___|___|___|___ School SRNO Friday, February 17, 2006 Version 7 – U 8 SCHOOL QUESTIONNAIRE NATIONAL EDUCATION SURVEY OF PAKISTAN 2005-2006 Disclaimer: This questionnaire remains the property of Research Triangle Institute International and cannot be reproduced, in part or wholly, without any written consent. This survey should be carried out on a strictly confidential basis, and the non-respect of briefing instructions as laid down by the Project Management will be followed by appropriate disciplinary action. 1 Assalam-o- Alaikum: my name is ___________________________ I work for an independent research organization called ISP which is conducting a research on behalf of Research Triangle Institute International (RTI). This survey is being conducted on the request of Government of Pakistan. The purpose of the survey is to assess the resources of schools and whether these resources are enough to meet the current needs of the schools or not. Your name will not be mentioned any where in the survey and the results of this survey will be published in the form of collective tables. The information acquired through the survey will be shared with the ministry of education and with the help of this information the effort would be made to distribute these resources in such a way that schools could acquire resources according to their needs. This school has been selected through the process of statistical sampling so it can not be replaced. In this regard your cooperation is very important for us. Because you have been selected for this survey so I would ask you some questions regarding school administration its financial resources and expenditures. Likewise I would also ask some questions about the students and teaching staff. Meanwhile I would try to assess the condition, quality and quantity of materials present in your school. With the help of your answers we will be able to assess whether there are enough resources available in your school for teaching or not. During the survey I would like to ask some questions to selected 18 students to assess their level of comprehension. 2 SECTION 1: 1.1 IDENTIFICATION OF SCHOOL Identification of School [Dejure] [Defecto] Stick Label Here a1 School EMIS ID: a2 Full name of the school: a3 Full address of the school: a4 Type: a5 School by Gender: a6 Level: a7 Location: a8 Tehsil: a9 District: __|__ a10 Province: __|__ a11 Name of Union Council: __|__|__ a12 Name of Village/Area: __|__|__ a13 Phone Numbers of school: (City code and Phone no.) 3 __|__|__ a: ( )( ) b: ( )( ) 1.2 Interview Status Visit a14 a15 a16* a17 1 Interviewer [Name and code] Date [dd:mm:yy] Result code Revisit required __|__ __|__:__|__:__|__|__|__ __|__ Yes....................................... 1 No ....................................... 2 a18 [Specify reasons for an incomplete interview] __|__ __|__ __|__ Visit a19 a20 a21* 2 Interviewer [Name and code] Date [dd:mm:yy] Result code a22 Revisit required Yes....................................... 1 __|__ __|__:__|__:__|__|__|__ __|__ No ....................................... 2 a23 [Specify reasons for an incomplete interview] __|__ __|__ __|__ Visit a24 a25 a26* 3 Interviewer [Name and code] Date [dd:mm:yy] Result code a27 Revisit required Yes ...................................... 1 __|__ __|__:__|__:__|__|__|__ __|__ No ....................................... 2 a28 [Specify reasons for an incomplete interview] __|__ __|__ __|__ Result codes for a16*, a21* and a26*: 01. Completed 02. Incomplete 07. Not located 77. Others [Specify] 1.3 03. Refused 04. School locked 05. School moved 06. Teacher absent Name and Code of Editing Staff [Different staff should use different color pencil for editing] Only For Supervisor Office Use Only a29 a30 a31 a32 Name and Code checked by in field: __|__ Name and Code Edited/Coded by: __|__ Name and Code 1st time Entered by: __|__ Name and Code2nd time Entered by: __|__ __|__:__|__:__|__|__|__ __|__:__|__:__|__|__|__ __|__:__|__:__|__|__|__ __|__:__|__:__|__|__|__ 4 1.4 a33 Status of School Functional (in session) ..........................[ a35] …….................01 School Status: Closed (temporarily) .................................................................. 02 Closed (permanently) ...........................[ a35] ……..................03 Without SNE .............................................................................. 04 Team was unable to reach/ (snow-bound) ................................. 05 School not in session today ....................................................... 06 Others [specify] ........................................................................ 77 a34 Date scheduled to re-open __|__:__|__:__|__|__|__ a35 Interviewer arrival time a Hours a36 Is it a (centre) school? __|__ __|__ Yes ............................................................................................ 1 [It doesn’t mean examination center] a37 [Code 00-24] b Minutes [Code 00-59] No ....................................[Section 1.5] ….............................2 [If yes], number of schools attached to this school? Number of Schools 1.5 __|__ Respondent a38 Name of Respondent: [Link to section 4] Line no. __|__ a39 Respondent Title Head Teacher ........................................................................... 01 Head Master/Mistress ............................................................... 02 Senior Head Master/Mistress .................................................... 03 Principal .................................................................................... 04 Vice principal ............................................................................ 05 Others [Specify] ....................................................................... 77 5 SECTION 2: 2.1 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION, FUNDING, RESOURCES AND EXPENSES School Administration No. Question b1 What is School Level? Answers and Codes [Defecto] Primary (grades k-5) ..................................................................01 Middle (grades (6-8) .................................................................02 [Multiple Responses Permitted] Elementary (grades k-8) ............................................................03 Secondary (grades 6-10) ...........................................................04 High/Secondary (grades k-10) ..................................................05 Higher Secondary (grade 6-12) ..................................................06 b2 What is the status of School by gender? [Defecto] Boys ..........................................................................................1 Girls ...........................................................................................2 Co-education ..............................................................................3 b3 What is the Classification of School? Public School .................................