SCHOOLS FORUM Meeting date: From: 3rd December 2013 Helen Hamilton Finance Manager – Schools & Learning SCHOOLS DE-DELEGATED CONTINGENCY BUDGET – BUDGET FORECAST AS AT 31ST OCTOBER 2013 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY At its meeting on 21st June 2013, the Schools Forum agreed that a report detailing the forecast budget position on the de-delegated contingency budget would be presented at each Forum meeting. Appended to this report is the forecast 2013/14 budget position on the contingency budget as at 31st October 2013. A projected underspend of £263,155 is reported. Any underspend on the budget at the financial year end will be transferred into the Dedicated Schools Grant earmarked reserve. The Schools Forum is asked to note the forecast budget position for the contingency budget. It should be noted that as this is a dedelegated budget it only relates to maintained schools. 2.0 STRATEGIC PLANNING AND EQUALITY IMPLICATIONS 2.1 2.2 School funding impacts onto all objectives in the Council Plan: Challenging poverty in all its forms; Ensuring that the most vulnerable people in our communities receive the support they need; and Improving the chances in life of the most disadvantaged in Cumbria. It is essential that the arrangements around school funding also achieve the underpinning aim of the Council plan to ensure that the Council is as effective and efficient as possible. 3.0 3.1 4.0 RECOMMENDATION The Schools Forum is asked to note the forecast budget position on the contingency budget. BACKGROUND 4.1 The original de-delegated contingency budget for 2013/14 was £1,583,544. An adjustment was made to this budget in July 2013 in respect of £102,000 that was moved to the Access and Inclusion Team. The Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant will no longer be received as a separate grant in 2013/14 and rather has been subsumed into the Dedicated Schools Grant. This grant formerly provided funding for the team to provide support to schools in respect of ethnic minority pupils. Therefore £102,000 has been transferred from the contingency budget to the team to enable the team to support schools in this way in 2013/14. The revised contingency budget for 2013/14 is therefore £1,481,544. 4.2 The DfE guidance states that the contingency budget can be used for three purposes: Exceptional unforeseen costs which it would be unreasonable to expect governing bodies to meet Schools in financial difficulties Additional costs relating to new, reorganised or closing schools 4.3 As the budget is a de-delegated budget, it only relates to maintained schools. 4.4 The Budget Working Group, at its meeting on 13th November 2013 requested further detail around the approval of expenditure from the contingencies budget. 4.5 Maintained schools do not make bids to the Local Authority for funding from the contingencies budget, rather a maintained school would inform the Local Authority if a matter arises that the school considers is eligible for funding from the de-delegated contingencies budget. In line with DfE regulations, the funding matter must relate to the three bulleted circumstances detailed in paragraph 4.2. The Schools and Learning Finance Team would then assess the matter in light of the eligible circumstances at paragraph 4.2 and make a recommendation to the Assistant Director –Schools and Learning whether funding should come from the de-delegated contingencies budget or whether it is a cost that should be borne by the school’s delegated budget. As the budget holder for the de-delegated contingencies budget, the Assistant Director-Schools and Learning would then decide whether funding should come from the contingencies budget. The contingencies budget update report to the Schools Forum provides accountability and transparency over the use of the budget. 4.6 The appended spreadsheet presents a forecast budget position for the contingencies budget for the 2013/14 financial year. Expenditure is grouped into the three categories detailed at 4.2 above. 4.7 £808,000 is forecast to be spent on schools in financial difficulties. However, this budget may not be fully spent depending on the decision taken by the Schools Forum on the allocation of this funding. 4.8 The forecast on the contingencies budget for 2013/14 is an underspend of £263,155. Any under or overspend on the budget at the financial year end will be carried forward into the Dedicated Schools Grant earmarked reserve. 4.9 The forecast on the contingencies budget at 30th September 2013 was £296,676. The reduction in the underspend is due to an additional potential compromise agreement in 2013/14. 5.0 5.1 OPTIONS The Schools Forum is asked to note the forecast year end position on the contingencies budget as at October 2013. 6.0 RESOURCE AND VALUE FOR MONEY IMPLICATIONS 6.1 The revised de-delegated contingencies budget for 2013/14 is £1,481,544. As at 31st October 2013, an underspend of £263,155 is forecast for the 2013/14 financial year. 6.2 In accordance with the Dedicated Schools Grant conditions, any underspend of overspend on the de-delegated contingencies budget at the financial year end will be carried forward into the Dedicated Schools Grant earmarked reserve. 7.0 CONCLUSION 7.1 This paper presents the forecast 2013/14 year end outturn position on the de-delegated contingencies budget as at October 2013. The Schools Forum is asked to note the projected underspend position of £263,155. Helen Hamilton Finance Manager – Schools & Learning 22nd November 2013 _________________________________________________________________ Accompanying Documents: Appendix 1 – Schools Contingency Budget Forecast as at 31st October 2013 REPORT AUTHOR Contact: Helen Hamilton Finance Manager – Schools and Learning Email: Telephone: 01228 221196 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------