53 THE INVERSE GAUSSIANDISTRIBUTION 0.5 "0 1 2 1.5 Time t Failure rate function of the inverse Gaussian distribution (p = 1, and h = I /4, Fig. 2.26 enters in MTTF = p, as well as into var(T). Notice that 11 location/scale parameters in the usual sense. Also notice that 1). Hence (p,h) are nor K; A=- (2.90) K2 From (2.85) it follows that moments of arbitrarily high (positive) order exist for IG(/L,A). From the result stated in Problem 2.41, it followsthat moments of arbitrarily high "negative" order, also exist. The failure rate function ofIG(p, h) is (2.91) for r > 0, 1-1 > 0, and h > 0. In Fig. 2.26 graphs of the failure rate function (2.91) are given for p = I and selected values of h. Chhikara and Folks (1977, p. 155) have shown that (2.92) Chhikara and Folks ( 1 989, Section 1.3) point out a surprising analogy between sampling results for the inverse Gaussian distribution IG(p, A) and sampling results known for the normal distribution X ( F ,s2). If one considers a random sample T1 T2, .. . , T,, from the inverse Gaussian distribution IG(p, A): 1. T = 1/ n ClJ=, C'f=,( l/TJ - 1/T) r and Cy=l 1(/ T, - 2. nh 3. TJ is inverse Gaussian IG(p, nh). 1 isx2 distributed with ( n - 1) degrees of freedom. IT)are independently distributed 54 FAILURE MODELS 4. The term in the exponent of the probability density function of IG(p, h) is -1/2 times ax2 distributed variable. The explanation of these and other analogies with the normal distribution has yet not been revealed. 2.17 THE EXTREME VALUE DISTRIBUTIONS Extreme value distributions play an important role in reliability analysis. They arise in a natural way, for example, in the analysis of engineering systems, made up of n identical items with a series structure, and also in the study of corrosion of metals, of material strength, and of breakdown of dielectrics. Let T I ,T2, ...,T,, be independent, identically distributed random variables (not necessarily life lengths) with a continuous distribution function F T ( ~ )for , the sake of simplicity assumed to be strictly increasing for FF1(0) < t < FFI (1). Then T(I) = min{Tl, T2,..., 7',,} = U, (2.93) T(,,) max{T I ,T2, ..., T, J = V,, = (2.94) are called the extreme values. The distribution functions of U,, and V,, are easily expressed by FT(.) in the following way (e.g., see CramCr 1946, p. 370; Mann et al. 1974, p. 102). Fu,,(u) Fv,,(~) 1 - (1 - FT(u))" = L,,(u) = F T ( u ) ~= H n ( u ) = (2.95) (2.96) Despite the simplicity of (2.95) and (2.96), these formulas are usually not easy to work with. If F T ( ~ ) ,say, represents a normal distribution, one is led to work with powers of FT(?),which may be cumbersome. However, in many practical applications to reliability problems, n is very large. Hence, one is lead to look for asymptotictechniques, which under general conditions on FT ( t )may lead to simple representations of Fun(u) and Fv,,(u). CramCr (1946) suggested the following approach: Introduce (2.97) where U,, is defined as in (2.93). Then for y 1 0, pr(y, I y) = P [I.;.(u,)I '1 (31 (31 (:))I = P [U,, I F;' = FU,, = 1-[I = l - ( l - y [FFI n - FT (FF' (2.98) 55 THE EXTREME VALUE DlSTRlBUTlONS Asn + 0 Pr(Y, 5 y) + 1 - for y > 0 (2.99) Since the right-hand side of (2.99) expresses a distribution f~nction,~continuous for y > 0, this implies that Y, converges in distribution to a random variable Y , with distribution function: F y ( y ) = 1 - e-' for y > (2.100) 0 Hence it follows from (2.95) that the sequence of random variables U,, converges in distribution to the random variable FF'(Y/n). (2.101) Similarly,let where V,, is defined in (2.94). By an analogous argument it can be shown that for 2 > 0. Pr(Zn 5 z ) = 1 - (2.103) which implies that V,,4 FYI (1 - f) (2.104) for z > 0 (2.105) where 2 has distribution function Pr(Z 5 z ) = 1 - e-' It is to be expected that the limit distribution of U, and V,,will depend on the type of distribution Fr(.).However, it turns out that there are only three possible types of limiting distributions for the minimum extreme U,,, and only three possible types of limiting distributions for the maximum extreme V,,. For a comprehensive discussion of the application of extreme value theory to reliability analysis, the reader is referred to Mann et al. (1974, p. 106), Nelson (1982, p. 39). Lawless (1982, p. 169), and Johnson and Kotz (1970, Vol. I, Section 2.1). Here we will content ourselves with mentioning three of the possible types of limiting distributions and indicate areas where they are applied. 3The exponential distribution with parameter i,= 1