[ b5] .................................1 Private School ...........................................................................2 b4 What is the Type of School? Madrassa ...................................................................................01 Beacon House Education System ..............................................02 City School Education System ...................................................03 Froebels ....................................................................................04 The Educators ...........................................................................05 FAST .........................................................................................06 AIMS .........................................................................................07 Raees-ul-Ahrar ..........................................................................08 Temeer-e-Millat Foundation .......................................................09 Marjan Schools ..........................................................................10 Fauji Foundation ........................................................................11 Convent Schools .......................................................................12 Missionary Schools ....................................................................13 Shaheen Schools .......................................................................14 Others [Specify] ........................................................................77 b5 What is the Type of Administration? Under DO (E) Elementary (Male) ................................................01 Under DO (E) Elementary (Female) ............................................02 Under DO (E) Secondary (Male) .................................................03 Under DO (E) Secondary (Female) .............................................04 Federal Ministry of Education .................................................... 05 FATA Education Directorate ......................................................06 FANA Education Directorate ......................................................07 Under Religious school administration ........................................08 Under Group Ownership .............................................................09 School Board/School Advisory/Management/Administrative Committee ..................................................................................10 NGO ...........................................................................................11 Armed Forces/Police/Railway/WAPDA/Social welfare ................12 Independent ...............................................................................13 Others [Specify] .........................................................................77 6 b6 What is the Medium of instruction? [Dejure] Urdu .......................................................................................... 1 Sindhi ........................................................................................ 2 [Multiple Responses Permitted] Pushto ....................................................................................... 3 English....................................................................................... 4 b7 How many shifts are maintained in the school? Morning Shift Only ..................................................................... 1 Afternoon Shift Only................................................................... 2 Morning & Afternoon .................................................................. 3 b8 In what month school commences education year? Commencing month __|__ [Specify the month] b9 Does the school have a building? Yes ............................................................................................ 1 No .........................................[ b11] .........................................2 b10 [If Yes] How many classrooms? Number of Classrooms [ b12]: __|__ b11 [If No] Where classes are conducted? Under Tree........................ [Section 2.2].................................01 Lean-to.............................. [Section 2.2].................................02 [Multiple Responses Permitted] Veranda or porch of another building........ [Section 2.2].........03 Hut..................................... [Section 2.2].................................04 In Open Air......................... [Section 2.2]................................05 Others [Specify] ....................................................................... 77 b12 Is this building……… Owned by the Government.............. [Section 2.2]................ 01 Owned by another School................ [Section 2.2]............... 02 Owned by the Community................ [Section 2.2]............... 03 Housed in Mosque............................ [Section 2.2]............... 04 Rented .................................................................................... 05 Donated............................................ [Section 2.2]............... 06 Own Property…................................ [Section 2.2]............... 07 Others [Specify]............................... [Section 2.2].............. 77 b13 2.2 [If Rented] Specify Monthly rent [Rs] School Inspectors and Learning Coordinators Now I would like to ask you about the monitoring system of this school No. Question Answers and Codes Check if this section applies to Private schools Yes ............................................................................................ 1 No.................................... [Section 2.3].......................................2 b14 During the 2004/05 education year how frequently did a school inspector (Education Officer/ Supervisor etc.) visit this school? Never.........................................[ b16] ....................................1 1 - 3 ........................................................................................... 2 4 - 6 ........................................................................................... 3 7-10 ........................................................................................... 4 More .......................................................................................... 