Invitation Letter

Shanghai United
International School
Gubei campus
International Stream
Admissions Handbook
 Admissions Procedures
 G6-12 Curriculum
 Extra Curriculum Activities
 Tuition Fee
 Transportation Rules
 Regular School Bus Stops Lists
 Uniform Information
 Application Form
 Transportation Registration Form
 Medical Consent Form
 Chinese Language Study Questionnaire
Admissions Procedures in Shanghai United International School
(Gubei Campus)
1. Arrange a Visit to the school grounds by contacting our admissions office
(Email:;Office PH: 86-21-51753015 or 86-21-51753030*858; Monday-Friday
8:30AM-4:30PM excluding national holidays).Our Admissions Officer of International Stream (Ms. Annie Yan) will
arrange for parents and the child(ren) to take a tour of the school facilities, meet the principal, and discuss any
further questions the family may have.
Fill out the application form
The application form can be printed and filled out for submission in person to the school Admissions Officer (Ms.
Annie Yan).
We require the document as below
Your child’s original passport/ID card and photocopy of the passport/ID card. (Original passport/ID card will
be returned after review)
Parents/guardian’s original passport/ID card and photocopy of the passport/ID card.(Original passport/ID
card will be returned after review)
4 passport sized photos
Health certificate(Or the Immunization received record card)
Academic records in all subjects, Official records in other languages must be submitted, but it is the
responsibility of the applicant’s to provide a certified English translation.
Records needed include:
Classroom teacher recommendation – academic subject or homeroom teacher;
Or The Principal’s recommendation
Supporting documents of educational/psychological testing or special learning needs ,if appropriate
A completed registration form
Test fee(non-refundable),will be used towards tuition if the student decides to attend SUIS.
*Note: We can only accept RMB in cash.
Applications will not be processed until ALL application materials have been received.
The admissions officer will inform parent of the interview time and date within 3 working days .The entrance
test(English & Maths) lasts around 3 hours and the interview will be conducted in English and will be taken between
30 and 60 minutes.
Once the applicant has passed the entrance and interview test, we will send you an official offer letter of
acceptance by post/email.
After you have received the official notice of acceptance and placement, parent(s) may pay the RMB5000-Seat
deposit fee. This non-refundable deposit will guarantee you child’s seat for the following year/semester and will
be used towards tuition if the student decides to attend SUIS.
SUIS Gubei:
The Curriculum
All SUIS schools follow the principle: “Many pathways, one destination”.
What is this destination?
By enabling all students to achieve their full potential, we aim to place as many of them as possible in
Higher Education at universities throughout the world.
And what are the pathways?
ICE International Curriculum for England
Primary Years Programme
CIC Cambridge International Curriculum (UK-based)
International General Certificate of Secondary Education (UK-based)
Diploma Programme
All three SUIS primary/elementary programmes feed into the SUIS Gubei secondary curriculum.
Gubei Campus
The Cambridge International Curriculum is part of the University of
Cambridge (England), and is the world’s largest provider of international
education, serving 650,000 students in 150 countries worldwide.
The Gubei curriculum for students aged 11 to 16 is divided into two sections.
Key Stage 3 :
Grades 6 – 8
What is Key Stage 3?
Between the ages of 11 to 14, our Grade 6 - 8, students will be following the Cambridge International Curriculum (international
version of the National Curriculum for England). This stage in their educational provision is called Key Stage 3, abbreviated to
KS3. We have adopted this particular curriculum because it is a tried and tested system used currently throughout England, Wales
and many international schools around the world with excellent academic results. It builds upon the progress of our students at
primary school and prepares our students for the demands of their IGCSE courses in Grade 9 which lead to the Cambridge Board
examinations in all subjects at the end of Grade 10.
What do they study?
In Grade 6 our students study English, Mathematics, Science (comprising Physics, Biology and Chemistry), Chinese, Art, ICT,
Music, PE, Humanities (comprising History and Geography), Drama, Reading and German.
To this we add PSHE (Personal,
Social and Health Education) and an extensive extra-curricular activities programme (ECA).
In Grade 7 students are able to make a guided choice between Drama, Reading and German before deciding at the end of Grade 8
their choices for courses at IGCSE level in Grade 9.
How are they examined?
Each subject is divided into units. At the end of each unit students undergo a unit test, as well as examinations at the end of each
semester. .We run the Cambridge ‘Checkpoint’ examinations in KS3.
Pastoral Care at SUIS
What is Pastoral Care?
We are not only concerned with the academic success of our students at Shanghai United International School but also in their
development as rounded, mature members of our society.
The pastoral team (Heads of House, Tutors, Assistant Tutors) help support the emotional and behavioural aspects of our students’
education and provide a Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) programme.
