ENGLISH 12 ONLINE - Continuous Entry COURSE OUTLINE Instructor: Ms. Sabrina Fox sfox@sd43.bc.ca (604) 945-4211 INSTRUCTOR AVAILABILITY: (see online copy for links) Mondays - Thursdays 10-2 p.m. at Coquitlam Learning Opportunity Centre & Tuesday Evenings from 5:00 – 9:00 p.m. as well. SCORE REPORT PARTICULARS Assignments & Scores Individual Mark Weightings & Distribution ASSIGNMENT RAW SCALED UNIT ONE: WRITING UNIT 10 10 Definition Paragraph 10 10 Explaining Paragraph 10 10 Descriptive Paragraph 10 10 Introductory Paragraph 10 10 Concluding Paragraph 10 10 Full Essay Outline 15 15 Full Essay Composition 15 15 Assignment Totals _____/80 Writing UNIT EXAM _____/100 FINAL WRITING UNIT SCORE _____% UNIT TWO: SHORT STORY UNIT Story Terminology 40 7 Story #1 "CatbirdSeat" Paragraph 10 12 Story #2 "The Bet" Short Answer Questions 12 5 1 Story #2 "The Bet" Paragraph 10 10 Story #3 "A Walk to the Jetty" 8 Short Answer 5 Story #3 "A Walk to the Jetty" 10 Paragraph 10 Story #4 "The Ultimate Safari" 12 Short Answer 10 Story #4 "The Ultimate Safari" 10 Paragraph 10 Story #5 "The Artist" Short Answer 14 10 Story #5 "The Artist" MiniEssay 24 24 Total Possible 103 Assignments Total _____/103 Unit Exam Total _____/100 FINAL UNIT SCORE ______% UNIT THREE: POETRY A. Poetic Terms 15 10 B. Original Figures of Speech 10 10 1. "Gathering" Analysis 25 10 2. "Haiku" Analysis 16 10 3. "Ode to Socks" Analysis 17 10 4. "Mother to Son" 16 10 5. "A Mother" 25 15 Assignment Total _____/75 Unit Exam Total _____/100 FINAL UNIT SCORE ______% 2 Assignment UNIT FOUR: DRAMA or NOVEL FULL-LENGTH READING 1. Assignment /100 2. Unit EXAM /100 Unit Totals /200 FINAL UNIT SCORE TERM WORK Writing Unit 20% Short Story Unit 20% Poetry Unit Drama or Novel Unit TEACHER FINAL EXAM FINAL TEACHER MARK Provincial Exam weighting is 40% + Teacher mark contributes 60% PROVINCIAL EXAM LINK Course Weightings Overview Writing Unit Short Story Unit Poetry Unit Drama or Novel Unit Course Term Work /20 /20 /15 /15 /70 /30 Final Exam ____/100% School Mark = 60% Provincial Mark = 40% 3 LEARNING RESOURCES Prentice-Hall Literature: World Masterpieces, The Five People You Meet in Heaven (Mitch Albom), selected readings/ Oedipus Rex (by Sophocles) OBJECTIVES for ENGLISH 12 Learning Objectives: Their Importance and Construction What is a Learning Objective? "A learning objective is a statement of what students will be able to do when they have finished the task." A learning objective has 3 major components: A description of what the student will be able to do The conditions under which the student will perform the tasak The criteria for evaluating student performance. Prepared by Raoul Arreola Why are objectives important/useful to me? Knowing the purpose of the task helps students to make the most effective use of their time and effort Understanding the learning objectives enables students to find purpose and meaning in their learning Armed with the knowledge of the outcomes, students may be more successful in completing tasks in a meaningful and useful manner Prepared by Sabrina Fox SECTIONS OBJECTIVES Meetings Demonstrate effective communication strategies and techniques orally Interact and collaborate with others to explore ideas and accomplish goals Interact purposefully with others Short Story Develop strategies for organizing, outlining, drafting, editing, and writing purposeful informative and personal tasks Express ideas and explore and respond to literature Argue and persuade using communication strategies and technologies Poetry ` Interpret ambiguities in works and support their own interpretation Monitor own work for clarity, preciseness and correctness 4 Writing Synthesize, organize and document information using planning tools such as webs, outlinese, and diagrams Compose and share a work in progress Adapt and apply different strategies for the paraphrasing, summarizing, and presenting of ideas Drama Organize information and knowledge to create a scholarly presentation in a formal written assignment Novel The novel unit is the culminating unit which draws together all of the concepts brought forth in the previous units Skills essential to effective reading and writing will be reviewed and reinforced. Students will read a major full-length fictional piece and use the strategies and skills they have gained throughout the course to demonstrate their effective skill integration in reading, interpreting and writing about literature Final Exam The teacher final exam will enable students to demonstrate their skill mastery in the above genres. The teacher final exam will enable teacher and student alike to examine student test-taking strategies to determine if any amendments are necessary before writing the provincial exam (if students are writing that exam.) NOTE: All information herein is also on your course website. Additional details are given there with links to course objectives. 5