5 b15 b16 When did this school last receive a visit from the school inspector (Education Officer/ Supervisor etc.)? Month During the 2004/05 education year how frequently did a learning coordinator visit the school? Never............................... [Section 2.3].................................. 1 Year __|__ __|__|__|__ 1 - 3 ........................................................................................... 2 4 - 6 ........................................................................................... 3 7-10 ........................................................................................... 4 More .......................................................................................... 5 b17 When did this school last receive a visit from the Learning Coordinator? Month [Can be verified from school record] Year 7 __|__ __|__|__|__ b18 What did the learning coordinator do while visiting your school? Observe lessons and make recommendations ........................... 01 [Multiple Responses Permitted] Assist teachers with areas of difficulty ........................................ 02 Meet with School Management Committee ................................ 03 Conduct a head count of students.............................................. 04 Conduct a head count of teachers ............................................. 05 Others [Specify] ........................................................................ 77 2.3 School Management Committees/School Council (Public Schools) or any other committee/board (Private schools) Now I would like to ask you about the management committee or board which takes part in schools management issues. b19 b20 Does this school have a School Management Committee SMC/School Council/PTA/PTSMC or any other board? Yes ............................................................................................ 1 When were SMC/School Council/PTA/PTSMC or any other board elections last held? Education year 1999-2000 ......................................................... 01 No.................................... [Section 2.4].......................................2 2000-2001 ................................................................................. 02 2001-2002 ................................................................................. 03 2002-2003 ................................................................................. 04 2003-2004 ................................................................................. 05 2004-2005 ................................................................................. 06 Never ......................................................................................... 07 b21 How many meetings did the SMC/School Council/PTA/PTSMC have in the 2004/05 education year? 0 ................................................................................................ 01 1 - 3 ........................................................................................... 02 4 - 6 ........................................................................................... 03 7 - 9 ........................................................................................... 04 10-12 ......................................................................................... 05 Others [Specify] ........................................................................ 77 b22 b23 Does the SMC/School Council/PTA/PTSMC or any other board have a bank account? Yes ............................................................................................ 1 [If Yes] What bank accounts does the SMC/School Council/PTA/PTSMC or any other board have? One general account ................................................................. 1 [Multiple Responses Permitted] Separate Account for private funds ............................................ 3 No .........................................[ b24] .........................................2 Separate Account for government funds .................................... 2 Others [Specify] ........................................................................ 7 b24 Did the SMC/School Council/PTA/PTSMC receive a grant or contingency from the district in the 2004/05 education year? Yes ............................................................................................ 1 No .........................................[ b26] .........................................2 Don’t’ Know ...................................[ b26] ................................3 b25 [If Yes] Amount of funds received [Rs] b26 Did the SMC/School Council/PTA/PTSMC or any other board receive a grant from the province in the 2004/05 education year? Yes ............................................................................................ 1 No .........................................[ b28] .........................................2 Don’t’ Know ..........................[ b28]......... ................................3 b27 [If Yes] Amount of funds received [Rs] b28 Did the SMC/School Council/PTA/PTSMC or any other board receive or collect private funding in the 2004/05 education year? Yes ............................................................................................ 1 No.................................... [Section 2.4] ......................................2 Don’t’ Know..................... [Section 2.4] ……...............................3 8 Now I would like to ask you about the sources of private donations received by SMC/PTA/PTSMC or school councils A What are the sources of SMC/School Council/PTA/PTSMC or any other board private funds? [Multiple Responses Permitted] B Is Applicable [ ] Amount of fund received 1 Yes [] DK 9999 2 No 3 DK [Code] b29 NGO grant b30 Private Donations b31 Religious Organization b32 Student Fees/funds b33 Others [Specify] b34 Total Amount of funds received through all sources 2.4 [Rs] [Rs] Student Fees/Funds Now I would like to ask you about the rate of fee/fund per student under total amount received through this category. Please take help from records while answering these questions b35 b36 b37 [Observe: Did respondent consult school records while answering these questions?] Yes .............................................................................................1 Does school fee include sports fee? Yes .............................................................................................1 [Verify] No...............................................................................................2 Does school fee include library fee? Yes .............................................................................................1 [Verify] No...............................................................................................2 No...............................................................................................2 [Ask separately about each category of fee and give appropriate code in Col A. Ask Total annual Fund in Column D ] A What fees/funds are this school’s students subject to and how much is each student charge for each fee/fund? Is Applicable 1 Yes [] SMC/School Council/PTA/PTSMC/ PTSMC fund b39 Student fund b40 Sports fund b41 Development fund b42 Library fund b43 Computer lab fund 9 Number of students paying complete fee/funds 2 No b38 B C Number of students paying reduced fee/fund D Total annual funding collected from this fee/fund during the education year 2004/05 [Code] [Number] [Number] [Rs] A B C D What fees/funds are this school’s students subject to and how much is each student charge for each fee/fund? Is Applicable 1 Yes [] 2 No [Code] b44 Red cross fund b45 Admission fees b46 Examination fees b47 Poor student fund b48 Science fund b49 Student welfare fund b50 Farogh-e-Talleem fund b51 Other fees/funds [Specify] b52 Other fees/funds [Specify] b53 Other fees/funds [Specify] b54 Total Amount of funds received through all sources (Annually) 10 [Rs] Number of students paying complete fee/funds Number of students paying reduced fee/fund Total annual funding collected from this fee/fund during the education year 2004/05 2.5 Student Tuition Fee Rate Now I would like to ask you about the rate of (Monthly) tuition fee for education year 2004/05. b55 Yes……………………………………………………………….1 Does this school receive tuition fee from the students? No................................. [Section 3]…..............................2 What is the monthly fees and how many students are paying? Grade A Monthly Tuition Fee Rate [Rs] B C Number of students paying full tuition Number of students paying partial tuition [Number] b56 Grade 1 b57 Grade 2 b58 Grade 3 b59 Grade 4 b60 Grade 5 b61 Grade 6 b62 Grade 7 b63 Grade 8 b64 Grade 9 b65 Grade 10 b66 Total Amount of TUITION FEE received during education year 2004/05 11 [Number] [Rs] D Number of students exempt from tuition [Number] SECTION 3: 3.1 SCHOOL MAINTENANCE AND UTILITIES EXPENDITURES School Utility Charges and Minor Maintenance Now I would like to ask you about the amount spent on maintenance and repairing of school during fiscal year 2004-05. Please take help from records while answering these questions. c1 [Observe: Did respondent consult school records while answering these questions?] Yes ............................................................................................. 1 No .............................................................................................. 2 A Which of the following school operating and maintenance expenses were incurred during the 2004-05 fiscal year? How are these changes paid for? How much was spend on these charges? B Expenses incurred? C Who Provided Funding? Annual Cost: 01 SMC/School Council paid directly DK 1 Yes [] 02 District paid directly 2 No 03 District provided funding to cover this cost 9999 04 Province provided funding to cover this cost 05 Government funding to cover this cost 06 Paid through own resources 77 Others[specify] [Code] c2 General Building Maintenance/repairs (Patching holes, replacing windows, painting walls, others) c3 Toilet repair c4 Electric charges c5 Water Charges c6 Hot and Cold Weather Charges c7 General Administration (including transportation for the head teacher or teacher) 3.2 [Code] [Rs] Provisions of Pedagogical Materials (Exclusive of Books) Now I would like to ask you provision of pedagogical materials during education year 2004/05. Please take help from records while answering these questions. c8 c9 [Observe: Did respondent consult school records while answering these questions?] Yes ............................................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................................. 2 Did the district provide materials or funding for the purchase of classroom materials in the past education year 2004/05 12 Yes ............................................................................................ 1 No ....................................[Section 3.3] ….............................2 [If that item has been provided to the school, code col. A. Then circle the appropriate unit of measurement (single items, box of 20, 30, 40) and enter the number of the quantity requested and received in col. C and D respectively.] Which of the following materials did District (EDO, DO, DDO) either provide or fund for your school in the past year? A B Provided in education year 2004/05 Unit 01 Pieces/Single 1 Yes [] 02 20-29 count box/ pack 2 No C Quantity school requested D Quantity school received 03 30-39 count box/ pack 04 40-49 count box/ pack 05 50-59 count box/ pack 06 Dozen/ Dozen box/ pack 77 Others [Specify] [Code] c10 Chalks C11 Pens c12 Pencils c13 Slates c14 Slati c15 Student attendance registers c16 Stock registers c17 Student admission registers c18 Student School leaving certificate file c19 Student uniforms c20 Others [Specify] c21 Others [Specify] c22 Others [Specify] 3.3 [Code] [Number] [Number] School Text Book Sets Now I would like to ask you about the Primary, Middle and Secondary School Text Book sets requested and received from Tehsil/District distribution center during education year 2004/05. Please take help from records while answering these questions. Yes ............................................................................................ 1 Check if this section applies to private schools No ....................................[Section 3.4] ….............................2 c23 [Observe: Did respondent consult school records while answering these questions?] Yes ............................................................................................. 1 No .............................................................................................. 