Pastoral care is regarded as an essential part of the School's ethos. Pupils are encouraged to fulfill their potential and helped to
overcome any problems they may face.
Central to this aim is the Tutor and House System. Each grade is divided into forms with a Tutor and an Assistant Tutor
who support students on a day-to-day
basis. The Tutor is in direct contact with teachers and parents. They speak to each student individually on a regular basis and help
to guide them not only in their academic progress but also in matters of homework, uniform and punctuality etc.
Supporting tutors is the House System. Each student and Tutor is assigned to either the Red Phoenix House, the Green
Dragon House, the Yellow Tiger House or the Blue Shark House. Not only does the Head of House and Assistant Tutor support
the Tutor in matters of behaviour etc., but the Head of House also gets to know students well and will encourage their wider
interests and participation in extra-curricular activities, and the cultural and sporting life of the school. As each House has students
from every grade, older year groups help support the younger ones with House Captains and Prefects underpinning the
House structure. Merits and House points also help encourage students to support their houses through their individual efforts as
well as team competitions.
Through this internal pastoral support, as well as friendly competition between the Houses throughout the year, we hope to
encourage not only academic endeavour but also to foster an ethos of belonging within the school.
Key Stage 4 :
Grades 9 – 10
What is Key Stage 4?
Key Stage 4 is a two-year programme which leads to IGCSE examinations at the end of Grade 10.
All programmes for KS4 follow the syllabuses offered by the University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE).
qualifications are created “with an international audience in mind, making them Interesting, valuable and relevant for students
around the world.” ( (
Students follow a two-year course in up to 10 subjects in Grades 9 and 10.
The IGCSE examinations take place at the end of Grade 10.
which subjects should be studied in Grades 11 and 12.
a successful general education.
Schools use the results of these examinations to make decisions on
Most universities require at least 5 subjects with grades A*- C as proof of
IGCSE is the international version of the GCSE’s taken by students within the English system.
However, 250 of the top English schools (including Eton, Winchester, Harrow and St Paul’s) offer IGCSE’s, seeing that they are
“more demanding” than GCSE’s and that they demonstrate a “commitment to rigour”.
All students are entered for ICGSE examinations.
In some cases a student may not be entered for an IGCSE examination if
his/her performance does not reach the required standard.
The Structure of the IGCSE and EPP Programme
The content of each of the IGCSE subjects is covered over two years. Students need to have completed the first year of an IGCSE
subject or its equivalent at a satisfactory level, before they can continue with the second year of IGCSE in that subject.
Students who have a sufficiently strong command of the English language in Grade 9 normally study nine subjects, four of which
are compulsory (English, Chinese, Maths and Science). Optional subjects such as History, Geography, ICT, English Literature,
Additional Maths, Music, Art, German and Drama are offered and they will be grouped into options choices.
This offers a
certain amount of choice.
Students who need more exposure to English will take a reduced IGCSE programme of 6 exam subjects
Science, Chinese, ICT and Art).
(English, Maths,
For the remaining curriculum time they will have an intensive English Proficiency Programme
IGCSE subjects are taught through the medium of English (with the exception of Chinese), and at the end of the two-year
programme, students will sit for externally assessed and internationally recognised examinations from the University of
Cambridge International Examinations (CIE). Students selecting these courses will be required to sit for the examinations in their
selected subjects at the end of Grade 10.
The results of these IGCSE examinations will show which subjects they should study in the following two years.
Grades 11 and 12
Grades 11 and 12
Gubei Campus offers two pathways to university.
International Baccalaureate: Diploma Programme (IB DP).
Gubei Campus is an IB World School, which places it in the growing family of 3100 World Schools in 139 countries.
Over the course of the two-year programme, students:
study six subjects chosen from the six subject groups
complete an extended essay
follow a theory of knowledge course (TOK)
participate in creativity, action, service (CAS).
three of the six subjects are studied at higher level (courses representing 240
teaching hours)
the remaining three subjects are studied at standard level (courses require
150 teaching hours).
Extra Curriculum Activities
1.Art Club
2. Badminton
5. Choir
6. Duke of Edinburgh Award (Bronze & Silver)
7. Field Hockey
8. Film Clubs (American & Historical)
9. Orchestra
10. Running Club
11. Small Ensembles
12. Study Support
13. Table Tennis
14. Theatre Production
15. Waterloo Math
16.Year Book
20.Chinese Culture
Application Form 申请表
Chinese Name 中文姓名_______________ English Name 英文姓________________________
Student’s Native Language 母语________________ Gender 性____________________________
Date of Birth
Nationality 国籍_____________________
Expected Length stay in Shanghai 预计在上海的停留时间____ Present Grade 现在就读的年级 ________
Grade Level to be enrolled in
准备入读的年级_______Requested Entry Date 入读日期__________________
Address in Shanghai 上海的住址____________________________________________________________________
Parent /Guardian 1 家长/监护人 1 _____________Relationship to Applicant 与申请人的关系______________
Company 公司名称____________________________ Job title 职务________________________________________
Telephone 联系电话_____________________
Mobile 移动电话____________________________________
E-mail 电子邮件______________________
Parent /Guardian 1 家长/监护人 2 ____________Relationship to applicant 与申请人的关系_______________
Company 公司名称_____________________________ Job title 职务_________________________________________
Telephone 联系电话______________________
Mobile 移动电话____________________________________
E-mail 电子邮件______________________
Does your child have any of the following? 您的孩子是否有以下的几种疾病或症状?
