crystal reminded council that the strategic plan ends in 2012 and the new president will be in charge of putting together the next plan. Crystal told us the June retreat will cover strategic plan prep work and review budget requests. The retreat will be held at PSU-Concord campus. Motion to adjourn by Susan Howard; 2nd by Suzy Allen. So moved. Respectfully Submitted, Anna Clifford Secretary