2 13 Primary School Text Book sets requested and received in education year 2004/05 from Tehsil/District distribution center [In some cases schools may receive materials at multiple times please enter just the first delivery date] A Grade Number of text book sets requested [Number] B C Number of Complete text book sets received [Number] Number of incomplete text book sets received D Date school books were received [Number] c24 Katchi __|__:__|__:__|__|__|__ c25 Grade 1 __|__:__|__:__|__|__|__ c26 Grade 2 __|__:__|__:__|__|__|__ c27 Grade 3 __|__:__|__:__|__|__|__ c28 Grade 4 __|__:__|__:__|__|__|__ c29 Grade 5 __|__:__|__:__|__|__|__ Middle School Text Book sets requested and received in education year 2004/05 from Tehsil/District distribution center [In some cases schools may receive materials at multiple times please enter just the first delivery date] A Grade Number of text book sets requested [Number] B C Number of Complete text book sets received [Number] Number of incomplete text book sets received [Number] D Date school books were received [Date] c30 Grade 6 __|__:__|__:__|__|__|__ c31 Grade 7 __|__:__|__:__|__|__|__ c32 Grade 8 __|__:__|__:__|__|__|__ Secondary School Text Book sets requested and received in education year 2004/05 from Tehsil/District distribution center [In some cases schools may receive materials at multiple times please enter just the first delivery date] A Grade Number of text book sets requested [Number] B C Number of Complete text book sets received [Number] Number of incomplete text book sets received [Number] D Date school books were received [Date] c33 Grade 9 __|__:__|__:__|__|__|__ c34 Grade10 __|__:__|__:__|__|__|__ 14 3.4 Provision of School Furniture and Equipment Now I would like to ask you about the furniture and equipment requested and received by the school during fiscal year 2004-05. Please take help from records while answering these questions. c35 [Observe: Did respondent consult school records while answering these questions?] Yes ............................................................................................. 1 No .............................................................................................. 2 [In case of Private School fill column A, B, E and ignore column C, D] Provision of School Furniture/ Equipment A B [ ] Provided in 2004-05 FY year Who Provided Funding for [ ]? Is Applicable 1 SMC/School Council paid directly 1 Yes [] 2 District paid directly 2 No 3 District provided funding cover this cost C [ ] Quantity Requested D [ ] Quantity Received E [ ] Quantity purchased [In case of Private Schools] 4 Paid through individual resources 7 Others[Specify] [Code] c36 Teacher Tables c37 Teacher Chairs c38 Student Desk c39 Student Chairs/Benches c40 Tats c41 Electric Fans c42 Maps c43 Black Boards c44 White Boards c45 Teaching Kits c46 Teaching Guides c47 Library Books c48 Science Equipment c49 Sports Materials c50 Computers [Code] [Number] 15 [Number] [Number] 3.5 School Construction Now I would like to ask you about the expenses on construction during fiscal year 2004-05. Please take help from records while answering these questions. c51 c52 [Observe: Did respondent consult school records while answering these questions?] Yes ............................................................................................ 1 Has there been any construction or repair work in the school in the past year Yes ............................................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................................. 2 No ....................................[ Section 3.6] ................................2 [Code all relevant answers in Col A, in case of “yes” ask Col B and C row-wise and in case of “no” repair/construction, go to the next row. Code cost of each repair and who paid for it. If the respondent does not know the cost then code 9999] A Which construction or repair work has been done to this school in the past FY year 2004-05 B Is Applicable Cost 1 Yes [] DK C Who Provided Funding? 9999 2 No 1 SMC/School Council paid directly 2 District paid directly 3 District provided funding to cover this cost 4 Province provided funding to cover this cost 5 Paid through own resources 7 Others[Specify] [Code] c53 Construction of boundary wall c54 Construction of toilet c55 Provision of Electric connection c56 Provision of drinking water facilities c57 Construction of new classrooms c58 Others [Specify] 3.6 [Rs] [Code] Students incentives Now I would like to ask you about the stipends and incentives for students c59 Does your school participate in the Tawana nutrition program? Yes ............................................................................................ 1 No .........................................[ c62] .........................................2 c60 [If Yes] Total number of Students receiving meals during the 2004/05 education year [Numbers] c61 Per student cost per month during the 2004/05 education year [Rs] c62 Does your school participate in any other meal or nutrition program? Yes ............................................................................................ 1 c63 No .......................................[Section 3.7] …..............................2 [If Yes] Please specify the program __|__ 16 c64 Who Funds this Nutrition program? SMC/School Council ............................[ c66] ..........................01 District ......................................[ c66] ......................................02 Province .....................................[ c66] ....................................03 Non-educational Ministries … ..................................................... 04 International donor agency (WFP) ................[ c66] .................05 Others [Specify] ...............................[ c66] .............................77 c65 If the funding for the nutrition program was provided by non educational ministries c66 Total number of Students receiving meals during the 2004/05 education year [Numbers] c67 Per student MONTHLY cost of program during the 2004/05 education year [Rs] 3.7 __|__ Students Stipends Now I would like to ask you about the stipends for students c68 Are any stipends/scholarship provided to students at your school? Yes ............................................................................................ 1 No ......................................