□ Frequent Headaches 习惯性头痛
□ Head Injury 头部的损伤
□ Epilepsy/Seizures 癫痫病
□ Asthma 哮喘
□ Frequent Stomach aches 习惯性胃痛
□ Heart Disease 心脏病
□ Infectious Disease 传染性疾病
□ ADHD 多动症
□ Allergies, please specify 过敏, 请说明______________________________________________
In the past 2 years, has the student attended any program (i.e. gifted and talented, emotional/ behavioral
disorder, learning difficulty, speech language therapy, etc.)? 在过去的 2 年中您的小孩有没有接受特殊
的教育? (如超智力训练, 情感行为自控能力, 学习困难, 语言障碍方面的治疗等)?
If yes, please
Do you have any sibling (s) studying at Shanghai United International School?
If yes, What Grade____________
你有兄弟姐妹在我们学校上课吗? 如果是的话, 现在在几年级____________
Official Use Only(此处只需学校填写):
Student Grade _____________
Date Applied _______________
Waiting List
Frequently asked questions
Q1: What curriculum do you use?
We are a full range secondary school (Grades 6-12) offering parents the opportunity to chose a continuous
place of education for their child from grade 6 up to the time the apply for and enter university.
In Grades 6-8, we deliver the English National Curriculum Key Stage 3 (KS3) adapted where required to
give more relevance to international pupils. As they move to G9, students follow a 2-year IGCSE
(International General Certificate of Secondary Education) course, with selected options/electives. Students
will sit for IGCSE examinations at the end of G10.
If good grades are achieved at IGCSE, then in Grades 11 & 12 students study for the IB (International
Baccalaureate) Diploma or Certificate Programme).
Students who join SUIS in Grade 10 are offered the Pre-IB. This is a preparation year for subsequent entry
to either of the two year IB courses in Grades 11 and 12, with emphasis on English language proficiency and
a growing competence in the IB style of learning.
Q2: University Entrance/ can my child enter overseas universities for example in USA, Canada, UK,
Europe, Hong Kong etc.?
We are often asked, as we follow a curriculum based upon the English National Curriculum and the IB
Diploma/Certificate programme , if these studies will be acceptable by universities in the USA. The
answer is definitely YES. In fact we have survey evidence to show that many US universities look
more favourably on GCSE/IB international students than they do on students with an overseas US
High School Diploma.
Last year our Grade 12 Graduates all gained entry to universities of their choice in many different countries
including USA, UK, Canada, France, Ireland, Hong Kong (35% of them gaining entry to universities rated
in the top 1% of universities in the world … including Cambridge University(UK) which last year was rated
No.1 in the world).
Students looking to enter US universities will usually be required to take a test of English ability (TOEFL)
and an aptitude test (SAT) these have to be taken in registered centres for these test, of which there are many
in shanghai (we are currently in the process of applying to become a registered SAT test centre ourselves).
We do all the required guidance and assistance with applications for university entrance ourselves. We do
not recommend the use of agencies in this. Please note there are many agencies in Shanghai that will try to
convince you that you need there very expensive and often generic services with regard to university
applications, TOEFL and SAT tuition. You do not!! Anyone having a GCSE in English or having
followed an IB course delivered in English should not require further tuition re these from an agency.
University applications are best dealt with by the in-house school guidance team.
Q3: When should I apply to join our school?
You are welcome to submit an application any time during the year; we do not have an application deadline.
However, due to an ever-increasing number of students on our waiting lists at most grade levels; we do
encourage you to apply as soon as you feel ready to enroll into Shanghai United International School Gubei
Q4: What documents do I need in order to apply to the school?
The following documents are required for admissions to the school:
Your child’s original passport and photocopy of the passport.(will return after review)
4 passport-sized photos
Health certificate (or the Immunization record card)
Academic records in all subjects, Official Records in other languages must be submitted,
but it is the responsibility of the applicant’s parents to provide a certified English translation.
Records needed include:
 Classroom teacher recommendation – academic subject or homeroom teacher;
 Or The Principal’s recommendation,
Supporting documents of educational/psychological testing or special learning needs, if
Q5: Does school require admissions testing?
