SCHOOLS FORUM Meeting date: From: 15th October 2014 Helen Hamilton Finance Manager – Schools & Learning SCHOOLS DE-DELEGATED CONTINGENCY BUDGET – BUDGET FORECAST AS AT 31ST AUGUST 2014 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY At its meeting on 21st June 2013, the Schools Forum agreed that a report detailing the forecast budget position on the de-delegated contingency budget would be presented at each Forum meeting. Appended to this report is the forecast 2014/15 budget position on the contingency budget as at 31st August 2014. A projected underspend of £569,898 is reported. Any underspend on the budget at the financial year end will be transferred into the Dedicated Schools Grant reserve for future distribution to schools, subject to the approval of the Schools Forum. The Schools Forum is asked to note the forecast budget position for the contingency budget. It should be noted that as this is a dedelegated budget it only relates to maintained schools. 2.0 2.1 3.0 3.1 4.0 4.1 STRATEGIC PLANNING AND EQUALITY IMPLICATIONS Ensuring that Cumbrian schools are funded appropriately is supportive of the Council Plan objective ‘to safeguard children, and ensure that Cumbria is a great place to be a child and grow up in’. RECOMMENDATION The Schools Forum is asked to note the forecast budget position for the contingency budget. BACKGROUND The de-delegated contingency budget for 2014/15 is £673,544. 4.2 The DfE guidance states that the contingency budget can be used for three purposes: Exceptional unforeseen costs which it would be unreasonable to expect governing bodies to meet Schools in financial difficulties Additional costs relating to new, reorganised or closing schools 4.3 As the budget is a de-delegated budget, it only relates to maintained schools. 4.4 The appended spreadsheet presents a forecast budget position for the contingencies budget for the 2014/15 financial year. Expenditure is grouped into the three categories detailed at 4.2 above. 4.5 The forecast on the contingencies budget for 2014/15 is an underspend of £569,898. Any under or overspend on the budget at the financial year end will be carried forward into the Dedicated Schools Grant earmarked reserve for future distribution to schools (to be determined by the Schools Forum). 5.0 5.1 OPTIONS The Schools Forum is asked to note the forecast year end position on the contingencies budget as at August 2014. 6.0 RESOURCE AND VALUE FOR MONEY IMPLICATIONS 6.1 The de-delegated contingencies budget for 2014/15 as agreed by the Schools Forum in January 2014 is £673,544. As at 31st August 2014, an underspend of £569,898 is forecast for the 2014/15 financial year. 6.2 In accordance with the Dedicated Schools Grant conditions, any underspend or overspend on the de-delegated contingencies budget at the financial year end will be carried forward into the Dedicated Schools Grant earmarked reserve for future distribution to schools (subject to the approval of the Schools Forum). 7.0 CONCLUSION 7.1 This paper presents the forecast 2014/15 year end outturn position on the de-delegated contingencies budget as at August 2014. The Schools Forum is asked to note the projected underspend position of £569,898. Helen Hamilton Finance Manager – Schools & Learning 29th September 2014 _________________________________________________________________ Accompanying Documents: Appendix 1 – Schools Contingency Budget Forecast as at 31st August 2014 REPORT AUTHOR Contact: Helen Hamilton Finance Manager – Schools and Learning Email: Telephone: 01228 221196 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------