[ Section 4 ] ................................2 [Please code the type of stipend/scholarship in Col A, in case of “yes” asks B, C and D row-wise, in case of “no” in Col A go to the next question. Write the number of students receiving this specific scholarship and if the respondent does not know the amount of stipend/scholarship then code 9999.] Please indicate the per student value of each stipends/scholarship and the number of students receiving that particular stipends/scholarship A B C D Is Applicable [ ] Value per student in 2004/05 education year Received Per [ ] Total Students received [ ] 1 Yes [] 2 Biannually 2 No DK 3 DK [Code] c69 Merit scholarships from Federal Government c70 Merit scholarships from province c71 Merit scholarships from district c72 Merit scholarships from SMC/School Council c73 Stipends/scholarship for girl students c74 Zakat c75 Others [Specify] 1 Annually 9999 [Rs] 17 3 Quarterly 4 Monthly [Code] [Number] 4: SCHOOL STAFF 4.1 Education Year 2004/05 School Staff Now I would like to ask you about all staff, their qualifications, salary scale and their monthly salary rate for the staff that were working during the education year 2004/05. Please take help from records while answering these questions. d1 [Observe: Did respondent consult school records while answering these questions?] Yes ........................................................................................................................1 No .........................................................................................................................2 Particulars of teaching and non-teaching staff in Education year 2004/05 [First enter educational and then enter non-educational staff] d2 Line No. Name Sex d3 d4 Staff Type Designati on *1 d5 Years Teaching Experience Total lines filled in Section 4.1 including extra sheets ___|___ d6 Highest Academic Qualification d7 Highest Professional Qualification d8 Employer d9 d10 Type of Appointment What is the gross monthly salary [ ]? d11 d12 d13 In which shift does this [ ] work? Is the [ ] present today? Reason for [ ] absence Is this post provided to school in budget 2005-06 1 Yes 01 Poling work 1 Yes 2 No [] 02 Oversee public examinations 2 No [Gross Salary] 1 Male 1 Teaching 01 0-3 yrs 01 Paid by District 2 Nonteaching 02 4-6 yrs 01 Never been to school 00 None 2 Female 01 PTC 03 7-9 yrs 02 Primary 02 CT 02 Paid by Private school 04 10-13 yrs 03 Middle 03 B. Ed. 05 14-17 yrs 04 Matric 04 M. Ed. 06 18+ 05 FA/FSC 05 BA Ed. 06 BA/ BSC 06 BS Ed. 07 MA/MSC 77 Others [specify] 77 Others [specify] 03 Paid by SMC/School Council 04 Paid by NGO 05 Paid by Army, Police or Railway 77 Others [specify] 1 Sanctioned Post 01 Rs Less than 1500 1 Morning shift only 2 Contract Post 02 Rs 1501 - 3000 2 Afternoon shift only 3 04 Rs. 4501-6000 SMC/Scho ol Council hire 4 Without Contract Post 03 Rs. 3001-4500 05 Rs. 6001-7500 d14 03 Collect salary from DO or EDO office 3 Morning and Afternoon 04 Training [Teaching/Non teaching] 06 Rs. 7501-9000 05 Teacher on loan to another school 07 Rs. 9001-10500 08 Rs. 10501 12000 06 Teacher on loan to district or provincial office 09 Rs. 12000+ 07 Casual Leave 08 Earned Leave 09 [ ] is no longer at this school 77 Others [specify] [Code] [Code] [Code] [Code] [Code] [Code] [Code] 01 18 [Code] [Code] [Code] [Code] [Code] [Code] *Please see page 18 for coding designation 19 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 [NOTE: In case of more than 20 teachers use extra sheets and specify sheet number] 20 d10 d11 d12 d13 d14 Staff Post Codes for d4* and d16 to d23. Teaching Staff 01 Principal 02 Vice-Principal 03 Senior Head master/mistress 04 Deputy Head master/mistress 05 HM -Head master/mistress 06 HT – Head teacher 07 EST–Elementary School Teacher, EST has two cadres,EST(Junior) and ES (Senior) Junior is equivalent to PST while the Senior is MST 08 PST – Primary School Teacher ,Teacher teaching Primary classes and designated as JVT or PTC Teacher or PST 09 MST - Middle School Teacher 10 SST - Secondary School teacher 11 SS - Subject Specialist 12 Senior Arabic Teacher 13 Junior Arabic Teacher 14 English Teacher 15 Senior Drawing Master 16 Drawing Master 17 Language Teacher (Urdu, Sindhi, Pushto) 18 Malum-Ul-Quran (MQ)/Quran Teacher (Regular) 19 Matric Trained Teacher 20 Oriental Teacher (OT) 21 Physical education (instructor or director) 22 Private school teacher 77 Others [Specify] Non-Teaching Staff 51 Administrative staff (Office Assistant/Head Clerk, Senior Clerk, Junior Clerk, Cashier) 52 Custodial staff (gardener- watchman-choukidar-driver, cleaner- sweeper) 78 Others [Specify] 21 4.2 Unfilled Sanctioned Posts Now I would like to ask you about the unfilled sanctioned posts during educational year 2005/06 [This section is not applicable in case of private schools] Number d15 Question Answer and Code In addition to the staff listed in the preceding table, does your school currently have any unfilled sanctioned posts? Yes ............................................................................................ 1 No.................................... [Section 5]......................................2 A B Please specify the Designation Unfilled sanction post Specify Number of Unfilled Post *[Code] [Number] d16 __|__ d17 __|__ d18 __|__ d19 __|__ d20 __|__ d21 __|__ d22 __|__ d23 __|__ *Please see page 18 for coding the designation 22 SECTION 5: STUDENT’S CHARACTERISTICS 5.1 Enrollment and Attendance by grade and gender Now I would like to ask you about the enrollment and attendance of boys and girls according to grade and gender during education year 2004/05. Please take help from records while answering these questions. [Note: if this school is only for boys then code 888 in girls column and if this school is only for girls then code 888 in boy’s column. If the school is mixed then enter in both columns] e1 [Observe: Did respondent consult school records while answering these questions?] Yes ....................................................................................... 1 No .............................................................................................. 2 [If there are two sections in a grade then please ask column A’B’C’D for total students of both sections] Grade e2 Line No. Grade 01 Katchi 02 Grade 1 03 Grade 2 04 Grade 3 05 Grade 4 A B C D Total enrolment in education year 2004/05 Attendance in 4th April 2005 Attendance in 25th April 2005 *Repeaters during education year 2004/05 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 e10 Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls [Number] [Number] [Number] [Number] [Number] [Number] [Number] [Number] *Repeaters include all those students who are repeating the academic year in the same grade due to failure in examination or any other reason. 23 [If there are two sections in a grade then please ask column A’B’C’D for total students of both sections] Grade e2 Line No. A B C D Total enrolment in education year 2004/05 Attendance in 4th April 2005 Attendance in 25th April 2005 *Repeaters during education year 2004/05 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 e10 Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls [Number] [Number] [Number] [Number] [Number] [Number] [Number] [Number] Grade 06 Grade 5 07 Grade 6 08 Grade 7 09 Grade 8 10 Grade 9 11 Grade 10 *Repeaters include all those students who are repeating the academic year in the same grade due to failure in examination or any other reason. 