Once the completed form has been submitted to the admissions office, an admissions staff member will
contact the parent and student to arrange an interview with a member of the senior management team and
relevant entrance tests, to include an English language test.
Q6: Importance of English levels … the admissions process which includes written tests and interviews is
particularly looking to see if a child’s English levels are sufficient for the year group they are seeking to be
placed in. If this is obviously not so then we do have the opportunity to recommend the parent’s look at
placing the child for a time in an intensive English unit that the organization has established so that English
levels can be raised and then the child can be retested for admission to the mainstream. This unit is
currently located at our Wan Yuan Campus but is a separate unit and not part of the Wan Yuan School.
At GCSE level we enter children for either the English First Language GCSE or English Second Language
At IB level students study for English A (First Language) or English B (Second Language).
Language/Mother tongue speakers cannot be entered for a Second Language exam.
Q7: What is your school daily routine?
Our school daily routine is from
8:20am until 3:20pm,Mondays and Fridays.
8:20 till 4:20pm,Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Timetabling of daily schedules/breaks during day.
We have a 10 minute registration period at 0820
followed by two 55 minute curriculum lessons… then a 25 minute break followed by a further two lessons
periods… then a 55 minute lunch. The afternoon session starts with a 5 minute registration and then three
further 55 minute periods. (Two on monday and Friday).The last period (period 7) on Wednesday is
allocated as an Extra-Curricular Activity (ECA) period… The last two periods on Thursday are allocated as
a Tutorial Period and House Meeting respectively and the final period on Friday is a Whole School
Except for the programmed breaks there is no other programmed break between lessons.
Lessons are taught by subject specialists in that teachers room. At the end of a lesson pupils will move to
their next teacher (we expect this to take only a few minutes).
Allocation of teachers to classes. Subject specialists are allocated to classes by liaison between the Head
of Department and the Principal when the timetable is constructed.
Q8: What is the Setting Policy in the school?. (please click
Q9: What is the Extra-Curricular Activity (ECA) period (period 7) on Wednesday?
Each semester
pupils can choose from a list of offered ECA’s (please click
Q10: Can pupils take individual music tuition? This is an optional activity 150 rmb per lesson
arranged with individual instrumental teachers(please click here). Pupil’s choosing Music as an optional
elective subject at GCSE or IB level do need to be competent at an individual musical instrument and really
need individual music tuition in addition to the timetabled music lessons..
Q11: What are some of the main differences between primary/secondary school?
secondary schools (grade 6-12) use specialist teachers for every subject. Primary schools more often use
a general class teachers who teach a variety of subjects (although most do use some specialists).
Consequently secondary school pupils usually have a greater number and variety of teachers and usually
change teacher and subject at the end of every lesson period.
Q12: What are some differences between international/Chinese education? Local Chinese schools
often have far greater numbers of pupils in a class (40, 50 even 60 is not uncommon) this can influence
the type of teaching, these numbers generally favour whole class teaching. With smaller numbers in an
international school class we would expect a greater variety of teaching strategies from whole class teaching,
group work, pair work and individual activities. Memorisation and Recall of facts is not seen as a
particularly high level skill and we are looking to develop understanding of concepts, application of
understanding, the ability to link concepts and the ability to be creative.
Teachers in an international school generally have higher teaching loads and each teacher is not expected to
act as a home-school liaison person/ home or hospital visitor. For contact with home-school contact we
have a structured communication/contact policy (please click
for the detailed information)
Q13: Can you tell me some of the differences between your school and other schools?
Every school has its own strengths.
At SUIS, we try to enable international education to be affordable, rather than the very
high-cost fees required by other schools.
We reflect the multi-faceted international community in Shanghai and give due respect to
the richness of Chinese culture. SUIS is certainly not an enclave for the children of well-off
Most other international schools are typically either very Chinese or very western. SUIS
builds bridges between both educational cultures. SUIS students benefit from the school’s “East
meets West” mission. They understand more about multi-cultural perspectives and prepare
themselves to become tomorrow’s global citizens.
As a result of the low student-teacher ratio, our staff can focus more closely on the individual needs of each
What are some of the special strengths about your school?
SUIS strives to combine the very best of East and West. This is not only reflected in the curriculum – where
the study of Chinese is given a high priority - and also at school management level where SUIS implements
a Co-Principal Systems. With one Western and one Chinese Principal, we believe we can meet the needs of
both Asian and Western parents and students.
Q14: When does your school year begin and finish?
School begins late-August/early-September and concludes at the end of June. The academic year runs on a
semester basis. The SUIS calendar meets international school requirements and also accommodates the
national Chinese holidays.
Please click here for the school calendar
Q15: What are the class sizes?
The maximum class size is 25, although most classes are much smaller than this.
