Sharron Wilson Leadership Styles

Sharron Wilson Leadership Styles
• Truth-Seeker – your score 14 out of 25
I received the highest score in the truth-seeker category. I don’t know if I agree with the phrase “truth-seeker”. I
think I’m more of a knowledge seeker. I’m always asking questions. I just like to KNOW things. One of the qualities
that a truth-seeker has is that they are process-oriented. This is truth. If I’m given a project at work, I need the
process spelled out for me, from A to Z. It helps me, to know EXACTLY what I need to do. Vague instructions drive
me crazy. Neutrality is another quality of a truth-seeker that applies to me. I don’t like to be in the middle of an
argument or take a side (who does?). And although I may agree with one side, I’d rather not say which, and let them
work it out for themselves. However, working in Human Resources and/or being a line manager are not things I’d
be interested in, though truth-seekers generally excel in these positions.
• Experienced guide – your score is 11 out of 25
• People Mover – your score is 11 out of 25
My next highest scores were in the experienced guide and people mover categories. The main aspect of an
experienced guide is one that I can identify with: being a listener and empathizer. I don’t mind listening when
someone has a problem, nor do I mind giving advice (even when it’s not asked for!). I had a friend who was going
through a crisis about a month or two ago, and she called me almost every day for a week, just to vent. I didn’t not
mind one bit. It was very easy to put myself in her shoes, because I had been through it myself. Though I don’t mind
being this way in my personal life, I don’t think I could do it professional capacity, i.e. a counselor or minister.
People movers generally take the lead in building teams. This isn’t me, at all. I’m very shy, and I feel like a leader
has all the attention focused on them, and that’s something I am uncomfortable with. I’m not a matchmaker, I’m
not always going, “hey so-and-so, let me introduce you to so-and-so”. People builders have nurturing qualities. I feel
that as a woman, those are inherent in me. But, for the most part, I can’t believe I didn’t score lower, as “people
mover” just doesn’t really fit me.
• Ambassador – your score is 9 points out of 25
• Advocate – your score is 9 out of 25
My second-to-lowest scores were in the ambassador and advocate categories. “Ambassadors instinctively know how
to handle a variety of situations with grace. They tend to be the people diffusing nasty situations. The ones getting
involved in conflicts on behalf of broad constituencies, as opposed for their own benefit.” Depending on what the
situation is, I may or may not have grace. Speaking from experience, more often I would say not. I can get riled up.
Easily. I may need to work on that, if I plan to continue working in the business world. The second sentence in that
quote describes me to a T. I cannot tell you how many debates I’ve gotten in (or been drawn into) concerning
politics or religion, or when someone was being close-minded, or ignorant. I cannot tell you. I believe the
ambassador title is one that fits me. An advocate may act as a spokesperson. They can be articulate, rational,
logical, and persuasive. I feel that this title doesn’t suit me, because as I said, I am easily riled. I can let my emotions
get the best of me, become upset or irritated, and they may override my rational, logical side. Many advocates also
see things in black and white. I’ll never understand that. I see in many shades of gray. There’s hardly anything that I
see as one way or the other.
• Creative builder – your score is 7 out of 25
When I saw that I received the lowest score in the creative builder category, I was surprised. I LOVE creative
things. Art, books, fashion. If I could work in any of these industries, I’d be in heaven (esp. fashion). But then I read
the description of a creative builder, and realized that my idea of creative didn’t gel with this idea. Creative builders
are visionaries and entrepreneurs. I’ve never wanted to start a business, never even had an IDEA of what to sell or
provide. So I do understand why I scored so low in this category.