OFFSHORE PROGRAM RISK ASSESSMENT TEMPLATE Risk FINANCIAL Enterprise Bargaining Description/Comments Award arrangements include mandatory pay increases for staff, which impact on salary costs Foreign Exchange Risk The exposure to potential exchange fluctuations between currencies. If contract revenue is denoted in foreign currency, the potential impact on profitability of movements in exchange rates Funds Repatriation Repatriating funds from offshore to Australia, including overseas regulations, payment arrangements with partners, timing of payments and consequences of overdue payments Taxation Potential offshore taxation arrangements, GST considerations, Fringe Benefits Tax, withholding taxes from funds repatriated offshore Legal Structure Appropriate consideration of available legal structures for the conduct of the activity, company, partnership etc and the relative advantages/disadvantages in terms of administering the activity and minimising risk to Flinders University PROJECT MANAGEMENT Exit Arrangements Variation of Agreement/Dispute The existence of contract exceptions and subject clauses in order to exit from poorly performing programs. Avoiding exposure to excess liability and arrangements for student participants in event of program cessation. Processes to ensure variation to the original agreement and handling of disputes regarding agreement clearly documented and understood by all parties. 1 of 5 Treatment/Action OFFSHORE PROGRAM RISK ASSESSMENT TEMPLATE Risk Description/Comments Liability Coverage Insurance coverage including professional indemnity, occupational health & safety, travel insurance, other potential liability issues. Timeframes/Deadlines Inherent deadlines in the project or activity and action to ensure minimal disruption or opportunity to detract from these being achieved. Review processes in place and monitoring of performance against designated time frames ACTIVITY Attrition Decline in student numbers over the life of the program and resultant impact on profitability. Existence of contract clause limiting the University’s risk eg if student numbers fall below specific level, Flinders receives a greater share of overall revenue Student Visas Likelihood of students being unable to obtain student visas to continue education in Australia Student Risks Specific student administrative procedures including enrolment, access to personal data, examination processes, general systems and processes in place to cater for student administration and assessment, graduation ceremony etc Expectations Management of expectations among stakeholders, client satisfaction, quality of activity and delivery Activity Risk Is the activity inherently high risk, broader considerations on its reflection on the University, partners, general profile 2 of 5 Treatment/Action OFFSHORE PROGRAM RISK ASSESSMENT TEMPLATE Risk STAFFING Staff Resourcing Description/Comments Impacts on staff numbers and continuity in program activity resulting from unavailability of key personnel. Resultant impacts on local teaching and quality, including research and admin loading Technical Competence Evaluation of knowledge and experience requisite for staff involved in the conduct of the activity, including the unique or infrequent items Enterprise Bargaining The potential impacts of future enterprise bargaining arrangements on staffing conditions and workload, including volume of offshore teaching activity ENVIRONMENT Foreign Government Regulations Impact of foreign restrictions on trade, specific restrictions on delivery of programs in host country, legal and regulatory advice received and quality of source Host Country Accreditation Approvals and specific accreditations required by host country government, implications of non-compliance and continued recognition of program in the host country Disasters: SARS, Terrorism etc Consideration and documentation of contingency arrangements in event of disaster and methods of assessing suitability of arrangements for such events Political Political implications with operating in the host country and broader considerations in the conduct of the specific activity 3 of 5 Treatment/Action OFFSHORE PROGRAM RISK ASSESSMENT TEMPLATE Risk Description/Comments Environmental Considerations Perceptions within the community (local & offshore) of Flinders Uni and any affiliates/alliances/partners as socially responsible organisations. Consequences of negative perceptions in this area Cultural Considerations Development of appreciation for cultural behaviours and training/awareness of expectations amongst the offshore community in teaching methods and general business dealings MARKET Marketing Risks Potential problems with future marketing exercises or other University projects in the event of negative perceptions of performance of the project/activity Market Factors Imposing market factors on the viability of the project, such as high levels of competition, established expertise existing among other institutions, perceived value of the Flinders University brand in the market place Marketing Responsibility Clear understanding of marketing responsibilities under contract arrangements and appropriate safeguards in place to adhere to acceptable market approach, protecting the Flinders University brand PARTNERSHIP Partner strength Capacity of partner to sufficiently support the program or activity from both an educational and financial perspective 4 of 5 Treatment/Action OFFSHORE PROGRAM RISK ASSESSMENT TEMPLATE Risk Description/Comments Partner reputation Reputation of partner of sufficient standing to warrant a partnership with Flinders and the potential for any negative perception from the broader community through the proposed partnership Branding Potential effects on the Flinders University brand resulting from the utilisation of a partner or alliance framework 5 of 5 Treatment/Action