Q16: Do student wear a school uniform?
We require all students to wear uniform from Monday to Friday during school hours. Students are required
to acquire the uniform prior to joining the school and commencing classes. As ambassadors for the school,
students are representatives of the school’s high expectations and standards. (Please click for the detailed information)
Q17: Does school provide bus transportation? How much does it cost?
We provide school bus services throughout Puxi and some areas in Pudong before and after school. The
school has many bus routes available for students who live in different districts in Shanghai. The school bus
is optional, as some families prefer to make alternative arrangements for transportation. Bus routes are
flexible, from example a request for a pick-up/drop-off point to be added to an existing route can be
considered. Bus transportation is also available following the extra-curricular activity program. This fee is
not included in the tuition fee. The fee is between 690RMB to 1200RMB monthly, depending on the
distance. Each school bus is staffed with a bus mummy who ensures the safety of the students on the
bus.(Please click here for the detailed transportation rules)
Q18: How about the staff and staff recruitment?
The Principal at GuBei secondary campus, Mr. David Walsh, is a leader in the field of education with many
years of experience in school management, both in England and the Middle East. He has brought with him
immense knowledge and expertise and your child will greatly benefit from it.
All our western staff of the staff are English-Speaking. We aim to recruit qualified teacher subject
secondary age-range specialists with undergraduate degrees and teaching certificates or teaching degrees
from their respective countries. Experience preferably in the English National Curriculum and/or the
International Baccalaurette (IB) Diploma programme is strongly preferred. The majority nationality of our
western teachers is British. We employ Chinese teachers to teach Chinese.
Recruitment of teachers This is done by the Principal. All teachers are western qualified teachers
specialized in a particular subject area (with at least a Bachelor’s Degree in that area)(the majority
nationality is British). The primary method of recruiting is by a targeted advert for a specific post in a
reputed professional journal (for example the British “Times Educational Supplement”) followed by
shortlisting of applicants and a subsequent interview. Previous employment references are taken before a
contract is finalized.
Q19: Can you tell me the background of the school?
Our school was established by the Xiehe Education Organization, which is the biggest private education
organization in China, Professor HU Wei, the Head of the Xiehe Education Organization, is also the
Chairman of Shanghai Private School Associations, an expert for UNESCO, Head of Shanghai
Non-government Education Research Institute.
Q20: Which nationalities do you accept?
We accept students from all over the world if they can pass the entrance test. Unlike many international
schools in Shanghai, we welcome Chinese students. The entrance procedures are the same as for other
foreign students.
Q21: How do you assess your students?
The school emphasizes regular formative assessment (assessing regularly during the course) as well as
summative end-of–semester examinations. Formative assessments include: individual presentations,
research reports, group essays, posters, etc. Each student receives four reports per year:
Interim Report 1 (IR1) in October
Interim Report 2 (IR2) in January, at the end of 1st Semester
Interim Report 3 (IR3) in April, which sets targets for the final months of the year
Full Report in June.
Summaries of progress/effort in each subject are recorded in the pupils planner diary every 2 weeks.
Parents are asked to sign to acknowledge they have seen these entries. These are particularly useful in
allowing the senior management team of the school to monitor student progress and effort. The pastoral
team of the school will interview pupils with unsatisfactory effort and arrange interviews with parents if this
There are at two formal parent-teacher consultations per year for each year group.
Q22: Tests/mid-year exams/end year exams … Each department will set regular topic tests in their
lessons at appropriate points which will comprise part of the overall assessment (as will classroom
performance, verbal contributions, homework etc.)
Whole School internally set exams, when the teaching timetable is suspended during that period, happen
twice a year near the end of each semester. Answer papers are reviewed with pupils in class but the
completed exam papers are not sent home but retained in school for teacher reference and security. If a
parent has a particular issue with a certain exam result they should contact the Curriculum Vice Principal.
External exams… GCSE/iGCSE/IB Diploma/Certificate. These are set and marked and grades awardedby
the examination boards. We do not get the answer scripts returned to us. (However it is possible to query
an awarded grade if that is felt to be appropriate).
Pupil’s will be entered for the level of external paper that the school deems appropriate. This will be made
clear to parents at time of final registration (usually Jan/Feb of the year of entry), previous reports will
have been indicating the level that pupils are working at. For most GCSE subjects there are two tiers of
final entry Extended and Core. Extended aims at GCSE Grades A*-D and Core at C-G. Pupils should
only be entered for the extended level papers if their work shows them with a likely chance of a grade B or
above in that subject.(Please click here)
IB course are done at Diploma or Certificate level overall. Each subject can be at Higher or Standard level.
Diploma candidate need to do three subjects at Higher level (please click here)
Q23: How much Homework is set?
Homework is an important part of our work.
Please click
Please click here for the detailed homework policy..
