Curriculum map: American Government Teacher: John Downs School:Girard Month August Content Chapter 1 – Principles of Government. - - - Sept. Chapter 6 – Voters and Voter Behavior Chapter 7 – The Electoral Process Chapter 10 – Congress Chapter 13 – The Prsidency - - - Skills Identify the different forms of government. Understand how governments came about and the functions of government. Realize how the government functions in the US. Identify the five stages of voting in America. List the voting qualification s in the US. Identify how voting rights changed because of civil rights laws. Assessment -Daily homework -Quizzes -Tests -Notebooks -Lab assignments Essential Questions -What is a government and what are the basic powers governments have? -What are the theories that explain the origin of the state? -What are the purposes of government? -What are the different forms of government and what are the differences between the executive and legislative branches? -What are the basic concepts of democracy/ Standards Goal 14 A,B -Daily homework -Quizzes -Tests -Notebooks -Lab assignments -How has the right to vote changed? -What are the voting qualifications for people in the US? -How did Civil Rights legislation expand suffrage? -What are the factors that influence the way people vote? - What are the main methods used to nominate candidates for office? - What are the key terms Goal 14 C Goal 14 A - - - - - - - Identify the reasons people vote and the factors that influence who they vote for. Understand the nominating process in a democratic government. Name the five major nominating methods used in American politics. Understand the actual election process. Understand how money is contributed to political campaigns. Identify the structure and functions of Congress. Understand pertaining to elections? - What are the different types of ballots in our country? - Why is money such an important factor in American politics? - How does bicameralism reflect the principle of federalism? - Why does Congress have to be reapportioned every 10 years? -What are the qualifications of a senator and a representative? - What are the formal qualifications for the Presidency? - How is Presidential succession established? - How does the electoral college function? - - - - October Chapter 16 – Financing the Government Chapter 17 – Foreign Policy and National Defense Chapter 18 – The Federal Court System Chapter 19 – Civil - - the backgrounds and roles of members of Congress. Understand the roles and qualification s of President. Understand how the Constitution determines succession and the role of the VP. Describe the role of the convention in nominating the President. Understand the function of the electoral college. Acquire knowledge about how the government taxes its citizens. Understand -Daily homework -Quizzes -Tests -Notebooks -Lab assignments - What are the different types of federal taxes? - What is the main method for borrowing money? - What is the role of the President and Congress in the budget process? - What are the main goals of Goal 15 A,E Goal 14 E Goal 15 B Goals 14 A,15 B Liberties: First Amendment Freedoms - - - - - - - how the Federal government borrows money. Explain the process of the budget for the federal government. Outline the foreign policy of the US in the last 150 years. Explain the purpose of the CIA and NASA. Understand the goals of NATO and the UN. Explain the basic concepts of the federal judiciary. Identify the functions of the Supreme Court. Understand how cases come before American foreign policy? - What are the function of NASA and the CIA? - What are the really critical foreign policy interests for America? - Why did the framers see a need for a national judiciary? - What is the process for nominating federal judges? - Where do most cases that reach the Supreme Court come from? - How is the Bill of Rights not absolute? - What is the separation of church and state? - Why are free exchange of ideas so important in our society? - - - - - Nov. Chapter 20: Protecting Individual Rights Chapter 21 - Civil Rights: Equal Justice Under the Law Chapter 22-Comparative Political Systems - - the Supreme Court. Understand the importance of the 14th Amendment and the Bill of Rights. Determine why the Bill of Rights is not absolute. Explain how the Constitution allows for the freedom of religion. Understand the concepts of free speech and the press. Examine the times when free assembly is applicable in our country. Understand the two basic types of due process in our legal system. Explain the -Daily homework -Quizzes -Tests -Notebooks -Lab assignments - What is due process of law? - What are police powers in our legal system? -How are people protected from unfair searches? What are the elements of a fair trial? Goal 14 A,C Goal 14 B,D 16 C Goal 14 B - - - - - Court’s decision about the right to privacy. Understand the application of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 13th Amendments Identify the rights of the accused in our legal system. Understand what rights persons have who have been convicted of a crime. Understand how diverse our society is and what types of discriminatio n people faced. Distinguish how everyone is equal before the law. - How have minority groups been treated over our nation’s history? - What kind of equality does the Constitution guarantee? - Under what circumstances have affirmative action programs generally been allowed by the courts? - How can a person become a citizen? - In what ways does Great Britain’s constitution differ from the US Constitution? - How was the Japanese constitution written? - What is the composition of the Mexican government? - How has the Russian government changed over history? - What was the government of China like under Mao? - - - - - Dec. Chapter 23 – Comparative Economic Systems Chapter 24 – Governing the States and the Illinois Constitution - - Identify Civil Rights laws. Understand the process of US citizenship. Compare the political system in the US with those of Great Britain, Japan, Mexico, China and Russia. Understand how the above countries political systems have developed over time. Understand the economic principles of capitalism, socialism, and communism. Identify the fundamental differences in each -Daily homework -Quizzes -Tests -Notebooks -Lab assignments - What are the hallmarks of a free enterprise economy? - What is the laissez-faire theory of economics? - What are four characteristics of communist countries? - What are the basic principles of the Illinois Constitution? - Who are the leaders of the Goal 16 C Goal 14 B,C - - - - - system. Identify the pros and cons of each economic system. Understand the basic provisions of the state constitutions with an emphasis on the Illinois constitution. Identify the structure of state legislatures. Understand the importance of state governors in our political system. Study the makeup of the state court systems. different branches of government in Illinois? - What are the powers of the governor? - What powers does the Illinois General Assembly have and how are they chosen? - What are the functions of the different types of courts in Illinois?