24 5.2 School Facilities: Now I would like to ask you about the facilities provided to this school. e11 Does school have electricity? Yes .............................................................................................1 No .........................................[ e17] .........................................2 e12 How many classrooms have electricity? No. of classrooms e13 Is electricity functioning today? Yes ........................................[ e15] .........................................1 e14 Reasons of Breakdown? __|__ No...............................................................................................2 Broken ........................................................................................1 Lack of funding to pay for power .................................................2 [Multiple Responses Permitted] Electricity lines need repair ........................................................3 Others [Specify] ........................................................................7 e15 e16 Does the head teacher or head master/mistress office have electricity? Yes .............................................................................................1 Does the head teacher or head master/mistress office have electricity? Yes .............................................................................................1 No...............................................................................................2 No...............................................................................................2 [Observe] e17 Does the school have a telephone? Yes ............................................................................................1 No .........................................[ e20] ........................................2 e18 e19 Is it functioning today? Yes.........................................[ e20] ........................................1 [Interviewer verify] No ..............................................................................................2 [if No], Specify reason for non functioning The phone is broken ...................................................................1 [Multiple Response Permitted] Lack of funding to pay for telephone service ...............................2 Telephone lines need repair .......................................................3 Others [Specify] ........................................................................7 e20 Does school have heating for the winter? e21 What type of heating arrangement? Yes ............................................................................................1 No .........................................[ e22] ........................................2 Coal burning stove ......................................................................1 Wood burning stove ....................................................................2 Natural Gas ................................................................................3 Animal Dung ...............................................................................4 Others [Specify] ........................................................................7 e22 Does school have water facility? Yes .............................................................................................1 No...............................................................................................2 e23 What is the water source? Pipe Water..................................................................................01 Hand pump .................................................................................02 Well ............................................................................................03 Water Truck ................................................................................04 Stream or irrigation channel ........................................................05 Others [Specify] .........................................................................77 e24 e25 Is water available today? Yes ….....................................[ e26] …….................................1 [Interviewer verify] No ..............................................................................................2 Reasons for non availability of water? broken ........................................................................................1 lack funding to pay for water charges ..........................................2 Others [Specify] ........................................................................7 e26 Does school have toilet facilities? Yes .............................................................................................1 No .........................................[ e33] .........................................2 25 e27 e28 e29 How many toilets are used by teachers only? How many toilets are used by female students only? How many toilets are used by male students only? a. Number of toilets ___|___ b. Number of functioning toilets ___|___ a. Number of toilets ___|___ b. Number of functioning toilets ___|___ a. Number of toilets ___|___ b. Number of functioning toilets ___|___ a. Number of toilets ___|___ b. Number of functioning toilets ___|___ a. Number of toilets ___|___ b. Number of functioning toilets ___|___ [ASK E30 and E31 only if there are not separate toilets for teachers] e30 e31 e32 How many toilets are used by Male and Female Students? How many toilets are used by both teachers and students? What type of toilets are at the school? Dry pit latrine ..............................................................................1 Bucket System ...........................................................................2 Flush System .............................................................................3 Others [Specify] ........................................................................7 e33 Does the school have a boundary wall? Yes .............................................................................................1 No .........................................