Q24: How can parents be involved in the school’s daily work?
We are committed to fostering a strong partnership between teachers and parents, and the Parent Support
Group (PSG)offers many ways to strengthen this partnership.-please click
Each class has its own Class Representative. Parents can join on a voluntary basis. Class Representatives
selected by the parents attend regular school PSG meetings to share ideas with the senior management team,
and hold informal coffee mornings. Parents are also warmly welcome to get involved in the voluntarily
Fee Schedule –
Academic Year 2012-2013(Grade 6-12)
2012-2013 学年学费 (六至十二年级)
(All fees quoted below are in RMB currency)
Semester 1 第一学期
Semester 2 第二学期
Feb.2013- Jun.2013
Tuition Fee 学费
Tuition Fee 学费
Grade 6-8
Grade 9-12
Other Fees 其他费用
Semester 1 第一学期
Lunch Fee
Semester 2 第二学期
根据实际学期天数而定,一般在 1800-2500 之间。
School Uniform
Please check the attached uniform information
Grade 6-8(六至八年级)
Text Book Fees per semester
( will return the overcharge and demand payment of the shortage)
Grade 9-12(九至十二年级)
Examination Fee
Depends on subject options
School bus 校车 (optional)(可选)
600-1200 /month
Library Book Deposit (Refundable)
以上所有多退少补的费用,请家长保留原始发票作为凭证。Please kindly keep your original receipt.
School bus 校车
Within 3 km 三公里之内
Between 3 and 5 km 三至五公里
Between 5 and 7 km 五至七公里
Between 7 and 9 km 七至九公里
Over 9 km 超过九公里
The bus fees will be charged separately
Discount policy: 优惠政策
Sibling discount 同胞学费折扣
For subsequent child studying in the international stream of Xiehe Organization, a discount of 20% on
the tuition fee is given.
同一个家庭中的第二个孩子起,享有 20%的学费折扣,即使不在同一校区,但只要是在协和集团国际部就读,都可以
Company discount 企业签约优惠政策
For staff of enterprises that have established business partnership with Xiehe by signing agreement to
enroll at least 10 staff’s children in SUIS, the 10% tuition discount will be given upon whole payment
of the 10 student’s tuitions from the same corporate bank account.
学校与各合作企业、公司的人力资源部门签订过长期员工内部优惠协议,一旦员工子女人数达到 10 人(含)以上,
且所有学生的学费由同一公司账户全额一次性付讫,即可享受学费部分 10%折扣。
Each student can only enjoy one discount with the most-favor-principle. However, if the students win
the scholarship and at the same have already enjoyed the sibling discount, s/he can enjoy double
Transportation Rules 校车乘坐规范
1. Bus fees: the bus fee will be calculated for the whole year and divided by 9.5-10 equal payments.
This is then charged and paid once for each semester. The detailed monthly payments after CNY 2013
are(starting from March 1 ):
校车费: 校车费按照全年进行计算,然后平摊到 9.5-10 个月。校车费需以学期为基础进行缴纳。2013 年新
年后从 3 月起的校车收费具体如下:
Within 3km, the bus fee will be RMB 600/month 三公里之内, 690 元/月。
Between 3 and 5km, the bus fee will be RMB 700/month 三至五公里, 800 元/月。
Between 5 and 7km, the bus fee will be RMB 800/month 五至七公里, 920 元/月。
Between 7 and 9km, the bus fee will be RMB 900/month 七至九公里, 1000 元/月。
Over 9km, the bus fee will be decided by discussing with both Bus Company and parents. 超过九
One way journey will costs 70% of the whole month bus fee. 单程乘坐校车,费用为整月费用的 70%.
The students who take the school bus for less than 2 weeks (including 2 weeks) will be charged
for a half month’s school bus service fee, if more than 2 weeks, then a whole month’s service
fee will be charged. 学生乘坐校车不足两周,以两周计算,超过两周,按全月收取。
As we have different school calendar each year, the total bus fee will be charged by taking the
total yearly sum and dividing it into 9.5-10 equal monthly payments.根据每年校历的不同,校车
费全年总计按 9.5-10 个月来计算。
2. Parents must notify the school in writing of address one week in advance. No immediate placement
would be available if the school is not informed formally one week in advance.
3. Change of address -Students moving to a new residential address must inform Mr. Xu at 51753030*856
or 13801694670 at least five days in advance to enable proper planning and routing. If you are an
English speaker, you could call 51753030*0.
住址变更-为了确保路线安排的合理以及完善其他相应的准备,请搬家的学生务必在 5 天之前通知校车公司许
老师,联系电话:51753030*856 或者 13801694670。若需英文沟通,请拨打前台电话 51753030*0。
4. Termination of bus service -Parents who wish to terminate bus service must give at least one week
notice prior to their desired termination date.
