Supplemental Classified Position Questionnaire


Occupied Position Reclassification Questionnaire


The need to reclassify an occupied position normally occurs as a result of change in job content. This change normally occurs over time rather than at a given point in time. It should be noted that, except in the case of reorganization, such change does not alter the basic nature of the work to be done. Nor does it occur due to an increase or decrease in the volume of work when all other aspects of job content remain the same. Rather, change is normally experienced through a need for the job holder to exercise a greater or lesser degree of job knowledge, and/or authority within a more or less complex work environment. Cases which do not meet these criteria should be treated as creation of a new position which, upon completion, is posted and filled through the classified employment process.

Also, it is important to understand that a job holder remaining in the same position for an extended length of time or exceptional or poor performance are never indicators of the need to reclassify.

In order to properly recognize and respond to the need for reclassification, it is necessary that the justification for such action be articulated in a clear, concise manner. Additionally this justification should be documented. For this reason the Occupied Position

Reclassification Questionnaire has been developed. The questionnaire has been divided into six sections which, when completed, present an organized expression of change which has occurred since the job was originally classified.

1. Position Purpose

First, you are asked to explain the basis upon which the current job purpose has changed. This should be a short clarification (one to two sentences) of the major reason or reasons that reclassification is necessary. It should include an explanation of what conditions have changed within the unit to justified a reclassification. It can include an explanation of how overall unit responsibilities have changed or shifted and are now reflected in the job holder’s responsibilities. It can also include any impact of factors such as new or additional regulatory reporting or other changes external to the unit have made on the job.

2. Reporting Relationship

In the space provided, enter the job title to which the subject job has traditionally reported. Then, assuming that relationship has changed since the last classification action, enter the title to which the job now reports. In cases where that relationship has not changed, simply enter “same.”

3. Job Duties

– No Longer Applicable

List any job duties which were previously the responsibility of the job holder but no longer apply. Also include in this section a brief explanation of the disposition of those duties. That is, have they been assumed by another individual in the unit or are they no longer applicable for other reasons?

4. Job Duties

– Additional

This is one of the most important fields on the questionnaire. Here will be listed those duties which have not previously been recognized as a part o f the job holder’s responsibility. Care should be taken to ensure that duties previously assigned (and recognized through the classification process) are not simply restated. Rather, the list should represent new or significantly revised responsibilities that have been added to job content.

5. Other Factors Impacting Job Purpose and Duties

This space has been provided to record any other reasons that the position requires reclassification and have not been expressed previously.

6. Changes in Job Dimensions

Changes in job content are often reflected in the quantifiable elements of job content such as the number and type of personnel supervised, dollar responsibility and other reflections of job content that can be expressed in numbers should be listed here.

Complete the questionnaire by entering the proposed job title following reclassification. Since most reclassifications occur within a job series (e.g. Accountant I, Accountant II, Accountant III) this will normally be the next step in the series. However, if this is not the case or if a proposed title has not yet been decided, simply enter “undetermined.”

The completed questionnaire should then be routed through the normal review and approval process to OHR – Compensation. Note that if additional space is needed to respond to any of the areas above, please feel free to do so on a separate page.

Georgia Institute of Technology

Office of Human Resources

October 11, 2005

Office of Human Resources



PeopleSoft Position #

Employee’s Full Name

Current Job Title

College, School or Dept Name

Empl ID #

Job Code

Dept #

1. Position Purpose

Explain the basis upon which the current job purpose has changed to the extent that it warrants reclassification.

2. Job Duties – No Longer Applicable

List any job duties for which the job holder was previously accountable which now no longer apply.

3. Job Duties – Additional

List those job duties which were not apart of the position originally but have been assumed.

4. Reporting Relationship

4a. Job title to which the position reported: 4b. Job title to which the position currently reports:

5. Other Factors Impacting Job Purpose and Duties

Explain any other factors which contribute to the need for reclassification.

6. Changes in Job Dimensions

List the type and amount of growth or reduction that has occurred in quantifiable elements of job content such as number

and type of personnel supervised, number of projects, programs or contracts administered, budget dollars impacted, etc.

Proposed Job Title:

Contact: Extension:



Department Head:



Dean or

Vice President




OHR Only





Georgia Institute of Technology

Office of Human Resources

October 11, 2005






