Standard Assessment- Exam Key

Name ________________________________
Date ____________________ Section___________
Human Genome Exam
Instructions: For each section, choose the BEST answer for each question. You will have 50 minutes to
complete the exam. Good Luck!!
Part One: Multiple Choice. Each question is worth 1 Point. There is only one correct answer for each
1. A picture of chromosomes that are clearly arranged in a linear pattern in their mitotic form is
called….. (Objective 2: Knowledge)
a. Karyotype
c. Zygote
b. Pedigree
d. Phylogeny
2. Two chromosomes out of the 46 chromosomes found in every human’s genome are called sex
chromosomes, because they determine…. (Objective 1: Knowledge)
a. An Individual’s IQ
c. A Population’s IQ
b. An Individual’s Sex
d. A Population’s Sex
3. This is a type of chart that shows the relationship within a family. (Objective 14: Knowledge)
a. Karyotype
c. Pedigree
b. Zygote
d. Phylogeny
4. If an individual has the blood type A, then that person’s blood genotype will be which of the
following? (Objective 3: Analysis)
a. I^A : I^A
c. i : i
b. I^A : I^B
d. I^B: i
5. If an individual has the blood Genotype i : i, then individual’s blood type, or phenotype, should
be with of the following? (Objective 3: Analysis)
a. A
c. AB
b. B
d. O
6. Lack of pigment in skin, hair, and eyes are all symptoms of which Autosomal Disorder?
(Objective 4: Knowledge)
a. Cystic Fibrosis
c. Tay-Sachs disease
b. Phenylketonuria (PKU)
d. Albinism
7. If a person had the Autosomal Disorder Galactosemia, which of the following symptoms would
that person show? (Objective 4: Comprehension)
a. Excess mucus in the lungs, digestive tract, and liver
b. Accumulation of phenylalanine in tissues
c. Accumulation of sugar in tissues
d. Accumulation of lipids in brain cells
8. Billy has just been informed that he has Sickle Cell Disease. Sickle cell disease causes physical
weakness and damage to all of the following organs except for….. (Objective 13: Application)
a. The Brain
c. The Liver
b. The Heart
d. The Spleen
9. If two chromosomes code for an individual's sex, the other 44 chromosomes are more
commonly referred as… (Objective 1: Knowledge)
a. Sex Chromosomes
c. Blood Types
b. Autosomes
d. Pedigrees
For Questions 10, 11, 12, and 13, use the picture to answer the four questions.
10. What is the chart shown above is a picture of? (Objective 14: Comprehension)
a. A cladogram
c. A Pedigree
b. A Phylogentic Tree
d. A Karyotype
11. Letter A is located next to a circle. What does a circle represent in this picture? (Objective 14:
a. A female
c. A child
b. A male
d. A hemophile
12. Letter D is represented by a shaded in box. What does a shaded-in shape represent in this chart?
(Objective 14: Comprehension)
a. A specific trait being observed
b. A non-functioning trait
c. A female
d. The Parent Generation P1
13. What does Picture G represent? (Objective 14: Comprehension)
a. A male carrying a specific trait
b. A female carrying a specific trait
c. A female not carrying a specific trait
d. A male not carrying a specific trait
Part 2: Short Answer
Answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge. Your answers do not need to be in
complete sentences. (2 Points Each)
14. From the chapter, pick two autosomal disorders and list their symptoms. (Objective 4:
Disorder- Tay-Sachs Disease
Symptoms- Lipid Accumulation in brain cells, mental deficiency, blindness
Disorder- Cystic Fibrosis
Symptoms- Excess Mucus in the Lungs, Digestive Tract, and Liver, Increased susceptibility to
15. Describe what the Human Genome Project was used for. (Objective 12: Knowledge)
Used to analyze the human DNA sequence
16. Name a disease associated with….. (Objective 6: Knowledge)
Chromosome 21- Lou Gehrig’s Disease, or Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Chromosome 22- Neurofibrosis
17. What is non-disjunction? (Objective 8: Knowledge)
When a homologous chromosome fails to separate, or “not coming apart.”
Part 3: Essay Questions.
Answer the following in complete sentences (3 Points Each).
18. What is DNA fingerprinting and how has it been used in society? (Objective 11: Application)
DNA fingerprinting is a tool used to analyze sections of DNA that have little or no known
function but vary widely from one individual to another. It has been used to help convict
criminals as well as turn over many convictions.
19. What is Gene Therapy? (Objective 13: Knowledge)
Gene Therapy is the process in which an absent or a non-functional gene is replaced by a
normal, working gene.
20. Explain the impact of an inactivated X-chromosome in cats and which sex does it affect, male or
female? (Objective 7: Knowledge)
Cats have a gene that controls the color of coat spots. This gene is located on the X
chromosome. If that X-Chromosome becomes inactive, a mixture of colors can show up in a
cat’s fur. An inactivated X-chromosome affects females, since one X chromosome is switched
on and off.
Points Total:
Multiple Choice: ________/ Out of 13 Points
Short Answer: ________/Out of 8 Points
Essay Portion: ________/ Out of 9 Points
Total Points: ________/ Out of 30 Points