取消服务—如果希望停止校车接送服务,家长必须在 1 周之前通知校车公司。
5. Parents are responsible for their child, until they have boarded and after they have disembarked
the SUIS school buses.请家长务必在学生乘坐校车之前,以及下车之后的这段时间确保学生安全。
6. Informing the School Office -If your child(ren)will not be riding the regular bus at anytime, the
bus monitor and the school office must be advised. If the child is sick, please also advise the bus
monitor or the school office to avoid the
7. bus waiting for pickup and being delayed unnecessarily. The contact information for the bus monitor
will be given to you.
8. The bus routes are liable to change and are by no means fixed till the end of a school year.允许
9. Buses will not enter into some residential compound if the estate does not permit the bus to enter
or the time taken up to do so affect the smooth flow of the routes. In this case, the students are
required to board and disembark the bus at the main entrance of their compound.
10. If there is any disruption of the child’s travel arrangement due to traffic conditions or unexpected
accidents, the bus-teacher will inform the parents at the earliest time possible. This disruption
due to the mentioned unforeseen circumstances however does not constitute SUIS’s inability to fulfill
its transportation obligation.
11. Seatbelts -For safety and security purposes wearing a seatbelt is a must. Students must seatbelts
at all times, except when getting on or off the bus.
12. Acting safely on the bus -Students are expected to act safely while riding the bus by keeping their
hands and feet to themselves.
13. Keeping track of belongings, disposing of trash, Students are responsible for keeping track of their
belonging. They are also responsible for taking care of their trash. Students should wait to deposit
their trash in the trash bag on their ways out of the bus.
14. Courteous behavior - Students are expected to behave in an appropriate manner – courteously and
respectfully – to bus staff members. The drive/monitor will report all matters of misbehavior to
the School Office, who will take action accordingly. Rudeness to drivers and bus monitors will not
be allowed.
15. Punctuality-Students are required to be punctual for their school buses pick up. Buses will wait
for THREE minutes after the designated pick-up time before leaving for the next stop and it is parents
’ responsibility to provide transportation for their child. If students are late and make buses
wait on a regular basis (e.g., day after day) a report will be made to the School Office. If the
situation continued, parents may be asked to make alternative arrangements.
按时上车—如果学生在规定时间内没有准时上车,校车最多再等 3 分钟;如果学生经常迟到,带车老师将通知
16. No dangerous-objects Students are not permitted to bring dangerous or sharp objects (e.g., pocket
knives) onto their school buses
17. No pets or live animals-No per or other live animals are allowed onto school buses at any time.
18. Suspension/ Termination-All bus riders must obey the above-stated Transportation Rules. Failure to
follow so may result in suspension or termination from riding on all SUIS buses.终止服务—所有乘
SUIS Gubei Campus Regular School Bus Stops List
updated by January2013
SUIS 古北校区校车路线
更新至 2013 年 1 月
Residence/Road Name
Residence/Road Name
Gubei New Areas
5 mins/5 分
Yan’an Road(W)
Hong Qiao Road/Fan Yu Road
Xin Zheng Road
Huan Zhen Road(W)
Lu Ban Road/Xie Tu Road
Kings Garden
Fu Quan Road/Tian Shan
Road(W) 福泉路/天山西路
Hwang Guang Garden
Xin zhu Road/Lian Hua Road
Eastern Manhattan
Qi Xin Road(Wanke)
Jin Xiu Jiang Nan
Jiang Su Road/Yu Yuan Road
Cao Xi Road(N)
Gu Dai Road/Shui Qing Road
Feng Du Guo Ji
Zhong Shan Park
50 mins/50
Huaguang City
Ma Dang Road/Chong Qing
Road(S) 马当路/重庆南路
Fu Rong Jiang Road
20 mins/20
Ju Lu Road/Shan’xi Road
Xijiao Perfect Garden
Zhong Chun Road
Wu Lu Mu Qi Road/Jian Guo
Ma Dang Road/Chong Qing
Road(W) 乌鲁木齐路 /建国西路
Road(S) 马当路/重庆南路
Xin Geng Road(Yong Xin
Shu Ying Road/Zhong Chun Road
community) 辛耕路 永新小区
Long Bai
Chang De Road/Xin Zha Road
Long Ming Road (Cao Bao Road)
Xi Kang Road/Jiang Ning Road
65 mins/65
Lou Shan guan Road(Vernal
30 mins/30
Yin Du Road
Hu Min Road(South Shopping
Gao Jing Road
Mall) 沪闵路(南方商城)
Qi Xin Road/Zhong Yi Road
Ding Xiang Road
Xie Tu Road/Rui Jin Road(S)
L Jian Guo Road(W) /Rui Jin Road
Dynasty Villa
Uniform Store will be open from December 1st 2012
Uniform Store will be open from December 1st 2012. Students and parents are welcome to visit our uniform
store for in-store purchase or changing uniform sizes. Please read the information below:
1, Opening Days:
From December 1st 2012
We are open every Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday.
