Meeting minutes 2015-2016 Terms 1 and 2

School Council meeting minutes
1. We met together for the first time and introduced
2. We talked about our new school council board where
the date of our next meeting will be shown. Meetings will
always be in Miss Andrews’ classroom, normally at break
3. We are going to ask our classes for their good ideas on
how to improve the school. We need to write these on
sticky notes and bring them to our next meeting at the
end of term on Wednesday 21st October.
Things to think about:
- play times
- lesson times
- dinner times
- home time
- assemblies
- sports equipment
- competitions
- ict suite
- clubs
School Council meeting minutes
1. We shared our class ideas and sorted them
into different categories.
2. If you still have ideas you can write them
down and give them to your class councillor,
or write it on the display board in the
3. At our next meeting, we will go through
these ideas and decide which ones we can do.
4. We will be meeting with Bob Smith the
Chair of Governors next Friday to share some
5. We made some more posters for the toilets
to remind people to look after them as there
were lots of complaints.
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 8th November
during assembly time.
School Council meeting minutes
1. We looked at all of the ideas and thought
about the ones that we could and couldn’t
do. Some of them we need to ask people to
help us with: some people want a girls’
football team, so we’ll ask Mr Ballard about
2. We need to arrange a meeting with Eden
and Gill about school dinners.
3. We are meeting with Bob Smith on Friday to
ask him to help us with some big ideas.
4. We said that we need to remember to share
what happens in the meetings with our
5. We need to ask our classes to put more of
their ideas on our display board.
Next Meeting: Friday 13th November 1pm with
Bob Smith. Meet outside the hall together.
School Council meeting minutes
Meeting with Bob Smith, the Chair of Governors
1. We looked at all of your ideas and spoke to Bob about them:
- Girls changing room for Upper KS2. The problem could be
solved by the boys and girls getting changed on time and
respecting each other. The teachers would need to monitor this.
- Some children want school footballs to play with at playtimes.
We used to have footballs but they were kicked over the fences.
Harry suggested having a bigger fence. Adrien reminded us that
we have a not over-the-shoulder rule.
- Hand driers are a bit too high and don’t always work.
- Drinking fountain in the top corridor.
- New books in the book corners. Library?
- Books are too far away for children in the portacabins to get. A
lot of reading time is wasted. Children will need to talk to their
class teachers about the best time to get them.
- More toilet rolls in the girls toilets. But some children are
wasting it. The older children need to remind the younger
children about what to do.
We’ll meet again to discuss the ideas that we didn’t get time to
share and email them to Bob.
Next Meeting:
Tuesday 24th November during assembly time.
School Council meeting minutes
Please read these out to your classes
- Y6 boys and girls changing for PE is getting better as the rules
are being followed most of the time. We need to remind each
other to be sensible and respectful.
- Football safety. We need to remind each other to be safe, and
ask an adult to watch what’s going on. A 1-minute time out was
suggested with more time if it keeps happening. Playground staff
to monitor this.
- We’ve put signs up in the toilets as a reminder to look after
them, but still they’re not being respected. Children need to be
reminded that the toilets should be used at break times and only
go during lesson time in an emergency! We can also remind each
other about how to look after the toilets.
- Also, there’s a broken lock reported in the girls and boys toilets
in the top corridor. We’ll report this to Mrs Knight.
- The chocolate fountain suggestion keeps coming up. It’s a oneoff treat maybe if we can find someone with a chocolate
- We’d like to give the Christmas play donations to the Children’s
Society charity as a thank you for providing us with Christingle