[ e36] ........................................2 e34 Type of boundary wall? Incomplete ..................................................................................1 Complete wall with a lockable gate .............................................2 Complete without a lockable gate ...............................................3 e35 How high is the boundary wall? low (1.2 meters or less) ..............................................................1 Medium (1.2 to 1.8 meters) ........................................................2 High (greater than 1.8 meters) ...................................................3 e36 e37 How many computers are available for learning and teaching at this school? How many computers are available for school management and administration? 26 a. Total number of computers for learning and teaching ___|___ b. number functioning ___|___ c. Number not functioning ___|___ a. Total number of computers for management and administration ___|___ b. Number functioning ___|___ c. Number not functioning ___|___ SECTION 6: 6.1 SCHOOL OBSERVATION Classrooms/Other Rooms [Please indicate the number of classrooms that are in use and those not in use. For each type of room, indicate the condition of the room] In Use A Classroom s/other rooms B C Not in use D E Total No. In Good Conditio n Need Minor Repair Need Major Repair Tempor ary rooms [Number] [Number] [Number] [Number] [Number] A Classro oms/Ot her Rooms f1 Classroom f11 f2 Head Teacher or Head Master f12 / Principal Office f3 Staff Rooms f13 f4 Computer Room f14 f5 Art Room f15 f6 Library f16 f7 Science Lab f17 f8 Home economics lab f18 f9 Play Ground f19 f10 Others [Specify] f20 27 B C D E Total No. In Good Conditio n Need Minor Repair Need Major Repair Tempor ary rooms [Number] [Number] [Number] [Number] [Number] 6.2 Quality and condition of school infrastructure [Use photographs to identify materials and condition from Manual] f21 f22 Walls Floors Material Condition Mud ......................................................................... 01 Very Weak-Not at all suitable for education .............. 01 Brick ........................................................................ 02 Weak - The needs attention ..................................... 02 Mix (Mud/Brick) ........................................................ 03 Moderate -Needs paint and minor repairs ................ 03 Cement Blocks ........................................................ 04 Good condition- No major or minor repairs required . 04 Wood (small sticks)/straw ........................................ 05 New Building ............................................................ 05 Others [specify] ...................................................... 77 Presently being upgraded/ Renovated ..................... 06 Mud ......................................................................... 1 Very Weak-Not at all suitable for education .............. 01 Cement .................................................................... 2 Weak - The needs attention ..................................... 02 Bricks ...................................................................... 3 Moderate -Minor repairs ........................................... 03 Others [specify] ...................................................... 7 Good condition- No major or minor repairs required . 04 New Building ............................................................ 05 Presently being upgraded/ Renovated ..................... 06 f23 Roof Mud ......................................................................... 01 Very Weak-Not at all suitable for education .............. 01 Wood ....................................................................... 02 Weak - The needs attention ..................................... 02 Bricks with T-iron ..................................................... 03 Moderate -Needs paint and minor repairs ................ 03 Cement & Steel ....................................................... 04 Good condition- No major or minor repairs required . 04 Straw ....................................................................... 05 New Building ............................................................ 05 Others [specify] ...................................................... 77 Presently being upgraded/ Renovated ..................... 06 28 Classroom Sampling Table [First make a list of all the classrooms up to 10 th Grade in the school, and then select any one classroom randomly from list] Classroom No Grades (Katchi to Higher) Classroom No Grades (Katchi to Higher) Classroom No 1 31 61 2 32 62 3 33 63 4 34 64 5 35 65 6 36 66 7 37 67 8 38 68 9 39 69 10 40 70 11 41 71 12 42 72 13 43 73 14 44 74 15 45 75 16 46 76 17 47 77 18 48 78 19 49 79 20 50 80 21 51 81 22 52 82 23 53 83 24 54 84 25 55 85 26 56 86 27 57 87 28 58 88 29 59 89 30 60 90 29 Grades (Katchi to Higher) SECTION 7: OBSERVATION OF SAMPLED CLASSROOMS [Select a sample class room according to instructions] Sample classroom Attendance and repetition status of Boys/Girls in Sampled Classroom The classes present in the sampled classroom circle there line number. Remember that there may be more than one grade in one classroom. [If this school is only for girls according to official record and only girls are studying there then enter attendance of girls only and in boys column code 888, but if boys are also therein this school but not present in the classroom today then code 0 in boys column] g1 Line No. Grade g2 g3 g4 g5 A B C D Girls present today Boys Repeaters present today Girls Repeaters present today [Number] [Number] [Number] Boys present today [Number] 1 Katchi 2 Grade 1 3 Grade 2 4 Grade 3 5 Grade 4 6 Grade 5 7 Grade 6 8 Grade 7 9 Grade 8 10 Grade 9 11 Grade 10 Not applicable = 888 30 Classroom 1 Observation of Furniture and other Equipment in Sampled Classroom [Please observe the furniture and other equipment of different grades and enter the number] g6 Area of Sample Classroom 1 ______________ x _______________ = _______________ Sq ft. Type of Furniture/ Equipment g7 No. of Useable student Desks g8 No. of Useable student Chairs/ Benches g9 No. of Useable Teacher Desks g10 No. of Useable Teacher Chairs g11 No. of Useable Cupboard g12 No. of Useable Shelves g13 Black Board g14 White Board g15 Teaching Kit g16 Teaching Guide g17 Tats g18 Carpets g19 Functioning Electric fans g20 Slates Quantity 31 No a40 Question Interviewer’s Departure time a41 Were the children interviewed in this school? a42 [If yes] How many children were interviewed? Answer and Code a hours [Code 00-24] ___|___ b minutes [Code 00-59] ___|___ Yes…………………………………….…………...1 No…………………………………….………….…2 ___|___ Grade 2 ___|___ Grade 3 ___|___ Total Students THE END 32 ___|___ Grade 4 Interviewer’s Comments Here interviewer may write his/her comments and observations regarding interview. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 33