Please note: The store is closed on Wednesday, Thursday and Public Holidays.
2, Opening Hours:
3, Store Address:
#509 Ping Ji Road, Min Hang District, Shanghai (Shanghai United International School, Wan Yuan Campus,
near the cross road of Wan Yuan Road)
4, Payment Method For Purchases:
For we have just moved in Wan Yuan Campus and POS machine is in the process of application, we only
accept CASH for purchases at present.
If you plan to purchase uniforms in store, please bring enough cash for expense.
We apologize for any inconvenience
5, Service Hotline
021 5429 2526 (Monday to Friday,9:00am~5:00pm)
021 6498 1196*809 (Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Satuday & Sunday 9:00am~5:00pm)
Please call the above hotlines for school uniform inquires.
6, Online shop:
Transportation Registration Form 校车申请表
Please complete this form and return it to:
请填写完毕后交给古北校区 Annie Yan 老师
Annie Yan (Gu Bei Campus Admissions Officer)
Tel/电话:86 21-51753030 转 858 或者 86 21-51753015
Fax/传真:86 21-51753010, Email 邮件
Name of student 学生姓名:
Grade 年级:
Pick-up/Drop –off Address:接送地址 (Please specify your compound and crossroad)
In case of emergencies, we will contact the person listed below.
Name 姓名 :
Home Phone No.家庭电话:
Relationship with child 与学生关系:
Mobile No 移动电话 :
Office Phone No.办公室电话:
Special Note 特别备注:
I/We have read and fully understand the attached regulations and shall abide the terms and conditions
herein stated.
Parent’s Name
Parent’s Signature
Date (Day / Month /Year)
日期 (日 / 月 /日)
Student’s Name 学生姓名:
Parent / Guardian’s Name 家长/监护人姓名:
Home Address 家庭住址:
Phone Numbers Home 家里电话
Work 工作单位
Mobile 移动手机
Should the above person be contacted in
Chinese / English / either?
In an emergency the following people can also be contacted.
Relationship to
Should the person be
contacted in Chinese,
English or either?
Phone number
Statement of Consent 同意声明
In the event of an emergency or a non-emergency situation requiring medical treatment, I hereby grant permission for
any and all medical attention to be administered to my child, in the event of an injury or illness, until such a time that I
can be contacted. This permission includes, but is not limited to, the administration of first aid (either by the supervising
teacher or another person with their permission), the use of an ambulance, x-rays and other diagnostic tests, the
administration of anesthesia and/or surgery, under the supervision of qualified medical personnel.
或得到此监管者认可的其他人),使用救护车,X 光片拍摄和其他医疗诊断,在有资质的医护人员的监督下注射麻醉剂
Should my child be beyond reasonable disciplinary control on any school trip I understand that I will be liable for all
costs in returning my child home which may include the costs of an accompanying chaperone.
Signature 签名:
Date 日期:
Please fill in the table below in either Chinese or English as translations can be added later by the
school.请用中文或英文填写以下表格,学校将添加完成相应的翻译。Give any extra information
needed please.如有其它信息需要提供请添加在最后。
Birth date 出生年月日期
Blood Type (if known)血型(如果知道)
Known medical conditions(目前知晓的健康状
Food allergies? 有否食物过敏?
Drug allergies? 有否药物过敏?
Bee sting / insect bite allergies? 有否蜜蜂或
Does your child regularly take any medicines
bought from the chemist? 您的孩子是否定期
Does your child regularly take any drugs
prescribed by a doctor? 您的孩子是否定期服
Are there any activities that your child should
not take part in because of a known medical
condition? 是否有由于健康状况而不适宜参加
Last tetanus injection date 最后一次打破伤风
Please give details of any operation or
significant illness within the last 2 years.
Other relevant information
Chinese Language Study Questionnaire
Thank you for completing the following questionnaire. Your co-operation will ensure that the Chinese
department is able to place the students into the correct Chinese class.
国籍 (Nationality)_______________
学生姓名( Student Name)___________________________
1、您的孩子学过中文吗?Has your child studied Chinese before?
A. 是(Yes)
B. 否(No)
如果您回答“是” , 请继续完成下面几个问题。
If your answer is “Yes”, please continue to answer the following questions
2、您的孩子学了多长时间的中文?How long has your child studied Chinese?
Which school did your child attend? If no school was attended, how/where did your child learn Chinese?
How many hours per week did your child learn Chinese in the past?
Is your child’s Chinese language ability well balanced? (e.g. She/He is good at listening and speaking, but
characters recognition and writing is difficult?